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Differences in the development and rate of spread of C. fimbriata hyphae between susceptible, moderately resistant and resistant clones were observed. Conidia of various shapes and ascospores appeared in necrotic parts of shoots of susceptible and moderately resistant clones while in the resistant one only cylindrical conidia were present.  相似文献   

In Brazil, the selection and planting of eucalyptus clones resistant to Ceratocystis fimbriata is the pre‐eminent control strategy for the wilt pathogen. However, little is known about host defence responses associated with resistance of eucalyptus to C. fimbriata infection. In this work, enzymatic activity, sugars, lignin, total phenols and phenolic compounds involved in the defence response of eucalyptus clones resistant (RC) and susceptible (SC) to the Ceratocystis wilt were evaluated. Changes were detected in the sugars produced by RC clones, with higher concentrations occurring compared with SC. A similar response occurred with lignin content at 28 days after inoculation (dai) in RC plants. SC plants had an increase in polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase activities at 7 dai. In contrast, RC plants demonstrated high activity of the same enzymes at 2 and 4 dai, decreasing afterwards. There was no difference in phenylalanine ammonia‐lyase activity between resistant and susceptible clones. Hydroxycinnamic acid concentration was higher in RC than in SC; however, there was no difference between RC and SC in flavonoid concentrations. RC had high concentrations catechin, chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid. Histochemical tests demonstrated the presence of phenolic compounds and lignin, at higher intensities, in xylem of RC plants. Inoculation with C. fimbriata induced defence responses in both resistant and susceptible eucalyptus clones, but both the intensity and speed of the responses were higher in RC. Alterations in the concentrations of sugars and lignin, as well as certain enzymes and phenolic compounds, could be used to predict the relative susceptibilities to Ceratocystis wilt of different phenotypes of eucalyptus clones.  相似文献   

In a recent survey of Eucalyptus clones in the Republic of Congo, Central Africa, a serious wilt and die-back disease of two different hybrid clones was observed. Affected trees ranged in age from approximately 6 months to 4 years. Isolations from symptomatic plant material consistently yielded a Ceratocystis species. On the basis of morphology and sequence data this fungus was identified as Ceratocystis fimbriata, a well-known wilt and canker pathogen of many economically important plants. The Eucalyptus isolates were compared with other Ceratocystis spp. based on sequence data generated from the ITS and 5.8S region of the rRNA operon. The results confirmed the identity of the Ceratocystis isolates from Eucalyptus as C. fimbriata and showed that they group with other C. fimbriata isolates from Brazil, South Africa and Europe. Inoculations on young Eucalyptus plants were conducted in the greenhouse and all three of the Congolese isolates tested, produced typical lesions in the bark and xylem. This study represents the first report of C. fimbriata as a pathogen of Eucalyptus in Africa. This is a serious new disease that will require considerable study in order to ensure that losses, caused by C. fimbriata, do not continue.  相似文献   

Ceratocystis fimbriata(Ell. et Halst.) Davidson f. platani Walter development in Plane-tree (Platanus Orientalis L.) tissues was examined by scanning electron microscope. All the fungal elements are smooth except for doliform endoconidia which are characterized by a rough surface and protruding rims. The fungus penetrates lesions and spreads rapidly along medullary rays into the pith and finally into the xylem elements. The hyphal presence in pith cells causes the disappearance of plastids and breakdown of the middle lamellae. The internal walls of vessels are not affected by hyphal activity during the period of the study.  相似文献   

The biology of the pathogenic agent of plane tree canker (Ceratocystis fimbriata f.platani), the vectors of the disease and the results of some preventive and curative treatments are described in detail.  相似文献   

该文着重阐述长喙壳属Ceratocystis sensu lato中引起杨树溃疡病最重要的病原菌甘薯长喙壳C.fimbriata Ell.et Halst.引起的杨树病害的症状、形态学、寄主范围、传播媒介、致病性、寄主的抗病性和病理变化等。  相似文献   

Ceratocystis wilt caused by Ceratocystis fimbriata is currently one of the most important diseases affecting Eucalyptus in Brazil. This disease is controlled by planting resistant clones; however, possible variability in the pathogen population may compromise the selection of resistant genotypes. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the aggressiveness of C. fimbriata isolates obtained from Eucalyptus spp, as well as their cultural characteristics and genetic variation of their ITS rDNA gene region. We found a significant isolate × clone interaction, with the isolate RM35 being the most aggressive and presenting a broader spectrum of aggressiveness, causing greater xylem discoloration on a larger number of clones. This isolate is the most suitable for artificial inoculations focusing on the selection of resistant materials. Clones CLR‐236 and CLR‐212 were identified as the most resistant and clones CLR‐223 and CLR‐240 as the most susceptible and those that are recommended as reliable comparators in artificial inoculations. All isolates were morphologically similar and differed from C. fimbriata from sweet potato by the formation of a wide mouth endoconidiophore that produces doliform endoconidia. According to the culture media and temperature applied, the most favourable conditions for mycelial growth were observed using malt extract agar (MEA) and temperatures ranging from 24 to 26°C. There was no correlation between sporulation and aggressiveness. Great variation in ITS sequences was observed, and a total of five ITS genotypes were identified among the ten isolates tested.  相似文献   

