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Young male Wistar rats, adapted to single daily administration of feed (from 8.00 to 10.00 a.m.) were studied for the intake of feed, weight gains, and feed consumption per weight gain unit after administration of Superdep insulin in the dose of 10 u kg-1 of body weight. The time limitation of access to food reduced the over-all intake of feed and weight gains and adversely affected the utilization of feed, expressed as consumption per 1 g of weight gain. The administration of insulin partly compensated the adverse effect of the reduced feed intake; this was manifested by better utilization of feeds by the experimental group, in comparison with the control animals.  相似文献   

In chickens aged from 1 to 7 weeks a growth promoting effect of nitrovin at levels of 12 and 120 ppm in the food was confirmed. Irregularities in weight gains were found between medicated groups (120 and 240 ppm) and controls. No difference was found in weight gains after a long-term medication and after a medication lasting only 3 days. The different dosage levels (120 and 240 ppm) did not result in any great difference in the residues of nitrovin in the liver and muscle; the age of the birds had no evident influence on residues.  相似文献   

Phenobarbital, allobarbital, and pentobarbital in the doses of 40 and 80 mg per 1 kg body mass were applied intramuscularly to groups of the cockerels of the WL breed at the age of two days, one, two, and six weeks (each group had ten birds) and to eight-week-old WL cockerels in groups of five birds. The methods of clinical observation and repeated determination of the response of the animals to sonic stimuli and contact stimuli, and the evaluation of the quality of some reflexes (particularly the spontaneous position of the body and the correction of the lateral position) were used for the study of suppression evoked by the applied barbiturates. Sleep occurred first after the application of pentobarbital (sooner in younger age groups). The latest beginning of sleep was observed after phenobarbital; in the latter case, sleep was hard to evaluate because it was not very deep. The time of sleep had the longest duration after allobarbital (only in the eight-week-old sleep was longer after pentobarbital), and the shortest after phenobarbital; there were also differences in the duration of sleep between the age groups of birds. The pentobarbital dose of 80 mg kg-1 of body mass killed birds in the three youngest age groups )in the two-day-old it killed nine of ten birds, in the one-week-old eight of ten birds, and in the two-week-old two of ten birds). The differences in the effectiveness of the applied barbiturates in two doses per unit of body mass were related to the age of the animals, even in the cases of the shortest age intervals between individual groups. Very high interspecies differences ensue from a comparison with the doses of these barbiturates usually applied to man.  相似文献   

Correlations between genetic expression in lambs when dams were young (1 yr), middle-aged (2 and 3 yr), or older (older than 3 yr) were estimated with three-trait analyses for weight traits. Weights at birth (BWT) and weaning (WWT) and ADG from birth to weaning were used. Numbers of observations were 7,731, 9,518, 9,512, and 9,201 for Columbia (COLU), Polypay (POLY), Rambouillet (RAMB), and Targhee (TARG) breeds of sheep, respectively. When averaged, relative estimates for WWT and ADG were similar across breeds. Estimates were variable across breeds. On average, direct heritability was greater when environment was young dams (.44 for BWT and .34 for WWT) than when environment was dams of middle age or older (.24 and .28 for BWT and .20 and .16 for WWT, respectively). Maternal heritability was greater when dams were middle-aged or older (.28 and .22 vs .18) for BWT but was greater when dams were younger (.10 vs .05 and .04) for WWT. The estimates of genetic correlations for direct effects across age of dam environments averaged .32 for birth weight and averaged .70 for weaning weight. Average estimates of maternal genetic correlations across age of dam classes were .36 or less for both BWT and WWT. Average estimates of correlations among maternal permanent environmental effects were .49 or less across age of dam classes. Total maternal effects accounted for .33 to .42 of phenotypic variance for BWT and for .09 to .26 of phenotypic variance for WWT. The average estimates of genetic correlations between expressions of the same genotypes with different ages of dams suggest that measurements of BWT of lambs with dams in young, middle, and older age classes should be considered to be separate traits for genetic evaluation and that for WWT measurements with young age of dam class and combined middle and older age of dam classes should be considered to be separate traits for genetic evaluation.  相似文献   

The influence of administered glycerol on the food intake was followed in suckling rats in five age periods (on the 5th, 9th, 13th, 17th and 23rd day of life). Glycerol significantly reduced the food intake (P less than 0.01) in the last three age categories. This finding indicates that from the 13th day of life glycerol becomes one of the limiting factors of food intake for suckling rats in connection with a gradual functional maturing of their control mechanism, regulating the food intake.  相似文献   

