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Internal conductance to CO(2) transfer from intercellular spaces to chloroplasts (g(i)) poses a major limitation to photosynthesis, but only three studies have investigated the temperature dependance of g(i). The aim of this study was to determine whether acclimation to 15 versus 30 degrees C affects the temperature response of photosynthesis and g(i) in seedlings of the evergreen tree species Eucalyptus regnans F. Muell. Six-month-old seedlings were acclimated to 15 or 30 degrees C for 6 weeks before g(i) was estimated by simultaneous measurements of gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence (variable J method). There was little evidence for acclimation of photosynthesis to growth temperature. In seedlings acclimated to either 15 or 30 degrees C, the maximum rate of net photosynthesis peaked at around 30 or 35 degrees C. Such lack of temperature acclimation may be related to the constant day and night temperature acclimation regime, which differed from most other studies in which night temperatures were lower than day temperatures. Internal conductance averaged 0.25 mol m(-2) s(-1) at 25 degrees C and increased threefold from 10 to 35 degrees C. There was some evidence that g(i) was greater in seedlings acclimated to 15 than to 30 degrees C, which resulted in seedlings acclimated to 15 degrees C having, if anything, a smaller relative limitation due to g(i) than seedlings acclimated to 30 degrees C. Stomatal limitations were also smaller in seedlings acclimated to 15 degrees C than in seedlings acclimated to 30 degrees C. Based on chloroplast CO(2) concentration, neither maximum rates of carboxylation nor RuBP-limited rate of electron transport peaked between 10 and 35 degrees C. Both were described well by an Arrhenius function and had similar activation energies (57-70 kJ mol(-1)). These findings confirm previous studies showing g(i) to be positively related to measurement temperature.  相似文献   

Warren CR 《Tree physiology》2011,31(7):727-739
Phosphorus (P) has multiple effects on plant metabolism, but there are many unresolved questions especially for evergreen trees. For example, we do not know the general effects of P on metabolism, or if P affects photosynthesis via the internal conductance to CO(2) transfer from sub-stomatal cavities to chloroplast or amounts of Rubisco. This study investigates how P?deficiency affects seedlings of the evergreen tree Eucalyptus globulus grown for 2.5 months with four nutrient solutions differing in P concentration. To determine why photosynthesis was affected by P supply, Rubisco was quantified by capillary electrophoresis, internal conductance was quantified from gas exchange and carbon isotope discrimination, and biochemical parameters of photosynthesis were estimated from A/C(c) responses. Additional insights into the effect of P on metabolism were provided by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) metabolite profiling. Larger concentrations of P in the nutrient solution led to significantly faster rates of photosynthesis. There was no evidence that stomatal or internal conductances contributed to the effect of P supply on photosynthesis. The increase in photosynthesis with P supply was correlated with V(cmax), and amounts of P, phosphate and fructose 6-phosphate (6-P). Phosphorous supply affected approximately one-third of the 90 aqueous metabolites quantified by GC-MS, but the effect size was generally smaller than reported for experiments on herbaceous species. Phosphorus deficiency decreased concentrations of phosphate, glucose 6-P and fructose 6-P more than it decreased photosynthesis, suggesting faster turnover of smaller pools of phosphate and phosphorylated intermediates. The effect of P supply on most amino acids was small, with the exception of arginine and glutamine, which increased dramatically under P deficiency. P deficiency had small or non-significant effects on carbohydrates and organic acids of the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. The small effect of P on carbohydrates, organic acids and (most) amino acids likely reflects a functional homeostasis among C metabolism (glycolysis, TCA and pentose P cycles), rates of photosynthesis and growth. The strong functional homeostasis in E. globulus may reflect a conservative, long-term growth and metabolic strategy of evergreen trees.  相似文献   

