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鄱阳湖及周边经济区种植业区划   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
种植业区划是为了当地种植业的发展,使当地种植业适应农业现代化的发展要求,并适当增加当地农民的收入。收集了鄱阳湖及周边经济区29个县、市、区种植业方面2005年的数据,选取11个指标作为区划指标.用DPS软件进行系统聚类,用Arc View GIS3.2软件形成区划地图。最后鄱阳湖及周边经济区种植业共分为4个区,即:(1)中部、东北部洼地、平原、山地粮食作物种植区;(2)西南、中部山地、丘陵粮食、油料作物种植区;(3)西北、北部山地、洼地棉花、油菜种植区;(4)东南、东北部丘陵、平原粮食兼油菜、糖料、蔬菜作物种植区。通过区划,对当地种植业的发展有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

河南省优质小麦精细化农业气候区划研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
根据优质专用小麦对气象条件的要求,确定了河南省优质专用小麦的气候区划指标和相应等级。利用河南114个气象站点1971-2000年气候资料和台站地理信息,采用GIS技术各气候要素进行了网格推算。采用专家打分法,将全省划分为强筋小麦适宜种植区、强筋中筋过渡区、中筋小麦适宜种植区、中筋弱筋小麦过渡区和弱筋小麦适宜种植区5个分区,并对各区域的特点及建议进行了分别评述。  相似文献   

临沂市农科所利用杂交育种手段选配组合,经多年系谱选择,育成了优质超高产小麦新品种临麦2号,该品种经山东省小麦高肥甲组预试、区试及生产试验,表现优异,在大面积推广过程中表现丰产、稳产、优质、抗病,具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

我国草种进口状况分析与展望   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
进口草种在我国草种市场占主流地位早已是草业界不争的事实,尽管如此,最近几年我国草种进口的迅猛增长态势还是为许多业内人士所始料不及.为了满足国内市场迅速增长的需求,推进草种国产化进程,农业部于2000年在新疆、甘肃等13个省、区、直辖市正式启动了旨在建设18个优良牧草种子基地的国债投资项目;与此同时,由于国内草种市场前景看好,国内不少企业也已开始或准备涉足草种业.毫无疑问,在进口草种在我国草种市场渐渐占据主流地位而"草种国产化"又呼声渐高的情况下,具体分析近年来我国草种进口情况,探讨其未来发展趋势和走向,无论对国家有关部门行政、决策,还是对国内企业制定发展战略都具有现实的参考和借鉴意义.  相似文献   

淮河流域夏玉米关键期水分盈亏时空变化分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
张建军 《中国农学通报》2014,30(21):100-105
为分析淮河流域夏玉米关键期水分盈亏状况及其变化特征,为政府决策部门和农业生产者及时合理地开展田间管理和农业生产提供科学依据,利用淮河流域121个站点1971-2010年的气象资料,通过对夏玉米关键期的需水量和有效降水量的估算,采用水分盈亏指数分析了淮河流域各夏玉米种植区的水分盈亏特征。结果表明:淮河流域各种植区夏玉米关键期的需水量呈显著下降趋势,下降速度呈现出南部高于北部、平原高于山区的特点;多年平均的夏玉米关键期需水量表现出明显的纬向空间分布特征,由北向南增加。各种植区夏玉米关键期的降水量不显著增加,多年平均的夏玉米关键期降水量大致呈现南部多于北部、山区多于平原的空间分布特点;各种植区有效降水量与降水量的空间分布特点一致。各种植区夏玉米关键期均存在不同程度的水分亏缺,但水分盈亏指数呈不明显的增加趋势,水分亏缺的程度有缓和的趋势;多年平均的水分盈亏指数空间分布特征为自西南向东北增加,中部平原区大部分地区水分亏缺严重。  相似文献   

