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好斗性是一种适应性行为特征,对于配偶、食物和领地的竞争以及社群等级的建立非常重要。其中社群等级不仅在一定程度上反映了个体的生理状况,也避免了过度的好斗行为带来的相应伤害,所以好斗性也是一种处于稳定性选择的特征。在遗传学上,好斗性作为一种数量性状,在包括人在内的各种动物中均表现出了较高的遗传率。但是好斗行为的表现却受环境和遗传因素的共同影响,因此有必要将人类和不同物种的好斗性研究相结合,才能更好地解释动物好斗性复杂的分子调控机制。本文介绍了鱼类好斗性的判别方法,并综述了与鱼类好斗性相关的分子通路及基因类别的研究概况,内容包括5-羟色胺通路、多巴胺通路、组胺通路、生长激素抑制素通路、一氧化氮通路、下丘脑-神经垂体系统通路、下丘脑-垂体-肾间轴通路、下丘脑-垂体-性腺轴通路和其他相关基因,以期为深入研究鱼类好斗性分子调控机制提供一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

<正>水生所研究员桂建芳当选中国科学院院士2013年中国科学院和中国工程院院士增选结果 12月19日分别发布,中科院新增选院士53名,中国工程院新增选院士51名。在新晋的53名中科院院士中,现任中国科学院水生生物研究所研究员桂建芳名列其中。桂建芳长期从事鱼类遗传育种生物学基础和相关生物技术研究。系统研究多倍体银鲫的遗传基础和生殖机制,首次揭示银鲫独特的单性和有性双重生殖方式;原创银鲫育种技  相似文献   

水体重金属污染是目前日益严重的环境问题之一,随着工农业的发展,生产生活中的重金属可以通过多种途径进入水生态系统。水生态系统重金属污染具有来源广泛、易在生物体内蓄积、不易分解的特点,不仅对水生生物各类群及整个生态系统产生影响,还可以通过食物链间接危害人类健康,重金属对水生态系统的影响及其对水生生物毒理学研究已成为全球环境研究的热点。鱼类作为水生态系统重要的组成部分,近年来国内外针对重金属及其生态毒理学开展了大量的研究工作。在总结分析国内外研究的基础上,综述了鱼类重金属的来源、赋存和迁移转化规律,阐述了重金属对鱼类个体水平、细胞水平、分子和遗传水平的毒理学效应以及鱼类对重金属的耐受机制;并结合重金属对鱼类生态毒理学研究中不足,对未来可能的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

岩礁鱼类多具有较高的经济价值,但过度开发、环境污染、全球气候变化造成岩礁鱼类及其栖息地受到不同程度的破坏,资源量锐减,栖息地退化。为应对全球海洋生态环境和资源面临的重重压力,以人工鱼礁、增殖放流为水生生物资源养护基础措施的海洋牧场建设成为世界沿海国家的战略性选择。开展岩礁鱼类行为生态学研究,解析生物对鱼礁结构物和人工生境的响应行为及人工环境对岩礁鱼类行为的影响,对优化水生生物放流策略、提高增殖物种成活率、养护生物资源、科学开展人工鱼礁工程建设和促进渔业经济发展具有重要作用。为此,本文综述了国内外对岩礁鱼类在栖息地选择、索饵、繁殖、集群、领域、防御等行为生态学研究进展,梳理了岩礁鱼类行为生态学研究在渔业资源保护与开发中的重要作用,同时,就岩礁鱼类行为生态学研究中存在的问题进行讨论并提出建议,以期为我国海洋牧场建设提供更科学的理论基础和更高效的技术方案。  相似文献   

国际鱼类遗传、育种和杂交学术研讨会在法国举行 1986年,在法国波尔多市召开了“鱼类及其它水生生物遗传、育种、杂交学术研讨会”。有28个国家的160多位科学家和专家出席大会。会议对当前国际遗传、育种和杂交方面的科研进展情况进行了评估,并拟定了改进鱼类和水生无脊推动物渔业利用的方法,明确了对养殖对象的新的研究方向。这次学术研讨会的总结有以下几个部分:1、水产养殖对象的种群遗传学;2、选择繁育和工业化杂交;  相似文献   

滨海核电取水造成的生物卷塞引起大量水生生物死亡,对当地海洋生态系统造成一定程度负面影响,但目前关于此方面的研究较少。基于海阳滨海核电取水口2021年3月—2022年2月连续12个月的生物卷塞调查数据,评估因卷塞造成的年生物量损失,并基于广义加性模型分析卷塞生物量与相关因子关系。研究结果表明:海阳滨海核电取水口共发现卷塞生物89种,主要由经济鱼类和甲壳类幼体组成,年生物损失量评估为2.10×107尾(约5.60 t);广义加性模型分析结果表明时间和水质因子对卷塞鱼类、虾类和蟹类生物量有显著影响,且存在非线性关系。研究结果为改进取水装置,降低生物卷塞提供了重要的数据参考。  相似文献   

