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Resistance to a number of inhibitors of sterol C-14 demethylation, (clotrimazole, imazalil, miconazole, fenarimol, nuarimol and triadimefon), as well as resistance to inhibitors of sterol C-14(15) double bond reduction, (tridemorph and fenpropi-morph), was readily induced in Ustilago maydis. Resistant mutants were obtained after mutagenic treatment by ultraviolet irradiation, or by treatment with 1-methyl-3-nitro-1-nitrosoguanidine, of sporidia of the wild-type strain, followed by selection in the presence of the toxicant. The level of resistance of these mutants varied appreciably. Although not always reciprocal, cross-resistance to fungicides which inhibit ergosterol biosynthesis (EBIs) appeared to be present in most cases. Several of the U. maydis mutants which were resistant to inhibitors of sterol C-14 demethylation lacked cross-resistance to tridemorph and fenpropimorph, or displayed increased sensitivity to fenpropimorph (negatively correlated cross-resistance). Cross-resistance between EBIs and the antimicrobial agents climbazole and lombazole was also established. It is suggested that fungal mutants that possess a resistance mechanism based on a deficiency in sterol C-14 demethylation or sterol C-14(15) double bond reduction, have a greatly reduced chance of survival.  相似文献   

Laboratory isolates ofPenicillium italicum with varying levels of resistance to fenarimol were obtained via mass selection of conidia on fenarimol-amended PDA. All fenarimol-resistant isolates showed cross-resistance to other fungicides which inhibit ergosterol biosynthesis (bitertanol, etaconazole, fenapanil, and imazalil), but not to fenpropimorph. In contrast, all isolates with a relatively high degree of resistance to fenarimol, exhibited increased sensitivity to fenpropimorph (negatively correlated cross-resistance). The varying degrees of resistance to ergosterol biosynthesis inhibitors (EBI's) suggest that different mutations for resistance are involved. Isolates with a high degree of resistance were selected from conidial populations of isolates with a low resistance level. This indicates that in sich strains different mutations for resistance are present simultaneously.Somein vitro growth parameters of resistant isolates slightly differed from those of the wild type. Virulence of most resistant isolates on oranges was visually normal and in competition experiments with mixed inocula of wild-type and resistant isolates, the latter could still be isolated after five successive infection cycles on fungicide-free oranges. Nevertheless, the proportion of resistant conidia in the successive inocula gradually decreased.Decay of oranges inoculated with EBI-resistant isolates could still be controlled by a curative dip treatment with imazalil at dosage rates recommended in practice (500 g ml–1). However, with the highly resistant isolates, decay control was not complete at half this dosage, indicating only a marginal control at the full dosage rate.On the basis of the results described it is assumed that at a high selection pressure of EBI's in practice, gradual accumulation of different mutations for resistance, together with selection of normal fitness may eventually lead to loss of control ofPenicillium decay. Therefore, desease control strategies with a low selection pressure of EBI's are advisable.Samenvatting Laboratoriumisolaten vanPenicillium italicum met uiteenlopende resistentieniveau's tegen fenarimol werden verkregen door massaselectie van conidiën op fenarimolbevattende PDA. Alle fenarimol-resistente isolaten vertoonden kruisresistentie tegen andere fungiciden die de ergosterolbiosynthese remmen (bitertanol, etaconazool, fenapanil, imazalil), maar niet tegen fenpropimorf. Alle isolaten met een relatief hoge graad van fenarimolresistentie waren zelfs gevoeliger voor dit laatste fungicide (negatief gecorreleerde kruisresistentie). De uiteenlopende graden van resistentie tegen ergosterolbiosynthese remmers (EBI's) suggereren dat verschillende mutaties een rol kunnen spelen. Isolaten met een hoge resistentiegraad werden geselecteerd in conidiënpopulaties van isolaten met een lage resistentiegraad. Dit duidt erop dat in dergelijke stammen verschillende mutaties gelijktijdig aanwezig zijn.Er werden kleine verschillen in parameters voorin vitro groei tussen resistente en gevoelige isolaten geconstateerd. De virulentie van vrijwel alle stammen op sinaasappels was normaal; in competitie-experimenten met mengpopulaties van gevoelige en resistente isolaten konden laatstgenoemde isolaten nog na vijf oppenvolgende infectiecycli op fungicide-vrije sinaasappels worden geïsoleerd. Desalniettemin nam het percentage resistente conidiën in de opeenvolgende inocula geleidelijk af. Penicillium-rot op sinaasappel, geïnoculeerd met EBI-resistente isolaten, kon nog worden bestreden door een curatieve dompelbehandeling met imazalil bij een dosering die in de praktijk wordt aanbevolen (500 g ml–1). Bij een halvering van deze dosering werd echter op sinaasappels, geïnoculeerd met de hoog-resistente isolaten nog rot waargenomen, hetgeen erop duidt dat de bestrijding bij de volle dosering slechts marginaal is.Op grond van de beschreven resultaten kan worden verondersteld dat in de praktijk onder hoge selectiedruk van EBI's een geleidelijke accumulatie van verschillende mutaties, gepaard gaande met selectie van een normale fitheid, kan plaatsvinden, hetgeen uiteindelijk zou kunnen leiden tot onvoldoende bestrijding vanPenicillium-rot. Bestrijdingsstrategieën met een lage selectiedruk van EBI's zijn daarom wenselijk.  相似文献   

