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It is evident from the results, that the beta carotene and vitamin A levels in blood serum of calves of different age could be significantly increased by Rovimix--beta carotene supplementation. High utilization rate of beta carotene from Rovimix as well as considerable beta carotene conversion into vitamin A was also found in calves from dams supplemented with Rovimix--beta carotene in the period of late pregnancy. The contribution of beta carotene reserves of the mother to the vitamin A stores of the foetus and to the beta carotene and vitamin A concentrations in blood serum of calves suggest that the main preventive method of beta carotene and vitamin A deficiency in calves should be high intake of beta carotene from daily ration fed to cows or Rovimix--beta carotene supplementation during late pregnancy of cows.  相似文献   

Phosphorus requirement of finishing feedlot calves   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Dietary P supplied to feedlot cattle is important because an inadequate supply will compromise performance, whereas excess P may harm the environment. However, P requirements of feedlot cattle are not well documented. Therefore, 45 steer calves (265.2+/-16.6 kg) were individually fed to determine the P required for gain and bone integrity over a 204-d finishing period. The basal diet consisted of 33.5% high-moisture corn, 30% brewers grits, 20% corn bran, 7.5% cottonseed hulls, 3% tallow, and 6% supplement. Treatments consisted of 0.16 (no supplemental inorganic P), 0.22, 0.28, 0.34, and 0.40% P (DM basis). Supplemental P was provided by monosodium phosphate top-dressed to the daily feed allotment. Blood was sampled every 56 d to assess P status. At slaughter, phalanx and metacarpal bones were collected from the front leg to determine bone ash and assess P resorption from bone. Dry matter intake and ADG did not change linearly (P > 0.86) or quadratically (P > 0.28) due to P treatment. Feed efficiency was not influenced (P > 0.30) by P treatment and averaged 0.169. Plasma inorganic P averaged across d 56 to 204 responded quadratically, with calves fed 0.16% P having the lowest concentration of plasma inorganic P. However, plasma inorganic P concentration (5.7 mg/dL) for steers fed 0.16% P is generally considered adequate. Total bone ash weight was not influenced by dietary P for phalanx (P = 0.19) or metacarpal bones (P = 0.37). Total P intake ranged from 14.2 to 35.5 g/d. The NRC (1996) recommendation for these calves was 18.7 g/d, assuming 68% absorption. Based on performance results, P requirements for finishing calves is < 0.16% of diet DM or 14.2 g/d. Based on these observations, we suggest that typical grain-based feedlot cattle diets do not require supplementation of inorganic mineral P to meet P requirements.  相似文献   

~~奶牛日粮中镁适宜添加量的研究@张波$西北农林科技大学动物科技学院 @王继强$西北农林科技大学动物科技学院 @王永军$浙江大学饲料科学研究所  相似文献   

张元跃 《中国饲料》2000,(21):19-20
维生素E是一种不可缺少的动物营养物质 ,在畜牧生产特别是奶牛生产中 ,它作为一种营养物添加剂或营养性药物 ,广泛用于奶业生产、奶牛繁殖和疾病防治中 ,成为提高奶牛生产力如产奶量的有效措施。奶牛维生素E的NRC需要量为 1 5IU/kg干物质采食量 ,即大致相当于干奶牛 1 50IU/d和产奶牛30 0IU/d的摄入量。这个需要量是总量而不是补充量。1 饲料中维生素E的含量饲料中维生素E含量的变化很大 ,新鲜与贮存饲草维生素E含量的变异系数大于 50 %。新鲜青绿饲草的维生素E含量较高 ,为 80~ 2 0 0IU/kg ,而干草和青贮饲草维生…  相似文献   

