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Metamorphic responses of pediveliger larvae of Mytilus galloprovincialis to different ions were investigated through a series of bioassays. Effects of tetraethylammonium chloride (TEA) on inductive effects of these above ions were also investigated. Excess ions including Li+, Cs+, Rb+ and Ca2+ induced larval metamorphosis at 10?3 M to 5 × 10?2 M in 24‐h exposure assays. In continuous exposure assays, only excess Ca2+ showed inductive activity and induced 25% metamorphosis at 5 × 10?2 M. Larval responses to Li+ and Rb+were inhibited by TEA, while induction of metamorphosis by Cs+and Ca2+ was independent of the presence of TEA. Thus, these ions used can be useful inducers of larval metamorphosis for application in the aquaculture industry. The finding provides new insights on the biochemical mechanism controlling larval metamorphosis in this species.  相似文献   

Fish farming releases extensive amounts of particulate organic waste that can be exploited by bivalves in integrated culture. We tested if mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis cultured at two depths (1 and 6 m) in a raft, moored 170 m from a fish farm had greater growth than bivalves held 550 m from the fish cages. Mussel growth was monitored monthly, covering the second phase of the culture, from thinning‐out to harvest (March to November 2011). We also studied if fish solid and dissolved nutrients increased the organic content of the seston and chlorophyll‐a levels near the fish cages through weekly samples. Results showed no differences in seston, chlorophyll and physiochemical characteristics of the water among rafts. Maximum growth and Condition Index (CI) occurred during spring–summer (April–August), when mussels had access to greater food quality and quantity. Mussels cultivated close to the cages showed similar shell length, weight and CI compared with mussels distant from the fish farm. Average shell length, meat dry weight and CI at harvest were 76.31 mm, 2.51 g and 23%. Bivalves cultured distant from the fish cages displayed 26% higher biomass than the other raft at the end of the experiment. Differences in biomass were explained by the significantly higher recruitment of mussel seed observed at the raft distant from the fish cages from June to November. The lack of a significant enhancement in growth of the bivalves cultured next to finfish is discussed.  相似文献   

Mussel aquaculture is widely prevalent worldwide, but generally relies on natural seed collection, which does not always meet the needs of the producers. Thus, development of mussel hatcheries is of economic interest in some parts of the world, such as Europe; it provides opportunities not only on annual reliability of seed but also on genetic improvements. To broaden knowledge on mussel larval physiology, we carried out temperature treatments (17, 20 and 24 °C) on Mytilus galloprovincialis larvae under laboratory conditions. The trials ended when 30% of the larval population was in the post‐larval stage. The temperature coefficient Q10 indicated a strong relationship between temperature and increase in growth from 17 to 20 °C, but not between 20 and 24 °C. Exposure of M. galloprovincialis larvae to 17 °C resulted in poor growth, low survival and a delayed development and was considered to be inadequate for M. galloprovincialis larval culture. Rearing the larvae at 20 or 24 °C produced better growth, higher survival rates and faster metamorphosis as compared with 17 °C. The temperature region within 20 and 24 °C was suggested as adequate for the mussel M. galloprovincialis larval culture, and implications of these results on the development of commercial hatcheries were discussed.  相似文献   

This study used two different collectors made of polypropylene (PP) rope and polyethylene (PE) fishing net to determine Mediterranean mussel's settlement, growth, condition index (CI), meat yield (MY) and shell thickness index (STI) during the period spent between June 2017 and November 2018. With this regard, chlorophyll a, water temperature, salinity, pH and particulate matter were defined through water samples that were collected on monthly basis triplicate. The mean chlorophyll a level was recorded as 0.32 ± 0.31 μg/L, while water temperature was 19.73 ± 5.14°C, salinity was 35 ± 2.070‰, pH was 8.12 ± 0.04, and TPM was 14.91 ± 10.48 mg/L. As a result of the cultivation period of 8 months spent following the first intense grip, the length of the mussels is measured as 31.79 ± 6.20 mm. Based on the Pearson correlation analysis results, the most important environmental parameter affecting Mediterranean mussels growth in length on PP rope collectors is the temperature (p < .05). The STI and CI were determined to be related with environmental temperature parameters, while no determinations could be obtained concerning the correlation of MY with environmental parameters. Assessment of Mediterranean mussels’ growth rate in PP rope collectors proved significant differences (p < .05) between March and November 2018. As no Mediterranean mussels are observed on PE fishing nets during the samplings performed throughout the study period, it is determined that PE fishing nets are not suitable collector types for Mediterranean mussel cultivation.  相似文献   