GSH-Px activity in blood and plasma of 269 horses was determined and interrelated to age, sex, and type of use or breed. Furthermore values in blood were related to hematocrit and hemoglobin contents. Trotters and riding horses had higher GSH-Px activities in plasma as well as in blood (0.83 +/- 0.22 and 0.79 +/- 0.23 U/ml plasma or 27.2 +/- 4.3 and 24.0 +/- 7.0 U/ml blood) than Thoroughbreds in training and yearlings (0.61 +/- 0.,14 and 0.56 +/- 0.16 U/ml plasma or 20.6 2 +/- 6.9 and 24.6 +/- 4.3 U/ml blood). 3 to 6 years old Thoroughbreds had higher GSH-Px-activities than 1 to 2 years old ones. Colts and fillies did not have differing values.  相似文献   

Equine metabolic syndrome (EMS) is prevalent in the equine population, and somatostatin analogs might be useful for diagnosis and/or treatment of EMS in horses. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the glucose and insulin responses to subcutaneous and intravenous administration of somatostatin. Six healthy research horses were included in this prospective study. An initial pilot study was performed to assess several different doses (10–22 µg/kg [4.5–10 µg/lb]) in two horses, then a final dosage of 22 µg/kg (10 µg/lb) was administered to six horses IV and SQ in a two‐period randomized cross‐over study performed over a 3‐month study period. Blood samples were collected for measurement of plasma insulin and glucose concentrations during a 24‐hr study period. Both IV and SQ somatostatin resulted in decreased insulin and increased glucose concentrations. SQ somatostatin resulted in a longer clinical effect, with return to baseline insulin occurring at 1.5 hr postadministration, versus 45 min for IV. Both IV and SQ administration of somatostatin to normal horses resulted in decreased insulin and increased glucose concentrations, likely due to suppression of insulin secretion by somatostatin. A more prolonged effect was seen following SQ administration as compared to IV administration, and no adverse effects were noted at varying doses. This study provides additional information regarding the effect of somatostatin administration on insulin and glucose concentrations in clinically healthy horses.  相似文献   

Intravenous infusion of 0.5 mmol/kg B.W. to lambs aged eight to 14, 15 to 21, 22 to 28, and 29 to 35 days led to higher blood plasma levels of insulin and total alpha-amino-N. Rises were stronger and longer lasting after infusion of 1.25 mmol/kg B.W. of arginine. Blood plasma levels of glucose and free fatty acids were temporarily decreased in response to infusion. Infusion to lambs aged between eight and 14 days of 0.5 mmol/kg B.W. of glycin did not change insulin, glucose nor free fatty acids, though total alpha-amino-N was very slightly increased for very short time. Infusion of 1.25 mmol/kg B.W. of glycin proved less effective than that of arginine with regard to higher levels of insulin and total alpha-amino-N.  相似文献   

In 1986-1988, adverse anaphylactoid reactions (AR) were observed in animals in Czechoslovakia after the administration of oil adjuvant-containing vaccines or other lipoid drugs. Treated animals showed signs resembling the classic anaphylactic reaction, i.e. restlessness, salivation, pruritus, oedema and cyanosis of udder and vulva, and eyelid oedema, developing within a few minutes. The reactions were not elicited by the antigen alone, but by the oil adjuvant. The aim of our experiments was to identify substances eliciting the reaction in susceptible animals and to investigate possible induction mechanisms. The emulsifier Tween 80 has been demonstrated to be an AR inducing component of vaccines and drugs (Tab. I and III). Weak or moderate reactions were observed in 33% of animals treated with 5% Tween and 66% of those treated with 10% Tween showed strong reactions. On the other hand, no reactions were elicited by treatment with several paraffin oils of different quality (Tab. I) nor with an oil-in-water emulsion containing Montanid as an emulsifier (Tab. II). The role of the vegetative nervous system in the rise of AR has been confirmed. AR were suppressed in animals pretreated with parasympatholytic atropine and enhanced in a part of those pretreated with parasympathomimetic pilocarpine (Tab. III). The percentage of animals affected and the intensity of AR were also lower in animals pretreated with complement inhibitor epsilon-aminocapronic acid (Tab. IV). A major role of complement activation is suggested in the discussion of possible mechanisms of AR induction. It is possible to draw a conclusion on the basis of the results presented here and of the analysis of individual cases that a certain degree of animal susceptibility, depending on the phase of reproductive cycle, metabolism level and neurovegetative balance is necessary besides the administration of an AR inducer (Tween 80 in our case). Hence it seems that the adverse anaphylactoid reactions results from interactions of the two factors, i.e. administration of an AR inducer to susceptible animals.  相似文献   

Electrocardiographic values in Spanish-bred horses of different ages   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SUMMARY The duration of electrocardiograph wave forms and intervals were determined in 179 Spanish-bred (Andalusian) horses aged from 1 month to 17 years. The values were compared with those of other breeds, and the relationship between electrocardiographic data and age was examined. High correlation coefficients were found between PR, ST and QT intervals and the age of the horses, and an inverted relation between heart rate and age was found. A multiple range analysis was made and the results suggest that significant changes in duration values and heart rate ocurred at the age of 6 months and in the second year of life.  相似文献   

