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Aquaculture is the world's fastest growing animal food producing sector. Although its overall performance is very good, it is unevenly spread geographically. In particular, the growth in most EU countries has been stagnating over the past 20 years despite repeated policy initiatives to launch new growth in the industry. The lack of production growth in EU aquaculture is often explained by strict environmental regulation and bureaucracy. In this article, we argue that an additional important element is an industry structure that limits the innovation and use of new technologies. Historically, farms have been small and often co‐managed with larger agriculture production. However, to succeed in a market with global competition, technological innovation and sector‐wide specialization, it is necessary to continuously increase productivity and induce investments in larger production facilities to take advantage of economies of scale. In Denmark, a structural change was ‘kicked off’ in 2005. In just 6 years, 30% of Danish production in freshwater has been reallocated to larger and more technologically advanced recirculation farms. Labour productivity has increased and the environmental impact per kilo of fish produced has been reduced, improving future prospects for aquaculture in Denmark and Europe.  相似文献   

The small‐scale aquaculture (SSA) sector is recognized as making an important contribution to food security, poverty alleviation, and socioeconomic development. A value chain analysis can uncover insights into the linkages and trust within a value chain and constraints and challenges that face the sector. This paper examines the linkages and trust between SSA producers and traders in Asia in order to better understand the constraints and opportunities faced by small‐scale producers. The perspective revealed by the value chain analysis provides response strategies that can enhance the sustainability and competitiveness of the entire value chain and the actors that comprise it.  相似文献   

From an environmental point of view, hydrogen peroxide (HP) has beneficial attributes compared with other disinfectants in terms of its ready degradation and neutral by‐products. The rapid degradation of HP can, however, cause difficulties with regard to safe and efficient water treatment when applied in different systems. In this study, we investigated the degradation kinetics of HP in biofilters from water recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). The potential effect of HP on the nitrification process in the biofilters was also examined. Biofilter elements from two different pilot‐scale RAS were exposed to various HP treatments in batch experiments, and the HP concentration was found to follow an exponential decay. The biofilter ammonia and nitrite oxidation processes showed quick recuperation after exposure to a single dose of HP up to 30 mg L?1. An average HP concentration of 10–13 mg L?1 maintained over 3 h had a moderate inhibitory effect on the biofilter elements from one of the RAS with relatively high organic loading, while the nitrification was severely inhibited in the pilot‐scale biofilters from the other RAS with a relatively low organic loading. A pilot‐scale RAS, equipped with two biofilter units, both a moving‐bed (Biomedia) and a fixed‐bed (BIO‐BLOK®) biofilter, was subjected to an average HP concentration of ~12 mg L?1 for 3 h. The ammonium‐ and nitrite‐degrading efficiencies of both the Biomedia and the BIO‐BLOK® filters were drastically reduced. The filters had not reverted to pre‐HP exposure efficiency after 24 h, suggesting a possible long‐term impact on the biofilters.  相似文献   

There has so far been limited investigation into gender in relation to innovation in fisheries. Therefore, this study investigates how gender relations shape the capacity and motivation of different individuals in fishing communities to innovate. We compare six fishing communities in Cambodia, the Philippines and the Solomon Islands. Our findings suggest that gendered negotiations mediate the capacity to innovate but that wider structural constraints are important constraints for both men and women. Our findings show that men's and women's capacity to innovate is strongly mediated by the behaviour of their marriage partner. Consequently, we argue that gender research from a social relational perspective has an important contribution to make in understanding poor fishing communities where new ways of doing things or new technologies are being promoted.  相似文献   

