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介绍了营林、集材拖拉机的特点及我国营林、集材拖拉机的基本现状及其发展历史;分析了营林、集材拖拉机目前的需求状况及市场前景;提出了在林权改革新形势下保留和发展营林、集材拖拉机的必要性和重大意义.  相似文献   

绞盘机是林海—35营林拖拉机的工作装置之一。在设计该拖拉机的绞盘机时,我们对国内外集材拖拉机绞盘机的结构进行了分析比较,认为加拿大“廷伯杰克”(TIMBERJACK)404型集材拖拉机的绞盘机结构较为先进,林海—35营林拖拉机的绞盘机就是参照其结构而设计的。  相似文献   

1问题的提出 哈尔滨拖拉机厂是我国唯一一家生产林业集材拖拉机的工厂,林业拖拉机制造技术处国内领先水平.20世纪60年代开发生产的集材-50A履带式拖拉机及其随后工厂自行研制生产的集材-80A型拖拉机在国内市场上处于垄断地位,除满足国内市场需求外,还多次出口印度尼西亚、俄罗斯、赞比亚、马来西亚、索罗门群岛、坦桑尼亚等国家和地区.集材-50A拖拉机是部优产品."七五"和"八五"期间工厂引进了美国卡特彼勒公司的轮式营林集材拖拉机系列产品底盘制造技术及部分关键设备,使工厂在林机产品开发、工艺手段及检测水平上又有了新的提高.但由于国家在20世纪80年代后期实施"天保"工程,实行封山育林并限制采伐,使得林业集材拖拉机的需求量锐减,出现了近二十年的产业萧条.  相似文献   

J——25型营林履带式拖拉机是吉林省敦化林业机械厂自行研制的用于人工林和天然次生林抚育集材的新型营林履带式拖拉机。该机结构紧凑、外型尺寸小、机动灵活、爬坡能力强、越障性能好、行驶平稳、对林中树木及地表破坏小。  相似文献   

新型营林集材拖拉机  一种适用于间伐抚育材生产的“CD-12型营林集材拖拉机”在吉林省投产推广。目前,我国北方国有林业企业大都面临着原始资源枯褐,二期轮伐周期不足的困境。为了维持国有林业企业经济环境的正常运转,实现林业的可持续发展,次生林、人工林间伐...  相似文献   

铁力林业局建设营林所共有全民和集体职364名;机械设备有 J-50集材拖拉机4台、红旗100号拖拉机1台、东方红75拖拉机1台、绞盘机1台、大中小型发电机3台、其它轮式车辆6台。这个所自1981年以来,每年除担负近3000亩整地造林、2万亩的幼林抚育及较重的育苗生  相似文献   

据国内外调查研究表明:拖拉机集材对作业区面积的破坏为5-12.54%;对幼树的损伤率为13-50%;集材后使土壤容重提高20%,大孔隙减少40%、对水份的渗透速率降低47%.为减少拖拉机集材对林地破坏和对幼树的损伤及有利森林更新,应采取如下措施:(一)拖拉机集材应安排在冬季进行;(二)在择伐伐区,拖拉机原条集材应不离道,绞集单根抽;或拖拉机原木集材,集材道间距加宽到100M,以畜力或人力将原木小集中到集材道旁;(三)在皆伐伐区,拖拉机集材也应尽可能保护幼树和保留一定株数母树;(四)采用特宽低压轮胎轮式集材机集材.  相似文献   

营林354L拖拉机传动轴可靠性改进设计(150070)哈尔滨拖拉机厂赵俊宝(022682)内蒙古柴河林业局韩炳坤1前言354L拖拉机是哈拖厂1988年开发研制的一种产品,经过多次改进设计,该机已能较好地适应我国林区营林集材作业生产,具有机动灵活、效率...  相似文献   

吉林敦化林机厂研制的 JC—30型履带拖拉机,为人工林间伐、次生林择伐使用的营林集材拖拉机。该机特点是外形尺寸小,机动性好,爬坡能力强。该机可以直接进入人工林和次生林班号中作业,可以搭载2立方米原条,是一种新型的营林机械(见图)。  相似文献   

合理地选择集材拖拉机的机型,对发挥机械效率,提高产量,降低生产成本以及今后集材拖拉机制造工业的发展是十分必要的。一、集材拖拉机选型的依据集材拖拉机的选型是一项比较复杂的工作。它与生产规模、伐区自然条件和森林资源情况有很大关系,同时还受到国家的投资能力及采用新技术、新工艺、新设备的技术经济效果的限制。  相似文献   

Most timber harvesting operations in the southern Mediterranean area of Italy can be considered to be in an early stage of mechanization. It is mainly based on agricultural tractors that are sometimes equipped with specific forest-related accessories such as winches, hydraulic cranes, or log grapples. In recent years, there has been an increase of specialized forestry machines working in Calabria, southern Italy, including forwarders, skidders and cable yarders. This study assesses the efficiency and costs of extraction using forwarders, as a mechanized alternative to agricultural tractors and horse logging. Time studies were conducted to quantify the productivity and operational cost of log forwarding for two John Deere forwarders in two different coniferous stands: (A) Calabrian pine and (B) silver fir. The empirical time study included 100 forwarding cycles (i.e., 50 for each site) that were broken down into four different work phase elements. Models for cycle time, total productivity and individual work phases were calculated. The average load per cycle was 11.8 m3 in stand A and 9.97 m3 in stand B and the average one-way forwarding distance was 306 m in A and 597 m in B. The average productivity per scheduled machine hour (SMH) was 14.4 m3 in A and 15.7 m3 in B, while the costs, calculated to be 3.60 €/m3 in A and 4.90 €/m3 in B, were considered lower respect traditional methods.  相似文献   