基于GIS的县级精细化气候适宜性区划及灾害风险区划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确大宗作物、特色作物、设施作物的气候适宜性及灾害风险的空间分布,本研究以永宁县为例,利用自动气象站资料,基于自然区划理论,采用定性判断法、聚类分析法,空间分析法等相结合,完成了:水稻精细化气候适宜性区划、设施农业精细化气候适宜性区划、水稻低温冷害风险区划及酿酒葡萄霜冻风险区划,划出永宁县各地优势农业、特色农业及设施农业的适宜种植区、次适宜种植区、可种植区和不适宜种植区。结果表明:永宁县大部地区为水稻和设施农业生产的适宜区和次适宜区;水稻低温冷害和酿酒葡萄霜冻灾害低风险区在贺兰山沿山,高风险区为高风险区为闽宁镇大部、李俊镇中西部、望洪镇西部。本研究对永宁县农业生产发挥区域气候优势、趋利避害、减轻气象灾害损失、提高各类产业整体效益具有重要意义,其成果将为永宁县各级政府分类指导农业结构调整和防灾减灾提供决策支持。  相似文献   

关于贵州马铃薯种植区划和品种布局的几个问题   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过分析贵州马铃薯的生态和生产特点,提出了贵州马铃薯种植区划,将贵州马铃薯种植区划分4个一级区,8个二区;并指出了应用区划的关键点。  相似文献   

还草以本来面目   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国草业十多年来有了很大的发展,业界人士的作用和贡献不言而喻。目前,草业的发展处于相对低缓期,这说明草业发展到了一定的时期或阶段,需要有一个调整。这个调整要求以经营规范化为主要特征。 前几年,中国草业市场处于起步阶段,目前,虽有进步,但未有实质性突破。草业市场的问题,主要是指草种市场出现混乱局面,这与相关人员务虚的做法,猎奇的心态,浮躁的心境,甚至经营中的故意炒作有关,把草业中的某些东西吹得太玄乎,过于神秘,似乎存心不让人明白。再  相似文献   

选用玉米新品种浚单29,在豫北、豫西、豫南、豫中等河南省主要玉米种植区进行小面积示范种植.测定其生育期、抗倒性、抗病性、丰产性等特征特性。结果表明:浚单29在河南省不同的光温条件下生育期均能较好的适应当地的种植模式:具有较好的抗病性:抗倒性一般。在大面积推广过程中要付之于良种良法配套栽培措施:丰产性较为突出,易于获得高产,适宜水肥条件较好的地区种植.  相似文献   

优质强筋高产稳产小麦新品种的培育和推广对于保障国家粮食安全,提升人民生活水平具有重要意义。中国农业科学院作物科学研究所和棉花研究所合作选育的半冬性小麦新品种中麦578,表现出高产稳产、优质强筋、综合抗逆性好、适应性广等特点,并先后于2019年、2020年、2021年和2022年分别通过河南省(豫审麦20190057)、国家黄淮南片区(国审麦20200016)、国家黄淮北片区(国审麦20210059)和新疆自治区(新审麦2022年041号)审定,至今在河南省已推广80余万hm2。从选地与整地、种子处理、播期播量、肥水应用、田间管理、适期收获等方面提出优质、高产、高效栽培管理技术措施,为中麦578在河南省适宜种植区的高产栽培提供参考。  相似文献   

Growing barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in the year of forage establishment is a common agronomic practice in marginal growing regions, but is often not recommended to growers. We examined the effect of silage barley production over an establishing timothy (Phleum pratense L.)‐clover (Trifolium pratense L.; Trifolium hybridum L.) forage sward in a 4‐year study near St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. The experiment compared two barley varieties differing in plant height (semidwarf Chapais and Leger), three barley seeding rates and the effect of a forage understorey on forage (barley) production in the establishment year and forage (timothy‐clover) production in the subsequent year. The taller Leger yielded similar forage biomass to Chapais in the year of forage establishment, which (when planted at 375 plants m?2) was roughly twice that of a pure‐stand timothy‐clover mix. Increasing the barley seeding rate from 125 to 375 plants m?2 resulted in a linear increase in forage yield in the year of planting. The production of barley forage in the establishment year resulted in reduced timothy‐clover forage yield in the year following barley planted at 125 and 375 seeds m?2, but not for barley planted at 250 seeds m?2. Companion planting also altered forage species composition in that higher barley seeding rates resulted in 12–18 % less timothy and 2–4 % lower fibre levels in the year following planting. Barley seeded at rates of 250–375 seeds m?2 and undersown with a timothy‐clover mixture (harvested at mid‐milk) resulted in greater forage yield of poorer quality than pure‐stand timothy‐clover in the planting year, and a barley seeding rate of 250 seeds m?2 did not impede forage production in the subsequent year.  相似文献   

