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Namoratunga, a megalithic site in northwestern Kenya, has an alignment of 19 basalt pillars that are nonrandomly oriented toward certain stars and constellations. The same stars and constellations are used by modern eastern Cushitic peoples to calculate an accurate calendar. The fact that Namoratunga dates to about 300 B.C. suggests that a prehistoric calendar based on detailed astronomical knowledge was in use in eastern Africa.  相似文献   

基督教是英语国家的主要宗教,《圣经》是基督教的经典。源于《圣经》这种宗教文化的典故颇多,几千年的时间里,这些典故对西方各国的语言发展和文学艺术产生过巨大的影响。之所以这样是因为这些典故大多具有鲜明的形象和比喻意义,因此学习和掌握这些典故就显得十分重要。  相似文献   

海峡两岸农业合作试验区已由福州、漳州扩大到福建全省,闽台农业科技合作应从两岸人民的共同利益出发,规划两岸农业科技合作领域,创新闽台农业科技合作机制。  相似文献   

在介绍了长沙湘江南大知周围环境,水文地质等自然和人文条件的基础上,全面论述了因地制宜采用目前的斜腿连续梁方案之理由,最后对其技术经济性作了分析。  相似文献   

伟大诗人乔叟的杰作<坎特伯雷故事集>继承了欧洲文学"框架故事"的伟大传统,构建了一个高度发展的叙事框架.独特的叙事框架把所有的故事紧密地联系在一起,使故事集成为一个有机的整体.  相似文献   

李应林是著名教育家、教会领袖、社会活动家。面对非基运动的冲击,李应林既坚守基督信仰,又持躬身自省的态度,虚心容纳批评意见并锐意改善。身为一个基督徒知识分子,李应林在国家横逆时代积极参与反帝爱国运动,把爱国与爱教融合起来,在各方面均有建树。他的一生为自己的信仰做了最好的见证。  相似文献   

Coupled surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) are shown to provide effective transfer of excitation energy from donor molecules to acceptor molecules on opposite sides of metal films up to 120 nanometers thick. This variant of radiative transfer should allow directional control over the flow of excitation energy with the use of suitably designed metallic nanostructures, with SPPs mediating transfer over length scales of 10(-7) to 10(-4) meters. In the emerging field of nanophotonics, such a prospect could allow subwavelength-scale manipulation of light and provide an interface to the outside world.  相似文献   

在分析两岸农产品贸易总体格局及现状的基础上,剖析了两岸农产品贸易持续发展存在的问题,提出了促进两岸农产品贸易发展的对策和建议:(1)拓展两岸农产品贸易深度;(2)充分发挥海峡两岸农业行业协会等民间组织的作用。  相似文献   

在我们的教育里,从来没有谈到神在我们生活中的地位问题,即使有也只是批判,或者视为愚昧的表现。那么,为什么现在越来越多的人会去信仰耶酥基督呢,且还是源于西方的神?究其原因,主要有两点:一是基督教本身具有向外扩张、传播的因素;二是普通民众因文化素质偏低,导致对该教的认识肤浅。  相似文献   

Brown HR 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1994,263(5152):1411-1413
The interfacial shear stress that occurs when a network of a polymer that is highly mobile at the segment level (an elastomer) is slid over a smooth surface of an immobile (glassy) polymer has been measured. The glassy material is covered by a thin layer of end-attached chains of the mobile material. The experiment was designed so that there were no free chains at the interface; the slip occurred between network chains on the one side and rigid material plus end-attached mobile chains on the other side. Two main results were obtained. (i) The interfacial shear stress is strongly affected by the segment mobility of the materials on both sides of the slip plane, and considerably lower stress is observed when the materials on both sides of the interface are highly mobile. (ii) Very thin layers of tethered chains can increase the interfacial friction. Both results are relevant to the understanding of a number of practical situations that range from the operation of thin layers of lubricants, such as those found in magnetic storage devices, to the problem of wall slip and melt fracture in polymer processing.  相似文献   

为探明不同材质烤烟育苗小棚对成苗质量的影响,精简烤烟漂浮育苗小棚制作过程并提高烟苗成苗质量,对竹制池梗拱棚、土夯池梗竹制拱棚和钢筋制池梗小拱棚漂浮育苗的温度、烟苗生育期、长势、出苗率和生物学性状等指标进行对比。结果表明:钢筋制池梗拱棚的干、湿球温度和水温适宜,成苗质量高,出苗率高达93.98%,茎高、茎围、侧根数和干物质积累均表现最好。  相似文献   