<正> 鱼池是鱼类生存的环境,鱼池水质是影响鱼类生长、繁殖的重要因素。关于池塘水质,人们已作过不少的测定与研究,但对池塘氧化还原体系的研究,至今尚鲜报道。鱼池是一复杂的氧化还原体系。鱼类等水生生物的新陈代谢、尸体的氧化分解以及一些元素的化学反应等随时都在鱼池中进  相似文献   

中国科学院水生生物研究所以鱼类遗传育种学专家杨兴棋高级工程师为主的课题组织有关单位合作,最近成功培育出两种鱼类养殖新对象:百花鲫和尖鳍鱼。试验从1990年开始,选择芦花鲫为亲本,采用生物工程技术经  相似文献   

<正> 由中国科学院水生生物研究所、中国鱼类学会、中山大学、加拿大动物学会、加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学、美国水产学会和美国环境保护局(EPA)等单位发起与组织的鱼类生理学、鱼类毒理学和渔业管理国际学术会议于1988年9月14~16日在广州中山大学举行。来自中国、美国、日本、英国和香港等国家和地区的教授、学者和专家七十多人出席了会议。会上,近三十名代表宣读了论文。他们就鱼类促性腺释放激素、性控、生殖生理、饵料营养、行为遗传、毒物毒性毒理等科研成果和新技术开发进行了交流。会后,中国代表  相似文献   

英国水生生物研究中心发现,在水中浸泡稻草或麦秸不但能抑制水生杂草的蔓延,还能为各种鱼类提供理想的栖息场所,从而有利於鱼类的繁殖和生长。目前,水生生物研究中心与全英河流管理局已对上述发现进行了实验验证,他们在伯克郡的庞伯恩河里放上装有稻草或麦秸杆的  相似文献   

Abstract –  In a previous study on the male roach, Rutilus rutilus , we found a positive correlation between sexual ornamentation, breeding tubercles (BTs) on lateral sides and parasite resistance. As a continuation of that study, we examined another measure of sexual ornamentation – number of BTs on front head – of male roach from five populations. BTs on head correlated positively with fish size in two populations and with condition in one population, but not with parasite resistance (proportion of dead parasites) in any of the populations. Moreover, head BTs correlated negatively with the number of two parasite species ( Rhipidocotyle campanula and Myxobolus mülleri ) in two populations, but positively with the number of a third parasite ( Raphidascarus acus ) in one population. In addition, a negative correlation with spleen size was found in one population. The present results suggest that head BTs of male roach – although the patterns vary between populations – may signal condition and parasite load, but not resistance, in contrast to lateral BTs. Therefore, our results are in line with the hypothesis of multiple-message sexual ornaments.  相似文献   

罗氏沼虾性成熟前后形态性状对体质量的通径分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探明罗氏沼虾(Macrobrachium rosenbergii)养殖群体在性成熟前后表型性状间的相互关系,本研究随机选取人工养殖的罗氏沼虾1106尾,对其体质量、全长、体长等15个性状进行测量,并采用相关分析和通径分析阐明形态性状对体质量的影响。结果表明:在性成熟前后及同一阶段雌雄群体之间,影响体质量的关键指标以及所构建的关键表型性状多元回归方程是截然不同的;在性成熟后,雌雄个体呈现出明显的性二态现象,除第二步足长和第二步足重雄性极显著大于雌性(P<0.01),雌性全长、体长、额剑长、头胸甲宽、头胸甲高、腹长、腹宽、腹高和腹部重极显著大于雄性(P<0.01),这可能与雌性为提升其繁殖能力有关。统计结果显示被保留的性状与体质量的复相关系数大于0.85,表明本研究已确定影响各群体体质量的主要性状。因此在选育过程中,建议将罗氏沼虾的性成熟状态和雌雄群体的优良表型作为选育依据,并有效利用影响体质量的关键性状指标。本研究可以为罗氏沼虾的良种选育提供参考依据。  相似文献   

本文通过对比试验的方法,定量地研究了影响河蟹早熟的5种因子,通过控制5种因子,使河蟹性早熟的比例控制在10%以内,取得了较理想的经济效益,同时,分析探讨了影响河蟹性早熟的内、外因子。  相似文献   

半滑舌鳎血液指标分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以20尾半滑舌鳎为材料,测定了红细胞教、白细胞总教、血红蛋白值、白细胞分类计数、红细胞脆性与红细胞及其核大小等正常血液指标,并统计了性别与血液指标的关系,结果如下:红细胞数为(207.88±56.25)×10^4个/mm^3;白细胞数为(9.39±5.54)×10^4个/mm^3;红细胞脆性(0.25±0.02)/g%;血红蛋白含量为(12.36±0.10)g/100mL;白细胞分类记教中单核细胞占1.51‰,中性粒细胞占(98.85±2.51)%,而淋巴细胞、嗜碱性白细胞以及嗜酸性白细胞观测到的数目很少;红细胞大小(长径×短径)为:(7.524±0.58)μm×(6.29±0.72)μm,红细胞核大小(长径×短径)为:(3.14±O.68)μm×(2.54±0.59)μm。红细胞长径、红细胞核长径、短径在雌、雄中有极显著差异,红细胞短径在雌、雄性别中有显著差异,其他的血液指标在雌、雄中则无显著差异。  相似文献   