Fungicides which inhibit ergosterol biosynthesis have been in use for control of wheat powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis f. sp.tritici) in the Netherlands since 1978. Mildew populations were tested for their variation in sensitivity to triadimefon from 1982 to 1984.In 1982 isolates from the province Limburg, with a triazole spray-regime history, were less sensitive to triadimefon than isolates from the provinces Gelderland and Noord-Brabant, where triazoles had not been used. In the following years isolates with reduced sensitivity were also detected in the latter provinces and other parts of the country. This spread correlates with the increased use of triazoles, both in frequency and space, from 1983 onwards. The reduced sensitivity can as a whole or in part be responsible for the decline in field performance of triazoles, observed during these years.Cross-sensitivity to the triazoles triadimefon and propiconazole was established, but not to triazoles and the morpholine fungicide fenpropimorph. Effectiveness of the latter compound was similar to all isolates from Limburg tested in 1984. Field performance of fenpropimorph, introduced in 1983, appeared to be normal. It is recommended to counteract further development of resistance by sequential use of fenpropimorph early in the season (May) and triazoles at the end (June–July).Samenvatting Fungiciden die de ergosterolbiosynthese remmen worden in Nederland sinds 1978 gebruikt bij de bestrijding van tarwemeeldauw (Erysiphe graminis f. sp.tritici) Meeldauwpopulaties werden getoetst op hun variatie in gevoeligheid voor triadimefon van 1982 tot 1984.In 1982 bleken isolaten afkomstig uit de provincie Limburg, waar voordien triazolen werden toegepast, minder gevoelig te zijn voor triadimefon dan isolaten uit de provincies Gelderland en Noord-Brabant, waar nog geen triazolen werden gebruikt. In de daaropvolgende jaren werden isolaten met een verminderde gevoeligheid ook in laatstgenoemde provincies en in andere delen van het land gevonden. Deze uitbreiding is gecorreleerd met een toename in het gebruik van triazolen vanaf 1983 in areaal en frequentie. De afname in gevoeligheid kan geheel of gedeeltelijk verantwoordelijk zijn voor de verminderde meeldauwwerking van triazolen die gedurende deze jaren werd waargenomen.Kruisgevoeligheid werd vastgesteld voor de triazolen triadimefon en propiconazool, maar niet voor triazolen en het morfoline-derivaat fenpropimorf. De werking van dit middel was tegen alle isolaten uit Limburg die in 1984 werden getoetst, gelijk. De meeldauwwerking van fenpropimorf, dat in 1983 werd geïntroduceerd, was normaal. Aanbevolen wordt om verdere resistentie-ontwikkeling tegen te gaan door afwisselend gebruik van fenpropimorf vroeg in het groeiseizoen (mei) en een triazool aan het eind (juni-juli).  相似文献   

