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【目的】研究新型灌溉模式对农田水氮及小麦产量的影响。【方法】选用鲁麦21为试验对象进行大田试验,采用二因素裂区设计,灌水量为主区,设拔节期和扬花期均测墒补灌至田间持水率的65%(W65)、75%(W75)、85%(W85)3个水平;灌溉方式为副区,设滴灌(D)、微喷灌(WP)和拔节期微喷灌扬花期滴灌(WP+D)共3种灌溉方式,研究灌水量和灌溉方式对土壤水氮分布、小麦产量、水分利用效率及经济效益的影响。【结果】低于田间持水率的灌溉只对0~40 cm土层产生影响,小麦全生育期内40~100 cm土层土壤含水率没有波动,即0~40 cm土层为主要的供水层及持水层,土壤含水率表现为W85处理>W75处理>W65处理;0~60cm土层土壤硝态氮量在W65、W75灌水量及微喷灌模式下较高,且随着灌水量增多硝态氮淋溶风险增大;成熟期,灌水量、灌溉方式及二者交互作用对40~100 cm土层土壤硝态氮量产生了极显著影响...  相似文献   

基于SEBAL模型的小麦水分生产率研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
基于能量平衡原理,运用SEBAL模型和Landsat8影像反演估算了山西省晋中市的小麦水分生产率。首先根据Landsat8卫星影像,反演了晋中地区净辐射通量、土壤热通量和感热通量,使用能量平衡方程计算了水分蒸散;然后基于晋中小麦的产量统计数据,对晋中小麦的产量进行插值并栅格化;最后利用水分生产率公式计算了研究区小麦水分生产率。结果表明,研究区内的太谷、榆社、介休3站点反演的日蒸散量分别为2.93、3.82、3.17 mm/d,范围为0.41~7.22 mm/d,与根据Penman-Monteith公式计算的结果 (2.57、3.48、3.43 mm/d)大致相等,误差范围在10%左右;研究区小麦水分生产率均值为0.94 kg/m3,最高达到2.50 kg/m3,处于合理范围内,可以对晋中地区提高水分利用效率提供有效参考。  相似文献   

污水灌溉对小麦生长影响试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着水环境条件的恶化,污水越来越广泛地应用到农田灌溉中.为此,通过小麦盆栽室内实验,着重探讨了在不同污灌条件对小麦生长和产量的影响.实验设置了4种灌溉水质(清水、稀释1倍污水、稀释0.5倍污水、污水)对小麦进行灌水处理.结果表明,污水灌溉降低了小麦分蘖率,从而导致最终实际产量下降,但污水对小麦株高、穗长、千粒质量的提高却是有利的.  相似文献   

本文以一具体灌溉系统为背景,用系统工程和方法,对其工程组成、结构、特点进行了全面地考察,并分层对各子系统进行了详细的分析和建立了其优化调度数学模型,为解决类似系统节能、节水和提高经济效益等问题提供了新的方法。  相似文献   

水分胁迫条件下低温对小麦幼苗生长发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以半冬性小麦品种西农2000和冬性品种兰天26号为材料,利用智能型人工气候箱研究了4个温度梯度和3个水分梯度对不同生态型品种小麦幼苗生长发育的影响。结果表明,1水分胁迫条件下,低温显著延长幼穗分化进程(P0.05),温度每升高1℃,幼穗分化时间平均缩短4.89 d;MW处理较CK幼穗分化时间平均缩短5.5 d,LW处理平均缩短4.0 d;2低温显著影响小麦干物质的积累,温度每升高1℃,干物质量平均增加0.61 g/株,且以LW处理干物质积累量最大。3温度和水分对小麦株高、单株叶面积、单株次生根数目及长度影响显著(P0.05),T4处理具有明显的生长优势,但处理间差异因品种、叶龄而异;4各因素对小麦幼苗生长发育的影响依次为温度水分品种,且每个因素对小麦幼苗生长发育的影响均大于交互作用;交互作用中,水分和温度的交互作用影响效应最为突出,且以对单株叶面积影响最大,株高最小。综合考虑,在本试验条件下,轻度水分胁迫LW+T4处理组合为最优方案。  相似文献   

蓄流灌溉技术试验分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
介绍了蓄流灌溉技术原理和灌溉方法,通过田间对比试验,分析了蓄流灌溉与果树常规沟灌的用水量、土壤水分、土壤湿度、果树生长量,以及与滴灌比较的节水节能分析。分析表明,果树蓄流灌溉方式下土壤湿度适宜,用水经济,节水增产,节能低耗,提高水温,防止病虫害等;灌溉系统田间供水畅通,无深层渗漏水量损失,田间水利用效率和灌水质量提高;灌溉管理操作简单,灌水时间和轮灌周期缩短,灌水作业劳动强度降低。  相似文献   