Vascular modification of plane tree seedlings inoculated with Ceratocystis fimbriata f. sp. platani, the canker stain disease agent, were characterized using histochemical and scanning electron microscopy methods.  相似文献   

In vitro action of selected benzimidazole and thiophanate systemic fungicides on Ceratocystis fimbriata E. et H. f. platani. The relative effects of several systemic fungicides (benzimidazoles: carbendazim, benomyl, and thiabendazole; and a thiophanate: methyl-thiophanate) of French strain of Ceratocystis fimbriata E. et H. (platani were studied in vitro by measuring mycelium diameter growth, percent conidiospore germination, and development from chlamydospores. Both strains were sensitive to carbendazim and methyl-thiophanate. These chemicals inhibited mycelium growth and development of chlamydospores.  相似文献   

杨树黑斑病测报模型的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在北京郊区黑杨林地内设置固定样地,进行杨树黑斑病Marssonina brunnea病原菌孢子捕捉和病情调查。运用数量化理论I系统分析了病情指数与气象因子之间的关系,结果表明:当平均气温20~28℃、平均相对湿度80%以上、降雨量为60 mm以上时,杨树黑斑病的病情发展迅速。同时建立了杨树黑斑病的数量化测报模型:^yi=-5.236 1x(1,1)+7.388 4x(1,2)-3.045 7x(1,3)-6.231 5x(2,1)-4.540 9x(2,2)+6.261 8x(2,3)+20.496 3x(2,4)+1.146 6x(3,1)+3.613 4x(3,2)+7.025 7x(3,3)+19.680 2x(3,4)。对测报模型检验的预测精度在88.49%~96.43%之间。  相似文献   

A new canker disease of Salix alba and Populus alba has been observed in Xinjiang, China. Black circular spots on dead branches and stems are the symptoms of the disease. Sixty‐seven isolates recovered from Salix matsudana, S. alba and Populus alba were identified as Cryptosphaeria pullmanensis based on morphological features and multigene phylogeny. Pathogenicity tests were performed on S. alba and P. alba stems using the C. pullmanensis isolates. Cankers on and Cryptosphaeria pullmanensis of C. pullmanensis from the stems fulfilled Koch's postulates and confirmed C. pullmanensis as the causal agent of the canker disease. C. pullmanensis is characterized by its yellow stromatic tissue surrounded by a black conceptacle with regularly arranged multiple locules sharing common walls and hyaline, allantoid, aseptate conidia (mean size 7.42 × 1.72 μm). This is the first report of C. pullmanensis causing Cryptosphaeria canker in China, and S. alba and P. alba are new host records for C. pullmanensis.  相似文献   

Colonization of Carya cordiformis sapwood by Ceratocystis smalleyi and subsequent host defence responses following artificial inoculation were investigated using anatomical and histological techniques. Hyphae of C. smalleyi were observed in all sapwood xylem features confirming the ability of the pathogen to invade and colonize the xylem tissues of the host species. The fungus was isolated from within and at the margins of discoloured sapwood areas at 2 and 12 months after inoculation. General host defence responses that included vessel occlusion with gels or tyloses, lipid accumulation, and production of phenolic compounds were observed in xylem tissues of inoculated C. cordiformis stems. Pectic substances, lipids, and to a rare extent, phenolic compounds were detected in vascular gels. The lipid‐rich barriers observed likely prevent lateral expansion of the fungus in the sapwood. Furthermore, lack of fungus sporulation within vessels may restrict axial spread of the fungus. C. smalleyi appears to be a limited vascular wilt pathogen of bitternut hickory based on these observations and previously reported sap flow reduction correlated with multiple infections in artificially inoculated trees.  相似文献   

Inoculation experiments on Ulmus procera, U. glabra and U. pumila with isolates of Ceratocystis ulmi from Canada, the United States, England, France, the Netherlands and Iran confirmed earlier work on the correlation between cultural characters and pathogenicity. Inocula-  相似文献   

In Vietnam, the productivity of Acacia hybrid (Acacia mangium A. auriculiformis) plantations is being threatened by an aggressive canker pathogen, Ceratocystis manginecans, and selection for tolerance is the main control strategy. A pot trial was established in Binh Duong province to screen for the host response of nine Acacia genotypes (six Acacia hybrid clones, two A. auriculiformis clones and mixed provenance seedlings of A. mangium) to artificial inoculation with three isolates of C. manginecans. Lesion lengths as measured on the inner bark suggested that the two A. auriculiformis clones were relatively more tolerant to C. manginecans than the A. mangium genotype. In contrast, the lesion lengths of all six Acacia hybrid clones fell between the A. auriculiformis and A. mangium genotypes. The results of this study indicate that among the Acacia hybrid clones, BV10 showed the most tolerance to C. manginecans. Chemical analysis of crude sapwood extracts sampled from the lesion provided some evidence that induced phenolic compounds, particularly tetrahydroxyflavanone and condensed tannins may have a defensive role in the AcaciaC. manginecans pathosystem. However, results were not consistent across individual Acacia hybrid clones and A. mangium genotypes.  相似文献   