After nitrosoguanidine- or UV-mutagenesis, three different benzimidazole-resistant phenotypes were isolated on media containing benomyl or a mixture of carbendazim and diethofencarb from wild-type strains of Botrytis cinerea Pers. ex Fr. and Ustilago maydis (D.C.) Corda. Mutants of B. cinerea with moderate (MBr) or low (LBr) resistance to benzimidazoles and high resistance to diethofencarb (Dr) were isolated from the fungicide-mixture-containing medium in low frequency (7–1 × 10?8). Only benzimidazole-resistant strains highly sensitive to diethofencarb (HBrDs) were identified on benomyl-containing medium at a frequency of 6.6 × 10?6. Fitness-determining characteristics such as sporulation, germination and germ-tube elongation, were found to be reduced significantly in the mutants of B. cinerea that were resistant to both benzimidazoles and diethofencarb. However, pathogenicity of a MBrDr mutant strain on cucumber seedlings was equal to that of the wild type and a carbendazim + diethofencarb mixture was found to control grey mould caused by the wild type, but was not effective when the plant cotyledons were infected by the mutant strain. Three benzimidazole-resistant phenotypes (HBrDs, HBrDr, MBrDr) were isolated easily in U. maydis from a benomyl-containing medium. In contrast with B. cinerea, only one-tenth of the benzimidazole-resistant strains were sensitive to diethofencarb. Genetic analysis of benzimidazole resistance in U. maydis showed that the three benzimidazole-resistant phenotypes were due to three allelic mutations in a single gene and one of them was responsible for the negative cross-resistance between benzimidazoles and diethofencarb.  相似文献   

Samenvatting Op grond van literatuurgegevens en nog niet gepubliceerde eigen experimentele resultaten wordt de veronderstelling geuit, dat resistentie-ontwikkeling tegen ergosterolbiosyntheseremmers in schimmels onder praktijkomstandigheden onwaarschijnlijk is.  相似文献   

Isolates ofSphaerotheca fuliginea resistant to fungicides which inhibit ergosterol biosynthesis (EBIs: bitertanol, fenarimol, imazalil) had been collected from glasshouses in the Netherlands. Fitness of these isolates was compared to that of isolates with a wild-type sensitivity to EBIs. Fitness parameters studied were germination of conidia, growth of germ tubes and mycelium, penetration, sporulation and competitive ability.In an experiment in which 10 EBI-resistant isolates were compared to 7 wild-type isolates, one or more values of fitness parameters for EBI-resistant isolates were slightly lower than those for the wild-type isolates. However, within the group of resistant isolates no relation existed between the degree of resistance to EBIs and the degree of fitness. In an experiment with fewer isolates but with more replicates, differences in fitness between EBI-resistant and wild-type isolates were not detected over a three-month period.In competition experiments in which no crowding was present, resistant isolates competed well with the wild-type isolate.It is concluded that the hypothesis that resistance to EBIs is unlikely to develop under practical conditions because of decreased fitness of EBI-resistant strains, does not seem to hold forS. fuliginea.Samenvatting Uit kassen in Nederland waren isolaten vanSphaerotheca fuliginea verzameld, die resistent waren tegen fungiciden die de ergosterol-biosynthese remmen (EBR's: bitertanol, fenarimol, imazalil). De fitness van deze isolaten werd vergeleken met die van isolaten met een wild-type gevoeligheid voor EBR's. De volgende fitness-parameters werden bestudeerd: sporekieming, groei van kiembuizen en mycelium, penetratie, sporulatie en competitievermogen.In een proef, waarin 10 EBR-resistente isolaten werden vergeleken met 7 wild-type isolaten, waren één of meer fitness-parameters iets lager dan die van de wild-type isolaten. Binnen de groep van de resistente isolaten bestond geen relatie tussen de mate van resistentie tegen EBR's en de waarden van de fitness-parameters. In een proef met iets minder isolaten maar met meer herhalingen in de tijd, werden geen verschillen in fitness waargenomen tussen de EBR-resistente en wild-type isolaten. In competitieproeven waarin een epidemie zich kon ontwikkelen, concurreerden de resistente isolaten goed met het wild-type isolaat.Er wordt geconcludeerd dat de hypothese dat resistentie tegen EBR's in de praktijk waarschijnlijk niet zou optreden vanwege een verminderde fitness van de EBR-resistente isolaten, niet van toepassing is opS. fuliginea.  相似文献   

