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2010年我国生物质能利用目标确定到2010年,中国生物质能发展的主要目标是:生物质发电达到550万千瓦,生物液体燃料达到200万吨,沼气年利用量达到190亿立方米,生物固体成型燃料达到100万吨,生物质能年利用量占到一次能源消费量的1%。  相似文献   

地球化石资源日趋枯竭,因此生物质能产业被推上新能源的历史舞台,各国正致力于研究开发生物质能源,并尽力替代石化能源。我国"十二五"期间,生物质成型燃料利用量将达1 000万t,生物质乙醇利用量将达到400万t,生物柴油利用量将达100万t,航空生物燃料利用量将达10万t,新的生物质能作为战略性新兴产业正迎来其发展的黄金期。林产化工行业要围绕生物质制能、液体燃料、燃油添加剂等,开展生物质气化技术、生物质生产乙醇技术、木本油料制取生物柴油技术、生物质快速热解关键技术等研究,抓住机遇,尽快形成具有自主知识产权、以林产化工为基石的生物质能产业。  相似文献   

基于市场分析的中国生物质成型燃料状况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了2010年中国生物质成型燃料,尤其是农林剩余物成型燃料的发展情况.首先讨论了生物质成型燃料技术及其分类,然后分析了农林剩余物资源状况和能源利用潜能,最后对中国各个地区的生物质成型燃料发展状况进行了市场分析和优势、劣势、机会、挑战分析.分析表明:主要的农业剩余物和大部分林业剩余物可作为生物质成型燃料的良好原料,具有很大的能源利用潜能;在华中、华东、华南、华北和东北等地区生物质成型燃料市场发展情况较好;发展和提高生物质成型燃料技术及成型燃料燃烧技术,为成型燃料提供更多的激励和支持政策,建立更多成型燃料示范基地,提高公众环保意识及限制煤的不合理利用等将有利于中国生物质成型燃料的发展.  相似文献   

根据经济社会发展的客观要求,为确保实现2020年奋斗目标奠定坚实基础,“十二五”林业发展目标是:5年完成新造林3000万公顷、森林抚育经营3500万公顷,全民义务植树120亿株。到2015年,森林覆盖率达到21.66%,森林蓄积量达到143亿立方米以上,森林植被总碳储量力争达到84亿吨,重点区域生态治理取得显著成效,国土生态安全屏障初步形成,林业产业总产值达到3.5万亿元,特色产业和新兴产业在林业产业中的比重大幅度提高,产业结构和生产力布局更趋合理;生态文化体系初步构成,生态文明观念广泛传播。到2015年林业发展主要指标如下:  相似文献   

印度每年需约1.11亿吨石油产品,其中70%依靠进口。到2020年.进口比例将占85%。在需求上升而油价高涨的双重压力下,印度积极开发生物质能源。印度乡村发展部下设的国家生物质能源委员会.建议大力利用荒地和非农地开展麻风树造林。根据生物质燃料计划委员会的报告.如利用1100万公顷荒废地发展麻风树造林,每年可产麻风树种仁油3000万吨。印度人口占世界的16%,  相似文献   

临沧市从实际出发,计划到2015年,建成澳洲坚果基地30万亩,产量3万吨,年产值4亿元;到2020年,建成澳洲坚果基地50万亩,产量5万吨,年产值10亿元。到2020年建成澳洲坚果  相似文献   

生物质成型燃料加工装备发展现状及趋势   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
从世界化石能源面临枯竭的角度出发,介绍了中国生物质资源状况和国内外生物质成型燃料成型技术及成型设备的应用现状,并针对中国的国情,提出了发展生物质成型燃料的途径和方法,以便充分、有效地利用农林剩余物等生物质资源.  相似文献   

大力促进林木生物质成型燃料的产业化发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国林业剩余物年总量达10亿t之多,对其加工成林木生物质成型燃料具有巨大的生态、经济和社会效益,本文对林木生物质成型燃料产业化发展的重要意义、可行性和存在的问题进行分析,并提出建议。  相似文献   

2005年以来,唐县通过大力推广应用先进技术,调整结构,完善市场,红枣产业得到较快发展,初步实现结构调优、品种调良、效益调高,把资源优势转化为经济优势。到目前,全县新发展枣树4.5万亩,酸枣嫁接大枣290万株,红枣总面积达到14.5万亩,总产量达到2.07万吨,产值达到1.7亿元,枣农人均增收1200元。  相似文献   