Conserving forest biodiversity has become a significant global concern. A change in forest composition, compared to pre-industrial values, is an important biodiversity issue. In this regard, there is a significant decrease in Picea glauca densities at the landscape level in boreal mixedwoods of northeastern Canada, compared to pre-industrial abundance. Enrichment planting is considered a promising silvicultural approach for improving P. glauca stocking and re-establishing its natural co-dominance with Abies balsamea. However, optimal enrichment scenarios must be identified, notably regarding site preparation treatments that can enhance planted seedling survival and growth while protecting Abies advance regeneration. We established a field trial in Quebec (Canada), laid out as a complete block split-plot design. Picea glauca and P. mariana seedlings (main plot) were planted according to 3 “microsite” treatments (subplot): (1) planting in the humus layer; (2) planting in the mineral soil, with minimal humus disturbance; and (3) planting in a microsite mechanically-prepared using modified brushsaws. After 3 growing seasons, P. mariana seedlings were taller than P. glauca seedlings, but had smaller ground-level diameters. Seedlings planted in the mineral soil had overcome the initial height difference they had with seedlings planted in the humus and mechanically-prepared microsites, with no interaction with species. Ground-level diameter was similar for seedlings planted in the humus and mechanically-prepared microsites, but smaller for seedlings planted in the mineral soil. Water potentials, available light, and foliar nutrient concentrations were not influenced by treatments or species; survival was >90 %. Our results indicate that P. glauca can be established through enrichment planting in boreal mixedwoods. Localized site preparation is not required to limit initial plantation stress in this ecosystem.  相似文献   

In full‐sib families of Picea abies (L.) Karst. (Norway spruce) the dynamics of juvenile growth and the inheritance of the most important growth characters were analysed in six growth periods in climate chambers followed by two additional growing seasons in a nursery. The full‐sib families were of French and North Swedish origin including both within and between provenance crosses. All growth rhythm characters changed over time. For instance, number of days to budbreak increased, whereas days to budset decreased, as growth periods advanced. Concurrent with the changes in growth rhythm, free growth decreased with increasing age. Half of the total variation for different growth rhythm characters within a growth period could in most cases be explained by provenance effects. Early selection is, therefore, meaningful to reduce damage by frost and mortality. Furthermore, the actual distances between family means decreased substantially with increasing age, and the actual length of the shoot elongation period decreased from 31 days during the second growth period to 16 days during the sixth. We suggest therefore that selection together with some treatment in the nursery that alters the growth rhythm of the seedlings are the best ways to increase frost resistance. Tree height was influenced by a set of complex gene actions that changed over time. Provenance effects were important during the first two growth periods. Subsequently, non‐accumulative within provenance family variance took over. If this pattern holds true in general, juvenile selection for height growth in Norway spruce cannot be made as early as that for growth rhythm.  相似文献   

Managed forest stands are typically younger and structurally less diverse than natural forests. Introduction of non-native tree species might increase the structural changes to managed forest stands, but detailed analyses of tree- and stand-structures of native and non-native managed forests are often lacking. Improved knowledge of non-native forest structure could help clarify their multiple values (e.g. habitat for native biodiversity, bioenergy opportunities). We studied the structural differences between the introduced, non-native Pinus contorta and the native Pinus sylvestris and Picea abies over young forest stand ages (13–34 years old) in managed forests in northern Sweden. We found that P. contorta stands had greater mean basal areas, tree heights, diameters at breast height, and surface area of living branches than the two native species in young stands. The surface area of dead attached branches was also greater in P. contorta than P. abies. Although this indicates greater habitat availability for branch-living organisms, it also contributes to the overall more shaded conditions in stands of P. contorta. Only one older 87 years old P. contorta stand was available, and future studies will tell how structural differences between P. contorta and native tree species develop over the full forestry cycle.  相似文献   

