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A 3-month study was carried out to investigate the effects of grading on the overall production, growth performance and survival of juvenile Dover sole (Solea solea L.). Juvenile fish (4.0–40.4 g) were sorted into three size groups: small (4.0–15.5 g), medium (16.0–21.5 g) and large (22.0–40.5 g). In addition, a group of unsorted fish was followed for comparison. The fish from each sorted group and the unsorted group were divided between triplicate tanks at a stocking density of 1.5 kg m−2. The fish were weighed and counted 21, 42, 63 and 92 days after stocking. In addition, 30 randomly chosen fish in each tank (=90 from each group) were individually tagged. The survival, size distribution, growth and productivity were calculated for small, medium, large and unsorted groups. In addition, comparisons were made between combined sorted and unsorted fish. There was no significant difference between the mean weight and distribution of sorted and unsorted fish by the end of the trial. An increased overall productivity in combined sorted fish was observed. Regular grading could therefore still be beneficial for sole farming as long as the grading interval supports maximum growth (in this case over 90 days). Survival was not significantly affected by the grading process.  相似文献   

Two hundred and fifty soles (30 g initial weight) were randomly stocked in 12 tanks (recirculation system) at two different stocking densities (2.3 and 1.3 kg m?2) and fed on two different diets (50% and 54% of crude protein and 21% and 18% of total lipid, respectively, for diets A and B) with triplicate tanks for treatment. The trial lasted for 300 days. Fish stocked at low density showed a significantly higher weight gain than the fish reared at 2.3 kg m?2 density (94.1±7.4 vs. 78.9±8.2 g, P<0.01) with a specific growth rate (SGR) of 0.46±0.11 and 0.43±0.16 (P<0.01) respectively. Feed conversion ratio (FCR) was more favourable for lower density groups (2.50 vs. 2.64, P<0.01). Diet B led to a higher final weight (124.1 vs. 110.2 g, P<0.01) and a better feed utilization (FCR: 2.49 vs. 2.65, P<0.01). Except for the lipid content, which was higher in the low‐density group (2.6% vs. 2.3%, P<0.05), proximate composition of sole's muscle was not influenced by treatments. Dover sole reared at low stocking density showed higher monounsaturated fatty acid (35.27% vs. 34.40%, P<0.01) and lower saturated fatty acid (24.36 vs. 26.13%, P<0.01) contents, and lower atherogenic (0.67 vs. 0.75, P<0.01) and thrombogenic (0.28 vs. 0.32, P<0.01) indexes.  相似文献   

Fish held at high stocking densities are generally exposed to chronic stress situations that impose severe energy demands and may predispose the fish to infection. Senegalese sole Solea senegalensis (Kaup) juveniles (78.8±18.9 g body weight) were maintained at low (LSD; 4 kg m?2 at the end of the experiment), medium (MSD; 9 kg m?2) and high (HSD; 14 kg m?2) stocking densities during a period of 63 days. Although disease outbreaks were observed in fish reared at HSD, growth and food consumption did not vary among different treatments. Results from plasma cortisol and free amino acids (FAAs) showed significant differences among different rearing densities pointing to HSD as stressful rearing condition. However, higher plasma glucose and osmolality levels indicated that fish held at MSD may also be under stress. The higher usage of FAAs from the HSD group may be due to the higher demand for energy production in order to cope with stressful rearing conditions, higher rate of protein synthesis or due to synthesis of other important metabolites related to stress response. Therefore, results from the present study point out to HSD as a stressful rearing condition and suggest that crowding stress may affect amino acid requirements.  相似文献   