In mountainous Northern Vietnam, traditional pond aquaculture is part of the integrated farming activity contributing to food safety and to income generation for small‐scale farmers of ethnic minorities. Traditional pond management consists of a polyculture of macro‐herbivorous grass carp with 3–5 other fish species that are cultured in small ponds with constant water flow through. The main limitations to production are species‐specific mass mortalities of grass carp, a poor feed base especially for all species but grass carp, and poor water quality. In this study, we compared the traditional pond management to a semi‐intensive pond management that was based on the traditional management system but included changes designed by researchers to increase fish production. The modifications consisted of water inflow control, supplemental fertilization and feeding, and a polyculture dominated by common carp. The changes in management significantly reduced the turbidity and increased oxygen supply, as well as the natural food base within the pond. These changes in pond management provide farmers with the possibility to improve their pond aquaculture scheme and overcome previous limitations.  相似文献   

Florfenicol (Aquaflor®) is the only U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved drug for treating diseased fish reared in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). Treating diseased fish in RAS is challenging because of the potential to damage nitrifying bacteria in the biofilters. Impaired nitrification can lead to concentrations of ammonia and nitrite that compromise fish welfare. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of a FDA‐approved parasiticide and fungicide, Parasite‐S® (formalin), on biofilter nitrification. Stable biofilters were exposed once to 0, 9.25, 18.5, 37, or 55.5 mg/L formaldehyde. Total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) and nitrite nitrogen were monitored daily before and throughout the study to quantify biofilter function. Formaldehyde concentrations ≥37 mg/L increased TAN and nitrite nitrogen concentrations, and nitrification did not recover to pre‐exposure concentrations up to 8 day postexposure. On the basis of those results, a second trial was conducted. Stable biofilters were exposed once or on four consecutive days to 9.25 or 18.5 mg/L formaldehyde. Biofilters repeatedly exposed to formaldehyde showed signs of impairment and had variable recovery relative to single exposures. Results of this study may help identify formaldehyde concentrations that can be safely applied to RAS when treating diseased fish.  相似文献   

Co‐management (Co‐M), defined as the sharing of management tasks and responsibilities between governments and local users, is emerging as a powerful institutional arrangement to redress fisheries paradigm failures, yet long‐term assessments of its performance are lacking. A comparative analysis of five small‐scale Latin American shellfisheries was conducted to identify factors suggesting success and failure. In Chile, Uruguay and Mexico Co‐M produced positive effects, including stabilization of landings at low levels, increase in abundance, CPUE, unit prices and revenues per unit of effort, and reduced interannual variability in several fishery indicators, particularly in landings. Co‐M was successful because it was mainly bottom‐up implemented and accompanied by‐catch shares (spatial property rights and community quotas). By contrast, Co‐M implementation was unable to prevent the collapse of the Galapagos sea cucumber fishery, as reflected by a decrease in abundance and CPUE. Negative effects were also observed in the Galapagos spiny lobster fishery during Co‐M implementation. However, recovery was observed in recent years, reflected in a stabilization of fishing effort and the highest CPUE and economic revenues observed since the beginning of the Co‐M implementation phase. The combined effects of market forces, climate variability and a moratorium on fishing effort were critical in fishery recovery. We conclude that Co‐M is not a blueprint that can be applied to all shellfisheries to enhance their governability. These social–ecological systems need to be managed by jointly addressing problems related to the resources, their marine environment and the people targeting them, accounting for their socioeconomic and cultural contexts.  相似文献   

An integrated aquaculture of freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) and self‐recruiting small fish mola (Amblypharyngodon mola) was conducted in farmers' rice fields at Mymensingh, Bangladesh. There were four treatments with three replications. Four stocking densities, 10 000, 15 000, 20 000 and 25 000 ha?1, of freshwater prawn were applied. The stocking density of mola was the same (20 000 ha?1) in all treatments. During land preparation, triple super phosphate (TSP) and murate of potash (MP) were applied at the rate of 150 and 75 kg ha?1 respectively. Urea was applied at the rate of 200 kg ha?1 in equally distributed three installments after 16, 45 and 65 days of rice plantation. Prawns were fed with commercial pelleted feed at 3–8% body weight. All water quality parameters were found to be within the suitable range for freshwater prawn culture. There was a homogenous abundance of plankton communities in all treatments. The results of a 4‐month culture period showed that the average production of prawn ranged from 222 to 388 kg ha?1, mola 51 to 68 kg ha?1 and rice 2 880 to 3 710 kg ha?1. Significantly higher production of both prawn and mola was recorded in the plots where the freshwater prawn stocking density was 15 000 ha?1. This treatment resulted in a net profit of USD 1100 ha?1.  相似文献   

