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Investigations on biological control of Heterobasidion annosum in Norway spruce with antagonistic fungi. II. Interaction experiments in wood . Seventeen fungal species were examined for antagonism against H. annosum in wood. After inoculation of stem sections and stumps by conidia and dowels, the distribution patterns of the mycelia within the wood were recorded. In spruce-wood antagonism was shown only by Hypholoma capnoides, Bjcrkandera adusta, Resinicium bicolor and Trichoderma spp. near the site of inoculation. As the distance from this site increased H. annosum became more dominant. Inoculations by dowels yielded more infections than inoculations by spores. The patterns of myeelial distribution within the wood were similar in stem sections and in stumps. Spruce stumps were colonized naturally mainly by Resinicium bicolor, Armillaria mellea s. I. and Nectria fuckeliana. In stem sections of Pinus sylvestris, however, Phlebiopsis gigantea displaced H. annosum effectively.  相似文献   

Wounding of excised roots of Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] caused a rapid accumulation of phenolic compounds, decrease of starch content and of certain enzyme activities in the ray cells. Infection of the wounds by Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref. intensified these processes, caused oxidation of the phenols, and induced activity of acid phosphatase and β-glucosidase in the ray cells of the infected area. The reactions were oxygen-dependent. Intra- and extracellular enzymes were detected in the wood-infecting hyphae. Other wood-growing fungi caused similar reactions in the wood as H. annosum.  相似文献   

The infection of Picea abies and Larix x eurolepis by Heterobasidion annosum was studied in felled trees in Sweden. Thinnings were carried out in two stands of L. x eurolepis, 15 and 20 years old, and in a 25-year-old stand of P. abies, established on a site heavily infected by H. annosum. The 15- and 20-year-old L. x eurolepis stands exhibited the greatest incidence of butt rot with infections amounting to 38 and 57%, respectively, of removed trees. The incidence of butt rot in the P. abies stand was only 5%. Heterobasidion annosum was the main butt rot causing fungus. All isolates of H. annosum were of the P-intersterility group. Transfer of H. annosum from old-growth P. abies stumps to trees felled in the thinning of the next generation was demonstrated by somatic incompatibility tests. However, the majority of infections could not be connected with decay already established in the previous generation. In L. c eurolepis, rot columns were frequent, including also several genotypes in the same stem, and typically positioned in the inner sapwood. The few infections of P. abies were situated in the heartwood.  相似文献   

The influence of SO2 and HF on free amino acids of spruce . The influence of the air pollutants SO2 and HF on composition and amount of free amino acids was investigated. Distinct differences in the pattern of amino acids are caused, particularly in glutaminic acid and compounds based on it.  相似文献   

Journal of Pest Science - Contribution to the control of spruce gall aphids of the genus Sacchiphantes on Norway spruce Active ingredients of 0,03% Lindane or 0,07% Endosulfan (spray) as well as of...  相似文献   