In this study, a non‐programmable freezing technique has been developed with the strip spawned blue mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) sperm. The key parameters optimized including (1) cryoprotectant agents (CPAs); (2) cooling temperature; (3) thawing temperature; (4) sugar and amino acid supplementation and (5) sperm to egg ratio. The fertilization rate and/or integrity of plasma membrane and acrosome were used as sperm quality assessment indicators. The highest post‐thaw sperm fertilization rate of 95% was achieved, when sperm were cryopreservated in 8% dimethyl sulfoxide at 7.8 cm above the liquid nitrogen surface and thawed in a 60°C seawater bath. The addition of glucose, sucrose or trehalose in dimethyl sulfoxide did not, whereas 0.8% glycine did significantly improve the post‐thaw sperm fertilization rates. The fluorescent evaluation has demonstrated that the addition of glycine significantly improved the post‐thaw sperm acrosome integrity, revealing a positive role of glycine in the improvement of post‐thaw sperm quality in blue mussels.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess sperm DNA longevity in blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) using a dynamic assessment of sperm DNA fragmentation (SDF) after sperm activation. Mature blue mussels (n = 57) in Vigo (Galicia, Spain) were obtained, specifically rope farmed blue mussels (n = 38) and wild blue mussels (n = 19). After the sperm collection, a subsample was assessed for SDF (0 h), while the rest of the sample was incubated for 6, 9, 12, 24 and 48 h at 15°C, assessing each time point using the Sperm‐Halomax kit (Halotech DNA, Madrid, Spain). The Kaplan–Meier estimator, log‐rank (Mantel–Cox) test and Mann–Whitney U‐test were used for statistical analyses (spss v. 16.0), α = 0.05. The rate of SDF (r‐SDF) between rope farmed and wild blue mussels over 0–6 h incubation was not significantly different (P = 0.278), but was for 6–24 h (P = 0.004). Differences in r‐SDF were observed when comparing the means between the two groups (P < 0.0001). Individual differences in r‐SDF existed among the rope farmed (P < 0.0001) and wild blue mussels (P < 0.0001). Wild blue mussels presented a higher DNA longevity than the farmed blue mussels. Selection of blue mussel males with a low level of sperm DNA damage and greater sperm DNA longevity may result in better fertilization and seed production.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean mussel, Mytilus galloprovincialis, is one of the most important aquaculture species in Europe. Appropriate molecular markers are required to evaluate genetic resources and to trace genealogies in breeding programmes for improving mussel culture. Microsatellites have been commonly applied to this purpose in other species. However, Mediterranean mussel microsatellites have demonstrated high frequencies of null alleles that hamper accurate estimates of population parameters and confident parentage inferences. As alternative markers, we have characterized in silico 25 potential single‐nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers in the Mediterranean mussel from expressed sequence tag (EST) public databases. The genotyping of SNPs was performed using a single‐base extension approach. Their polymorphism was evaluated in 47 individuals from an Atlantic population. Out of the 25 potential SNPs tested, 12 were technically feasible (producing a single amplicon) and polymorphic. All were biallelic and had an unbiased heterozygosity ranging from 0.160 to 0.504. One SNP was from a mitochondrial gene. The combined potential of nuclear SNPs for parentage assignment gave an exclusion probability of a false couple of parents of 0.9471. These markers will be useful for evaluating resources and tracing genealogies in genetic breeding programmes implemented to solve the main problems of mussel culture.  相似文献   

The growth and mortality rate of different size of mussels, Mytilus galloprovincialis, were compared in Mersin bay, Izmir. Mussel sampling was performed on a monthly basis over 1 year, together with hyrobiological parameters. Water temperature, salinity, chlorophyll a, total particulate matter (TPM) and particulate organic carbon (POC) were determined. Average chlorophyll a, TPM and POC values were 3.88±1.62 μg L−1, 13.12±3.68 mg L−1 and 252±121.89 μg L−1 respectively. Initial mean lengths of mussels for each size group were 10 mm (9.91±0.25 mm), 20 mm (20.14±0.29 mm), 30 mm (30.66±0.21 mm), 40 mm (40.14±0.21 mm), 50 mm (50.62±0.21 mm), 60 mm (59.77±0.21 mm) and 70 mm (69.47±0.62 mm). Maximum growth in length occurred during the spring–summer months. The annual length increments of mussel size groups were 46.22, 41.42, 30.3, 28.03, 20.63, 16.34 and 12.03 mm from small to large size groups respectively. Small mussels grew faster than large mussels and reached commercial size at the same time. Mortality was <5% for all groups at the end of the experiment.  相似文献   

Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) were fed for 99 days on experimental diets with 40% of fish meal replaced, on a crude protein basis, with intact yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) (ISC), extracted yeast (ESC), Rhizopus oryzae fungus (RHO) or de‐shelled blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) (MYE). The fish were evaluated for growth performance, nutrient digestibility and fish intestinal function. Growth performance, retention of crude protein and sum of amino acids were not affected in fish fed diets ISC or MYE compared with those fed the reference (REF) diet. However, fish fed diet ISC displayed decreased digestibility of crude protein and indispensable amino acids and decreased intestinal barrier function compared with fish fed the REF diet. Fish fed diet ESC exhibited decreased growth performance and protein retention, but had comparable digestibility to fish fed the REF diet. Fish fed diets MYE and RHO showed similar performance in terms of growth, nutrient digestibility and intestinal barrier function. Overall, the results indicated that blue mussel and intact S. cerevisiae yeast are promising protein sources for Arctic charr.  相似文献   

In Chile, the species Choromytilus chorus stands out for its ecological and economic importance. This mussel has a very particular condition in the colour of the gonad, being cream‐yellow colour the male gonad and dark brown the female which is hardly desired by the consumers. In this context, the aim of this research is to determine the role that sex steroids have in gonadal differentiation of the mussel C. chorus. For this, juveniles with sizes 15–22 mm were selected, which were subjected to acute exposure in the form of bath for 60 days to four treatments: T1: dihydrotestosterone (DHT); T2: 17β‐estradiol (E2), T3: fadrozole (F) and T4: DHT‐F (DF), plus a control without chemicals. Each treatment as well as control included three replicates with 90 individuals each. The mussels undergoing treatment with E2 had a sex ratio (male:female) of 0.47 compared to 1:1 in the control group. In contrast, in the groups treated with DHT, F and DF the sex ratio changed to 2.0, 1.60 and 1.70 respectively. In the fertilization trials, all the mussels produced functional gametes, as they were able to generate gametes that were developed to morula, and veliger larva. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the size of oocytes from the group exposed to estradiol (61.12 ± 2.40 μm) was significantly higher than in other groups. These results support the hypothesis that sex steroids would be involved in sexual differentiation of marine bivalves.  相似文献   

A set of 50 potential microsatellite loci previously described in several flatfish species was evaluated for designing a suitable tool for parentage assessment in Senegal sole (Solea senegalensis). Low cross-amplification within Pleuronectiformes, even between congeneric species, was achieved. This suggests a low conservation of microsatellite flanking regions in this order regarding other fish orders of similar evolutionary age. Twelve loci showed appropriate amplification and polymorphism to acquire enough statistical power for parentage analysis. All forty-one individuals from one broodstock and 320 offspring were analyzed using this set of markers. The high potential of microsatellites for parentage exclusion (Excl1 = 0.9999; Excl2 = 1) permitted us to trace back all offspring to single pairs of parents. The families obtained were used to analyze the performances of the loci applied and to identify possible sources of error for parentage analysis in Senegal sole. The 2.5% of single mismatches in the families studied were attributed mostly to genotyping errors and to a lesser extent to null alleles. The average mutation rate estimated over 7680 gametes was in the range reported within fish (3.9 × 10− 4) and did not compromise parentage analysis. All loci conformed to theoretical assumptions (Mendelian segregation, independent segregation), excluding the F13-II8/4/7 and Sol 9A loci, which showed strong genotypic association in the families analyzed. A set of 4 microsatellites (Sol CA13, F13-II8/4/7, Smax-02 and Sse GATA38) was finally selected for parentage evaluation in S. senegalensis combining both enough exclusion potential (> 0.970) and the lowest economic cost.  相似文献   

The present study explores the settlement and recruitment capacity of Mytilus galloprovincialis L. on artificial collectors in the Ría de Ares‐Betanzos (Galicia, NW Spain) in 2004 and 2005 following standard industrial techniques. Three locations in the ría (Arnela, Redes and Miranda) were selected to investigate larvae settlement after the main spawning event (July 2004/2005). Assessment of the recruitment capacity was performed in autumn (September 2004/2005) when mussel seed is usually gathered from the collector ropes and introduced into industrial cultivation at low densities. For both years, the highest settlement densities were recorded at the most seaward location, Miranda. Differences in settlement densities between locations are discussed in terms of the water circulation regime in the ría and the local hydrographic conditions. In 2004, statistical differences in post‐settlement mortality resulted in similar recruitment densities at Arnela and Miranda, which were higher than at Redes. In 2005, recruitment densities in Redes and Arnela could not be assessed because predators (Spondyliosoma cantharus L.) eliminated the settled population at these locations. Site‐specific differences in recruitment density may be attributed to the environmental limitations of each location as well as intra‐specific competition.  相似文献   

