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综述了五针松疱锈病的形态、发病条件、发病机制及综合防治措施。  相似文献   

The frequency of six mechanisms of resistance to white pine blister rust is presented for 18 white pine species. The mechanisms are: prevention of needle lesions, reduced frequency of such lesions, premature shedding of infected needles, a fungicidal reaction in the short shoot, reactions that eliminate established bark infections, and the ability of a seedling to remain alive when infected. The importance of these mechanisms in selecting for resistance in the very susceptible North American white pines is discussed.  相似文献   

The relative susceptibility to fusiform rust of provenances of 6 European species of pine was tested at Athens, Georgia U.S.A. Needle and stem spots caused by rust were found on the seedlings of all the species and their provenances. Several maritime pine and Aleppo pine seedlings showed particular longitudinal cracks caused by the fungus mycelium in the stem; those of Austrian pine and of Swiss Mountain pine had a violet zone around the cotyledons due to the presence of the fungus mycelium in the needle tissues. If the percentage of galled seedlings is taken into consideration, the test results indicate that Aleppo pine, Austrian pine and Italian stone pine are more susceptible to infection than are maritime pine, Swiss Mountain pine or Scots pine.  相似文献   

油松移栽防治病虫害的几点意见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对本溪市峪明路油松在移植过程中由于多种原因造成病虫害侵染、生长不良和生理原因大量枯黄落叶等现象进行调查分析 ,总结出行道树移栽中把握好选苗、栽植和养护等环节 ,减少病虫害发生的几项措施 ,为今后城市行道树栽植提供切实可行的理论和实践依据  相似文献   

Agroforestry research in central Louisiana, USA, examined the effects of agronomic cultural treatments (disk, chemical, hay, and hay-graze) on subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) yields and slash pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm.) and loblolly pine (P. taeda L.) survival and growth. Cultural treatments appear necessary for successful production of subterranean clover in tame pastures, especially for early fall forage growth. Subterranean clover yields in volunteer swards during spring were highest on the disk and chemical treatments. Generally, pine survival and growth during the first 5 years following tree establishment were not affected by cultural treatments.  相似文献   

European Journal of Forest Research - Global climate change impacts the functioning and productivity of forest ecosystems at various spatiotemporal scales across a wide range of biomes. Although...  相似文献   

Agroforestry Systems - Native forages of southern United States are frequently low in nutrients and poorly digestible, while improved pastures are the opposite. Since this area produces rapid...  相似文献   

Farm-level simulators such as the Agroforestry Estate Model use as inputs either yield tables or outputs from forest modeling tools. Forest models rely upon assumptions on site index, stem diameter (DBH) distribution, wood production and tree mortality, which may or may not apply to agroforestry practices. Differences may arise because of the effects on tree growth of unusual spacings and configurations, fertilizer, pruning and grazing regimes, and tree-understory relationships as well. We examined data from published or existing field trials to determine mid- and long-term trends in tree growth and understory yields in silvopastoral practices with southern pines (Pinus spp.) in the United States. Tree DBH and height were greater in practices with improved pastures than in those with spontaneous grasses. Understory affected DBH more than height and, therefore, DBH-height relationships differed among practices. Sigmoidal models predicted that tree height will peak at different age depending on tree spacing and understory type. These changes may affect the accuracy of site indices and wood yield predictions. Livestock gains decrease linearly with increasing stand basal area and stand age, although forage yields sometimes decay exponentially. In one of the experiments, livestock gains decreased to almost zero at age 19 but with stand basal areas at that age markedly differing (14 and 25 m2 ha–1) for two different spacings. Additional data would allow to generate empirical algorithms to obtain farm-level simulations of broad application, improve economic analysis and generate hypotheses to guide future experimental work. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

An assessment of agroforestry systems in the southern USA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An assessment of the southern USA, based on a survey of land-use professionals and a review of the literature, revealed that it is a diverse region with substantial potential for agroforestry to address a combination of problems and opportunities. The survey indicated that silvopastoral systems are the most common form of agroforestry in the region. Increased economic returns, diversification, and enhancement of the timing of cash flows were the most frequently mentioned benefits associated with the establishment of silvopastoral systems. Some of the problems associated with alley-cropping systems — less frequently observed than silvopastoral systems — were lower-than-expected productivity or profitability, damage to trees when cultivating the crop component, and labor/management skill constraints. Based on the findings of the literature review and the survey, special opportunities for implementing agroforestry systems in the region were identified, including the following: to improve marginal lands; to serve as windbreaks and buffer strips for improved water quality and wildlife habitat; to enhance the economics of selected natural pine, hardwood plantation, and pine plantation systems; and to provide specialty products on small landownerships.  相似文献   

Fusiform rust disease remains the most destructive disease in pine plantations in the southern United States. Our ongoing research is designed to identify, map, and clone the interacting genes of the host and pathogen. Several resistance (R) genes have been identified and genetically mapped using informative pine families and single‐spore isolate inoculations. In addition, we are mapping the first of many expected corresponding avirulence (Avr) genes in the fungal pathogen. The Avr genes condition avirulence/virulence and avirulence is required for an incompatible reaction (i.e., no‐gall development) to take place within an inoculated tree that carries resistance at the corresponding R gene. We provide an overview of our methodology for identifying and mapping R and Avr genes, an update of our current progress, and a brief discussion of two approaches for predicting R gene genotypes of uncharacterized parental trees and for estimating the efficacy of specific pine genotypes at various planting locations. This paper emphasizes the critical importance of controlled genetic materials of both the host and pathogen for elucidating the genetic nature of resistance and virulence in coevolved forest pathosystems.  相似文献   

