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Abstract –  Three sympatric whitefish ( Coregonus lavaretus (L.)) forms, one being pelagic and two benthic, segregate available habitat and food resources in subarctic Lake Muddusjärvi, northern Finland. Zooplankton availability in the lake, food composition, diet-overlap and growth of densely rakered (DR) whitefish were examined during June to September to explore the reasons for the small individual size of the pelagic form. DR whitefish used zooplankton as main food item and prey selection followed zooplankton species density proportions in the lake. Zooplankton density and water temperature was highest in July–August. The average lengths of Bosmina spp., Daphnia spp., Calanoida and Cyclopoida in DR whitefish stomach were higher than in zooplankton sample during June–September, except Calanoida in June. Diet-overlap between DR whitefish age groups was high at all months indicating intercohort resource competition. DR whitefish reached sexual maturity at 3 years of age and at the length of 12 cm, after which somatic growth almost ceased. Reason for the small average size and slow growth of DR whitefish were connected to high diet-overlap between age groups and early sexual maturation.  相似文献   

Abstract  – Brown trout ( Salmo trutta L.) and Arctic charr ( Salvelinus alpinus (L.)) use whitefish ( Coregonus lavaretus (L.)) as their main prey in the subarctic Lake Muddusjärvi. Brown trout dwelled in littoral and pelagic habitat, whereas Arctic charr lived only in epibenthic habitat. Both species shifted to whitefish predation at a length of 20–30 cm. At this size, brown trout fed on larger whitefish than Arctic charr. Whitefish occur in three sympatric forms, differing in their habitat, ecology and morphology. Both the predators preyed primarily upon the small-sized, densely rakered whitefish form (DR), which was the most numerous whitefish form in the lake. DR used both epibenthic and pelagic habitat, whereas two sparsely rakered whitefish forms dwelled (LSR and SSR) only in epibenthic habitat: LSR in littoral and SSR in profundal areas. Sparsely rakered whitefish forms had minor importance in predator diet.  相似文献   

The effect of three different temperatures on growth in a first progeny generation, hatchery reared, subarctic population of European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus L.) were investigated. The whitefish (start weight 444 g, ±SD 125 g) were reared for 60 days at three constant temperatures; 15, 18 and 21°C and under ambient light regimes for 70°N latitude. The results showed that temperature had a significant influence on the growth of the fish with the highest increase in weight increment occurring at 18°C (mean final weight 656 g ± SD 151 g) compared with the growth of fish held at 15°C (mean final weight 591 g ± SD 143 g) and 21°C (mean final weight 505 g ± SD 121 g). The cumulative per cent mortality of the fish during the experimental period increased with increasing temperature, from 10% at 15°C to 30% at 21°C. The present study indicates that the optimal temperature for farming of European whitefish is somewhere between 15 and 18°C rather than between 18 and 21°C.  相似文献   

Abstract— Age determinations of whitefish ( Coregonus lavaretus (L.)) were compared in two different tests. In the first test, the readers determined the age of each individual from one calcified structure (scale, otolith, or opercular bone) at a time. The samples from three populations, 50 specimens in each, were mixed so that the readers did not know which population each calcified structure was from. A sample of known-age whitefish was used in the second age determination test, where information such as time of catch, length, weight, and sex was available to the readers. In each of the 50 envelopes the reader got scale impressions and two otoliths, one of which had been burned and ground. In the first test, the precision of the readers was low both between readers and between different structures. In the samples of slow-growing populations, the determinations made from the otoliths showed older ages than the determinations from the scales. In the second age determination test the results were better; 73-90% (average 82%) of the determinations were correct. The use of two calcified structures and the knowledge of the material were considered to improve the accuracy. Age determination bias may occur that affects the age distribution: even though 80% of the fish were aged correctly, an exceptionally strong or weak year class could remain unidentified. The estimation of growth rate seemed less sensitive to incorrect age determination than age distribution.  相似文献   

