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EU annual serosurveillance programs show that domestic duck flocks have the highest seroprevalence of H5 antibodies, demonstrating the circulation of notifiable avian influenza virus (AIV) according to OIE, likely low pathogenic (LP). Therefore, transmission characteristics of LPAIV within these flocks can help to understand virus circulation and possible risk of propagation. This study aimed at estimating transmission parameters of four H5 LPAIV (three field strains from French poultry and decoy ducks, and one clonal reverse-genetics strain derived from one of the former), using a SIR model to analyze data from experimental infections in SPF Muscovy ducks. The design was set up to accommodate rearing on wood shavings with a low density of 1.6 ducks/m2: 10 inoculated ducks were housed together with 15 contact-exposed ducks. Infection was monitored by RNA detection on oropharyngeal and cloacal swabs using real-time RT-PCR with a cutoff corresponding to 2–7 EID50. Depending on the strain, the basic reproduction number (R0) varied from 5.5 to 42.7, confirming LPAIV could easily be transmitted to susceptible Muscovy ducks. The lowest R0 estimate was obtained for a H5N3 field strain, due to lower values of transmission rate and duration of infectious period, whereas reverse-genetics derived H5N1 strain had the highest R0. Frequency and intensity of clinical signs were also variable between strains, but apparently not associated with longer infectious periods. Further comparisons of quantitative transmission parameters may help to identify relevant viral genetic markers for early detection of potentially more virulent strains during surveillance of LPAIV.  相似文献   

为评估H5N1亚型禽流感病毒(AIV)在实验室环境下对鸭的致病力,本研究以无特殊病原(SPF)鸭为模型,对我国近年分离的7株病毒进行了致病力分析。结果发现其中4株病毒对鸭致死率为100%,2株病毒对鸭的致死率分别为60%和80%,另外1株病毒,A/goose/Hubei/51/05(GS/HB/51/05),对鸭无致病力。本研究还发现,与高致病力毒株一样,GS/HB/51/05也可在鸭体内呈全身性复制,并且可通过喉头和泻殖腔向外排泄。我们推测GS/HB/51/05可能是中国南方出现的其他对鸭呈高致病力的H5N1病毒的祖先,对这些病毒的系统研究,可揭示H5N1亚型AIV对鸭的致病力遗传机制。  相似文献   

This investigation detailed the clinical disease, gross and histologic lesions, and distribution of viral antigen in juvenile laughing gulls (Larus atricilla) intranasally inoculated with either the A/tern/South Africa/61 (H5N3) (tern/SA) influenza virus or the A/chicken/Hong Kong/220/97 (H5N1) (chicken/HK) influenza virus, which are both highly pathogenic for chickens. Neither morbidity nor mortality was observed in gulls inoculated with either virus within the 14-day investigative period. Gross lesions resultant from infection with either virus were only mild, with the tern/SA virus causing decreased lucency of the air sacs (2/6), splenomegaly (2/6), and pancreatic mottling (1/6) and the chicken/HK virus causing only decreased lucency of the air sacs (2/8) and conjunctival edema (2/8). Histologic lesions in the tern/SA-inoculated gulls included a mild to moderate heterophilic to lymphoplasmacytic airsacculitis (6/6), mild to moderate interstitial pneumonia (3/6), and moderate necrotizing pancreatitis and hepatitis at 14 days postinoculation (DPI) (2/6). Immunohistochemical demonstration of viral antigen occurred only in association with lesions in the liver and pancreas. In contrast, viral antigen was not demonstrated in any tissues from the chicken/HK-inoculated gulls, and inflammatory lesions were confined to the air sac (3/8) and lungs (3/8). Both viruses were isolated at low titers (<10(1.68) mean embryo lethal dose) from oropharyngeal and cloacal swabs up to 7 days postinoculation (DPI), from the lung and kidney of one of two tern/SA-inoculated gulls at 14 DPI, and from the lung of one of two chicken/HK-inoculated gulls at 7 DPI. Antibodies to influenza viruses as determined with the agar gel precipitin test at 14 DPI were detected only in the two tern/SA-inoculated gulls and not in the two chicken/HK-inoculated gulls.  相似文献   