二十一世纪是生物质燃料油发展的世纪;生物质能源是由植物的光合作用固定于地球上的太阳能,通过生物质能转换技术可以高效利用的能源。专家预测,生物质能源将成为未来能源重要组成部分,主要通过生物质能发电和生物质液体燃料的产业化实现。生物质液体燃料是以植物或动物及其产物为原料生产的可再生能源。目前发展最快的生物质液体燃料产业:一是乙醇燃料二是生物柴油。作为生物质液体燃料的一个重要组成部分,生物柴油是指以油料植物和工程微藻等水生植物油酯,以及动物油酯、废餐饮油等原料油通过酯交换工艺制成的甲酯或乙酯燃料。生物柴油及其生产技术的研究始于20世纪50年代末60年代初,发展于20世纪70年代,20世纪80年代以后迅速发展。美国从1990年开始生物柴油的研究开发工作。目前,欧洲已经成为世界上最大的生物柴油生产地区,2004年产量达193万吨,2010年规划年产量将达800-1000万吨。日本的生物柴油年产量可达40万吨。另外,加拿大、澳大利亚、印度、马来西亚、菲律宾等国和其它一些国家也在研究和发展生物柴油产业,但规模相对较小。  相似文献   

以补贴到期后不再补贴为前提假设,运用Probit和Logit模型实证分析影响农户做出复耕决策的影响因素。结果表明:如果到期后停止补助受访农户中有复耕意愿的农户占53.46%,巩固退耕成果的难度依然较大;56.93%的农户对当前的退耕补贴政策持不满意或者非常不满意的态度,后续产业参与度不高。是否村干部、耕地总面积、退耕地面积、退耕地面积占耕地总面积的比例、对补贴的满意度、是否参与后续产业对农户复耕决策具有显著影响。访谈结果也表明,农户的复耕决策是在综合考虑收入预期和获得收益能力的基础上所做出的经营性决策;如果到期后停止退耕补贴而退耕土地又不能够直接为农民带来稳定的收益,或者退耕农户没有稳定的其他替代性收入,退耕农户将倾向于在补贴期后复耕。  相似文献   

China has undergone forest transition at the national level during the past decades. Previous studies, which have used econometric models with restrictive assumptions of slope homogeneity across provinces, might present statistically biased results on provincial forest cover change. This paper aims to examine whether provincial forest cover changes follow the same path in China by using an up-to-date panel data on forest cover rates for 29 provincial regions from 1978 to 2013 and an econometric model allowing for slope heterogeneity across provinces. Empirical results suggest that forest cover changed along U-shaped curves in most provinces, but there is no “one size fit all” curve for these provinces, whose forest cover rates at the forest transition point ranged from less than 1% to more than 40% and per capita GDPs varied from 2,114 CNY to 28,403 CNY (in 2013 CNY). In future study, both similarities and differences in forest cover change across provinces should be taken into account, main provincial contributors of national forest cover change needs to be identified, and an extended model that incorporates more explanatory variables affecting deforestation, reforestation or afforestation should be adopted to comprehensively investigate the mechanism underlying forest cover change in China.  相似文献   

PRICE  COLIN 《Forestry》1971,44(1):87-94
Private afforestation has increased considerably since the waras a result of government income-tax and capital gains tax concessions.This type of subsidy has undesirable social effects on wealthdistribution, on land and capital allocation, and on commerciallyoptimum management; nor are the social benefits which alonecan justify subsidy of afforestation necessarily favoured. Thealleged benefits of afforestation in the Yorkshire Dales NationalPark are open to question, and the effect on amenity is likelyto be detrimental. This example is typical of many areas ofafforestation. If social benefits are expected to justify publicsupport, a new system of subsidy designed to promote these benefitsspecifically should be devised. But as our knowledge of socialbenefit is so limited, it may be preferable to suspend all subsidiesfor afforestation.  相似文献   

瑞典林业生物质能源产业政策   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
瑞典是全球发展林业生物质能源产业的典范。文中从克服市场机制失灵角度分析瑞典林业生物质能源产业政策目标, 介绍欧盟和瑞典本国的林业生物质能源产业相关法律法规, 瑞典为推动林业生物质产业发展出台的基础设施建设补贴、消费税免除、绿色采购等经济政策, 以及瑞典单独及与欧盟共同支持的相关科研项目, 提出对我国发展林业生物质能源产业的几点启示。  相似文献   

森林生态效益经济补偿综合评估(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长期以来人们忽视了森林产品的非市场价值,从经济角度上来看, 这将导致保护森林资源的难度加大。本文在以前研究的基础之上,综合了恩格尔系数和逻辑斯谛曲线构造了补偿系数,计算了长白山地区森林生态效益的经济补偿值。结果表明,1999 年应支付的总补偿值为637.93 元/公顷,其中70%将直接支付给当地居民和其它相关利益者。这一数值远远高于现有的补偿值。从当前的形势看,中央政府不可能承担所有的森林保护费用和支付所有的保护森林的开支。本文提出可以利用当地政府的财政投资以及将补偿费用纳入到现行财政体系中解决方法。图1 表2参17。  相似文献   