The long‐term effects of lime application on fine roots of Norway spruce, Picea abies (L.) Karst, and Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris (L.), have been studied in five experimental forest stands subjected to different lime applications 5 to 18 years before the present study was undertaken. The effects of liming does not seem to significantly influence fine‐root development in forest stands in the long term. The only response to liming in measured root variables was a tendency to increased specific root length (SRL = fine‐root length/fine‐root dry weight, m/g). A correlation between increased SRL, decreased root biomass and increased stem volume growth was indicated. Changes in water extractable amounts of mineral elements—P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, S, Al and Fe‐in bulk soil and rhizosphere soil from the mineral soil layers were studied in a control area and an area treated with 3830 kg CaCO3 ha‐1. Few significant differences were found between treatments, and then mainly in the case of Ca.  相似文献   

Four experiments were established on the semi-arid west coast plain of South Africa during the 1990s. The trails tested the survival and growth of several eucalypt species and hybrids, some of which were established in a climate that is drier than their natural distribution range. The aridity indices (AI; defined as mean annual precipitation [MAP]/mean annual potential evapotranspiration) ranged from 0.21 to 0.36 and MAP from 228 to 423 mm. The driest trial site (AI = 0.21 and MAP = 228) had high levels of mortality. However, a number of species (in particular, Eucalyptus gomphocephala, E. camaldulensis and E. tereticornis, as well as individual hybrids of the latter two species with E. grandis) survived and grew well at the remaining sites. Eucalyptus cladocalyx survived well and attained competitive growth rates only on the wettest site in the group (AI = 0.36). The dominant height of the top-performing genotypes at age 5 ranged between 9 and 10 m on the two wetter sites. This corresponded to mean annual increment values in excess of 10 m3 ha?1 a?1, which is comparable to volume obtained at more favourable aridity indices in the summer rainfall zone of South Africa and exceeds the growth rates obtained in several other arid zone studies globally. The E. grandis × E. camaldulensis hybrid ranked among the top performers in two trials, but its susceptibility to recently introduced pests and relatively poor wood quality makes it a less attractive choice for planting. The high density and durability of timber, acceptable growth rate (given the low rainfall conditions), and low pest and disease incidence make E. gomphocephala and E. cladocalyx the species of choice for planting in the drier and relatively wetter sections of the semi-arid zone, respectively.  相似文献   

A simulation model was used to predict the spatial distribution of direct and diffuse photosynthetically active radiation below a heterogenous canopy of a Pinus sylvestris stand in eastern Finland. Seedling growth was related to both measured and predicted radiation. The model predicted rather well the overall pattern of radiation distribution beneath the canopy. All the growth parameters of Pinus sylvestris seedlings (height, current height increment and mean height increment) correlated positively with the amount of both measured and predicted radiation. The correlation between seedling growth and irradiance was better for predicted diffuse radiation than for total radiation. This was probably because diffuse radiation, being symmetrically distributed around trees, correlates more strongly than direct radiation with other factors affecting seedling growth.  相似文献   

To quantitatively assess future change of evergreen broad-leaved tree species’ distributions in human-disturbed landscapes of the Korean Peninsula under climate change, potential habitats (PHs) were projected for four important evergreen broad-leaved tree species (Quercus acuta, Castanopsis sieboldii, Machilus thunbergii, and Neolitsea sericea) by species distribution models (SDMs). The distribution data (presence/absence) of the target species in Korea and Japan were used as response variables for SDMs, and climatic data were used as explanatory variables. Three general circulation models under A2 emission scenarios were used as future climate scenarios for the years 2070–2099. Potential habitats masked by land-use data (PHLUs) were projected to assess the impact of anthropogenic activities. Highly accurate SDMs were obtained for all the target species. The current PHs were decreased to 21–35 % by the anthropogenic activities. Future PHLUs for all the target species were projected to increase by 2.0–18.5 times of current PHLUs. These results suggest that all the target species are applicable as indicator species for monitoring in the Korean Peninsula, even if anthropogenic effects are incorporated. Variation of the increasing rate was caused by the differences in the response to temperature changes. M. thunbergii responded sensitively to the increase of minimum temperature of coldest month and had a largest increase in PHLUs under future climate. Therefore, M. thunbergii is considered to be most appropriate species for monitoring the changes of horizontal distributions above all focal evergreen broad-leaved tree species.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to examine the cost, flexibility, and appropriate scale of mechanized microsite preparation (MP), in combination with mechanical direct seeding of Pinus sylvestris L. with orchard seed. This technique was tested at four boreal forest sites in Northern Sweden. Orchard and stand seeds were sown with and without MP. The use of orchard seed increased seedling establishment by 41% and the use of MP increased seedling establishment by 47%, respectively, after two years. The best substrates for sowing when using MP were OAh-, E- and BC-horizon, in ranked order. The use of orchard seed compared to stand seed increased mean seedling height by 25% after four years. These trials suggest that to obtain a density of 5,000 stems ha-1 four years after seeding, 61,000 viable stand seeds or 41,000 orchard seeds ha-1 should be sown if MP is not used. If MP is used, seeding rate could be reduced by about 32%. By using MP, and by further improving scarification technique so that all scarified area is thin OAh-horizon, we predict that only 32,000 stand seeds or 22,000 orchard seeds ha-1, i.e., half the dosage, should be needed. Under these optimal conditions, it would be necessary to sow about six and four germinable stand and orchard seeds, respectively, to ensure one seedling after four years. Furthermore, regeneration cost would be less than a third that of planting.  相似文献   