Interest of mussel hatchery development has increased during the last years as natural seed collection does not always satisfy the demand of producers. Success on larval bivalve culture depends on several factors such as diet, temperature or stocking density. In this study, the effect of larval density in mussel culture success has been assessed testing three larval densities: high (50 larvae mL?1), medium (25 larvae mL?1) and low (5 larvae mL?1). Results showed higher growth and survival at low density but the amount of postlarvae was low. The highest number of settled larvae was observed at high density but mortality was also high and a delay on the larval development was detected producing a prolongation on the culture length. However, medium density resulted in a good survival and growth and also in a considerable amount of postlarvae, as this density could be adequate for massive mussel seed production. Cortisol content on the larvae and postlarvae was also analysed and significant differences were obtained among groups probably due to the stress associated to settlement and metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Monthly variations in meat yield and biochemical composition of Mediterranean mussels on lantern nets were investigated from May 2005 to May 2006, in Sinop, south of the Black Sea. Dry weight condition index was between 2.66 and 7.10% with a mean of 4.86 ± 0.36%. Meat yield was maximum (26.69%) in March and minimum (17.43%) in October. Moisture values were between 78% (in June) and 86% (in April). Protein content in dry weight of mussels reached the highest value in February (74.64%) before the spawning time. Lipid value was maximum (18.03%) in May 2005.  相似文献   

为分析草鱼全基因组微卫星特征并开发高多态性微卫星标记亲子鉴定平台,实验利用已发布的草鱼全基因组序列,开发高度多态、准确度高、重复单元在4~6碱基范围的微卫星标记.结果显示,在草鱼900.51 Mb基因组序列中共筛选到微卫星序列677363个,总长度12 835 407 bp,占全基因组长度的1.4254%,平均跨度为1...  相似文献   

There is a great interest in establishing mussel farming in Dakhla bay. Selection of suitable sites is more meaningful only if a reliable culture method at proposed site is included. We compared two different culture methods, longline and pole, over 1 year (June 2016 to June 2017). Growth indicators for Perna perna (size and weight growth rates, frequency distributions and estimating growth curves) were analysed from seeding to harvest. The results highlighted the influence of culture method on growth rates of mussels (p < 0.05). At harvest, individuals reared on longline presented higher growth rates and consequently reached greater weight and length values than those reared on pole. Mussels reared at the longline grew 73.2 mm and gained 53.5 g WL (live weight) and 3.3 g Wt (tissue dry weight) after 12 months of cultivation. However, mussels cultured at the pole gained only 52.3 mm, 26.7 g WL and 1.6 g Wt. Aerial exposure of mussels at low tides could explain this reduced performance on pole compared with longline. Size frequency distributions at harvest fitted bimodal distribution in both cultures due to an asymmetric competition among individuals. Effect of density started in both treatments after 7 months of culture when mussels reached 60–70 mm, implying an increment of their food and space requirements. To prevent overcrowding, the initial density should have been reduced through “thinning‐out.” The longline method exhibited high‐performance growth and hence is highly recommended for cultivation of P. perna in Dakhla bay.  相似文献   

Parentage analysis in aquaculture determines genealogical relationships between broodstock and progeny when the parents are unknown. Thus, parentage analysis is a useful tool to establish pedigree reports in molecular‐assisted selection programs. Here, we evaluated 10 heterologous microsatellite markers for parentage assignment in abalone hybrids produced from 43 abalone broodstocks of red abalone (Haliotis rufescens) and Japanese abalone (H. discus hannai). The allele frequencies, exclusion probabilities and broodstock contributions were calculated using CERVUS, PAPA and GERUD software. The polymorphic information content (PIC) values showed that most of the microsatellite loci were highly informative (>0.7) and more than 90% of parentage assignment was possible with a minimum of 5–6 microsatellite markers. Parentage assignment for hybrid and pure‐red progeny showed a better performance than pure‐Japanese progeny. This result could be due to the high level of allele loss in the parental genotypes. In addition, results indicated that only two sires contributed over 80% and 90% of red and hybrid progenies, respectively. This study gives a new molecular tool to support marker‐assisted selection in abalone hybrids produced in Chile.  相似文献   

In the absence of breeding strategy, natural spawning constitutes the breeding ground for fish farmers to empirically manage their commercial broodstock. In this context, we used six microsatellite markers to characterize the genetic pattern of six commercial seabream broodfish tanks having a common history spanning four generations. The progeny of one tank single‐day mass‐spawning event, reared in two different environments, was used to estimate the genetic parameters for body weight. Limited genetic differentiation was observed among broodfish groups. A panel of nine loci allowed us to unambiguously assign 95.4% of the offspring (1692) and identify 37 parents (65% of the total broodfish). The limited effective population size (Ne = 15.3) was due to the elevated variance of parental contributions and to broodfish failing to contribute to the progeny. The fluctuation of the allele frequency highlighted the risks of genetic drift and reduction in the heterozygosity in the next generations. Heritability for body weight was moderate at commercial size (0.40 ± 0.10) and the high genetic correlation at later stages laid the groundwork for precocious selection criteria for growth. The discussion opens on the opportunity to use mass spawning for selective breeding.  相似文献   

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