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采用不同播期、不同覆盖和不同施肥量试验,研究超甜玉米"黄金1号"的丰产高效栽培技术。结果表明,甜玉米种植以春播最好,最佳播种时间为3月下旬至4月上旬,早春(4月以前)播种最好采用地膜覆盖和起垄栽培技术,施NPK15∶15∶15复合肥1 125 kg/hm2作基肥能获得较高产量。  相似文献   

吴宇 《大豆科技》1993,(1):25-25
大豆新产品“中豆19”由中国农科院油料所选育而成。该品种具有早熟、高产、抗病、抗倒、不裂荚等特性,最适于江淮夏大豆产区种植。自1988年,先后经河南、安徽等省品种审定委员会审定通过。几年来,我们与中国农科院作物所联合攻关,针对“中豆19”大豆进行营养生理及其配套技术研究。总结出高产配套栽培技术措施如下: 一、增施有机肥,氮磷配比施用增施有机肥利于改良土壤结构,增强蓄水保肥能力。据试验,亩产180公斤大豆需纯磷5公斤,纯氮3公斤。即亩施尿素2.5公斤和磷一铵10公斤或施碳酸铵15公斤和30公斤钙镁磷肥均可收到显著增产效果。有机肥和磷肥混合后施底肥较好。  相似文献   

“淮豆3号”高产栽培技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“淮豆3号”高产栽培技术研究江苏省徐淮地区淮阴农科所·淮阴市·223001徐海斌杨加银张复宁“淮豆3号”由江苏淮阴农科所用“科系8号”ד徐豆3号”有性杂交,通过改良系谱法育成的早熟、分枝多,抗倒、抗病的优良品种,96年通过江苏省品种委员会审定。为了...  相似文献   

“蒙豆5号”选育与栽培技术内蒙古呼伦贝尔盟农科所·扎兰屯市,162650陈新民①内蒙古扎兰屯市种子公司,162650段纯忠蒙豆5号是1985年呼盟农业科学研究所在中国农业科学院原子能所应用物理辐射技术辐照“呼5121”品系种子,从辐射剂量3×1011...  相似文献   

黄金芽是一种光照敏感型黄色变异茶树新品种,于上个世纪90年代在浙江余姚地区发现,通过单株培育而成。该茶表现“三黄”的品质特征,即干茶亮黄、汤色明黄、叶底纯黄,由于氨基酸含量高,口感鲜爽,深受茶叶消费者青睐,经济效益好。2012年贵州瓮安引入种植,贵州省科技厅列为厅地共建项目,通过对首次栽培的50亩黄金芽茶园临田观察和适应性分析认为:该茶树各项物化性状表现良好,适宜在黔地生长。为了将黄金芽发展成为地方特色,瓮安县积极支持企业兴建苗圃、扩种茶叶基地,并修改茶产业扶持政策,将种植茶叶的补贴标准由1050元/亩提高到1500元庙,兴建育苗基地按1500元/亩进行补助。  相似文献   

中亚滨藜(Atriplex centralasiatica Iljin.)是黄河三角洲自然分布广泛的藜科滨藜属一年生草本植物.耐盐性强.属于泌盐盐生植物。其地上部分生物量大,叶蛋白含量高.是丰富的植物蛋白源;鲜草、干草可作饲料,果实可入药,有祛风、明目、疏肝、解郁的功效。黄河三角洲地区有大面积的滨海盐土,  相似文献   

党参(拉丁名:Radix Codonopsis)为桔梗科多年生草本植物,别名:潞党参、汶党参、晶党参、台参、仙草根、叶子菜。党参以根入药,生长于山地林边及灌丛中,产自山西、陕西、甘肃、四川、云南、贵州、湖北、河南、内蒙古及东北。现大量人工栽培。东党,主产东北三省;西党,主产于甘肃、山西、四川等省;潞党:主产于山西、河南。  相似文献   

夏大豆新品种“淮豆3号”的选育及栽培技术杨加银张复宁冯其虎徐海斌(江苏徐淮地区淮阴农科所,223001)淮北地区是江苏省大豆主产区,常年大豆面积200万亩左右,占全省三分之二。80年代中期育成的高产品种泗豆11,促进了本地区大豆生产的发展,由于该品种...  相似文献   