Physiological reactions of spruce (Picea abies) on complex SO2- and drought-induced stress. Part 3. Responses of SO2-stressed spruces to subsequent drought-induced stress. SO2-stressed spruces under drought-stress showed less reduced water content, less increased osmotical potential and less restricted photosynthesis compared to spruces without preceding SO2-stress and thus seemed to be in a better physiological situation. Their ability to retain water (in cut-off twigs) as well as their ability to withstand a quick and strong water-loss in the needle-tissue without cell-damage were reduced. Reasons for the temporarily favourable effect of a pre-going SO2-stress in surviving a drought-stress are discussed.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Bedingt durch Mangel an Wissen und zum Teil auch geeignetem Saat- und Pflanzgut wurden vor ca. 130 Jahren manche Best?nde in den Hochlagen der Berchtesgadener Alpen mit nicht angepa?ten Fichten-Herkünften (Picea abies) aus mittleren und tieferen Lagen begründet. Um den autochthonen Charakter und damit die Angepa?theit an die Umwelt von solchen Hochlagenbest?nden des Nationalparks einzusch?tzen, wurde mit Hilfe biochemisch-genetischer Methoden deren genetische Struktur an drei Enzym-Genloci bestimmt. An einem weiteren Enzym-Genlocus wurden Beziehungen zwischen dem jeweiligen Genotyp und dem Gesundheitszustand der B?ume überprüft Als Versuchsmaterial dienten Samenproben von 30 Einzelb?umen aus Best?nden unterschiedlicher H?henlage und eine Mischprobe von einem Tieflagenbestand nahe München. W?hrend die Daten von zwei Enzym-Genloci, an denen arealspezifische Allele vorkommen, zeigten, da? das untersuchte Fichtenmaterial nicht aus einem anderen Refugialgebiet stammt, ergaben die Genotyph?ufigkeitsverteilungen am dritten Genlocus (SAP-B), an dem bereits h?henlagen-abh?ngige Allelverteilungen nachgewiesen worden waren, da? Restbest?nde der h?chsten Gebirgslagen nur SAP-Hochlagentypen enthalten und damit, wie vermutet, als autochthon zu betrachten sind. Demgegenüber weisen die Best?nde der Tallagen überwiegend die SAP-Tieflagentypen, die Best?nde der mittleren Lagen jedoch alle SAP-Typen in unterschiedlicher H?ufigkeit auf, wobei in einem Fall die Vermutung der künstlichen Begründung gestützt werden konnte. Für einen weiteren Genlocus (GRD-A) wurde zudem beim Vergleich zwischen gesunden und immissionsgesch?digten B?umen festgestellt, da? bestimmte heterozygote Genotypen weitaus h?ufiger bei den gesunden Individuen vorkommen, was frühere Ergebnisse bei jüngeren Best?nden und Klonmaterial voll best?tigte. Generell zeigen die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung auf, wie die Autochthonie von Hochgebirgs-Fichtenbest?nden eingesch?tzt werden kann; ein Weg, der für waldbauliche und Generhaltungsma?nahmen von gro?er Bedeutung ist.
Possibilities of detecting indigenous high-elevation Norway spruce (Picea abies) stands in the Berchtesgadener Alps
Summary The lack of sufficient seed and planting stock from high-elevation provenances of Norway spruce (Picea abies) led to the introduction of poorly adapted seed sources from low and middle elevations into the higher, elevations of the Berchtesgadener Alps. In order to evaluate the indigenous character and thus the adaptability of tree stands located at high elevations, their genetic structures using three enzyme gene loci were determined by means of biochemical-genetic methods. For another enzyme gene locus, the relationship between certain genotypes and the extent of pollution-caused damage of trees was examined. The test material consisted of seed lots from 30 single trees from stands at different elevations and from a bulk seed collection from a lowland stand near Munich. While the data of two enzyme gene loci possessing areal-specific alleles revealed that the investigated spruce stands do not originate from other distribution area,, the genotype frequencies of the third gene locus (SAP-B), for which elevational gradients in allele frequencies have already been established, were found to vary markedly among the spruce stands. Some tree groups from the highest altitudes in these Alps exhibited only those SAP genotypes which characterize high-elevation stands (high-elevation types) thus confirming their indigenous character. In contrast, the spruce stands from the valleys mainly consisted of low-elevation types and rarely of heterozygotes of both SAP types. The stands from middle- and higher-elevation sites, however, contained all three SAP types in different proportions, whereby in one case the assumption of an artificial regeneration with low elevation types was supported. For another enzyme gene locus (GRD-A), a comparison between healthy trees and such damaged by air pollution showed that certain heterozygotes occur more frequently among the healthy trees, which surprisingly well confirms the results from earlier studies on younger spruce stands and fumigated clone material. In general, the results of this study indicate possibilities of evaluating the indigenous character of high-elevation stands, which should be of value especially for silvicultural and gene conservation measures.

Herrn Prof.H. Schmidt-Vogt zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

Intersterility groups and clones of Heterobasidion annosum in a 31 years old Norway spruce stand . H. annosum isolates from roots of 13 spruce trees growing in close neighbourhood be longed to the P group (from five roots) and to the S group (from 44 roots). The clone identifications revealed colonisation via root contacts.  相似文献   

Growth rates of H. annosum s.s. and H. parviporum were investigated in the functional sapwood of young Pinus sylvestris and Picea abies plants as an indicator of the relative susceptibilities of the hosts to these pathogens. The stems of 520 five‐year‐old P. abies and 321 four‐year‐old P. sylvestris plants were inoculated and the extent of infection determined 16 weeks later. H. annosum s.sgrew further than H. parviporum in P. sylvestris sapwood, while in P. abies, no differences between the two Heterobasidion spp. were found. Both H. annosum s.s. and H. parviporum spread faster in the sapwood of P. abies than in P. sylvestris. There was high within‐host species variation in growth rates for both P. sylvestris and P. abies suggesting it may be possible to identify tree genotypes with lower susceptibility.  相似文献   

A method for examining Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.) for susceptibility and resistance to the spread of Fomes annosus (Fr.) Cooke . An easily applied method is described for determining the results of infections and the reactions of young Norway spruce to Fomes annosus. By the use of genetically homogeneous material, e. g. clonal plants, the importance of environmental factors such as nutrient supply and also the varying virulence of different fungal strains can be studied.  相似文献   

Anatomical and morphological investigations on the regeneration capacity of a HF-injured spruce. This paper investigates anatomical and morphological changes of a spruce originally dwarfed under the influence of HF-emissions. The central question was: Would normal growth and growth process occur in this stressed spruce if the stress was eliminated? The tree was transplanted to an area free from HF-emissions and its recovery was documented thirteen years after transplanting.  相似文献   

Relationships between nutrition and heart rot attack of Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.) and the fungistatic effect of its inner bark . The fresh inner bark of Norway spruce stems and roots inhibits mycelium growth of Fomes annosus on malt agar. Nearly all fungistatic substances of the inner bark can be extracted with chloroform and acetone. The acetone-soluble fraction, which amounts to 13–27% of bark dry matter, was analysed. Up to now 12 phenolic substances have been identified, 5 of them have proved to inhibit Fomes annosus in vitro. Open-air-experiments showed, that desiccation of the root-zone, manganese deficiency and nitrogen hypertrophy decrease the inhibitory effect of the inner bark as well as its content of fungistatic substances. The degree of heart rot attack in older spruce stands was found to be negatively correlated with the N-, Fe- and Mn-concentrations in needles.  相似文献   

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