The effects of four light intensities (1000 lx, 500 lx, 50 lx, 3 lx) on growth, survival and feeding activity in common sole (Solea solea L.) larvae were studied from 4 to 51 days post hatching (dph). During the pelagic larval stage (4–12 dph), larvae reared at 3 lx showed a lower growth. From 19 onwards, the larvae reared under 3 lx displayed a significant ( 0.05) higher SGR than the other treatments and a higher final weight compared to 1000 lx and 500 lx. Survival rate was higher under intermediate light intensities (500 and 50 lx). Larvae reared at 3 lx displayed a significant delay in the degree of metamorphosis compared to the other treatments, while at 33 dph metamorphosis was completed under all treatments. Histological examination revealed the importance of vision and light in the first feeding of this species, while after metamorphosis, the full development of other sensory organs indicated that feeding activity is also mediated by chemosensory perception. Results indicate that high light intensity seems to be more suitable during the pelagic larvae, while the opposite would ensure better growth from the onset of metamorphosis to the benthic phase.  相似文献   

The stress responses in early growth stages of the wedge sole have been studied to determine whether the high cortisol levels described in juvenile fish are present from early developmental stages. Whole‐body cortisol, glucose and lactate contents, as well as biometric parameters in wedge sole larvae were measured at three different stocking densities. Stocking density affected growth‐related variables significantly, and larvae in lower stocking densities grew faster. Survival did not significantly differ among treatments. At hatching, the whole‐body cortisol concentration was 0.33 ± 0.01 ng g?1 and varied significantly from 0 to 30 days after hatching (DAH) for each stocking density, though values remained stable for the remaining time in the low‐stocking density group. These hormone levels rose significantly (5.17 ± 2.43 to 22.10 ± 4.95 ng g?1) at the end of the experiment, depending directly on the stocking density. Glucose and lactate‐body concentrations did not vary among treatments. We conclude that the stress responses of wedge sole larvae are detectable from 45 DAH and that stocking density already can be a stressor at that age. As described for juvenile stage, cortisol content values in wedge sole larvae under non‐stressful conditions are one of the highest among those reported in the literature. The captivity conditions could be responsible for this apparently stressful situation, though those values also could be normal in wild specimens.  相似文献   

Gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata Linnaeus, 1758 were subjected to repeated stresses, namely confinement and handling once a month for 5 consecutive months. Plasma cortisol concentration was determined as a primary stress response, and plasma glucose and osmolality, serum agglutination and growth rate were analysed as indicators of the secondary and tertiary effects of stress. The results of the mean values after the five trials showed that most indicators followed a consistent pattern with time. Cortisol and growth rate were positively correlated, and cortisol and osmolality were negatively correlated after stress. Analysis of the individual responses throughout all 5 months showed that 6–20% of the fish displayed a consistently high or low response depending on the parameter analysed.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to determine the effect of feeding time on growth and nitrogen excretion in juvenile sole. An 84‐day growth trial was conducted, in which food was supplied to three triplicate groups of juvenile Senegalese sole (3 g wet weight) at different schedules – diurnal, nocturnal and mixed. At the end of the growth trial, ammonia and urea excretion was assessed during a 24 h cycle. Improved growth (1.3% vs. 0.9% day?1, specific growth rate), higher nitrogen retention (0.35 vs. 0.27 g N kg?1 day?1), lower ammonia excretion (209 vs. 272 mg N‐NH4 kg?1 day?1) and lower total nitrogen excretion (278 vs. 352 mg N kg?1 day?1) were found in daytime‐fed fish compared with night‐fed fish. Fish in the mixed feeding regime showed intermediate values of ammonia and total nitrogen excretion, but did not differ from day‐fed fish regarding the other parameters. Results indicate that juvenile sole at a period of their life cycle appear to use more efficiently dietary protein for somatic growth under a diurnal than under a nocturnal feeding regime. This suggest that at least during a time‐window in the juvenile rearing a diurnal feeding regime might be more effective in the production of this species.  相似文献   