晚播冬小麦限水灌溉对水分生产率的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在2006~2007年利用抗旱节水新品种与高产优质新品种,进行了大田限水灌溉和充分灌溉的对比试验。结果表明,适期晚播处理的冬小麦全生育期浇2~3次水,总耗水量平均3244.5 m3/hm2,产量平均7903.5kg/hm2,水分生产率高达2.432 kg/m3,比充分灌溉(耗水量4481.1 m3/hm2,实产6644.4 kg/hm2,水分生产率1.483 kg/m3)提高0.949 kg/m3,居国内外同类研究领先水平。  相似文献   

实施雨水集蓄,建立生态灌溉体系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
根据湖南省山丘区的地形及气候特征,分析了实施雨水集蓄的可能性和必要性;从改善生态环境和防治旱涝灾害出发,建立山丘生态灌溉体系。对实现湖南省山丘区可持续发展有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

不同节水灌溉方式对小麦产量及水分利用效率的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨不同节水灌溉方式对小麦产量及水分利用效率的影响,在通许试验基地进行了节水灌溉方式(滴灌、微喷灌、喷灌和小白龙)及灌水量(45、90、135mm)的大田试验,分别于拔节和灌浆前期灌水。结果表明:小麦收获时土壤储水量表现为滴灌微喷灌喷灌小白龙,总耗水量以滴灌和微喷灌方式下较少;小麦千粒重随灌水量增加有降低趋势,且在微喷灌方式下明显高于其他处理,而小麦群体、穗长、小穗数和穗粒数均以滴灌方式下表现较佳;灌水能增加小麦产量,水分利用效率随灌水量的增加而降低;以滴灌135 mm的产量最高,水分利用效率以滴灌45mm处理为最高。4种节水灌溉方式中,滴灌更有利于增产和节水,其次为微喷灌。  相似文献   

基于蓄流灌溉模式和蓄流灌水器运行方式,研究了灌溉用水控制技术,分析了蓄流灌溉机理、蓄流灌水器结构及工作方式、用水控制原理和管理技术。结果表明,该技术控制系统无需用电设备,投入减少,运行管理简单方便,为“总量控制、定额灌溉”节水管理提供了新方法。  相似文献   

为合理高效利用河北低平原区浅层地下咸水资源,采用田间试验的方法,系统研究了不同矿化度(1,2,4,6,8 g/L)灌溉水对土壤盐分分布与冬小麦产量的影响.结果表明,随灌溉水中矿化度的增加,0~20 cm厚度的土层土壤容重增加,同时土壤孔隙率逐渐降低.与淡水处理(1 g/L)相比,矿化度为2 g/L的灌溉水浇灌的麦田0~100 cm土层土壤平均盐分含量未出现明显增加;冬小麦拔节期、孕穗期和抽穗期的叶面积指数、株高以及单位面积穗数、穗粒数、千粒质量和籽粒产量未呈现明显差异.然而,当灌溉水矿化度增加到4 g/L以上时,0~100 cm土层土壤平均盐分含量大幅增加,植株生长受到明显抑制,籽粒产量出现显著下降,减产主要因素为咸水灌溉导致的冬小麦穗数减少.在该灌溉模式下,推荐冬小麦咸水灌溉的适宜矿化度低于2 g/L.  相似文献   

Available water holding capacity (AWC) and field capacity (FC) maps have been produced using regression models of high resolution apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) data against AWC (adj. R2 = 0.76) and FC (adj. R2 = 0.77). A daily time step has been added to field capacity maps to spatially predict soil water status on any day using data obtained from a wireless soil moisture sensing network which transmitted hourly logged data from embedded time domain transmission (TDT) sensors in ECa-defined management zones. In addition, regular time domain reflectometry (TDR) monitoring of 50 positions in the study area was used to assess spatial variability within each zone and overall temporal stability of soil moisture patterns. Spatial variability of soil moisture within each zone at any one time was significant (coefficient of variation [% CV] of volumetric soil moisture content (θ) = 3-16%), while temporal stability of this pattern was moderate to strong (bivariate correlation, R = 0.52-0.95), suggesting an intrinsic soil and topographic control. Therefore, predictive ability of this method for spatial characterisation of soil water status, at this site, was limited by the ability of the sensor network to account for the spatial variability of the soil moisture pattern within each zone. Significant variability of soil moisture within each ECa-defined zone is thought to be due to the variable nature of the young alluvial soils at this site, as well as micro-topographic effects on water movement, such as low-lying ponding areas. In summary, this paper develops a method for predicting daily soil water status in ECa-defined zones; digital information available for uploading to a software-controlled automated variable rate irrigation system with the aim of improved water use efficiency. Accuracy of prediction is determined by the extent to which spatial variability is predicted within as well as between ECa-defined zones.  相似文献   