本研究对2010年在湖北活禽市场监测分离到的两株鸭源H5N1亚型禽流感病毒(AIV) (HuB/495/10和HuB/513/10)进行了序列分析和致病性试验研究,以了解湖北地区H5N1亚型AIV的生物学特性差异.序列分析显示:2株病毒全基因组核苷酸同源性在97.3 %~98.6%,2株病毒的8个节段基因均与青海和香港分离的野鸟源病毒A/great crested-grebe/Qinghai/1/2009 (H5N1)和A/black-crowned night heron/Hong Kong/659/2008 (H5N1)的核苷酸高度同源,HA蛋白裂解位点序列基序为341RRRKR345,呈现典型的高致病力分子特征.以105 EID50/100 μL病毒剂量感染4周龄SPF鸭发现:HuB/495/10和HuB/513/10对鸭的致死率分别为100%和20%,病毒在鸭体内呈全身性复制并可通过呼吸道和消化道向外排毒;不同滴度的病毒感染6周龄BALB/c小鼠,HuB/495/10和HuB/513/10的MLD50分别为1.38 log10 EID50和1.68 log10 EID50,对小鼠表现为高致病力,均在肺脏中高拷贝复制.  相似文献   

The study of influenza type A (IA) infections in wild mammals populations is a critical gap in our knowledge of how IA viruses evolve in novel hosts that could be in close contact with avian reservoir species and other wild animals. The aim of this study was to evaluate the susceptibility to infection, the nasal shedding and the transmissibility of the H7N1 and H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) viruses in the bank vole (Myodes glareolus), a wild rodent common throughout Europe and Asia. Two out of 24 H5N1-infected voles displayed evident respiratory distress, while H7N1-infected voles remained asymptomatic. Viable virus was isolated from nasal washes collected from animals infected with both HPAI viruses, and extra-pulmonary infection was confirmed in both experimental groups. Histopathological lesions were evident in the respiratory tract of infected animals, although immunohistochemistry positivity was only detected in lungs and trachea of two H7N1-infected voles. Both HPAI viruses were transmitted by direct contact, and seroconversion was confirmed in 50% and 12.5% of the asymptomatic sentinels in the H7N1 and H5N1 groups, respectively. Interestingly, viable virus was isolated from lungs and nasal washes collected from contact sentinels of both groups. The present study demonstrated that two non-rodent adapted HPAI viruses caused asymptomatic infection in bank voles, which shed high amounts of the viruses and were able to infect contact voles. Further investigations are needed to determine whether bank voles could be involved as silent hosts in the transmission of HPAI viruses to other mammals and domestic poultry.  相似文献   

In this study, we selected three H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses (HPAIVs), A/Goose/Guangdong/1/1996 (clades 0), A/Duck/Guangdong/E35/2012 (clade and A/Chicken/Henan/B30/2012 (clade 7.2) isolated from different birds in China, to investigate the pathogenicity and transmission of the viruses in terrestrial birds and waterfowl. To observe the replication and shedding of the H5N1 HPAIVs in birds, the chickens were inoculated intranasally with 106 EID50 of GSGD/1/96, 103 EID50 of DkE35 and CkB30, and the ducks and geese were inoculated intranasally with 106 EID50 of each virus. Meanwhile, the naive contact groups were set up to detect the transmission of the viruses in tested birds. Our results showed that DkE35 was highly pathogenic to chickens and geese, but not fatal to ducks. It could be detected from all the tested organs, oropharyngeal and cloacal swabs, and could transmit to the naive contact birds. GSGD/1/96 could infect chickens, ducks and geese, but only caused death in chickens. It could transmit to the chickens and ducks, but was not transmittable to geese. CkB30 was highly pathogenic to chickens, low pathogenic to ducks and not pathogenic to geese. It could be transmitted to the naive contact chickens, but not to the ducks or geese. Our findings suggested that H5N1 HPAIVs from different birds show different host ranges and tissue tropisms. Therefore, we should enhance serological and virological surveillance of H5N1 HPAIVs, and pay more attention to the pathogenic and antigenic evolution of these viruses.  相似文献   