阐述了啦稻生产推广“三超”栽培技术,应重点抓好优质品种的选择、培育壮秧、培肥地力、科学施肥、壮秧稀植、节水罐溉、应变措施等几个关键环节。  相似文献   

宋盈 《中国茶叶》2011,(1):26-26
茶叶在东非,有“绿色黄金”之誉。遍布肯尼亚各地的茶园,风光优美,茶香醉人,让人流连忘返。  相似文献   

Hibiscus cannabinus and Hibiscus sabdariffa, agro-based residues consist of bast and wood fibers which resemble to those of softwood and hardwood, respectively. The runkel ratio of core fibers H. cannabinus and H. sabdariffa is comparable to that of Picca abies, whereas, it is much less than those of hardwood like Eucalyptus tereticornis. The slenderness ratio of H. cannabinus is much closer to P. abies in comparison to H. sabdariffa whereas, it is 7.7 and 13% less than E. tereticornis. The flexibility coefficient of H. cannabinus and H. sabdariffa are slightly lower than that of P. abies but it is 59.6 and 57.0% are more than that of E. tereticornis. It indicates that morphological characteristics of core fibers of H. cannabinus and H. sabdariffa closely resemble to that of softwood except fiber length which can be compensated by long bast fibers. Due to identical pulping conditions, H. cannabinus and H. sabdariffa can be delignified together by kraft pulping process. The optimum cooking conditions for H. cannabinus and H. sabdariffa were found to be as, active alkali 16%, sulfidity 20%, temperature 160 °C, time (at temperature) 120 min and wood to liquor ratio of 1:4.5. An anthraquinone (AQ) dose of 0.05% at an active alkali dose of 13% (as Na2O) produces the screening rejects and kappa number similar to that obtained by using 15% active alkali (as Na2O). The reaction kinetics study indicates that delignification is of first order. Low sulfidity AQ additive kraft pulping at constant H-factor produces better strength properties compared to non-additive kraft cooks.  相似文献   

This study investigated the emulsifying properties of okra (Hibiscus esculentus), dika nut (Irvingia gabonensis) and khan (Belschmiedia sp.), three African food hydrocolloids used to thicken and flavor soups. Results showed that khan has an emulsion potential approximately 20 and 100 times higher than the second and the first, respectively. A kinetic study indicated that the mechanism involved formation of thick and strong interfacial gum films around the oil globules, in addition to a high Water Absorption Capacity and weak gelling behavior of khan gum in solution. These results indicated that, when used in soups, which are typical oil/water emulsions, khan contribute both to thickening and stabilizing of the emulsion, whereas okra and dika nut functioned more as thickeners than as emulsion stabilizers.  相似文献   

利用根据水稻微型反向重复转座元件(miniature inverted repeat transposable element, MITE)序列设计的特异引物,以及靶区域扩增多态性(target region amplification polymorphism, TRAP)方法中的随机引物及扩增程序对不同的水稻材料进行PCR扩增来检测MITE侧翼为基因区域的多态性,称之为微型反向重复转座元件靶区域扩增多态性(MITE TRAP)。每次扩增能产生1条或多条清晰条带,条带的大小为100~1500 bp,可在1.5%的琼脂糖凝胶上分离,有较好的可重复性,并发现了不同水稻品种间的多态性条带。进一步用基于水稻预测的MITE序列设计的特异引物对来自棉花、番茄及拟南芥的DNA样品进行MITE TRAP扩增,均能成功扩增出条带,显示这种方法可以直接在其他植物中应用。还进一步讨论了该方法的优点及其可能的应用。  相似文献   

Pineapple production in Costa Rica increased nearly 300-fold during the last 30 yr, and >40,000 hectares of land are currently dedicated to this crop. At the end of the pineapple cropping cycle, plants are chopped and residues incorporated into the soil in preparation for replanting. Associated with increased pineapple production has been a large increase in stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.), populations. Stable flies are attracted to, and oviposit in, the decomposing, chopped pineapple residues. In conjunction with chemical control of developing larvae, adult trapping is an important control strategy. In this study, four blue-black fabric traps, Nzi, Vavoua, Model H, and Ngu, were compared with a white sticky trap currently used for stable fly control in Costa Rica. Overall, the white sticky trap caught the highest number of stable flies, followed by the Nzi, Vavoua, Model H, and Ngu. Collections on the white sticky trap increased 16 d after residues were chopped; coinciding with the expected emergence of flies developing in the pineapple residues. During this same time period, collections in the blue-black fabric traps decreased. Sex ratio decreased from >7:1 (females:males) 3–7 d after chopping to 1:1 at 24–28 d. White sticky, Nzi and Vavoua traps collected similar numbers of colonizing flies 3–7 d after residues were chopped. However, white sticky traps collected more flies once emergence from the pineapple residues began. Although white sticky traps collected more flies than fabric traps, they remain labor intensive and environmentally unsound because of their disposable and nonbiodegradable nature.  相似文献   