Under Vision 2020, a target was set in 1997 for trebling the forestry plantation area in Australia by the year 2020. Government subsidies and extension for plantation establishment have largely disappeared, hence forestry expansion is highly dependent on access to private finance. Plantation expansions throughout Australia has occurred predominantly through managed investment schemes, and to a lesser extent by joint venture schemes between landholders and government or private enterprise. Relatively small-scale hardwood plantations have been established, designed to replace the hardwood timber from the native forests that will be protected from further logging after 2024 under the Regional Forestry Agreements. Views on financing methods for forestry expansion in Queensland were investigated through by an email survey of 12 forestry and finance professionals, followed by in-depth personal interviews of the same group of key informants. Issues identified include lack of transparent information, inequitable taxation system between Managed Investment Scheme (MIS) companies and small-scale forest owners, need for further R&D on all aspects of the industry, and design of a strategic alliance model for forestry investors. Participants took the view that adoption of a strategic alliance model would encourage further investment in small-scale forestry and argued that this model could protect the interests of all the stakeholders through reducing investment risk and creating competitive advantage. The potential introduction of a carbon trading scheme also attracted interest from investors, who look for recognisable structures that may alleviate the risk of investing in an industry with which they are unfamiliar. The participants considered that further R&D should be the main focus for government participation in small-scale forestry, although recognizing current difficulties with information sharing.  相似文献   

天然林保护工程对木材相关行业的影响及对策   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
天然林保护工程实施后,我国木材产量将调减1236万m3,到2000年,中国木材供需缺口将达5600万m3,其中大径材缺口将超过2000万m3.森工企业面临转型,传统木材工业调整经济结构,林业商品生产重点南移,木材相关行业如造纸业、家具业、建筑业及新兴的室内装饰业将受到严重影响。为解决国家木材供需矛盾,我国仍将立足国内,扩大进口,大力发展速生丰产林,挖掘其它资源,并加强木材节约代用。面对此形势,林产工业应采取先进加工工艺,调整产品种类和产品结构,满足市场和用户需求。  相似文献   

我国城市水务在未来30年将呈持续高速发展态势,所需投资额年均过千亿之巨,其中政府的投资比例有限,更多的资金缺口需社会资本来弥补,融资压力巨大。同时,我国水务市场具备充分的开放政策和行业利好因素,投资回报前景良好,水务BOT的应用时机正接近成熟,应进行大力推广阶段。  相似文献   

公共交通业是满足人民群众出行需求,为社会各行业正常经营创造基本条件的服务性行业。政府如何对公共交通企业进行规范性补贴是我国迫切需要解决的问题。针对我国现行公共交通补贴制度所存在的问题以及公交资金优先的重要性,提出征收“公交专项税”的方法来对公交企业进行补贴,分析“公交专项税”的形式和内容、纳税的主体以及征收税额。通过分析证明,设立“公交专项税”,将使“公交优先”更易实现,公交企业也会有足够的资金满足自身发展的需要,从而吸引更多居民选择公共交通出行方式,实现公交优先发展。  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in over 33 million confirmed cases and over 1 million deaths globally,as of 1 October 2020.During the lockdown and restrictions placed on public activities and gatherings,green spaces have become one of the only sources of resilience amidst the coronavirus pandemic,in part because of their positive effects on psychological,physical and social cohesion and spiritual wellness.This study analyzes the impacts of COVID-19 and government response policies to the pandemic on park visitation at global,regional and national levels and assesses the importance of parks during this global pandemic.The data we collected primarily from Google's Community Mobility Reports and the Oxford Coronavirus Government Response Tracker.The results for most countries included in the analysis show that park visitation has increased since February 16 th,2020 compared to visitor numbers prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.Restrictions on social gathering,movement,and the closure of workplace and indoor recreational places,are correlated with more visits to parks.Stay-at-home restrictions and government stringency index are negatively associated with park visits at a global scale.Demand from residents for parks and outdoor green spaces has increased since the outbreak began,and highlights the important role and benefits provided by parks,especially urban and community parks,under the COVID-19 pandemic.We provide recommendations for park managers and other decision-makers in terms of park management and planning during health crises,as well as for park design and development.In particular,parks could be utilized during pandemics to increase the physical and mental health and social well-being of individuals.  相似文献   

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