Sun H  Jiao P  Jia B  Xu C  Wei L  Shan F  Luo K  Xin C  Zhang K  Liao M 《Veterinary microbiology》2011,152(3-4):258-265
In our study, the pathogenicity of H5N1 influenza A viruses circulating in waterfowls in Southern China was investigated. Three H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) viruses isolated from ducks, A/Duck/Guangdong/383/2008(DK383), A/Duck/Guangdong/378/2008(DK378) and A/Duck/Guangdong/212/2004(DK212) were inoculated at 10(6) fifty-percent egg infectious doses (EID(50)) into ducks, quails and mice and showed varying levels of pathogenicity. In ducks, the mortality rates ranged from 0 to 60% and the mean death time (MDT) was 0-6.7 days post-inoculation (DPI). While the viruses were highly pathogenic in quails, resulting in 83.3-100% mortality and the MDT of 2.3-3 DPI, they were completely lethal in mice (100% mortality). The viruses replicated in many organs of ducks and quails and were found in the brain, and kidney, lung and spleen of the mice. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that DK383 and DK378 viruses of clade 2.3.2 belonged to genotype 11, while DK212 virus of clade 9 was genotype 3. Our study illustrated H5N1 influenza viruses within Clade 2.3.2 and 9 from duck in Southern China had very highly pathogenicity to Japanese quails and BALB/c mice, but viruses within Clade 2.3.2 had more highly lethality than those of clade 9 to Muscovy ducks. Therefore, they had posed a continued challenge for disease control and public health.  相似文献   

Groups of turkeys were exposed to different isolates of avian influenza virus from wild mallard ducks and domestic turkeys by the intracerebral, intravenous, intratracheal, and intra-airsac routes, and pathogenicity indices were calculated. For the intracerebral pathogenicity study, body weight was also measured. For intravenous, intratracheal, and intra-airsac pathogenicity studies, necropsy lesions were scored and serological responses were recorded. Only the intracerebral pathogenicity index and body weight gain post intracerebral infection demonstrated any differences between isolates. The other procedures failed to demonstrate any pathogenicity whatsoever. There was a correlation (R = 0.73) between intracerebral pathogenicity index and reduced weight gain postinfection. These studies suggest that growth suppression may be an objective measure of pathogenic potential of influenza viruses found to be nonpathogenic by other methods.  相似文献   

禽流感病毒(avain influenza virus,AIV)根据其HA和NA蛋白分为不同亚型,目前16种HA亚型和9种NA亚型均已从水禽中分离到[1].  相似文献   

Retinoic acid inducible gene I (RIG-I) is a cytosolic pattern recognition receptor that senses pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata) is a large duck different from other species of ducks, and is more susceptible to some microbial pathogens. In this study, the Muscovy duck RIG-I gene (MdRIG-I) was identified. Quantitative RT-PCR showed that MdRIG-I mRNA was widely expressed in different tissues, especially in those with mucosa. RIG-I null DF-1 cells transfected with DNA constructs encoding MdRIG-I or CARDs domain can activate IRF-3 and NF-κB to up-regulated activity of IFN-β promoter. The components of the signaling pathway downstream of RIG-I in mammalian cells including IRF-3, NF-κB, IFN-β and the IFN-stimulated genes Mx-1, PKR and MDA5 were significantly up-regulated in CARDs-overexpressing-DF-1 cells. Implicating RIG-I in the antiviral response to an infection in vivo, we found that RIG-I expression in brain, spleen, lung and bursa were up-regulated in ducks challenged with H9N2 avian influenza virus (AIV), whose six internal genes were closely related to the H7N9 and H10N8 AIV. In vitro, DF-1 cells transfected with MdRIG-I plasmid can respond significantly to H9N2 AIV, evident through enhancement of IFN-β promoter activity and decreased virus titer. Altogether, these results indicated that MdRIG-I is a novel member of RLR gene family, engaging in the early stage of antiviral innate immunity.  相似文献   

1. A pharmacokinetic study of valnemulin was conducted in healthy Muscovy ducks after intravenous (IV), intramuscular (IM) and oral administrations at a dose rate of 15?mg/kg body weight.