AIM: To determine the feeding ability of calves during the first 4 days after birth. METHODS: The sucking behaviour of 171 dairy calves, fed from individual bottles during the first 4 days after birth, was evaluated by quantifying the volume of colostrum consumed, the duration of feeding, and speed of drinking. Calves had been separated from their mothers and brought into a rearing shed in the morning, when < 24 h of age, and were offered 2 L colostrum from a bottle in the afternoon of the same day, and twice daily thereafter. RESULTS: Newborn calves became efficient suckers from bottles within 24 h of removal from their dams (collection). On the day after birth, 95% of calves drank the 2 L of colostrum offered during the afternoon feed, and by Day 4 virtually all calves (99%) drank this amount. Calves that had inadequate colostrum from their dam were more likely to drink all 2 L offered after collection, but a small number of calves that had not had colostrum from their dams and drank < 500 ml at the afternoon feed following collection were likely not to drink 2 L on the following days. However, calves that did not drink all 2 L on Day 1 were not disadvantaged in comparison to those that did, in that they were equally likely to drink 2 L on Day 4. CONCLUSIONS: The majority of calves became efficient drinkers within 48 hours of birth, but a small number of slow feeders may need individual feeding at least up to 4 days after birth.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine the feeding ability of calves during the first 4 days after birth.

METHODS: The sucking behaviour of 171 dairy calves, fed from individual bottles during the first 4 days after birth, was evaluated by quantifying the volume of colostrum consumed, the duration of feeding, and speed of drinking. Calves had been separated from their mothers and brought into a rearing shed in the morning, when <24 h of age, and were offered 2 L colostrum from a bottle in the afternoon of the same day, and twice daily thereafter.

RESULTS: Newborn calves became efficient suckers from bottles within 24 h of removal from their dams (collection). On the day after birth, 95% of calves drank the 2 L of colostrum offered during the afternoon feed, and by Day 4 virtually all calves (99%) drank this amount. Calves that had inadequate colostrum from their dam were more likely to drink all 2 L offered after collection, but a small number of calves that had not had colostrum from their dams and drank <500 ml at the afternoon feed following collection were likely not to drink 2 L on the following days. However, calves that did not drink all 2 L on Day 1 were not disadvantaged in comparison to those that did, in that they were equally likely to drink 2 L on Day 4.

CONCLUSIONS: The majority of calves became efficient drinkers within 48 hours of birth, but a small number of slow feeders may need individual feeding at least up to 4 days after birth.  相似文献   

Dairy production is expanding rapidly in Vietnam, but still, the smallholder farms are most common. The aim of this study was therefore to get improved knowledge about colostrum quality in dairy cows, immunoglobulin G (IgG) absorption, daily weight gain in dairy calves and calf management in small-scale dairy production systems in Southern Vietnam. A field survey was conducted on 40 farms, with two calves on each farm being intensively studied. It was observed that newborn calves were separated from their dams immediately after birth and offered 2–4 L first colostrum within 4 h by bucket feeding. The first colostrum IgG level, fat and protein content were on average 35.6, 4.8 and 21.4%, respectively, and 91% of the cows produced colostrum of good quality (Brix value >22%). The IgG level in serum of calves, measured as Brix value, was on average 9.3%. Colostrum in the samples studied was of quite high quality and on-farm observations showed that colostrum was offered on the first day of calf life, so passive transfer of immunity to the calves was high. In total, 10% of the calves had a Brix value for IgG in serum lower than 8.3%, indicating that those calves had suffered from failure of passive immune transfer (FPT). The daily weight gain of female and male calves was 0.75 and 0.54 kg, respectively. Serum IgG was positively correlated with colostrum protein (P = 0.002). Daily weight gain and diarrhoea was negatively correlated (P = 0.001).  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the distribution of drying times of umbilical cords of dairy calves and to determine if cord dryness is a reliable indicator of age. DESIGN: An observational study was undertaken in a spring calving herd in Victoria, of the umbilical cords of 188 calves (82 Friesian bulls, 82 Friesian heifers, 24 crossbreds). PROCEDURE: Umbilical cords were examined daily, visually and by palpation, until the cord to the junction of the skin on the abdomen of the calf was dry, shrivelled and inflexible. RESULTS: Drying times ranged from 1 to 8 days. By the fifth day of life, the umbilical cords of 96.7% of all calves, 97.5% Friesian heifer calves, 87.5% of Friesian bull calves and 100% of cross-bred calves were dry. If cord dryness only was used to select calves for sale, 91.3% of all calves, 86.4% of Friesian bull calves and 100% of cross bred calves could have been sold before their fifth day of life. If calves were selected on age only, 3.3% of all calves, 2.5% of Friesian heifer calves and 12.5% of Friesian bull calves would have been sold before their umbilical cord was dry. CONCLUSION: The dairy industry cannot rely on cord dryness alone as an indicator of age for selection of calves for sale and transportation. Cord dryness is a poor indicator of age.  相似文献   