Catching fish in proportion to their productivity, termed balanced harvesting, has been suggested as a basis for the ecosystem approach to fishing. Balanced harvesting has been criticized as uneconomical and unachievable because of the level of micromanagement it would require. Here, we investigate the consequences of allowing a fixed number of fishers in a small‐scale fishery to choose what size fish to attempt to catch. We examine this from a game‐theoretic perspective and test our predictions using an agent‐based model for fishers’ decisions coupled with a size‐spectrum model for the dynamics of a single fish species. We show that small‐scale gillnet fishers, operating without size‐based regulations, would end up catching small and large fish in proportion to their productivity, in other words balanced harvesting. This is significant because it shows that, far from being unachievable, balanced harvesting can emerge without external intervention under some circumstances. Controls are needed to prevent overfishing, but minimum size regulations alone are not sufficient to achieve this, and actually reduce the sustainable yield by confining fishing to a relatively unproductive part of the size‐spectrum. Our findings are particularly relevant for small‐scale fisheries in areas where there is poverty and malnutrition because here provision of biomass for food is more important than the market value of the catch.  相似文献   

Small‐scale fisheries' management is complex given its multigear, multispecies nature; despite this, fishing effort has usually been controlled by nominal units, ignoring changes in effective fishing effort. This study aimed to understand the adaptive strategies of small‐scale fishers in San Felipe, Yucatan, Mexico through an analysis of their fishing operations. Minor changes in trip numbers among three seasons were observed, but increases in fishing time, depth and travel costs from one season to another at the operational level were found. It was also evident that high value species at the beginning of the season were gradually replaced by low‐value finfish as the season progresses. The results provide insights for new adaptive management strategies according to fisher's adaptive responses. For instance, using boats or fishing trips as fishing effort units in Yucatan may not be the most appropriated unit for management, as fishers adapt their strategies at different levels.  相似文献   

A mass‐balance modelling approach combined with a sensitivity analysis was utilized to gain an improved understanding of the relative contributions of phosphorus (P) loading from various anthropogenic and non‐anthropogenic sources into Lake Wolsey (Manitoulin Island, Ontario, Canada), a Type 2 freshwater lake with a cage‐aquaculture facility. Total P loadings were estimated from eight sources (inlet exchange, non‐point sources, cage‐aquaculture facility, internal loading, groundwater seepage, atmospheric deposition, leaf litter and dwellings) and three sinks (outlet exchange, sedimentation and sportfishing). Results indicated that over the study period (May–November 2007) the non‐point sources were the leading contributor of total P to Lake Wolsey (1120 kg P) followed by the cage‐aquaculture facility loading (915 kg P), inlet exchange (539 kg P), groundwater inputs (305 kg P), dwellings (219 kg P), internal P recycling loads from the hypoxic hypolimnion (186 kg P), atmospheric deposition (79 kg P) and decomposing leaf litter (8.1 kg P). When comparing the loadings in this study, the sensitivity analysis showed that non‐point sources were the only significant input parameter of total P loading to the in‐lake concentrations of P in Lake Wolsey(P = 0.05). Information from this project will provide water quality managers with sound scientific information to make defencible decisions pertaining to policy and regulatory approaches for water quality risk assessment and management of cage‐aquaculture in Type 2 sites.  相似文献   