气候变化对湖南主要农作物种植结构的影响   总被引:10,自引:8,他引:2  
基于湖南省97个地面气象观测站1961-2008年逐日平均气温、最高气温、最低气温、降水量、日照时数等气象观测资料,选择最佳小网格推算模型推算出500m×500m的高空间分辨率的网格序列资料;基于双季稻、油菜、棉花、柑桔、油茶、烟草等主要农作物生长条件及相关区划研究成果,确立相应农作物种植适宜性气候区划指标;结合地理信息资料,运用GIS技术,开展主要农作物种植适宜性动态气候区划。结果表明:气候变化对湖南主要农作物种植结构均有一定的影响,对双季稻的影响主要表现为熟性搭配区的变化,对油菜、油茶、柑桔的影响主要是最适宜种植面积增大,对棉花、烟草的影响主要最适宜种植面积减少。针对气候变化对湖南主要农作物种植适宜性的影响及相应农作物种植适宜性的气候区划结果,提出应对建议为:充分利用滨湖平原、河谷平原和盆地气候资源,扩大复种指数,提高单位面积产量;充分利用山地气候资源,做大做强湖南油茶产业;充分利用区域气候资源,打造湖南柑桔品牌;充分利用小气候资源,发展湘西、湘南特色烟叶。  相似文献   

Heathcliffe Riday 《Euphytica》2009,170(3):339-345
Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) forage yield remains a prime breeding target for improved variety development. In a world of decreasing forage legume breeding resources, rapidly and cheaply phenotyping plants for the highly quantitative trait of forage yield is vital. Many red clover selection programs are based on space planted nurseries. The objectives of this study were to determine: (1) the accuracy of visual forage yield scores in predicting actual forage yield; (2) the nature of the relationship between visual scores and actual measurements; and (3) The repeatability of visual scores between different evaluators. Twenty-seven halfsib families were transplanted at two locations in three replicates of six plant plots. Individual plant fresh weights and visual scores, by two evaluators, for forage yield were taken. On an individual plant basis visual forage yield scores showed an exponential relationship with actual fresh weights. Individual plant visual scores were very accurate with a pseudo-R 2 of 0.79 observed for the exponential model. On an entry mean basis using a linear model, visual scores could explain 90% of the variation of actual fresh weights. Agreement among evaluators scoring the same plants was very high with coefficients of determination at 0.84 for individual plants and as high as 0.96 on an entry mean basis. This study suggests that visual scores of plants in space planted red clover breeding nurseries are basically as accurate as measuring actual yields and that plants can be consistently scored the same by different evaluators.  相似文献   