Field strains of Botrytis cinerea Pers ex Fr, the causal agent of grey mould diseases, were collected from French vineyards between 1993 and 2000. Several phenotypes have been characterized according to the inhibitory effects of fungicides towards germ-tube elongation and mycelial growth. Two types of benzimidazole-resistant strains (Ben R1 and Ben R2) could be detected; negative cross-resistance to phenylcarbamates (e.g. diethofencarb) was only found in Ben R1. Benzimidazole resistance was related to point mutations at codon 198 (Ben R1) or 200 (Ben R2) of the beta-tubulin gene. Most dicarboximide-resistant strains were also weakly resistant to aromatic hydrocarbon fungicides (e.g. dicloran) but remained sensitive to phenylpyrroles (e.g. fludioxonil). These resistant field strains (Imi R1) contained a single base pair mutation at position 365 in a two-component histidine kinase gene, probably involved in the fungal osmoregulation. Three anilinopyrimidine-resistant phenotypes have been identified. In the most resistant one (Ani R1), resistance was restricted to anilinopyrimidines, but no differences were observed in the amino-acid sequences of cystathionine beta-lyase (the potential target site of these fungicides) from Ani R1 or wild-type strains. In the two other phenotypes (Ani R2 and Ani R3), resistance extended to various other groups of fungicide, including dicarboximides, phenylpyrroles and sterol biosynthesis inhibitors. This multi-drug resistance was probably determined by over-production of ATP-binding cassette transporters. The hydroxyanilide fenhexamid is a novel botryticide whose primary target site is the 3-keto reductase involved in sterol C-4 demethylations. Apart from the multi-drug-resistant strain Ani R3, three other fenhexamid-resistant phenotypes have been recognized. For two of them (Hyd R1 and Hyd R2) fenhexamid-resistance seemed to result from P450-mediated detoxification. Reduced sensitivity of the target site could be the putative resistance mechanism operating in the third resistant phenotype (Hyd R3). Increased sensitivity to inhibitors of sterol 14 alpha-demethylase recorded in Hyd R1 strains was related to two amino-acid changes at positions 15 and 105 of this enzyme.  相似文献   

Mutants of Ustilago maydis (DC) Corda with high resistance to azoxystrobin (RF 164 to 4714, based on EC50 values), an inhibitor of mitochondrial electron transport at the cytochrome bc1 complex, were isolated in a mutation frequency of 2.3 x 10(-7) after nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis and selection on media containing 1 microgram ml-1 azoxystrobin in addition to 0.5 mM salicylhydroxamate (SHAM), a specific inhibitor of cyanide-resistant (alternative) respiration. Oxygen uptake in whole cells was strongly inhibited in the wild-type strains by azoxystrobin (1.5 micrograms ml-1) in addition to SHAM (1 mM), but not in the mutant isolates. Genetic analysis with nine such mutant isolates resulted in progeny phenotypes which did not follow Mendelian segregation, but satisfied the criteria of non-Mendelian (cytoplasmic) heredity. In crosses between three mutant isolates with the compatible wild-type strains, the sensitivity was inherited by progeny maternally from the wild-type parent strain (criterion of uniparental inheritance). In crosses between wild-type strains and remaining mutant isolates, a continuous distribution of sensitivity in the progeny was found (criterion of vegetative segregation). The third criterion of cytoplasmic resistance (criterion of intracellular selection) was fulfilled by experiments on the stability of resistance phenotypes. With two exceptions, a reduction of resistance was observed in the mutant strains when they were grown on inhibitor-free medium. Recovery of the high resistance level was observed after they were returned to the selection medium. Cross-resistance studies with other fungicides, which also inhibit electron transport through complex III of respiratory chain, showed that mutations for resistance to azoxystrobin were also responsible for reduced sensitivity to kresoxim-methyl (RF 18 to 1199) and to antimycin-A (RF 20 to 305), which act at the Qo and Qi sites of the cytochrome bc1 complex, respectively. Studies of the fitness of azoxystrobin-resistant isolates showed that these mutations appeared to be pleiotropic, having significant adverse effects on growth in liquid culture and pathogenicity on young corn plants.  相似文献   