Abstract –  We examined whether mortality and growth during the migration phase (the lacustrine phase after smolting) differ between sexes in migratory (lake-run) masu salmon ( Oncorhynchus masou ) in a lacustrine population, northern Hokkaido, Japan. The sex ratio of 1+ smolts was more skewed to females than that of the returning adults in three annual cohorts examined, indicating that females have a higher mortality rate during the migration phase. Although there was no difference in smolt length between sexes, female adults were larger in body length than males of the same age: female-biased sexual size dimorphism (SSD) occurs. We suppose that breeding selection favouring a larger body size for females than for males in this population probably requires that females undertake more intensive foraging behaviour with its greater inherent risks but faster growth rates during the migration phase. It therefore seems to be likely that the selection is the ultimate cause of the female-biased mortality rate and SSD.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The gonad of Spratelloides gracilis was not sexually differentiated in the yolk-sac, preflexion, flexion and postflexion stages. Sexual differentiation and development of the ovary and testis started in the transition stage from larva to juvenile. In juveniles at the fin ray completion stage, the ovary and testis could be distinguished because the ovary contained germ cells initiating meiosis and the testis had blood vessels and a high density of somatic cells. The ovary further developed in larger juveniles to have oocytes of perinucleolus stage together with those of the chromatin nucleolus stage, and oogonium. However, in the testis of larger juveniles, primary spermatogonium began proliferation by meiosis. Sexual differentiation may be regarded as one of morphological and functional changes accompanying metamorphosis in S. gracilis . Some fish larger than the mature size of 60 mm standard length had advanced germ cells and functional gonads, others did not have functional gonads. The distal end of the immature gonads did not connect with a genital duct near the anus. These observations indicate that S. gracilis has large variability in size-at-maturity. The variability in size-at-maturity in S. gracilis , together with large variability in age-at-maturity, may constitute an ecological basis for an extended spawning season in S. gracilis .  相似文献   

温度对中华鳖孵育率及性别决定影响的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
温度对中华鳖孵育率及性别决定明显影响,在一定范围内孵育率随温率升高而升高,最适温度下孵育率最高可达100%,性别分化出率也随温度变化而变化,在24℃~32℃范围内,随温度升高,雌性孵化率降低,雄性孵育率升高,在24℃时雌性孵育率高达95%以上,而在32℃雌性孵育率高达85%。  相似文献   

Nile tilapia exhibits strong sexual growth dimorphism. The potential role of sex steroid hormones in sexual growth dimorphism is not fully understood. We investigated the effects of estradiol (E2) and testosterone (T) on growth rate, plasma sex hormones, and expression of growth hormone (GH)‐insulin‐like growth factor (IGF) axis genes and muscle regulatory factor (MRF) genes in female and male Nile tilapia. The results revealed that serum concentrations of E2 and T were significantly higher after correlative injection (P < 0.05). Compared to male fish, female fish had lower growth rates. E2 increased growth performance in females with no significant effects on males, whereas T significantly increased growth performance in males, with no significant effects on females. In females, E2 significantly increased expression of ghr1, ghr2, igf1, and igf2, while T decreased igf2 and increased ghr1 and ghr2 expression. In males, T increased expression of igf1, igf2, ghr1, and ghr2, and E2 decreased expression of igf1, ghr1, and ghr2. Additionally, E2 and T enhanced the expression of MRF genes (myod1, myod2, myog, and myf5) in female and male fish, respectively. The results suggest that sex steroid hormones play a role in sexual growth dimorphism by regulating the expression of GH‐IGF axis and MRF genes.  相似文献   

Because environmental factors play an important role in the sexual proportions in fish and given that the studies that evaluate the interactions of such factors are scarce, the purpose of this work was to determine the combined effect of pH/temperature (23, 26 and 29 °C; pH 6, 7 and 8) on sex determination of Poecilia sphenops Valenciennes. The trial started with newborn organisms (n = 180) that were maintained in aquaria for 6 months until they could be separated by sex. Afterwards, nine groups of four females (0.81–1.48 g) and two males (0.36–0.63 g) were distributed in 20‐L aquaria until fertilization, gestation and offspring birth took part. The offspring were grown under the same conditions until they reached sexual maturity. The results indicated the strong interaction of the factors (P < 0.05) with a lower male/female ratio at pH 7 both at 23 °C (M/F = 0.12) as well as at 30 °C (M/F = 0.10) and higher ratios at pH 8 at similar temperatures (M/F = 0.7) to 23 °C and (M/F = 0.6) to 26 °C. The females dominated in all the combinations; the least favourable combinations were 23 and 26 °C at pH 8 with 0.7 and 0.6 M/F ratios respectively. The results obtained in the laboratory explain very closely the behaviour of the population of P. sphenops from Oaxaca in the natural environment that can be used in aquaculture for baitfish production and also for aquaculture purposes.  相似文献   

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