Hybrid poplar plantations have become an important component of forest and agricultural landscapes in alluvial floodplains since poplars are among the fastest-growing trees in temperate regions. However, these habitats are thought to decrease biodiversity, including ground beetle diversity, as compared to other traditional land-uses such as grasslands and semi-natural forests. To evaluate the impacts of poplar plantations on carabid diversity, we tested whether carabid assemblages are more affected by land-use type than by canopy cover type in three alluvial floodplains in North-Eastern France. We stratified our 63-plot sampling design according to four habitat types based on land-use and plantation age. Non-metric multidimensional scaling revealed a successional gradient in species composition related to canopy cover progressing from grasslands through young, then adult poplar plantations, to semi-natural forests. Species-level response models showed that many carabid species distinguished the open habitats (grasslands and young poplar plantations) from the closed ones (adult poplar plantations and semi-natural forests). Only a few species preferred one of the traditional land-uses such as grasslands or semi-natural forests. Based on our data, the deleterious effect of poplar plantations on the conservation of ground beetles may not be as high as expected.  相似文献   

Electron microscope observations of Ceratocystis ulmi-induced tylosis development in 3 species of elm were made during the first 2 weeks after artificial inoculation. Tylosis forming from both ray and vasicentric parenchyma occluded vessels adjacent to those containing the fungus conidia within one day after inoculation. The expanding protoplast forced the intact vessel-parenchyma “pit membrane” and protective layer through the pit into the vessel lumen. Cell organization during this expansion is discussed. The observations on tylosis development for the 3 elms used were identical.  相似文献   

To evaluate indicators of whole-tree physiological responses to climate stress, we determined seasonal, daily and diurnal patterns of growth and water use in 10 yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera L.) trees in a stand recently released from competition. Precise measurements of stem increment and sap flow made with automated electronic dendrometers and thermal dissipation probes, respectively, indicated close temporal linkages between water use and patterns of stem shrinkage and swelling during daily cycles of water depletion and recharge of extensible outer-stem tissues. These cycles also determined net daily basal area increment. Multivariate regression models based on a 123-day data series showed that daily diameter increments were related negatively to vapor pressure deficit (VPD), but positively to precipitation and temperature. The same model form with slight changes in coefficients yielded coefficients of determination of about 0.62 (0.57-0.66) across data subsets that included widely variable growth rates and VPDs. Model R2 was improved to 0.75 by using 3-day running mean daily growth data. Rapid recovery of stem diameter growth following short-term, diurnal reductions in VPD indicated that water stored in extensible stem tissues was part of a fast recharge system that limited hydration changes in the cambial zone during periods of water stress. There were substantial differences in the seasonal dynamics of growth among individual trees, and analyses indicated that faster-growing trees were more positively affected by precipitation, solar irradiance and temperature and more negatively affected by high VPD than slower-growing trees. There were no negative effects of ozone on daily growth rates in a year of low ozone concentrations.  相似文献   

Shoots of a poplar clone susceptible to a Ceratocystis fimbriata strain from poplar were inoculated with strains of the fungus isolated from cacao-tree and plane. Disease symptoms and pathological changes in shoots as well as the development of the fungus in tissues are reported.  相似文献   

We compared the growth and physiological responses of cuttings of Populus kangdingensis C. Wang et Tung and P. cathayana Rehder originating from altitudes of 3500 m and 1500 m, respectively, when exposed to three ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation regimes: zero UV-B, ambient (4.5 kJ m(-2) day(-1)) and twice-ambient (9 kJ m(-2) day(-1)) biologically effective UV-B radiation for one growing season, to determine if Populus trees that are adapted to contrasting UV-B habitats exhibit different tolerances to enhanced UV-B radiation. Compared with cuttings grown without UV-B radiation, twice-ambient UV-B radiation significantly decreased total biomass, total leaf area and internode length in both species, whereas root/shoot ratio, leaf number, amount of photosynthetic pigments and ascorbate peroxidase activity were unaffected. Differences in responses were also observed between the study species. Cutting height increment, total biomass, total leaf area, free proline concentration and membrane damage assessed by electrolyte leakage were significantly more affected by the twice-ambient UV-B radiation in P. cathayana than in P. kangdingensis. However, specific leaf mass, amount of UV-B absorbing compounds and superoxide dismutase and guaiacol peroxidase activities increased more with increasing UV-B radiation in P. kangdingensis than in P. cathayana, perhaps reflecting important characteristics of species with low to moderate tolerance to UV-B radiation. Overall, the results indicated that P. kangdingensis, which originates from altitudes of 3500 m, has greater tolerance to enhanced UV-B radiation than P. cathayana originating from altitudes of 1500 m.  相似文献   

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