2. Drug concentrations in plasma were determined by high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Pharmacokinetics parameters of valnemulin were analysed by compartmental analysis using the WinNonlin program.

3. After IV administration, valnemulin was widely distributed with a volume of distribution based on a terminal phase (Vz) of 8·19?±?3·07?l/kg, a mean elimination half-life (t1/2Ke) of 2·63?h, and a clearance (Cl) value of 5·56?±?1·53?l/kg/h. Following intramuscular and oral administration, valnemulin was rapidly absorbed; the Cmax was 0·44?±?0·13 and 0·12?±?0·02?µg/ml (achieved at 0·28 and 1·80?h), the t1/2Ke was 3·17?±?3·83 and 4·83?±?1·81?h, and the absolute bioavailability (F) was 72% and 37%, respectively.

4. The plasma profile of valnemulin exhibited favourable pharmacokinetic characteristics in Muscovy ducks, such as wide distribution, and rapid absorption and elimination, though oral bioavailability was low.  相似文献   

Epidemiology of H5N1 avian influenza   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
High pathogenic (HP) H5N1 avian influenza (AI) infection has been reported in domestic poultry, wildlife, and human populations since 1996. Risk of infection is associated with direct contact with infected birds. The mode of H5N1 spread from Asia to Europe, Africa and the Far East is unclear; risk factors such as legal and illegal domestic poultry and exotic bird trade, and migratory bird movements have been documented. Measures used to control disease such as culling, stamping out, cleaning and disinfection, and vaccination have not been successful in eradicating H5N1 in Asia, but have been effective in Europe.  相似文献   

Two different wild duck species common in Chile and neighboring countries, Chiloe wigeon (Anas sibilatrix) and cinnamon teal (Anas cyanoptera), were intranasally inoculated with 10(6) mean embryo infective dose (EID50) of the H7N3 low pathogenicity (LP) avian influenza virus (AIV) (A/chicken/Chile/176822/02) or high pathogenicity (HP) AIV (A/chicken/Chile/ 184240-1/02), in order to study the infectivity and pathobiology of these viruses. None of the virus-inoculated ducks had clinical signs or died, but most seroconverted by 14 days postinoculation (DPI), indicating a productive virus infection. Both LPAIV and HPAIV were isolated from oral swabs from two of six Chiloe wigeons and from oral and/or cloacal swabs from all five of the cinnamon teal at 2 DPI. Both LPAIV and HPAIV were efficiently transmitted to cinnamon teal contacts but not to Chiloe wigeon contacts. This study demonstrates that the cinnamon teal and Chiloe wigeons were susceptible to infection with both Chilean H7N3 LPAIV and HPAIV, but only the cinnamon teal showed contact transmission of the virus between birds, suggesting that the cinnamon teal has the potential to be a reservoir for these viruses, especially the LPAIV, as was demonstrated in 2001 with isolation of a genetically related H7N3 LPAIV strain in a cinnamon teal in Bolivia. However, the definitive source of the H7N3 Chilean LPAIV still remains unknown.  相似文献   

One-day-old, 2-wk-old, and 4-wk-old call ducks (Anas platyrhyncha var. domestica) inoculated intravenously with the H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza virus A/chicken/Yamaguchi/7/2004 isolate (Ck/Yama/7/04) were examined clinically, pathologically, and virologically. Clinically, the birds exhibited mild-to-severe neurologic signs and corneal opacity. All birds in the 1-day-old group and one bird in the 4-wk-old group died within 4 days after the virus inoculation. Histologic changes were characterized by severe nonpurulent encephalitis and necrotic lesions of feather epithelium on day 3 postinoculation (PI) or later. Focal necrosis of myocardial cells, pancreatic acinar cells, skeletal myocytes, and corneal epithelial cells was observed. Viral antigens were detected in association with necrotic changes. Viruses were isolated from all examined organs including the skin with many feathers. Serum antibody against the virus was detected in all surviving birds on day 10 PI by hemagglutination-inhibition tests. These results suggest that Ck/Yama/7/04 has a pathogenicity that causes neurologic sign, nonpurulent encephalitis with mortality, and feather lesions for call ducks. Feather lesions with viral antigens and the virus isolation from the skin suggest that Ck/Yama/ 7/04 has a predilection for feathers in call ducks.  相似文献   

