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The sorption behavior of the herbicide 4-chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid (MCPA) to three different artificial soil mixtures was investigated. Artificial soils serve as model systems for improving understanding of sorption phenomena.

Materials and methods

The soils consisted of quartz, ferrihydrite, illite, montmorillonite, and charcoal. In a previous study, several selected mixtures had been inoculated with organic matter, and microbial aging (incubation) had been performed for different periods of time (3, 12, and 18?months) before conducting the sorption experiments. The effect of this pre-incubation time on the sorption behavior was determined. Interaction of MCPA with soil surfaces was monitored by aqueous phase sorption experiments, using high-performance liquid chromatography/ultraviolet and in selected cases Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy.

Results and discussion

The sorption behavior showed large differences between differently aged soils; Freundlich and linear sorption model fits (with sorption constants K f , 1/n exponents, and K d values, respectively) were given for pH?=?3 and the unbuffered pH of ??7. The largest extent of sorption from diluted solutions was found on the surfaces with a pre-incubation time of 3?months. Sorption increased at acidic pH values.


Regarding the influence of aging of artificial soils, the following conclusions were drawn: young artificial soils exhibit stronger sorption at lower concentrations, with a larger K f value than aged soils. A correlation with organic carbon content was not confirmed. Thus, the sorption characteristics of the soils are more influenced by the aging of the organic carbon than by the organic carbon content itself.  相似文献   


Recently, the use of biochars for stabilization of soil heavy metals has been expanded due to their adsorption characteristics, low cost and carbon storage potential. A factorial experiment was performed to investigate the effects of two plant residue biochars (licorice root pulp and rice husk biochar each applied at 2.5% (w/w)) produced at two temperatures (350 and 550 °C), and three Ni application rates (0, 150 and 300 mg Ni kg?1) on bioavailability and chemical fractions of Ni in a calcareous soil after spinach cultivation. Application of all the biochars significantly reduced Ni bioavailability factor (5–15%) and spinach Ni concentration (54–77%) in Ni-treated soil. The biochars produced at 550 °C were more effective at reducing Ni mobility and Ni uptake by spinach than those produced at 350 °C, attributed to higher CaCO3 and lower acidic functional group content, which resulted in greater enhancement of soil pH. When comparing the biochars produced at the same temperature, the rice husk biochars were the most effective in reducing Ni bioavailability, likely due to their lower acidic functional group content and higher nano-silica content which resulted in higher soil pH values and potentially promoted the formation of Ni-silicates and hydroxides.

Abbreviations : Ni: Nickel; RHB: rice husk biochar; LRB: licorice root pulp biochar; WsEx: water soluble and exchangeable; CARB: carbonate form; RES: residual; MnOx; manganese oxides bound; AFeOx; amorphous iron oxides bound; CFeOx: crystalline iron oxides bound; OM: organic bound.  相似文献   

Abstract. Uniform application rates of fertilizers and herbicides may result in over-treating some soils and under-treating others; costs may be unnecessarily large and soil, ground water and surface waters may be contaminated. An alternative is site specific treatment, tailored to individual soil types present in agricultural fields of any size. To study the pollution hazards of the herbicide alachlor, leaching and adsorption experiments used disturbed samples and undisturbed soil columns. Adjoining Ves, Normania and Webster soil series (Udic Haplustoll; Aquic Haplustoll; Typic Haplaquoll) were sampled and analysed for various properties. Ring uniformly 14C-labelled alachlor was used to study adsorption and leaching characteristics in these soils. Results show different alachlor behaviour in topsoil and subsoil layers.  相似文献   

Lin  Qing  Li  Boliang  Liu  Xiaowen  Zhang  Budi  Xu  Shaohui 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2022,22(3):809-817
Journal of Soils and Sediments - Sulfonamides with high mobility in the soil pose a significant threat to environmental ecology and human health. Organic matter is known to affect the sorption and...  相似文献   


Nitrate leaching losses were estimated using soil core samples from three different locations in a furrow irrigated, N fertilized and sludge amended cotton field. These losses were controlled by irrigation efficiency, as well as sources and quantities of N applied. Statistical comparisons of sample locations and N treatments revealed N treatment to be less significant than the field sampling location. However, sludge amended soils had significantly higher levels of nitrates in the root zone and consequently suffered higher nitrate leaching losses. A NO3‐N profile (30–210 cm) balance indicated that about forty percent (40%) of available NO3‐N was leached below the root zone (0–150 cm) in the upper two‐thirds of the field plots during the pre‐plant irrigation. Whereas, the lower one‐third of the field did not experience significant nitrate losses below the root zone. A one‐dimensional finite difference layered model, was used to estimate the depth of moisture penetration at the field (furrow) locations following pre‐plant irritation. It was concluded that the lower one‐third of the plots received less than 50% of mean plot application (30 cm) water during pre‐plant irrigation.  相似文献   