In fish hormones are released into the nutritive yolk sac during oogenesis in quantities that mirror female plasma levels, thus implying a potential for the maternal endocrine state at spawning to affect offspring characteristics. In the present study, mature female Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, were given intraperitoneal cortisol implants to investigate potential impacts of simulated stress on offspring ontogeny. Maternal cortisol levels reduced fertilization success and affected several offspring characters: lowered initial survival rates, impaired growth early in life and increased prevalence of morphological abnormalities in adult individuals. In addition, offspring from cortisol administered females displayed increased locomotor activity in an acute confinement test. These results suggest that developmental trajectories of salmon offspring can be considerably altered if their mothers experience severe stress during the final stages of gametogenesis. The present findings may have conceptual and applied ramifications as they demonstrate a mechanism that links the maternal environment to subsequent viability of the progeny.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine the influence of dietary protein levels on growth, feed utilization and liver histology in common sole. Four isoenergetic diets were formulated to contain four different crude protein levels: 39 (P39), 45 (P45), 51 (P51) and 57 (P57) % dry weight. Fifty animals per tank (initial weight 10.2 ± 0.4 g) were randomly distributed into twelve 500 litre square tanks (bottom surface: 5600 cm2) connected to a closed recirculation system. The diets were tested in triplicate for 84 days. At the end of the experiment, the final weight ranged from 19.6 (P39) to 25.4 g (P57). The specific growth rate showed statistical differences between groups, with the best results in the group fed diet P57 (1.07% day?1). Significant differences between groups were also recorded for the feed conversion ratio, with values of 1.31, 1.28, 1.12 and 0.94 in P39, P45, P51 and P57 respectively. Gross lipid efficiency was also significantly affected by the dietary treatment, with the highest value (42.07%) found in P57. Ammonia excretion, expressed as g 100 g?1 protein intake, was significantly lower for group P39 (2.46) than groups P51 (4.70) and P57 (4.75). Increased incidence of lipid droplets in hepatocytes was observed when the dietary protein levels increased and/or dietary lipid decreased.  相似文献   

The Senegalese sole is a marine pleuronectiform that naturally occurs in Southern Europe and Mediterranean region where it is being produced in aquaculture, in particular in Portugal and Spain. The aim of this study was to assess the quality of hatchery-reared larvae in comparison with those reared in the wild, and determine to which extension wild growing larvae are also affected by skeletal deformities. The main structures affected included those forming the axial skeleton, the caudal fin complex and both anal and dorsal fins, with the most prevalent anomalies affecting caudal vertebrae and arches. Hatchery-reared fish presented a higher incidence of deformities (79%) compared with the 19% observed in wild specimens. In wild postlarvae collected in Autumn no deformities were observed. This work clearly shows that wild Senegalese sole present less skeletal deformities than those hatchery-reared during larval stages, indicating a selective mortality of wild deformed fish and/or an effect of aquaculture-related rearing conditions in the development of skeletal deformities in sole.  相似文献   

Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis, Kaup) is a promising flatfish species in aquaculture. However, skeletal anomalies are still a great concern in sole farming. Investigation of this issue is crucial to improving larval quality and optimizing production. The aim of this study was to thoroughly assess anomalies in the rachis of reared sole at early developmental stages. Sole (n = 507) were sampled at 31 or 32 days after hatching (dah). The specimens were stained with alcian blue and alizarin red and evaluated for the detection of vertebral deformities. Most fish presented 9:34:3 vertebrae in abdominal, caudal and caudal complex regions, respectively. Remarkably, all specimens showed at least one spinal anomaly. Alterations of neural/haemal elements, as well as deformities of hypurals, parhypural and epural, were recurrent. Vertebral body anomalies and/or vertebral column deviations were identified in 52% of the individuals. Vertebral deformations and fusions were common, especially in caudal complex. ‘Minor’ anomalies were predominant, and some of the detected disorders might be a result of non‐/low‐pathological processes. These results contribute a new insight into the main skeletal anomalies affecting cultured sole larvae. Further research is required to determine their impact on fish welfare and external appearances at commercial stages.  相似文献   