We combine historical maps and satellite derived data to reconstruct the development of a Swedish boreal landscape over the past 300 years. The aim is to understand legacies from past use patterns in present-day forest composition and consequences for conservation objectives from a landscape perspective. We analyze landscape development in cross-tabulation matrixes, building change trajectories. These trajectories are tested in linear models to explain the distribution of present-day landscape composition of coniferous, mixed, and deciduous forests >110 years. Of 49 tested change trajectories, 11 showed a significant association. Associations for mixed and coniferous forests were similar and linked to characteristics such as forest continuity, which characterized the studied landscape. Deciduous older forests did not show any association to forest continuity but were more likely to occur on areas that specifically shifted from forests with grazing in the 1720s to open impediment (likely indicating low tree coverage) in the 1850s. There were large shifts and spatial redistribution in ownerships over time. Use patterns and legacies varied between small- and large-scale ownership categories as well as within small-scale categories. The legacies found in the study indicate a complex origin of heterogeneous landscape elements such as older deciduous forests. Additionally, the origin of the legacies indicates a potential need to diversify conservation management based on the influence of past use patterns. Despite large inconsistencies in historical and contemporary data we argue that this type of analysis could be used to further understand the distribution of landscape elements important for conservation objectives.  相似文献   



A strategy widely proposed for increasing the resilience of forests against the impacts of projected climate change is to increase the number of species planted to spread and reduce the risks from a range of biotic and abiotic hazards.


We tested this strategy in two case study areas in planted conifer forests in New Zealand and Scotland.


The performance of the major tree species and an alternative was compared: radiata pine and Eucalyptus fastigata in New Zealand and Sitka spruce and Scots pine in Scotland. The process-based model 3-PG2S was used to simulate the effects of projected climate change at the end of this century, with and without CO2 fertilisation, upon productivity and financial returns. The effects of an abiotic hazard and two biotic hazards were considered.


Under the current climate, the major species outperform alternatives in nearly all circumstances. However, with climate change, their relative performance alters. In New Zealand, planting of E. fastigata becomes more attractive particularly when various hazards and elevated CO2 concentrations are considered. In Scotland, Scots pine becomes more attractive than Sitka spruce at lower interest rates.