The social and economic importance of small‐scale fisheries is frequently under‐valued, and they are rarely effectively managed. There is now growing consensus on how these fisheries could be managed for sustainability and to minimize the risks of crossing undesirable thresholds. Using a concept developed in health care, these approaches have been referred to as primary fisheries management. By encouraging the use of best‐available information in a precautionary way, the approaches will facilitate sustainable use and should therefore be encouraged, but they accept high scientific and implementation uncertainties as unavoidable because of limited management and enforcement resources and capacity. It is important to recognize that this limitation will result in social costs, because application of a precautionary approach in the face of high uncertainties will require forgoing potential sustainable benefits. Acceptance of primary fisheries management as a final and sufficient goal could therefore add a further constraint on the possibility of fishing communities escaping the poverty trap. Primary fisheries management should be seen as a first and minimum target for fisheries where there is currently no or inadequate management, but the longer‐term goal should still be well informed and adaptive management that strives for optimal benefits, referred to here as tertiary management.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the effects of agglomeration externalities on productivity and efficiency by applying a stochastic production frontier model with a technical inefficiency model to the aquaculture industry. Agglomeration externalities refer to the costs and benefits to firms from clustering. Agglomeration studies within aquaculture have focused on the intensive salmon industry, whereas this study focuses on low-technology, extensive pond aquaculture, representing most farmers in the developing world and using Bangladesh as an empirical case. The results show that there is a positive externality effect of regional industry size on the production possibility frontier and a negative effect on technical efficiency. Farm density enhances efficiency and the farm proximity to output markets decreases efficiency. Thus, policies aimed at increasing aquaculture pond production in developing countries should consider farm locations and their access to input and output markets, all of which affect farm productivity and efficiency.  相似文献   

Gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L.) aquaculture has rapidly spread around the Mediterranean Sea. Fish escapes from sea cages are one of the major problems for the industry and also represent a threat to the marine environment. Fishery catches are also influenced by escape events, being mirrored in increased landings of cultured species. However, within the Mediterranean, studies shedding light on the incidence of escaped individuals in fisheries landings are scarce. Firstly, the present study describes a simple scale‐examination methodology to distinguish escaped from wild S. aurata landed by coastal fisheries. Secondarily, the incidence of escapees is assessed within landings of the species in the western Mediterranean. The scale readings revealed a monthly incidence of escapees between 11.2 and 20.8%, representing 6.8% of the total income derived from these landings. Moreover, morphological differences between wild fish captured near and far from fish farms point towards escape events as a source of potential genetic admixture between cultured and wild genotypes. Socio‐economic and ecological implications of escapees are discussed, and a set of management guidelines proposed, to prevent and/or mitigate the negative influences of escaped fish on the ecosystem and traditional users of the coast such as fisheries.  相似文献   

Despite longstanding recognition that small‐scale fisheries make multiple contributions to economies, societies and cultures, assessing these contributions and incorporating them into policy and decision‐making has suffered from a lack of a comprehensive integrating ‘lens’. This paper focuses on the concept of ‘wellbeing’ as a means to accomplish this integration, thereby unravelling and better assessing complex social and economic issues within the context of fisheries governance. We emphasize the relevance of the three key components of wellbeing – the material, relational and subjective dimensions, each of which is relevant to wellbeing at scales ranging from individual, household, community, fishery to human‐ecological systems as a whole. We review nine major approaches influential in shaping current thinking and practice on wellbeing: the economics of happiness, poverty, capabilities, gender, human rights, sustainable livelihoods, vulnerability, social capital, and social wellbeing. The concept of identity is a thread that runs through the relational and subjective components of social wellbeing, as well as several other approaches and thus emerges as a critical element of small‐scale fisheries that requires explicit recognition in governance analysis. A social wellbeing lens is applied to critically review a global body of literature discussing the social, economic and political dimensions of small‐scale fishing communities, seeking to understand the relevance and value addition of applying wellbeing concepts in small‐scale fisheries.  相似文献   