为了解决番茄灰霉病菌的抗性问题,筛选出理想的替代药剂,采用菌丝生长速率法测定了山东寿光和河北徐水两地番茄灰霉病菌对不同类型杀菌剂的敏感性。两地的番茄灰霉病菌对咯菌腈、氟啶胺均高度敏感,对其他不同作用方式的杀菌剂表现出不同的敏感性。用同样方法检测了不同地区的106株番茄灰霉菌对咯菌腈的敏感性,结果显示其EC50值分布在0.003 9~0.044 9μg/mL之间,平均EC50值为(0.014 2±0.008 1)μg/mL。咯菌腈可作为防治番茄灰霉病的候选药剂。  相似文献   

An ergosterol-deficient mutant of Ustilago maydis was compared to the wild type in regard to morphology, growth rate, lipid content, and sensitivity to ergosterol biosynthetic inhibitors. Morphology of mutant sporidia is abnormal and resembles that of fenarimol-treated wild-type sporidia. Doubling time of mutant sporidia is 6.3 hr compared to 2.5 hr for the wild type. The mutant produces 24-methylenedihydrolanosterol, obtusifoliol, and 14α-methylfecosterol; ergosterol is absent. The sterols of the mutant are the same as those which accumulate in wild-type sporidia treated with the sterol C-14 demethylation inhibitors fenarimol, etaconazole, and miconazole. The level of free fatty acids is higher in the mutant than in wild-type cells. Growth of mutant sporidia is not inhibited by fenarimol, etaconazole, and miconazole, or by the sterol Δ14-reductase inhibitor azasterol A25822B at low concentrations which inhibit growth of wild-type sporidia. The residual growth rate of wild-type sporidia treated with low concentrations of the sterol C-14 demethylation inhibitors is about the same as that of untreated mutant sporidia. Therefore, the mutant would not be recognized as resistant in a wild-type population. The mutant is deficient in sterol C-14 demethylation and is similar in all properties studied to wild-type sporidia treated with sterol C-14 demethylation inhibitors. These findings support the contention that inhibition of sterol C-14 demethylation in U. maydis is the primary mode of toxicity of fenarimol, etaconazole, and miconazole. A secondary mode of toxicity is evident for miconazole and etaconazole at higher concentrations but is doubtful for fenarimol.  相似文献   

The fine structure and sterol composition of wild-type and triazole-resistant laboratory strains of Ustilago avenae was investigated by electron microscopic and biochemical methods. The growth rate of the mutants was only slightly affected by a fungicide (triadimefon) concentration of about 0.1 mg/ml, whereas the wild-type cells were completely inhibited. Biochemically the sterol composition of wild-type and triazole-resistant strains did not differ. In freeze-fracture electron microscopy no ultrastructural differences were observed between the different untreated strains (wild and resistant). Filipin labeling allowed the localization of ergosterol in the plasmalemma (PF and EF). Generally, wild-type samples and mutants exhibited a clear pattern of filipin-sterol (FS-) complexes. These results are in accord with the biochemical experiments. Neither a modification of the sterol composition nor an altered localization of sterols seemed to be the prime cause of resistance in U. avenae mutants. Alternative explanations for the resistance mechanism are discussed.  相似文献   

Amongst 489 mass isolates of Botrytis cinerea obtained from protected crops in Humberside during 1989, 67.3% were resistant to benomyl and 45.6% to vinclozolin. Two isolates resistant to dichlofluanid were obtained with EC50 values for mycelial growth on agar of 21.45 and 19.78 μg dichlofluanid/ml, respectively, compared with values of 1.55-2.56 μg/ml for sensitive isolates. EC50 values for germ tube emergence and length were much lower than for mycelial growth. In population studies carried out on tomatoes in a polythene tunnel, resistance to dichlofluanid and to vinclozolin declined over a 12-week period in the absence of fungicides. Field isolates of B. cinerea resistant to dichlofluanid were also resistant to vinclozolin. but strains resistant to dichlofluanid and sensitive to vinclozolin were obtained during population studies. Examination of a number of features of dichlofluanid-resistant strains revealed a degree of lack of fitness as compared with sensitive strains. There is no indication that resistance to dichlofluanid poses a great threat to the control of grey mould in Humberside at present.  相似文献   