We observed the levels of vitamin E in the blood serum of calves after peroral application of Combinal E (1 ml contains 20 mg of tocopherol acetate in water solution), after application through a fistula into the rennet stomach and after an intramuscular injection of Erevit (1 ml contains 300 mg of tocopherol acetate in vegetable oil). The fastest increase in the vitamin E level was recorded after the application of Combinal E directly into the rennet stomach. The application of Combinal E per os resulted in the same level of vitamin E in the ninth hour after application as in the third hour after application into the rennet stomach, the intramuscular injection of Erevit had a much lower effect on raising the vitamin E level in the blood serum of calves. It was confirmed that for a faster supplementing of vitamin E to the organism it is more suitable to give Combinal E perorally.  相似文献   

The authors evaluated the cell growth inhibition, reduction of tumourigenicity, and differentiation-inducing effects of sodium phenylacetate (NaPA) on a canine mammary tumour cell line. Treatment of the canine mammary tumour cell line (MCM-B2) with NaPA lead to the arrest of cell growth. Sodium phenylacetate induced changes in the cells to non-malignant characteristics, as indicated by a reduction of colony formation in semi-solid agar and a decrease in tumour formation in athymic mice. Moreover, NaPA induced morphological changes from a spindle-shaped to an epithelial-like appearance, and significant accumulation of lipid droplets in the cytoplasm. Immunohistochemically, these treated cells reacted clearly with the antibody for keratin/cytokeratin. Sodium phenylacetate treatment increased the expression of the milk-specific genes alpha-lactalbumin and beta-casein. The results of this study warrant an evaluation of NaPA in a clinical trial to establish its possible value as adjunctive treatment of malignant canine mammary tumours.  相似文献   

The protein spectrum of the dog blood serum was studied after the administration of beta,beta'-dichlorodiethylsulphide. Paper electrophoresis was used for this purpose. Fuchsin-positive substances were determined after previous oxidation with periodic acid, which made it possible to reveal that the glycoproteins detected in this way were represented in serum proteins mostly in the fraction of alpha 2 globulins. After beta, beta'-dichlorodiethylsulphide intoxication the values of these glycoproteins significantly increase. The rise is statistically significant 24 hours after administration (average rise by 141%) and within the time scope it reaches its maximum in the terminal stage (rise by 210%).  相似文献   

Aurothioglucose dose of 1 mg g-1 1. w. was applied intraperitoneally to experimental female mice. After 24 hours the animals were decapitated and samples for ultrastructural examination were immediately taken from the region of the hypothalamic ventromedial nucleus. The following findings were obtained from the study of 243 electronograms of 8 experimental animals: 1. dense round particles 0.034 to 0.016 mu in size, representing the gold of aurothioglucose; 2. parenchymatous dystrophy of the mitochondria; 3. peeling off of the individual layers of myelin sheath and the granularity of these layers corresponding to the disintegration of nerve fibres.  相似文献   

Cu, Fe, Zn, Mo, Se, As, Cd and Pb distribution was followed in the organisms of seven lambing ewes after these animals had been on a diet with industrial contaminants generated by the copper and zinc works. The amount of ingested contaminants per lambing ewe was 31.99 g a day pursuant to the starting liveweight. Per-head daily intake of Cu, Fe, Zn, Mo, Se, As, Cd and Pb in mg: 402.02; 95.97; 6158.07; 1.436; 2.975; 15.38; 0.597; 22.14. The first ewe with symptoms of zinc intoxication died on day 42 and the last on day 58. The highest Zn concentrations were recorded in the dry matter of dead ewe liver (1167.3 +/- 314.1 mg per kg). An amount of 1048 +/- 283.7 mg Zn per kg was cumulated in the kidneys in the process of contaminant administration. High Zn contents were also observed in the uterus and spleen. The highest amounts of Cu were cumulated in liver (445.6 238.1 mg per kg). Spleen was an organ with the highest concentrations of Fe, the ovaries cumulated the highest amounts of Mo and bony tissue and ovaries the highest amounts of Se. An exposure of the organisms to As, Cd and Pb in ewes intoxicated with zinc from a source of industrial pollutants, was reflected in their high contents in the ovaries, kidneys, liver and bony tissue. These results demonstrate that in sheep the liver, kidneys, uterus, spleen and ovaries are the most suitable organs if it is to prove zinc intoxication caused by pollutants from the copper and zinc works. Liver, kidneys, ovaries, uterus, spleen, skeletal muscles and bony tissue seem to be suitable for an evaluation of Cu, Fe, Mo, Se, As, Cd and Pb distribution in the organisms of ewes which died from zinc intoxication caused by pollutants from the above-mentioned source.  相似文献   

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