Eggert D  Swayne DE 《Avian diseases》2010,54(4):1224-1229
Since 2002, high pathogenicity avian influenza (HPAI) has spread from Asia to Europe and into Africa, causing the largest epizootic of HPAI of the last 50 yr, including infecting domestic and wild waterfowl. Our study was conducted to investigate whether a single vaccination of 7-day-old domestic ducks and geese with inactivated oil emulsion vaccines resulted in protection against HPAI virus challenge at 30 days of age. In ducks, some but not all vaccines decreased oropharyngeal and cloacal viral shedding for different periods postchallenge when compared with the sham group. In geese, decreased morbidity signs and mortality were noted but limited to some vaccines. Best protection was seen with a vaccine homologous to HPAI challenge virus. Limited decreases in oropharyngeal and cloacal viral shedding and mixed results were attained when looking at seroconversion. Our results indicate a single dose of oil-emulsified vaccine optimized for chickens did not provide adequate protection for ducks and geese against HPAI virus, and, at a minimum, additional research is needed to formulate waterfowl-specific vaccines.  相似文献   

高致病性禽流感穴H5N1雪是由正粘病毒科流感病毒属病毒引起的急性接触性传染病,被国际兽疫局(OIE)定为一类传染病,可表现出临诊症状、呼吸道疾病、消化道症状、产蛋率下降、致死率高的急性出血性疾病。低致病性禽流感可表现为亚临诊症状,轻的呼吸道感染到无症状带毒(隐性感染)等多种流行形式。疾病严重程度取决于病毒毒株的毒力、被感染的禽种、有无并发症、禽群整体的体质及免疫力等。目前中国还未发现高致病性禽流感。根据流感病毒核蛋白(NP)和基质蛋白(MS)抗原性的不同,可将病毒分为A、B、C三个血清型,A型流感病毒…  相似文献   

Some outbreaks involving highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses (HPAIV) of subtypes H5 and H7 were caused by avian-to-human transmissions. In nature, different influenza A viruses can reassort leading to new viruses with new characteristics. We decided to investigate the impact that the NS-segment of H5 HPAIV would have on viral pathogenicity of a classical avian H7 HPAIV in poultry, a natural host. We focussed this study based on our previous work that demonstrated that single reassortment of the NS-segment from an H5 HPAIV into an H7 HPAIV changes the ability of the virus to replicate in mammalian hosts. Our present data show that two different H7-viruses containing an NS-segment from H5–types (FPV NS GD or FPV NS VN) show an overall highly pathogenic phenotype compared with the wild type H7–virus (FPV), as characterized by higher viral shedding and earlier manifestation of clinical signs. Correlating with the latter, higher amounts of IFN-β mRNA were detected in the blood of NS-reassortant infected birds, 48 h post-infection (pi). Although lymphopenia was detected in chickens from all AIV-infected groups, also 48 h pi those animals challenged with NS-reassortant viruses showed an increase of peripheral monocyte/macrophage-like cells expressing high levels of IL-1β, as determined by flow cytometry. Taken together, these findings highlight the importance of the NS-segment in viral pathogenicity which is directly involved in triggering antiviral and pro-inflammatory cytokines found during HPAIV pathogenesis in chickens.  相似文献   

On December 7, 2010, H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza virus was isolated from a healthy mallard captured at the Mankyung River in South Korea. Phylogenetic analysis showed that this virus was classified into clade 2.3.2 and closely related to H5N1 viruses isolated from wild birds in Mongolia, Russia and China in 2009 and 2010.  相似文献   

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