Sole fed commercial pellets develop a nutritional anaemia. This study assessed the impact of dietary B12 and taurine on the haematocrit (Hct) and haemoglobin (Hb) level and mineral absorption in anaemic sole. Anaemic sole was fed one of four diets. Diets were equal regarding mineral, amino acid and macronutrient composition and formulated, according to a two by two factorial design: two B12 (0.34 vs. 1.9 mg kg dm?1) and two taurine levels (3.5 vs. 7.6 mg kg dm?1). The feeding level was restricted and equal for all diets. Hct and Hb levels in anaemic sole are influenced by dietary B12. A “high” level of B12 increases the Hct and Hb level. An increasing level of taurine suppresses the stimulating effect of the “high” level of B12. The applied B12 and taurine levels were unable to completely alleviate the anaemia in sole. Nevertheless, sole needs high dietary levels of B12 to alleviate anaemia. The impact of B12 and taurine on Hb and Hct was not related to a change in the absorption of iron. A “high” level of B12 positively affected the absorption of chromium and a high level of taurine negatively affected the absorption of cobalt in sole.  相似文献   

The current study aimed to determine the effects of dietary probiotic supplementation on growth, gut morphology and non‐specific immune parameters in Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) juveniles during a 1‐month trial. Fish were fed for 1‐month two diets with 1.0 or 4.6 × 106 CFU kg?1) of probiotic A (Bacillus sp., Pediococcus sp., Enterococcus sp. and Lactobacillus sp.) and two diets with 3.5 or 8.6 × 105 CFU kg?1 of probiotic B (Pediococcus acidilactici) and tested against an unsupplemented diet (control). Growth performance, as well as respiratory burst activity, nitric oxide (NO), alternative complement pathway (ACH50), lysozyme and peroxidase activities, was not affected by the dietary treatments. Probiotic supplementation tended to increased growth homogeneity between tanks having diet A1 the best possible alternative to decrease costs associated to size grading. Villous length and number of goblet cells of the anterior intestine did not vary among treatments. Muscle duodenal layer was significantly thicker in fish fed probiotic A compared to probiotic B, when included at the lowest level (A2 versus B2). The current study indicate that the use of the multispecies probiotic at 1.0 × 106 CFU kg?1 might enhance protection against pathogen outbreak and increase nutrient absorption, whereas at the highest concentration could reduced size dispersion among tanks.  相似文献   

This study compares the effect of food type (formulated diet vs. natural food) and fish size on protein and energy utilization efficiencies for growth in common sole, Solea solea (L.). Replicate groups of common sole (mean initial body weight ± SD was 45.7 g ± 2.1 and 111.2 g ± 4.2) received the diets at five (natural feed) or four (formulated diet) feeding levels. The protein utilization efficiency for growth (kgCP) was higher (> 0.001) in common sole fed ragworms than in common sole fed the formulated diet (respectively, 0.40 and 0.31). Likewise, the energy utilization efficiency for growth (kgGE) was higher (= 0.001) in common sole fed ragworms than in common sole fed the formulated diet (respectively, 0.57 and 0.33). The protein maintenance requirement was not different between food types (= 0.64) or fish size (= 0.41) being on average 0.82 g kg?0.8 day?1. The energy maintenance requirement was not different between food type (= 0.390) but differed between fish size (= 0.036). The gross energy maintenance requirement of small common sole was 35 kJ g?0.8 day?1. The gross energy maintenance requirement of large common sole was 25 kJ g?0.8 day?1. In conclusion, the low growth of common sole fed formulated diets was related to reduced feed utilization.  相似文献   

Stressful husbandry conditions are likely to affect growth and amino acid metabolism in fish. In this study, chronic ammonia exposure was used to test the effects of a stressor on growth and amino acid metabolism of Senegalese sole juveniles. The fish were exposed for 52 days to 11.6 mg L−1 [low‐TAN (L‐TAN)] or 23.2 mg L−1 [high‐TAN (H‐TAN)] of total ammonia nitrogen (TAN), or to 0 mg L−1 (Control). Growth in L‐TAN groups was slightly but significantly different from the Control groups [relative growth rate (RGR=0.35±0.13 and 0.52±0.23% day−1 respectively)]. In H‐TAN groups, growth was severely affected (RGR=0.01±0.13% day−1). Stress parameters (plasma cortisol and glucose) showed slight or no significant differences between treatments. Plasma free amino acid (FAA) concentrations were affected after H‐TAN treatment. Increases in glutamine and aspartate concentrations in H‐TAN fish suggest alterations in amino acid metabolism related to nitrogen excretion processes. Some of the changes in FAA concentrations also suggest mobilization to energy supply and synthesis of metabolites related to stress response. Therefore, Senegalese sole seem to adapt to the L‐TAN concentration tested, but the H‐TAN concentration reduced growth and affected amino acid metabolism.  相似文献   