利用GGE双标图划分长江流域棉花纤维品质生态区   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
许乃银  李健 《作物学报》2014,40(5):891-898
长江流域棉区棉纤维品质区域特征明显,合理划分纤维品质生态区有助于提高原棉品质和配棉效率。本研究采用GGE双标图的“环境-性状”功能图分析2000-2012年期间长江流域国家棉花品种区域试验中环境与纤维品质性状的互作模式,提出长江流域棉纤维品质生态区划分方案。结果表明,长江流域棉区可划分为“中等品质生态区”、“高长度与比强度生态区”和“低马克隆值生态区”。其中,长江流域中等纤维品质生态区涵盖湖北省江汉平原和鄂东南岗地棉区、河南省与湖北省交界的南襄盆地棉区、湖南省环洞庭湖东部和西部棉区、江西省环鄱阳湖棉区、安徽省沿江与江淮棉区、江苏省宁镇丘陵与沿江棉区和浙江省沿海棉区,纤维品质较好,代表了长江流域的总体水平;高长度与比强度生态区位于湖南省环洞庭湖北部滨湖沃土棉区,纤维长度和比强度优良,而马克隆值偏高;低马克隆值生态区涵盖长江流域最西边海拔较高的棉花熟期早长势较弱的四川丘陵棉区和最东边土壤含盐度较高且棉花长势较弱的江苏沿海棉区,纤维马克隆值达到B级水平,为长江流域马克隆值最好的区域,但纤维比强度水平一般。本研究充分展示了GGE双标图的“环境-性状”功能图在纤维品质生态区划分方面的应用效果,可为长江流域棉花区域化种植和纺织企业合理用棉提供决策支持,也为其他棉区和作物生态区划分研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Dry matter and seed production of five annual leguminous species hairy vetch ( Vicia villosa Roth cv. Orsara) , crimson clover ( Trifolium incarnatum L. ecotype Campano) , squarrosum clover ( T. squarrosum L. ecotype Calabro) , persian clover ( T. resupinatum cv. Accadia) and fenugreek ( Trigonella foenum-graecum L. ecotype Maltese) was estimated in 1989–90 under two density and irrigation rates and with two cutting treatments. The experiments were done at the Forage Crops Institute of Foggia, which has a typical Mediterranean environment. The forage cut severely affected the regrowth of the plants in all species. The year and irrigation factors affect dry matter, seed production and seed yield components more than the plant density rates. The averages over the years, for dry matter and seed yield were 21.0 % and 20.5 % higher in the irrigated than the not irrigated ones. The lower plant density rate, for seed yield trait, gave better result in hairy vetch in irrigated and non-irrigated treatment. Whereas in the other species, the lower rate of planting gave greater yield under non-irrigated and the higher rate under irrigated growing condition. The seed yield components most influenced by irrigation were: thousand seed weight and seeds/pod in hairy vetch and heads/tiller and seeds/head in clovers species. Fenugreek was the earliest forage crop (cut at the beginning of March), followed by crimson and persian clovers (cut at the middle of April) and squarrosum clover and hairy vetch (cut in the middle-late of May). All the cultivars and ecotypes considered not regrowth after cut and could represent an important fresh forage resource for the period March–May for the Mediterranean regions.  相似文献   

NyPa牧草对滨海盐碱地土壤改良效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
筛选适宜黄河三角洲滨海盐碱地栽植的高效生态、经济植物并确立其合理建植年限,为盐碱地生物治理提供科技支撑和理论依据。在东营市河口区黄河三角洲军马场基地的重度盐碱荒地上栽植NyPa牧草,并以盐碱荒地为对照,探讨不同年限的土壤改良效应。结果表明:(1)建植3、6、9年的NyPa牧草地与同期的荒草地相比,土壤的理化性能得到极大提高,具体表现为土壤密度、含盐量和pH明显降低,土壤总孔隙度、有机质含量、速效氮含量和有效磷含量显著增加,这7个土壤因子与同期的荒草地皆有显著性差异(P<0.05);而速效钾含量则相反,不同测定时期的NyPa牧草地始终低于同期的荒草地,未能提高土壤K+的含量。(2)随着NyPa牧草地栽植年限的增加,土壤理化指标(土壤密度、含盐量、pH、总孔隙度、有机质含量、速效氮含量和有效磷含量)呈现持续改善趋势,以栽植第6年时的改善作用最大;方差分析结果显示,在栽植3、6、9年的3个时间段皆与栽植前差异显著(P<0.05),栽植3年与栽植6、9年之间亦达到显著差异,但6年与9年之间差异不明显。因此,栽植NyPa牧草不仅加速了盐碱地环境条件改善的进程,而且效果明显;从经济、生态角度考虑,栽植年限以5~6年为宜。  相似文献   