Background, aim, and scope  

Terbuthylazine is one of the most commonly used herbicides for vegetation management in forest plantations in New Zealand. Knowledge about the sorption of terbuthylazine on forest soils, especially the influence of coexisting organic amendments, remains obscure. In this study, we evaluated the effects of biosolids and biochars on the sorption of terbuthylazine to forest soils.  相似文献   

Various urban and industrial sewage sludges were applied to a soil at two doses (50 and 100 t ha−1 y−1) during eight years in a field experiment. The soil was analysed at two depths (0–30 and 30–60 cm) for extractable cadmium and nickel. In general these trace metal increased with dosage. However, cadmium formed complexes with organic matter and nickel bound to iron and manganese oxides. Hence, the available fractions of these metals constituted a small proportion of the total content. The results obtained show a low risk of contamination due to the available fractions of these metals at sludges dosages of up to 100 t ha−1. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Factors affecting the sorption and fixation of caesium in acid organic soil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Radioactive caesium deposited on upland Britain following the Chernobyl accident in 1986 remains available for uptake by plants, despite the potential of the contaminated soils to fix Cs. The minimum concentration of Cs+ required to cause Cs+ fixation is 0.60 to 0.75 mm , and this is unlikely to be reached in any contaminated upland soil. It is suggested that the fixation is caused by interlayer collapse of the illitic clay. The observed Cs+ fixation in lowland mineral soils and its absence from acidic upland soils is explained by the action of K+ ions, which can also induce interlayer collapse. Although Cs+ ions are unlikely to be fixed in acid organic soils, they can be strongly sorbed on any unoccupied Cs-specific sorption sites in the narrow parts of illitic wedge zones. A method for determining the number of such sites is described. For two of the soils studied the number of sites ranged between 8 × 10?8 and 1 × 10?5 mmol kg?1; for two others there appeared to be no unoccupied Cs-specific sites. Although Cs+ ions sorbed on such sites do not exchange with other ions, they can be desorbed if the concentration of Cs+ in solution is decreased. Thus, radioactive Cs in such soils will remain available for plant uptake, unless interlayer collapse can be induced.  相似文献   

The potential of mushroom cultivation substrate (MCS) in bioremediation was examined in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-contaminated soil. After a 60-day incubation, 32.9% dissipation of the 15 studied PAHs was observed in MCS-amended microcosms, with anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene and benzo(a)anthracene being the most degradable PAHs. MCS significantly increased the abundance and changed the community compositions of bacteria, fungi and aromatic hydrocarbon degraders. Two species belonging to the Sordariomycetes of the Ascomycota were enriched in all MCS-treated soil samples, and coupled with the unique changes in the PAH profile, this implies the involvement of laccase-like enzymes. Limited improvement was observed after adding Pleurotus ostreatus, possibly because of its poor colonization of the soil. In addition, alfalfa appeared to antagonize the bioremediation effects of MCS. The results of this study suggest that MCS can be a cost-effective and green biostimulation agent, thereby providing support for the development of MCS-based biostimulation of PAH-contaminated soil.  相似文献   

《Applied soil ecology》2009,42(3):269-276
Earthworms can be used to remove polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from soil, but this might affect their survival and they might accumulate the contaminants. Sterilized and unsterilized soil was contaminated with phenanthrene (Phen), anthracene (Anth) and benzo(a)pyrene (BaP), added with or without Eisenia fetida, sewage sludge or vermicompost. Survival, growth, cocoon formation and concentrations of PAHs in the earthworms were monitored for 70 days. Addition of sewage sludge to sterilized or unsterilized soil maintained the number of earthworms and their survival was 94%. The addition of sludge significantly increased the weight of earthworms 1.3 times compared to those kept in the unamended soil or in soil amended with vermicompost. The weight of earthworms was significantly lower in sterilized than in unsterilized soil. Cocoons were only detected when sewage sludge was added to unsterilized soil. A maximum concentration of 62.3 μg Phen kg−1 was found in the earthworms kept in sterilized soil amended with vermicompost after 7 days and 22.3 μg Phen kg−1 when kept in the unamended unsterilized soil after 14 days. Concentrations of Phen in the earthworms decreased thereafter and ≤2 μg kg−1 after 28 days. A maximum Anth concentration of 82.5 μg kg−1 was found in the earthworms kept in sterilized soil amended with vermicompost and 45.8 μg Anth kg−1 when kept in the unamended unsterilized soil after 14 days. A maximum concentration of 316 μg BaP kg−1 was found in the earthworms kept in sterilized soil amended with vermicompost after 56 days and 311 μg BaP kg−1 when kept in the unsterilized soil amended with vermicompost after 28 days. The amount of BaP in the earthworm was generally largest after 28 days, but after 70 days still 60 μg kg−1 was found in E. fetida when kept in the sterilized soil amended with sewage sludge. It was found that E. fetida survived in PAHs contaminated soil and accumulated only small amounts of the contaminants, but sewage sludge was required as food for its survival and cocoon production.  相似文献   