Farming of the striped catfish, Pangasianodon hypophthalmus, is a major aquaculture activity in Bangladesh, particularly in the district of Mymensingh. However, pangasius farm management practices and the socio‐economic impacts of pangasius farming systems in Mymensingh have not yet been adequately described in the literature. This article provides an overview of the present status and characteristics of pangasius culture in Bangladesh based on data from a study conducted in Mymensingh district during 2009. The mean productivity of pangasius was 36.9 MT ha?1, where 87.9% of the farms produced between 15 and 65 MT ha?1 of pangasius, with an additional 10–20% Indian major and Chinese carps and Nile tilapia. Pangasius aquaculture in Bangladesh has improved the economic and social status of a variety of stakeholders in communities where the fish is farmed.  相似文献   

The ecosystem size/trophic structure hypothesis predicts that the shape of body size distributions will change with ecosystem size because of increases in the relative importance of large, predatory, species. I test the hypothesis by examining the statistical moments, as measures of shape, of species body size distributions of North American freshwater fish assemblages in lakes. Species lists, coupled with dietary and body size information, are used to document the patterns. Body size distributions in small lakes are unimodal and right‐skewed, but distributions become more symmetrical and bimodal in large ecosystems. In small lakes, body sizes are generally small and fish trophic levels low, but size and trophic level increase up to lake volumes of about 0.001 km3, and change little in larger lakes. Adding trophic level to the analysis greatly improves the variance explained by the body size–lake size relation. The conclusions of Griffiths (2012, Global Ecology & Biogeography 21: 383‐392), that postglacial recolonisation and evolutionary change are important determinants of body size distributions at regional and larger scales, are combined with those of this study. Mean body size in local assemblages of lake‐dwelling species is larger than in regional and continental ones. Overall, body size distributions are affected by processes operating at a variety of spatial and temporal scales, with the type, size and duration of the ecosystem probably playing a central role by influencing the proportions of vagile and predatory species, the species which dominate the large size mode.  相似文献   

The ‘earthy’ and ‘muddy’ off‐flavours in pond‐reared fish are due to the presence of geosmin or 2‐methylisoborneol in the flesh of the fish. Similar off‐flavours have been reported in fish raised in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS); however, little information is available regarding the cause of these off‐flavours. Our hypothesis was that earthy and muddy off‐flavour compounds, found previously in pond‐raised fish, are also responsible for off‐flavours in fish raised in RAS. In this preliminary study, we examined water, biofilms in RAS and fillets from cultured arctic charr known to have off‐flavours and requiring depuration using instrumental [solid‐phase microextraction procedure and gas chromatograph‐mass spectrometry (GC‐MS)] and human sensory analyses. Geosmin was present in the samples taken from the biofilter and on the side walls of the tanks. Two‐methylisoborneol was only found in low levels in the samples. The GC‐MS results indicated the presence of geosmin in the fillets (705 ng kg?1), but lower levels were found in the water (30.5 ng L?1). Sensory analyses also detected an earthy flavour (i.e., geosmin presence) in the fillets, and, therefore, it appears that geosmin is the main compound responsible for the off‐flavour in RAS. Further studies are being performed to identify the microorganisms responsible for geosmin production in RAS.  相似文献   

Small‐scale fisheries are subject to various governing institutions operating at different levels with different objectives. At the same time, small‐scale fisheries increasingly form part of domestic and international market chains, with consequent effects for marine environments and livelihoods of the fishery‐dependent. Yet there remains a need to better understand how small‐scale fisheries market chains interact with the range of governance institutions that influence them. In this paper, we examine how multiple governance systems function along market chains, in order to identify opportunities for improved multiscale governance. We use three small‐scale fisheries with varying local to global market chains operating in the Asia‐Pacific region to develop a framework for analysis. Drawing from Interactive Governance theory we identify governing systems that have come to operate at particular sections in each market chain. We recognize four institutions that shape the governance over the length of the chain; namely those centred on (a) government, (b) private sector and pricing, (c) decentralized multistakeholder management and (d) culture and social relations. The framework shows how diverse arrangements of these governing institutions emerge and take effect along market chains. In doing so, we seek to move away from prescribed “ideals” of universal governing arrangements for fisheries and their market chains, and instead illuminate how governing systems function interactively across multiple scales.  相似文献   

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