New Forests - Prior to the 1950s, common partial harvesting operations in the southern Appalachians USA involved the removal of logs by ground-skidding and the construction of steep access roads...  相似文献   

Resistant progenies of Pinus monticola, improved in the northwestern USA, and Asian and European white pines were inoculated with the blister rust fungus, Cronartium ribicola, of Hokkaido. No resistance was observed in P. monticola but the other pines remained healthy. This shows that the resistance of white pines to the blister rust fungus is limited to a particular pathogenic race and a different race of the rust fungus exists in Hokkaido.  相似文献   

Cronartium ribicola, the introduced pathogen that causes white pine blister rust (WPBR), continues to spread to additional limber pine populations in the Southern Rocky Mountains of Colorado and Wyoming. Because WPBR can severely impact ecosystems, forecasts of its potential distribution and incidence would be useful to land managers. Site and climate data from long infested study areas in Wyoming were fit with two regression models [logistic and classification and regression trees (CART)] to determine the environmental conditions associated with the distribution of WPBR. These models were then used to map limber pine stands at risk of infestation by C. ribicola throughout Wyoming (where it has long occurred) and Colorado (where it is just becoming established). Although variables representing vegetation and landform could identify infested plots, 1‐km‐scale climate variables for monthly temperature and moisture were better predictors of current WPBR distribution and were available for mapping expected future distribution across the region. Of 280 485 ha where limber pine was projected to occur in Colorado, 41% was forecast by the logistic model to be at risk of infestation, and 53%, by the CART model. Of an estimated 782 229 ha in Wyoming with limber pine, the logistic model projected 61% to be at risk; CART projected 79%. Additional regression models were fit with site and climate data to predict WPBR incidence (per cent of trees infected) and intensification (incidence/age of the oldest canker). Nearly one half of the plot‐to‐plot variation in incidence was explained using environmental variables readily available to land managers. Although mean plot incidence increased over time, mean intensification decreased 50% per decade. This work provides managers with several tools to reduce uncertainty over the expected distribution and incidence of WPBR, but surveillance and monitoring remain prudent activities for supplementing forecasts of WPBR epidemics.  相似文献   

American chestnut is often listed as an important component of mesic midslopes and xeric ridges in pre-blight southern Appalachian forests, but its former importance in riparian forests has generally been considered minor. To document its importance in riparian forests, 589 American chestnut stumps were located on four sites (two previously logged, two unlogged) in the Blue Ridge physiographic province of the southern Appalachians. Diameters and basal areas of chestnut were calculated and compared among sites and to basal area (BA) of live trees. Chestnut BA ranged between 8.4 and 12.4 m2/ha (25 and 40% of current BA). Vegetative composition on 58 random plots suggests that three community types were represented on the four study sites: (1) old-growth forest with sparse rhododendron; (2) logged forest with sparse rhododendron; and (3) forest dominated by rhododendron which controlled vegetative composition regardless of logging status. Thickets of ericaceous shrubs that developed after the blight were significantly denser in logged forest than in old-growth. Only shade-tolerant herbs such as galax and partridge-berry, as well as a rare orchid, Appalachian twayblade, were found growing in rhododendron thickets. Results of our study suggest that the gap-phase hypothesis, where species diversity is maintained in cove forests of the southern Appalachians through gap-phase disturbance, should be modified to allow for dynamics influenced by rhododendron. The reintroduction of periodic fire into southern Appalachian riparian habitat may control rhododendron dominance and improve tree regeneration.  相似文献   

An alleycropping system (AC), usingAlbizia julibrissin as the tree species, was compared to an annual legume-based cropping system (NA) over a three-year period. In both AC and NA, a crop rotation was implemented with the following sequence:Mucuna deering iana, Trifolium incarnatum, Sorghum bicolor, Triticale aestivum, andSorghum bicolor. Aboveground biomass of crops was analyzed for C, N, P, K, Ca, and Mg. A soil fractionation method was used to determine P dynamics in different treatments through time. Aboveground net primary productivity (NPP) was higher in the AC than in the NA. Nutrient input-output balance of N, P, K, Ca, and Mg from January through November 1991 was higher for AC than for NA. Area-based sorghum yield in 1991 was lower in AC than in NA. comparative sorghum yield in 1991 at 1 m distance from the hedgerow was lower than NA sorghum. In a three year period, the alleycropping system seemed to be more efficient in tapping unavailable forms of soil P, and achieved a higher P stock than the annual legume-based cropping system.  相似文献   

Diversity of understory vegetation was compared among four intensities of site preparation and an adjacent 50-year-old pine-hardwood forest. The study site was a six-year-old loblolly pine (Pines taeda) plantation in the lower Piedmont of Georgia. Species richness and Shannon diversity indices were used to evaluate vine and woody (trees and shrubs) species diversity. Biomass distribution was compared among four plant categories: vines, forbs, grasses, and woody. Moderate intensity treatments (chainsaw and shear and chop) consistently ranked highest overall in diversity, with the mature pine-hardwood forest ranking lowest. Distribution of the four plant categories was not significantly affected by intensity of site preparation.Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Series No. 9-892325P.  相似文献   

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