The study examined the effect of PIT tagging and size on the growth, survival, food conversion, tag retention and wound healing in juvenile European whitefish. Three size classes of juvenile whitefish (class S—body weight (b.w.) approx. 4.0 g; class M—b.w. approx. 8.0 g; class L—b.w. approx. 13.6 g) were tagged with PIT implanted intraperitoneally (TROVAN®, United Kingdom). These groups formed S‐P, M‐P and L‐P respectively. Fish from the control groups (groups S‐C, M‐C and L‐C) were not tagged. Whitefish from the tagged and control groups were reared for 28 days in recirculating aquaculture systems. Only in the fish from the smallest group (group S‐P) was tagging confirmed to have a negative impact on growth rate and survival, which, after 28 days, was 70% in comparison with 94.4% in group S‐C. The rate of wound healing in all whitefish groups was similar. After 28 days following PIT implantation, all wounds were healed. Short‐term PIT retention (28 days) for all the groups was > 90%, and no differences were noted among groups. In summary, it is recommended that whitefish be PIT‐tagged using the intraperitoneal method after they have attained a body weight > 8 g. Tagging smaller specimens of this species leads to higher mortality.  相似文献   

Growth, feed intake and maturation were monitored in a fast‐growing benthivore morph of European whitefish [Coregonus lavaretus (L.)] held under constant light (LD 24:0) and temperature conditions (10°C) for 415 days. Their growth was best described by polynomial regression model and no indication of seasonal patterns (e.g. winter depression) in growth rates was found. There was no significant difference in food conversion ratio (FCR) between periods during the experiment and the FCR was favourable (0.84). Furthermore, there were no differences in growth between males and females. None of the fish became sexually mature by the time the experiment was terminated, although they had reached a mean size of about 444 g. The European whitefish seems to be a promising aquaculture species as the growth rate was relatively high with a remarkable homogenous growth performance between individual fish within each experimental unit, a relatively favourable FCR, a low degree of agonistic behaviour and negligible growth depression due to internal biological rhythms or gonad maturation. These results were obtained at relatively low temperatures that should be beneficial for sustainable cost‐effective farming conditions in cold climate condition in northern Scandinavia.  相似文献   

Lakes in Arctic and subarctic regions display extreme levels of seasonal variation in light, temperature and ice cover. Comparatively little is known regarding the effects of such seasonal variation on the diet and resource use of fish species inhabiting these systems. Variation in the diet of European whitefish Coregonus lavaretus (L.) during periods of ice cover in this region is often regarded as ‘common knowledge’; however, this aspect of the species' ecology has not been examined empirically. Here, we outline the differences in invertebrate community structure, fish activity, and resource use of monomorphic whitefish populations between summer (August–September) and winter (February–March) in three subarctic lakes in Finnish Lapland. Benthic macroinvertebrate densities did not exhibit measurable differences between summer and winter. Zooplankton diversity and abundance, and activity levels of all fish species (measured as catch per unit effort) were lower in winter. The summer diet of C. lavaretus was typical of a generalist utilising a variety of prey sources. In winter, its dietary niche was significantly reduced, and the diet was dominated by chironomid larvae in all study sites. Pelagic productivity decreases during winter, and fish species inhabiting these systems are therefore restricted to feeding on benthic prey. Sampling time has strong effect on our understanding of resource utilisation by whitefish in subarctic lakes and should be taken into account in future studies of these systems.  相似文献   

The anadromous whitefish, Coregonus lavaretus (L.), is the most numerous fish species stocked in the Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Sea. One-summer-old-whitefish fingerlings are mostly 8–10 cm long when released annually in September–October, whereas the wild whitefish are 10–12 cm at that time. About 6 million, one-summer-old, spray-marked, whitefish were released in the northern and central parts of the Gulf in 1995–1998. To study the effect of the stocking length on the survival of the marked fish, the length of the recaptured whitefish as 1-year-olds was back-calculated. Altogether 1106 whitefish recaptured in the Gulf of Bothnia were analysed. The back-calculated length was slightly greater than the stocking length but not as large as the length of the wild fish. In the central part of the Gulf of Bothnia, where the mean stocking length was more than 10 cm, the back-calculated length was 10.5–11.1 cm. In the northern part of the Gulf the mean stocking length varied between 8.8 and 10.0 cm annually, and the corresponding back-calculated mean lengths were 9.3–9.7 cm. It also seemed that bigger fingerlings started their feeding migration earlier or they migrated faster than the smaller ones to the southern parts of the Gulf of Bothnia.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Seasonal variation in light intensity has strong impacts on invertebrate and vertebrate habitat selection creating trade-offs between foraging gain and risk of death. Diel vertical migration (DVM) has received a particularly interest, but multitrophic level studies in lakes under polar light regime have not been conducted. Here, we examined habitat selection of pelagic zooplankton, planktivores and piscivores in subarctic Lake Muddusjärvi with polymorphic whitefish ( Coregonus lavaretus (L.)). Seasonal change in light was hypothesized to be the most important abiotic factor inducing DVM, whereas predation was considered as an ultimate biotic factor. During period of mid-night sun in June, no DVM was observed at any trophic level, whereas during normal day and night light in September planktivores and zooplankton migrated. DVM was top-down controlled, where piscivorous brown trout ( Salmo trutta L.) used pelagic habitat continuously inducing DVM of its main prey, pelagic whitefish morph, which cascaded to reverse DVM of zooplankton. Top-down control of lower trophic level DVMs by piscivores might be more general pattern in lakes than previously considered.  相似文献   