Akagi A  Dandekar AM  Stotz HU 《Phytopathology》2011,101(11):1311-1321
The plant hormone ethylene regulates fruit ripening, other developmental processes, and a subset of defense responses. Here, we show that 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid synthase (ACS)-silenced apple (Malus domestica) fruit that express a sense construct of ACS were more susceptible to Botrytis cinerea than untransformed apple, demonstrating that ethylene strengthens fruit resistance to B. cinerea infection. Because ethylene response factors (ERFs) are known to contribute to resistance against B. cinerea via the ethylene-signaling pathway, we cloned four ERF cDNAs from fruit of M. domestica: MdERF3, -4, -5, and -6. Expression of all four MdERF mRNAs was ethylene dependent and induced by wounding or by B. cinerea infection. B. cinerea infection suppressed rapid induction of wound-related MdERF expression. MdERF3 was the only mRNA induced by wounding and B. cinerea infection in ACS-suppressed apple fruit, although its induction was reduced compared with wild-type apple. Promoter regions of all four MdERF genes were cloned and putative cis-elements were identified in each promoter. Transient expression of MdERF3 in tobacco increased expression of the GCC-box containing gene chitinase 48.  相似文献   

A total of 568 B. cinerea isolates were collected from diseased sweet basil plants and the air in 10 sweet basil greenhouses. Mycelial growth tests were used to evaluate the sensitivity of these isolates to benomyl, fenhexamid, iprodione, polyoxin AL and pyrimethanil. EC50 values for polyoxin, the main botryticide on sweet basil in Israel, ranged from 0.4 to 6.5 μg ml?1 and had a bimodal distribution; the EC50 values for sensitive isolates ranged from 0.4 to 1.5 μg ml?1 and the EC50 values for low-level resistant isolates ranged from 4 to 6.5 μg ml?1. Among populations that had not been exposed to polyoxin treatments, 20 to 35 % of the collected isolates were low-level resistant for polyoxin. Polyoxin treatments in an experimental greenhouse shifted the equilibrium in favour of low-level resistant isolates, and the change occurred rapidly: from a frequency of 20 % low-level resistant isolates in the population that had never been treated with polyoxin to a frequency of 72 % after a few treatments over two seasons. Prolonged use of polyoxin in Israeli basil crops (in some sites for more than 10 years) does not appear to have led to the development of high-level resistance, but low-level resistant isolates were found in commercial greenhouses with the frequency of up to 73 %. High-level resistance to benzimidazoles was common (60 to 80 % of isolates) in greenhouses with a history of benzimidazole treatments; whereas 15–25 % of the isolates from greenhouses in which fungicides were not used were resistant. Low-level resistance to dicarboximides was fairly widespread (frequency of 30 to 80 % depending on the greenhouse) and a few cases of moderate resistance to dicarboximides were also noted (frequency of 0 to 9 %). Neither high- nor low-level resistance to anilinopyrimidines was common in sweet basil commercial greenhouses (0 to 7 %). However, 34 % of the isolates were strongly resistant in the experimental greenhouse, following a few treatments with anilinopyrimidine fungicides during the previous season. Before those treatments, the proportion of anilinopyrimidines resistant isolates had been 1 %. About 3 % of the isolates exhibited low-level resistance to fenhexamid and no isolates were found to be strongly resistant to fenhexamid. Low-level resistance to one fungicide was often associated with low-level resistances to other fungicides. Thirty-two phenotypes exhibiting resistance to one or more of the tested fungicides were noted among B. cinerea isolates. Resistant isolates showed similar or reduced fitness parameters in comparison to wild-type isolates.  相似文献   