The major plantation species in both countries are well suited to the current climate, but deployment of alternative species and/or breeds can help to adapt these planted forests to the impacts of climate change.  相似文献   

Forests are one of the most important ecosystems on earth that require careful management, conservation, and sustainable exploitation. As countries have their own guideline systems, each may learn and borrow from one another’s experience. One of such countries is Japan, which has elaborate forest policies, and rich in forest cover (67%) with its forest history dating many years back. On the other hand, Kenya, with a forest cover of just 7% and its policies demonstrating notable weaknesses, has a lot to learn from Japan. Therefore, we have attempted to do a comparative analysis of forest policies, technologies, and management practices between Kenya and Japan. Results indicate that Kenya’s forest policies do not place adequate emphasis on silvicultural practices and the establishment of forest plantations, and rarely focus on sustainable biomass utilization—factors that contributed significantly to forest growth and development in Japan. Additionally, policy legislation, revision, and implementation have not been given the deserved priority in Kenya. We conclude that Kenyan forest policy would benefit from both revision and thorough implementation. We also discuss the role of indirect factors such as economic growth and availability of nonwood-based energy sources in the future of Kenya’s forests.  相似文献   

To characterize the effects of plantation densities on the growth characteristics(diameter at breast level,tree height and volume) and the common wood properties,38-year-old Populus simonii 9 P.nigra clones planted with four levels of spacing(2 m × 2 m,3 m × 3 m,4 m × 4 m,and 5 m × 5 m) in a semi-arid area in northeastern China were examined.The results of ANOVA showed significant differences(P0.01) for all the investigated growth traits and wood properties under different plantation densities,except for the chemical composition of wood.The repeatability and phenotypic variations of all the traits varied from 0.34 to 0.99 and from 13.45 to 59.65%,respectively.Except for wood density,which was significantly negatively correlated with the growth traits,a positive correlation was observed between the growth traits and all the other wood mechanical properties.However,most of the correlations between the growth traits and the chemical composition of the wood were not significant.The path analysis for the wood mechanical characteristics and the growth in the prediction of volume were significant and ranged from 0.18 to 0.72 for wood density and diameter at breast height,respectively,while those for the chemical composition of wood ranged from 0.001 to 0.336,which showed a low impact on the volume.The highest stand volume(610 m~3) per hectare was observed with the 2 m × 2 m spacing,which consequently provided a high total price and income,while a high individual volume growth per tree was observed with the 5 m × 5 m spacing.The results suggested that for the poplar trees younger than 40 years in a semi-arid area in China,2 m × 2 m spacing is suitable for obtaining a high volume per hectare,while 5 m × 5 m spacing is best for obtaining a high individual volume per tree.  相似文献   

Forest certification has become a key driver in efforts towards sustainable forest management. Certification processes include commitments to respect the rights of Aboriginal peoples. However, there has been little investigation into the relationship between certification and Aboriginal rights. This paper examines the effectiveness of certification in addressing a range of First Nation concerns, taking the example of FSC's National Boreal Standard, applied in the provinces of Quebec and Ontario, Canada. This is done through documentary analysis of audit reports for all public land certificates in this region, with particular attention paid to ‘conditions’ (required changes) issued as part of the audit process. Results indicate that 86% of FSC certifications led to at least one condition relating to First Nations' rights, but that most were deemed minor. The two most common issues flagged by conditions were: agreement for the management plan and the evaluation and protection of First Nations' resources and sites. Analysis of subsequent reports revealed that all conditions were resolved within the allotted time period. A qualitative analysis of conditions revealed a tendency for auditors to accept partial conformance when evaluating compliance. We conclude that FSC certification is pushing forest managers to make progress on a wide variety of fronts, but through a lens of ‘continual improvement’ rather than strict conformance with the standard.  相似文献   

New Forests - Elms (Ulmus spp.) were once dominant trees in mixed broadleaf forests of many European territories, mainly distributed near rivers and streams or on floodplains. Since ancient times...  相似文献   

New Forests - Light is the most important physical variable that affects patterns of biomass allocation. A quantitative understanding of biomass allocation patterns is crucial to quantifying...  相似文献   

Climate change significantly impacts forest ecosystems in arid and semi-arid regions.However,spatiotemporal patterns of climate-sensitive changes in individual tree growth under increased climate warming and precipitation in north-west China is unclear.The dendrochronological method was used to study climate response sensitivity of radial growth of Picea schrenkiana from 158 trees at six sites during 1990-2020.The results show that climate warming and increased precipitation significantly promot...  相似文献   

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