池塘饲养的湖白鲑,其幼鱼的体长与日龄呈直线相关,体重与日龄,体长与体重均呈幂函数相关。此外,还对湖白鲑幼鱼做了食性的分析:湖白鲑幼鱼阶段是以动物性铒料为主的杂食性。  相似文献   

We compared the assemblage structure, spatial distributions, and habitat associations of mountain whitefish (Prosopium williamsoni) morphotypes and size classes. We hypothesised that morphotypes would have different spatial distributions and would be associated with different habitat features based on feeding behaviour and diet. Spatially continuous sampling was conducted over a broad extent (29 km) in the Calawah River, WA (USA). Whitefish were enumerated via snorkelling in three size classes: small (10–29 cm), medium (30–49 cm), and large (≥50 cm). We identified morphotypes based on head and snout morphology: a pinocchio form that had an elongated snout and a normal form with a blunted snout. Large size classes of both morphotypes were distributed downstream of small and medium size classes, and normal whitefish were distributed downstream of pinocchio whitefish. Ordination of whitefish assemblages with nonmetric multidimensional scaling revealed that normal whitefish size classes were associated with higher gradient and depth, whereas pinocchio whitefish size classes were positively associated with pool area, distance upstream, and depth. Reach‐scale generalised additive models indicated that normal whitefish relative density was associated with larger substrate size in downstream reaches (R2 = 0.64), and pinocchio whitefish were associated with greater stream depth in the reaches farther upstream (R2 = 0.87). These results suggest broad‐scale spatial segregation (1–10 km), particularly between larger and more phenotypically extreme individuals. These results provide the first perspective on spatial distributions and habitat relationships of polymorphic mountain whitefish.  相似文献   

Habitat use, food composition and growth of stocked and native brown trout, Salmo trutta L., were studied in the subarctic Lake Muddusjärvi in northern Finland. Stocked brown trout and native brown trout preferred littoral and pelagic areas. Trout were stocked in October. In June stocked trout fed primarily on invertebrates while native fish were piscivorous. From July onwards the composition of the diet of both stocked and native trout was similar and consisted almost entirely of small‐sized whitefish. Brown trout were already piscivorous at a length of about 20 cm. The mean length of prey consumed was about 12 cm. Mean length‐at‐age was similar from the second year in the lake despite of the larger size of stocked fish during the first year in the lake.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of observations on gonad development in whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus L.) in the fourth year of culture in illuminated like cages. Whitefish ovaries attained stage III of maturity. Stage IV of maturity was attained by only a few individual females. Disturbances in the development of the ovary were observed, consisting of asynchronous growth of the oocytes, their partial resorption, and delayed trophoplasmatic growth. Development of male gonads was also disturbed. Different males matured at different times, and their testes were in different stages of maturity. Fishes did not attain sexual maturity by the end of the fourth year of cage culture, so that no spawning could have taken place.  相似文献   