Data from the Apollo 15 and Apollo 16 laser altimeters reveal the first accurate elevation differences between distant features on both sides of the moon. The large far-side depression observed in the Apollo 15 data is not present in the Apollo 16 data. When the laser results are compared with elevations on maps from the Aeronautical Chart and Information Center, differences of 2 kilometers over a few hundred kilometers are detected in the Mare Nubium and Mare Tranquillitatis regions. The Apollo 16 data alone would put a 2-kilometer bulge toward the earth; however, the combined data are best fit by a sphere of radius 1737.7 kilometers. The offset of the center of gravity from the optical center is about 2 kilometers toward the earth and 1 kilometer eastward. The polar direction parameters are not well determined.  相似文献   

Brown K 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2000,290(5492):685-686
Using a novel technique, described on page 795, paleoceanographers have been able to chart the abundance of sockeye salmon in the Bristol Bay and Kodiak Island regions of Alaska over the past 300 years--by far the most complete record yet. Through time, they found, sockeye populations have alternately soared and slipped, following natural climate variations--well before commercial fishers began throwing nets over the sides of boats.  相似文献   

海峡两岸在蔬果物流中需要面对和解决的相似问题,是实现小规模分散农户与市场的对接,而且在两岸蔬果物流体系的发展演进过程中,批发市场都发挥着突出作用。但与此同时,由于两岸的农民组织化与市场发育程度有所不同,蔬果物流运销各环节也都存在一些明显的差异。本文通过对两岸生鲜蔬果物流运销体系的对比分析,提出了祖国大陆可以从台湾地区借鉴经验与做法。  相似文献   

两岸农业合作模式的核心是两岸具有极强互补性的农业资源要素的流动与整合,两岸农业合作能获得"双赢"利益驱动着合作的不断发展。两岸农业发展阶段的差异性、两岸农业资源禀赋与资源配置效率的差异性是两岸农业合作能取得"双赢"的基础。从"大农业"、"多功能农业"、重视先进制度资源与优质人力资本引进等视角思考,两岸农业合作还有巨大的潜力与空间。  相似文献   

通过对两岸农业科技的优势和特点的分析,提出"十一五"期末和"十二五"期间两岸农业科技合作的领域。从海峡两岸资源的互补性、科技研发的互补性、产业的互补性和市场的互补性出发,展望海峡两岸农业科技合作的前景。提出海峡两岸农业科技合作的对策:(1)加强海峡两岸农产品贸易;(2)建立两岸农业科技合作协会;(3)建设好海峡两岸农业合作试验区和台湾农民创业园;(4)重点进行台湾精致农业和科技推广的示范;(5)构建农业科技合作支撑体系;(6)强化知识产权保护。  相似文献   

A long-running dispute over who should get credit for first reporting landmarks on Mercury's uncharted hemisphere burst into public view on 26 May, when a Boston University press release claimed honors for a BU team without mentioning the contributions of an erstwhile collaborator, amateur astronomer Ron Dantowitz. The row, which has left both sides bitter and unwilling to work with each other, "was the opposite of how a collaboration between amateurs and professionals should be," says one of the scientists involved.  相似文献   

陕蒙高速公路两旁粮食作物中重金属含量分析   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
1试验方法1.1研究地点概况1.1.1地理特点。位于陕西境内的陕蒙高速公路沿线为案例研究区,路线所经地段均在毛乌素沙漠区,全长88.1km,起于榆林市榆阳区孙家湾村,与榆靖高速公路相连。样品采集地点为王则湾,位于陕蒙高速公路的榆林以北10km处。该农田样区四周开阔,与公路间无遮挡,无明显的工业污染源,土壤质地均为沙壤土。公路为南北走向的柏油马路。  相似文献   

陕蒙高速两旁粮食作物中重金属含量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究陕蒙高速公路的开通对公路旁粮食作物生产带来的影响,笔者以陕蒙高速南段的王则湾为样区,采用原子吸收法对公路边水稻和玉米根、茎、叶的消解液中重金属(Zn、Pb、Cu、Cb)含量进行测定。结果表明公路对玉米和水稻中重金属元素积累有显著作用,与无公路影响的对照样进行比较,2个样区中2种粮食作物的重金属含量均超标,表明高速路旁100m范围内种植的粮食作物(特别是距路基40m范围)正受到重金属的污染,污染原因主要与高速公路的开通直接相关。据此,笔者认为,公路主干道100m范围内不适宜种植粮食作物。  相似文献   

认为海峡两岸有机农业的发展既有各自的特色,又呈现出互补的态势,迫切需要进一步推进交流与合作。在介绍海峡两岸有机农业发展历程和推动策略,分析当前两岸有机农业发展中存在的制约因素的基础上,从加强宣传引导、建立策略联盟、完善规范标准等方面提出促进两岸有机农业协同发展的若干建议。  相似文献   

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