Kura clover (Trifolium ambiguum M.B.) is a persistent rhizomatous forage legume with great potential for permanent pastures. The effects of a soil moisture deficit on forage quality, digestibility and protein fractionation of two cultivars of Kura clover (Endura and Rhizo) were investigated in this study for 1 year. The responses of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) were also characterized. Stands of each species were field‐grown and submitted to two soil water regimes promoting soil moisture deficits and well‐watered (i.e. control) conditions. There were no interactions between species and soil water regimes. Soil moisture deficit increased acid detergent fibre (ADF) but reduced acid detergent lignin (ADL) content and consequently increased forage digestibility. It had only minor effects on protein content and fractionation. Species varied for most parameters measured. Kura clover generally had the lowest neutral detergent fibre (NDF), ADF and ADL contents, and consequently the greatest digestibility (83.9 %). Species also differed in their crude protein fractionation. Kura clover and red clover had a lower proportion of non‐protein nitrogen (NPN; A fraction) and a greater proportion of true protein (B fraction) (30.9 and 64.5 %, respectively) than alfalfa (36.4 and 57.4 %, respectively). Kura clover also had the lowest proportion (i.e. 4.7 %) of acid detergent insoluble protein (ADIP; C fraction) of all species tested. Endura Kura clover often had a higher forage quality than Rhizo. This study confirms that Kura clover produces high‐quality forage and provides the first estimates of protein fractionation in this species.  相似文献   

分析了由于人口增多,耕地面积减少,土壤严重退化及不协调的种养业结构使得四川粮食安全形势日趋严峻的基本情况,并阐述了粮草间套作的重要意义。通过分析认为:实行粮草间套作,能显著控制水土流失、改良土壤质地、提高土壤肥力,能够提高单位面积农业产出、增加农民收入,因此粮草间套作是适于四川丘陵区持续发展的种植模式。  相似文献   

不同种植密度对免耕山地油菜农艺性状和产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为在低纬高原山区综合评价并推广免耕山地油菜最优的种植密度,采用灰色关联度和模糊聚类等分析方法,对玉溪市2013—2015年4个不同海拔试点10个种植密度的免耕山地油菜农艺性状和产量进行对比分析。结果表明:(1)随着油菜种植密度的增加,倒伏指数增加,生育期、倒伏率、冻害率、冻害指数和白粉病发病率、病情指数有增加的趋势,而鸟害率和鸟害指数总体有下降的态势;(2)不同种植密度油菜的主要农艺性状有较大差异,单株有效角果数和单株生产力随着密度的增加而减少,而角粒数和千粒重则有不同程度的下降;(3)不同种植密度油菜产量与主要农艺因子的关联度差异较大;(4)不同种植密度间的产量存在不同程度的差异。推荐低纬高原山区免耕山地油菜最优种植密度为30万~36万株/hm2。  相似文献   

Interseeded cover crops can minimize soil erosion, increase organic matter and nutrient levels and the yield of subsequent crops. However, their performance is very sensitive to local conditions. Field experiments were conducted at two Quebec locations in 1993 and 1994 in order to evaluate the potential use of forage legumes and grasses as interseeds in corn in eastern Canada. Twelve forage species were evaluated. Fall rye ( Secale cereal L.), hairy vetch ( Vicia villosa Roth), a mixture of red clover ( Trifolium pratense L.) and ryegrass ( Lolium multiflorum Lam), a mixture of white clover ( Trifolium repens L.) and ryegrass, subterranean clover ( Trifolium subterraneum L.), yellow sweet clover ( Melilotus officinalis Lam.), black medic ( Medicago lupulina L.), Persian clover ( Trifolium resupinatum L.), strawberry clover ( Trifolium fragiferum L.), crimson clover ( Trifolium incarnatum L.), annual alfalfa ( Medicago saliva L.) and berseem clover ( Trifolium alexandrinum L.) were seeded at two planting dates (10 and 20 days after corn emergence). The control treatments were: hand weeding, chemical weeding and non-weeded. Early seeded forages established better and had higher biomass accumulation than the late seeded ones. In the presence of larger weed populations, the interseeded forages did not develop well due to competition with the weeds. At Macdonald crimson clover provided good soil cover while Persian clover, fall rye and alfalfa provided relatively little cover. Strawberry clover and hairy vetch did not provide early ground cover due to their late development. Forage mixtures of red or white clover and rye grass established well and achieved high populations at the end of the growing season. Fall rye provided good early ground cover but senesced by the middle of the season. The better establishment and early germination of crimson clover caused a 19% reduction in corn grain yield in 1993. In 1994 none of the cover crops caused a reduction in corn yield.  相似文献   

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