多功能轮式集材拖拉机搭载板装置的设计研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对我国集材拖拉机发展沿革及目前林业生产作业条件分析,研发一种新型多功能集材拖拉机对目前林业生产具有重要意义.集材装置是集材拖拉机最具有特点的主要工作装置,本文对多功能轮式集材拖拉机集材装置(搭载板装置)整体结构进行设计.首先根据集材拖拉机趟载量要求确定搭载板整体结构尺寸,宽度为1 050 mm,长度为1 219 mm,厚度为20 mm.其次对搭载板辅助结构进行设计计算,使用Solid Works三维绘图软件建立搭载板的3D模型.最后基于有限元校核搭载板的强度,得到搭载板在最大压力载荷下的位移云图和应力云图,结果表明所设计的搭载板满足强度要求.  相似文献   

根据集材拖拉机压盘零件的特点,设计了加工非正圆孔的卡具和刀具,采用推削的方法加工压盘上的6个非正圆孔。  相似文献   

Summary A new logging-method, developed in Austria, was tested in an upper Bavarian mountainous forest-district. It is based on a semi-stationary debarker, combined with equipment for cutting the stems into lengths; simultaneously the logs were classified. It is installed on a central conversion-site. The trees were felled and limbed as far as possible without being turned. The stems were then yarded by articulated rubbertired skidders, equipped with double-drum winch and chokers, blade and rear supportblade. Later they were transported by trucks on the forest roads to the conversion-site. In the individual operations time-studies were carried out to analyse the working-processes and to explore their interdependency. The results, calculated by applying statistical methods and computer-programs, were expressed in diagrams, which can be used for the calculation of needed workers and machines for comparable conditions. This very efficient logging-method is then discussed. The high performance in the felling-operations (7.74 m3 p.h.) is remarkable. The time for loading the skidders and trucks was noticeably high. The influence of the slope on the skidders on the returntrip uphill is significant. Finally it is to be noted, that in spite of using big machinery for transport-operations (up to 7 skidders and 2–3 trucks) it was not possible to utilize the debarkers capacity.   相似文献   

Cable skidders are one of the most used means for logging. In overall skidding operations, winching operations mark themselves out by consuming an important amount of time, which, depending on the work conditions can reach up to 43 % of the total skidding time. A better understanding of those conditions that may act as significant influence factors when estimating time consumption is needed as a prerequisite for better work organization. Based on an extensive time study, this paper demonstrates that along with influence factors that were already identified as being significant (especially winching distance), other influence factors, such as log volume, work pattern, felling area conditions and intervention type, slope, and winching direction, may prove significant in predicting time consumption for the main work elements of winching operations, as well as for a winching cycle. All the variables mentioned presented a great significance (p < 0.05) for a winching replication, and taken apart, they presented great significances for certain work elements. Distance was the most significant independent variable for all the realized time prediction models, slope and winching direction became relevant especially in the case of manual pulling of the cable, whereas intervention type and work patterns made the difference when performances were evaluated. The amount of data within data pools may have a great importance when trying to emphasize the relevance of different variables, as demonstrated by this paper.  相似文献   

European Journal of Forest Research - As a generalization, harvested timber is extracted from forests either as trees or stems by skidders or as logs by forwarders. Coupled with harvesters,...  相似文献   

应用遥感技术(RS)和地理信息系统(GIS)技术,对日本国JICA援助的四川省安宁河流域5个重点造林区进行了土地利用现状和自然植被分布状况的调查,摸清区域内各种土地利用类型、自然植被类型以及可供造林绿化的宜林地资源,为区域造林规划、管理和实施提供依据。  相似文献   

香棕(山棕)的园林利用价值与保护的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对香棕园林利用价值的探讨及资源状况调查 ,以期为保护和开发利用香棕 ,为美化、绿化、香化环境提供参考  相似文献   

城市森林与城市绿化可持续发展   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
针对目前城市绿化中存在的生态环境效能低下 ;绿化维护成本高 ;绿化的社会价值未能充分体现等主要问题 ,提出将城市森林建设作为城市绿化可持续发展的立足点。在阐明城市森林概念和范围的基础上 ,论述了城市森林的主要生态作用。并提出了城市森林建设的思路。  相似文献   

森工企业在拟定采集工艺时,必然要考虑生产效率、经济效益和生态问题.在新的作业条件下,需要开发新型集材装备,既能满足木材生产又能减少对林地环境的不利影响.三角履带是融合了轮胎与履带行走机构的优点而研发的新型行走机构,能适应各种恶劣的环境.本文对多功能集材机三角履带的主参数做分类概述,三角履带的主参数主要由集材机的相关参数和环境的相关数据共同决定.运用建模的方法对5种不同集材机主参数进行计算,通过实验获得诸如坡度、伐根高度等林区作业环境数据,运用统计方法进行数据处理,然后依据以上数据通过理论推导出5种不同多功能集材机三角履带的参考值.  相似文献   

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