Laboratory and greenhouse experiments were conducted to study the effects of applications of rice residue and Pongamia pinnata and Azadirachta indica leaf litters on biochemical properties (extraction yield of humus, composition of humus, microbial biomass carbon, activities of urease and acid phosphatase) of a lowland rice soil under flooded conditions. Bulk soil sample collected from the Mandya paddy fields was used for the green house trials and the laboratory incubation studies. The organic materials were added at three rates – zero, 25.0 g carbon kg−1 (2.5% C) and 50.0 g carbon kg−1 dry soil (5.0% C). Results showed that tree leaf litter and rice residue at 5.0% C rate decreased instantaneous decay constant (k), there by retarded the rate of C mineralization. Carbon contents of HA increased with the rate of C added. Study of delta–log K values and C contents of humic acids revealed that greatest molecular weight of HA was in the pongamia litter treatment, followed by neem litter and rice residue. Grain and straw yields of rice crop in the pot culture study were statistically correlated to the soil quality parameters. Neem and pongamia tree litter incorporation at 2.5% C could be considered for improving soil health and crop yields of rice under flooded conditions; however, application at higher rates significantly (P ≤ 0.05) lowered total dry matter production in rice, despite favorable soil health parameters such as humic yields, microbial biomass – C content and acid phosphatase and urease activity. Among different soil health parameters, microbial quotient was found to be more sensitive indicator of decline in soil quality.  相似文献   

In the present study, the temporal and spatial variation of the abundance of the alkane monooxygenase gene alkB and 16S rRNA genes in different soil compartments was analysed in the presence or absence of 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid (MCPA) after the addition of pea litter to soil in a microcosm study. Samples were analysed shortly after litter addition (T0) and 1?week (T1), 3?weeks (T3) and 6?weeks (T6) after the addition of litter. In addition also, the quantity and quality of litter-derived alkanes was analysed and measured. The results revealed a fast and complete degradation of MCPA in all compartments throughout the experiment. Nevertheless, significant changes in the distribution patterns of short- and middle-chained alkanes suggest an interaction of MCPA and alkane degradation. alkB gene copy numbers were highly influenced by the time point of analysis and by the investigated soil compartment. Overall, an increase in alkB gene copy numbers from T0 to T3 was visible in the upper soil compartments whereas a decrease compared to T0 was measured in the deeper soil compartments. MCPA addition resulted in an increase of alkB abundance at T6. Gene copy numbers of 16S rRNA were not influenced by sampling time and soil compartment. In contrast to the control treatments, a slight increase in 16S rRNA gene copy numbers was visible at T1 and T3 compared to T0 in all soil compartments.  相似文献   

Changes in farming practices over long times can affect the sorption behaviour of MCPA ((4‐chloro‐2‐methylphenoxy)acetic acid). We studied the adsorption–desorption mechanisms of MCPA on soil with varied amounts and origins of soil organic matter obtained from a long‐term field experiment with various organic amendments. The origin of the soil organic matter seems to be crucial for the sorption behaviour of MCPA. Samples of soil amended with sewage sludge sorbed MCPA more strongly than the soil under any other treatment. Peat‐amended soil was second followed by soil receiving animal manure, green manure, mineral fertilizer without N and the fallowed soil. Both the carbon content and the origin of the organic matter are important for the sorption. A decrease of carbon content of a soil does not necessarily imply a reduction of sorption capacity for polar organic acids such as MCPA. Nevertheless, our adsorption–desorption experiments suggest that with decreasing carbon content the role of mineral sorption mechanisms could become more pronounced. Our results showed that interactions of soil organic matter and soil minerals distinctly influence adsorption properties for MCPA.  相似文献   

Herbicide antagonism is defined as the reduction of control of certain weeds as the result of applying mixtures of two or more herbicides. Cyhalofop-butyl, a graminicide used for postemergence grass weed control in rice, is antagonized by some rice herbicides when applied simultaneously. The result of this type of antagonism usually results in decreased control of grass weeds. Research has shown that herbicide antagonism between graminicides and other herbicides may be caused by different mechanisms as the result of activity of the tank-mix partner. Using HPLC, the objective of this experiment was to analyze the fate of cyhalofop-butyl in barnyardgrass tissue when applied alone and in combination with halosulfuron, propanil, or triclopyr. Results indicated that absorption of cyhalofop-butyl and hydrolysis to its phytotoxic metabolite, cyhalofop-acid, was rapid and that halosulfuron and triclopyr had no effect. Because of a likely interaction of propanil with an apoplastic esterase enzyme, increased levels of cyhalofop-butyl and cyhalofop-acid were detected in barnyardgrass tissue, indicating that cyhalofop-butyl metabolism was hindered by propanil.  相似文献   

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