  • 1. Atlantic whitefish (Coregonus huntsmani) is a critically endangered species whose remaining habitat is restricted to three lakes near Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, Canada. Other lakes in this region have been affected by a variety of environmental changes over the past 150 years (e.g. acidic deposition, eutrophication, and climatic changes); however, the extent of the impact on these remaining Atlantic whitefish lakes, and how the current limnological conditions compare with pre‐industrial conditions, is not known.
  • 2. Given the lack of long‐term monitoring data, palaeolimnological techniques were used to track environmental changes in these three lakes to infer historic limnological conditions.
  • 3. Results of this study show that acidic deposition has had no significant impact on these lakes (diatom‐inferred lakewater pH has changed little over time), nor has the nutrient status of these lakes changed as the sediment profiles have been consistently dominated by oligotrophic diatom taxa.
  • 4. Changes in the dominance of diatom assemblages since ~1850, from Aulacoseira distans to Cyclotella stelligera, are correlated with climatic warming (r = 0.48–0.89, P<0.05).
  • 5. Contrary to initial concerns, these only remaining habitats of the Atlantic whitefish have not yet been affected by acidic precipitation. However, other potential stressors, such as climatic warming and associated limnological changes, may now be affecting the habitat of this endangered species.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract – An 11-year time series of hydroacoustic fish density estimates and fisheries statistics of vendace ( Coregonus albula (L.)) from four zones of a lake differing in trawling intensity was analyzed in order to test the hypothesis that intensive trawling has detrimental effects on pelagic fish stocks, especially vendace recruitment. The standardized fish density estimate in trawled zones showed no decrease in comparison to the non-trawled zone. No signs of recruitment failure associable with trawling intensity were found. The growth of vendace at the end of the study period was slower than that at the beginning, indicating a higher density, most clearly so in the zone with highest trawling intensity. No significant correlations were detected between 3-year mean trawling intensity and yield per unit effort of over-1-year-old vendace or fish density in any zone. Thus, no evidence to support the hypothesis was found. This was suggested to be due to density-dependent compensatory processes in recruitment and/or natural mortality effectively counteracting the population change induced by exploitation. Note  相似文献   

This 28‐day study investigated the effect of three rearing temperatures, 11, 15 and 19°C, on survival and growth of maraena whitefish fry in a recirculating aquaculture system. Three groups of larvae in three repetitions were reared in recirculating system. Each group comprised 200 larvae. Feeding level was fixed at 500–700 Artemia sp. metanauplii per fish per day. Larvae were fed fresh live brine shrimp at 10 ml/tank every 3 hr. Significantly higher body weight (= 0.00), total length (= 0.00), larval yield (= 0.00) and condition factor (= 0.00) were obtained at 19°C compared to 15 and 11°C, as well as at 15°C compared to 11°C. Significantly higher survival (= 0.00) was observed in larvae reared at 11 and 15°C compare to 19°C and no significant differences were observed between 11°C compared to 15°C. No significant differences in size heterogeneity among treatments were found (= 0.46). In larviculture, the optimal assessed temperature for growth of maraena whitefish was 19°C, with highest survival observed at 11°C, at the end of this 28 days trial. The findings in this study apply to the particular study location and may not be applicable more broadly.  相似文献   

Abstract— Habitat utilization of juvenile Atlantic salmon, brown trout and Arctic charr was investigated in two lakes in northern Norway during the icefree season. Both the vertical distribution and the distribution among different habitat types were studied by gillnetting with small mesh sized gillnets (8-15 mm) in different habitats. Salmon and trout were predominantly caught in the littoral and sublittoral zones (0-6 m depth). Access to shelter seemed to be the most important factor determining the horizontal distribution of small salmon and trout. Most of these fish were caught in stony or vegetated habitats, while few salmon and trout were caught on sandy locations or in the pelagic zone. In one of the lakes, there were significantly higher catch rates of salmon than of trout in the stony littoral (0-3 m), while in the other lake there were no significant differences in spatial distribution between these two species. Charr were primarily found in the profundal, sublittoral or pelagic zones of the lakes.  相似文献   

  • 1. The establishment of refuge populations has become a common management tool for threatened fish species in recent years, yet the effects of translocation are not fully understood in a conservation context.
  • 2. This paper examines the hypothesis that phenotypic changes have occurred during the formation of two refuge populations of the nationally rare powan (a freshwater fish species) which were established in Loch Sloy and Carron Valley Reservoir in Scotland.
  • 3. Significant differences in head morphology, size and growth between the founder and refuge populations and between the two refuge populations were demonstrated. These changes are probably due to a combination of founder effects, intense selection and phenotypic plasticity. These changes can undermine the rationale behind the establishment of refuge populations.
  • 4. The results call into question the usefulness of translocation as a conservation measure; however, there are times when this is the only viable management option available. The future of translocation and the validity of establishing refuge populations for powan conservation are discussed. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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