Growth and variation in size of turbot and sole larvae originating from different genetic sources were compared at different stocking densities, including genetically based information that might lead to a better knowledge of heterogeneity in cultivated populations. There was no effect of density on growth rate in either species. However, between the two sole batches there was an earlier metamorphosis of faster growing fish from Norway. In sole groups after metamorphosis, variation was stable and therefore no development of size variation was observed. There was no density effect on size variation within turbot batches before, or after metamorphosis. Spreading rate and growth rate were positively correlated in sole larvae indicating that growth of the smaller fish was not equal to the larger ones, but size variation followed a different pattern in turbot. No evidence for either overall significant heterozygosity excess, or deficiency was evidenced in the farmed strains of either species . However, significant differences between farmed populations in terms of genetic variability (θ) were reported, which was rather attributed to within differentiation than between strains. One could safely argue that different strains of Dover sole originated from different genetic sources (factorial analysis). Moreover, when the analysis was extended to individual loci to assess whether specific loci had any consistently larger, or smaller effect on heterozygosity, locus specific significant trends were discerned in turbot. A positive Heterozygosity Fitness (growth rate) Correlation (HFC) suggests that heterozygotes reported enhanced growth rates compared with homozygous ones in flatfish larvae, thus special precautions should be taken into account whenever different genetic structure patterns emerge, because of various flatfish broodstock geographical origin and year class samples.  相似文献   

The growth and survival of 290 mg sole, Solea solea (L.), during and after weaning onto diets containing varying amounts of hydrolysed fish protein concentrate (HFPC) were determined. Survival ranged between 75.5% and 42.5% (91% with a control diet containing polychaete and mollusc meals) during the weaning period and was positively correlated with the level of HFPC in the weaning diet. After weaning, when the fish were ~ 940 mg in weight, no significant correlation was found between growth rate and the level of HFPC in the diet over a period of 22 days. Diet digestibility and its importance during weaning is discussed in relation to the digestive physiology of sole. Weaned sole were fed exclusively on a formulated diet in a sand-free tank at an average temperature of 16.5°C for an 18-month period, achieving a final average weight of 133.1 g ± 40.1 SD (217.5 mm ± 19.1 SD).  相似文献   

The biochemical status of antioxidant defences of larvae from the commercial, benthic fish, Solea senegalensis, were studied over a period of 28days from hatching. The parameters studied were: catalase (EC, total glutation peroxidase activity (sum of the selenium dependent and independent forms) (EC, DT-diaphorase (EC, and as an indication of conjugative detoxifying metabolism, the enzyme glutathione S-transferase (GST; EC Oxidative damage was evaluated by the formation of malondialdehyde (MDA) as an indication of lipid peroxidation (LP). Metallothionein (MT) levels were measured by differential pulse polarography and stress proteins (HSP 70 and HSP 60) were detected by immunoblotting, using commercial antibodies. The presence of catalytic activities was observed from hatching day and tended to increase during larval development. Significant changes were seen in most enzymes at day 3, when the larvae finished their endogenous feeding and started to feed on rotifers. DT-diaphorase activities were similar in both NADH and NADPH-dependent forms and, in turn, were about 10-times lower than their correspondent reductases. LP sharply increased at 19 and 28days post-hatch (dph), suggesting a saturation of the antioxidant defences during metamorphosis. MT showed high values during the endogenous phase and the lowest value corresponded to day 3, when the egg-yolksac was fully reabsorbed; a steady-state value was reached thereafter. Stress proteins were present at all stages, showing distinctiveness in the molecular weight of HSP60 at hatching day and 1dph. Quantitatively, both forms were significantly elevated at 3dph, with their ratio (HSP70/HSP60) decreasing over time.  相似文献   

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