Postnatal changes in lymphocyte function of dairy calves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lymphocyte blastogenic response, B-lymphocyte population and antibody-producing activity of lymphocytes were determined to evaluate the lymphocyte function in neonatal calves during the first 4 weeks of life. The mean percentage of B-lymphocytes ranged from 10.2 to 12.5% during the first 14 days of life and from 15.3 to 17.5% in calves from the day 21 to day 28 after birth. The absolute number of B-lymphocytes increased significantly (P less than 0.05) from 370/microliters at birth to 736/microliters on day 28 after birth. The mean stimulation index of blastogenic response, measured by fluorometric assay, ranged from 5.75 to 6.61 with Con A, from 5.29 to 5.98 with PHA and from 1.89 to 2.50 with PWM. The mean (+/- S.D.) number of plaque forming cells ranged from 22.0 (+/- 12.0) to 24.7 (+/- 9.2) in cultured lymphocytes from 5 calves at birth to 14 days after birth and their levels increased markedly from 137.8 (+/- 88.3) to 162.0 (+/- 57.8) in lymphocytes from 20 days to 28 days after birth. The present study showed that antibody-producing activity of lymphocytes is lower in calves within 3 weeks after birth compared to that of calves 3 weeks after birth, indicating that neonatal calf lymphocytes have a low antibody-producing activity at least up to 1 month after birth.  相似文献   

Weather conditions in northern Illinois favored infection of pasture grasses with Claviceps purpurea. A herd of 52 Holstein heifers selectively grazed the seedheads of an orchard grassbromegrass pasture infected with C purpurea and were poisoned. Peptide alkaloids were found in the sclerotia. Clinical signs of intoxication included lameness, edema of the hind limbs, epilation, areas of skin necrosis, and diarrhea. Pathologic findings included myopachynsis of arterioles in the deep dermal areas, lungs, kidney, spleen, submucosa of small intestines and cerebral cortex, focal cracks on the hoofs, and multifocal areas of detachment of the hoof wall. Of the 52 heifers, 3 died on the farm, 1 was euthanatized, and 3 were sold. The remaining heifers conceived without difficulty, and subsequent calvings were uncomplicated.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the most important diseases of dairy calves and heifers and presents clinical approaches that can improve detection, diagnosis, and treatment of herd-based problems. A systematic herd investigation strategy is pivotal to define the problems, understand important risk factors, develop a plan, and make recommendations for disease management accurately. A review of records, colostrum and feeding routines, housing and bedding management, routine procedures, vaccination, and treatment protocols begins the investigation and determines which diagnostic procedures and testing strategies are most useful. Disease management is most effective when the problem source is well defined and the exposure can be limited, calf immunity can be enhanced, or a combination of both. Screening examinations performed regularly or done at strategic time points improves detection of disease, can be used to monitor treatment outcomes, and can avoid disease outbreaks.  相似文献   

Diagnostic features of chlamydia infection in dairy calves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chlamydia were routinely isolated from a group of calves with pneumonia, systemic disease, and enteric involvement. The most commonly observed lesions were acute interstitial pneumonia, hepatitis, and enteritis. Cultures of sequentially collected nasal and rectal samples from clinically normal calves revealed a large percentage of inapparent infections during, at least, the first 30 days of age.  相似文献   

Of 32 calves given an unknown amount of a pluronic bloat mixture with their milk, 28 died in convulsions over 24 hours. Supportive therapy was unsuccessful. Concentrations of pluronic present in abomasal and rumenal contents supported a diagnosis of pluronic poisoning.  相似文献   

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