In Ustilago avenae sporidia, following the first doubling period of about 4 h, triadimenol (2 μg ml?1) affected sporidial multiplication more severely than other growth processes; daughter cells failed to separate from the parent sporidia resulting in chains of interconnected cells. Triadimenol incubated with the fungus for 8 h interfered neither with respiration nor with protein and nucleic acid synthesis but after 6 h the toxicant had induced a higher content of free fatty acids. Triadimenol markedly altered, both quantitatively and qualitatively, the sterols in sporidia of U. avenae. Incorporation of [14C]acetate (in the form of sodium acetate) into lipid fractions for a period of 2 h revealed that the toxicant powerfully inhibited the synthesis of the 4-demethyl sterol fraction (predominantly ergosterol), whilst the 4,4-dimethyl sterol fraction rapidly accumulated. This was confirmed by g.1.c. analysis of the sterols after 6 and 8 h incubation which showed that the amount of ergosterol, the major sterol in untreated sporidia, was diminished while simultaneously 4,4-dimethyl, 4-methyl and 14-methyl sterols increased. The accumulation of 14-methyl sterols suggests that triadimenol acts as a potent inhibitor of one of the metabolic steps involved in the demethylation at the 14-position during ergosterol biosynthesis.  相似文献   

The effects of the sterol biosynthesis inhibitor (SBI) fungicides fenarimol, fenpropimorph, imazalil, prochloraz, propiconazole and triadimenol on growth and sterol composition of Ustilago maydis, Botrytis cinerea and Pyrenophora teres, grown from spores or sporidia in liquid culture, were determined. Growth of U. maydis was only slightly inhibited by SBI fungicides at concentrations which caused considerable changes in both sterol content and composition. Conversely, in B. cinerea and P. teres, growth was strongly inhibited under conditions where ergosterol was still the predominant sterol, suggesting that, in these two fungi, growth may be more sensitive to SBI fungicides than overall sterol production. Demethylase inhibitor fungicides behaved as a homogeneous group in their effects on growth and on sterol profiles of the three fungi studied.  相似文献   

The effects of different soil temperatures on the efficacy of ergosterol biosynthesis inhibitor (EBI) fungicides applied as seed treatments for the control of seedling infection of prairie grass Bromus willdenowii (Kunth) by the head smut fungus Ustilago bullata (Berk.) were measured in a glasshouse experiment. The fungicides nuarimol, triadimefon and triadimenol+fuberidazole controlled infection at 17.5deg;C and below, but were less or non-effective above 20.0°C. In a second experiment, nuarimol and propiconazole seed treatments reduced seedling emergence and caused stunting of seedlings, but these effects occurred equally over a range of temperatures from 15.0 to 27.5°C. Soil temperatures (3 cm depth) at a typical field site often exceeded 20°C during early autumn and late spring. Although EBI fungicide seed treatments show promise for U. bullata control, care will be required with their routine use because their efficacy in warm soils may be reduced, and they can have growth retardant effects on prairie grass seedlings.  相似文献   

灰葡萄孢抗二甲酰亚胺类杀菌剂研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了灰葡萄孢对二甲酰亚胺类杀菌剂抗性的产生及现状,抗性菌株的生物学特性、生理生化特性以及抗药性机制,并就灰葡萄孢对二甲酰亚胺类杀菌剂抗性研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

4种杀菌剂及其复配剂对番茄灰霉病菌的毒力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用菌丝生长速率法测定了咯菌腈、氟啶胺、啶酰菌胺和苯醚甲环唑4种杀菌剂及其两元复配剂对番茄灰霉病菌的毒力。结果显示,咯菌腈、氟啶胺、啶酰菌胺和苯醚甲环唑对番茄灰霉病菌的有效抑制中浓度(EC50)分别为:0.018 0、0.018 1、1.896 8和2.087 4μg/mL。复配剂啶酰菌胺∶苯醚甲环唑1∶5、1∶3和1∶1,咯菌腈∶苯醚甲环唑1∶5增效作用最明显;复配剂咯菌腈∶苯醚甲环唑1∶3,咯菌腈∶氟啶胺1∶3,啶酰菌胺∶咯菌腈5∶1,啶酰菌胺∶苯醚甲环唑3∶1具有增效作用,SR值范围为1.5~4.05,其中以复配剂啶酰菌胺∶苯醚甲环唑1∶5增效作用最好,其SR值为4.05;其余不同配比的各组合复配剂具有相加作用,其SR值范围为0.5~1.46。表明咯菌腈、氟啶胺、啶酰菌胺和苯醚甲环唑4种不同作用机制的杀菌剂可以交替或复配使用,以阻止或延缓灰霉病菌抗药性的进一步加剧,为灰霉病的综合防控和抗药性治理提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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