Most analytical studies on polyphenols in cereals refer to compounds determined in aqueous-organic extracts and alkali hydrolysates, but an appreciable amount of polyphenols bound to cell wall constituents may remain insoluble in the residues of extraction and alkali hydrolysis. The main objective of this work was to determine if sulphuric acid hydrolysis may release significant amounts of polyphenols to be considered for analytical and nutritional studies. HPLC/MS analyses of polyphenols were performed in methanol–acetone extracts, alkali and sulphuric acid hydrolysates of wheat flour, bran and a pool of cereals of the diet. The amount of polyphenols found in the acidic hydrolysates (200–1600 mg/100 g) was higher than in alkali hydrolysates (0.2–372 mg/100 g). Lower amount of polyphenols were found in the methanol–acetone extracts (44–160 mg/100 g). Hydroxybenzoic, caffeic, cinammic, ferulic and protocatechuic acids were the main constituents of the hydrolysates. The contribution of cereals to the intake of dietary polyphenols in Spain was estimated around 360 mg/person/day (65 mg of extractable and 295 mg nonextractable polyphenols).  相似文献   

Agricultural crops around the world are attacked by approximately 3,000–10,000 species of pest insect. There is increasing interest in resolving this problem using environmentally friendly approaches. Wolbachia (Hertig), an insect endosymbiont, can modulate host reproduction and offspring sex through cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI). The incompatible insect technique (IIT) based on CI-Wolbachia is a promising biological control method. Previous studies have reported an association between CI and Wolbachia density, which may involve a quorum sensing (QS) mechanism. In this study, we investigated the effect of manipulating QS in Wolbachia using several chemicals including 3O-C12-HSL; C2HSL; spermidine (QS inducers), 4-phenylbutanoyl; and 4-NPO (QS inhibitors) on American serpentine leafminer (Liriomyza trifolii [Burgess]), an agricultural pest. The results showed that inducing QS with 3O-C12-HSL decreased the proportion of hatched eggs and increased Wolbachia density, whereas QS inhibition with 4-phenylbutanoyl had the opposite effects. Thus, manipulating QS in Wolbachia can alter cell density and the proportion of hatched eggs in the host L. trifolii, thereby reducing the number of insect progeny. These findings provide evidence supporting the potential efficacy of the IIT based on CI-Wolbachia for the environmentally friendly control of insect pest populations.  相似文献   

The requirements that must be met by bean common mosaic virus (BCMV)-resistant cultivars of the common bean in Zimbabwe, and the feasibility of developing such cultivars, were investigated by a survey among farmers, evaluation of resistant and locally adapted inbred genotypes, and backcrossing to transfer the bc-3 resistance gene to the genetic background of the locally adapted genotypes. Genotypes were evaluated by field trials in a range of environments, by consumer assessment and by measurement of seed size, water absorption capacity (WAC) and cooking time. Backcross generations were evaluated in the field and by measurement of the same seed characters.

Most farmers produced beans in monoculture, using bush or semi-climbing cultivars and a single seed type, the most common colour type being cream with red mottles. This is in strong contrast to the production system in many parts of eastern and central Africa, where intercropping, climbing types and seed-type mixtures are common. The BCMV-resistant genotypes had a similar range of flowering dates, maturity dates and canopy heights to locally adapted genotypes, and a similar range of environmental responses with respect to these variables, but were generally small-seeded. Consumers preferred large seeds, and seed colours that were not generally found in the resistant genotypes. However, the bc-3 gene was readily combined with large seed by backcrossing. The resistant genotypes generally had shorter cooking times than the locally adapted genotypes.

It is concluded that it will not be difficult to combine BCMV resistance with the other characteristics required of bean cultivars in Zimbabwe, with the possible exception of seed colour, and that the same is probably true for other production regions in southern Africa.  相似文献   

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