Irrigation needs to be scheduled properly for winter wheat, the main food crop in North China where the water resources are limited. We optimized the irrigation timing of crops under limited water supply by integrating a soil water balance model, dated water production function with cumulative function of water sensitivity index, and a nonlinear search method. The optimization produced the optimal irrigation date series with the predetermined irrigation quota for each application, which aims to obtain higher crop yield with limited irrigation water and be convenient for irrigation management. This simulation–optimization model was used to investigate the irrigation scheduling of winter wheat in Xiaohe irrigation Area in North China. Results show that optimal irrigation date series, corresponding relative yield and relative evapotranspiration are all closely related to the irrigation quota and initial soil water conditions. For rich and medium initial soil water conditions in medium precipitation year, it takes four times of irrigation (60 mm each time) after greening in order to obtain higher crop yield. But it increases to five times for poor initial condition. With limited irrigation water, irrigation should generally be applied in the preferential sequence of early May or late April (in the jointing stage), then mid and late May (in the heading stage), and finally March (in the greening stage). Irrigation should be applied earlier with lower initial soil water storage. Higher irrigation quota increases the crop yield but tends to decrease the marginal value, especially when irrigation quota exceeds 180 mm. The study also indicates that the optimized relative yield is generally higher than that obtained in field experiment. Based on the optimization, we proposed to use the quadratic polynomial function to describe the frontier water production function, which shows the mathematical relationship between optimized relative yield and relative evapotranspiration.  相似文献   

李军平 《湖南农机》2013,40(3):228-229
近年来,独立学院教育体制化的标准逐渐统一,要求众多,使教育活动凝固成某种标准化的模块教育。文章以自主创新为基础,深入研究怎样培育学生的创新学习理念。合理构建独立学院大学生的自主创新学习理念的个性化教育体系,不仅是解决学生的学习兴趣问题,更是提高学生的学习质量的关键,也是培养创新型人才的重要突破口。  相似文献   

The 2-year field experiments were carried out to research the effect of different irrigation methods, namely border irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, and surface drip irrigation, on root development and profile water uptake in winter wheat. Results showed that the main root distribution zone moved upward under sprinkler and surface drip irrigation when compared to the traditional border irrigation. Profile root distribution pattern changed with irrigation methods. Soil profile water uptake was correlated to the root system and soil water dynamics. Due to the appropriate soil water and higher root density in the surface soil layer under sprinkler and surface drip irrigation, the main water uptake zone was concentrated in the upper layer. Because of the water deficit in the surface layer under border irrigation, water uptake in 50–100 cm depth was stimulated, which caused the main uptake zone downward. The amount and pattern of root water uptake varied with irrigation methods. This may provide valuable information on the aspect of agricultural management.  相似文献   

为确定麦后移栽棉的合理灌溉方式,在测坑条件下研究不同灌水次数组合对麦后移栽棉生长发育、蕾铃生长、籽棉产量、纤维品质及水分利用率的影响.研究结果表明:麦后移栽棉在新叶萌发期加灌促苗水(CT1)虽然促进了植株生长发育,但成铃数和铃重没有显著提高,也没有显著提高籽棉产量和纤维品质,且衣分和灌溉水利用率最低;仅灌活苗水而依靠降雨(CT4)不足以满足麦后移栽棉的正常需水,棉花受到了水分亏缺,抑制了植株生长发育和蕾铃正常生长,导致出现大幅度减产(18.9%),降低了水分利用率,同时水分亏缺降低了马克隆值和断裂比强度,纤维品质差.与CT1处理相比,对盛蕾期进行灌水处理,在没有降低籽棉产量和纤维品质的情况下,显著提高了衣分,同时,水分利用率和灌溉水利用率分别提高了8.5%和30.8%,可实现麦后移栽棉节水高产的统一.  相似文献   

Passing treated wastewater through soil is a natural and economic means to improve the quality of wastewater. The United Agricultural Production Company (UAPCO) farm located in the Sulaibiya area of Kuwait has been irrigated with tertiary treated wastewater since 1976. A field investigation at the farm has been conducted by the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) to assess the applicability of the natural soil treatment method, in the long term, to improve the quality of the treated wastewater under the conditions prevailing in Kuwait. The collected data have been analyzed to assess the degree of improvement in quality of the infiltrated water with respect to the tertiary wastewater used for irrigation. The data analysis indicates that in spite of low clay content of the soil, improvement in the quality of the tertiary treated wastewater through soil aquifer treatment by the removal of ammonia (>90%), iron (>80%), organic carbon (>90%), biological oxygen demand (BOD) (100%) and bacteria (50-100%, depending on its type), can be expected over a long-term period. Soil leaching, however, tends to increase the total dissolved solids of the infiltrated water and the nitrification process increases the nitrate content.  相似文献   

Supplemental irrigation of wheat with saline water   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In arid and semi-arid regions, both rainfall and surface irrigation water supplies are unreliable and inadequate to meet crop water requirement. Groundwater in these regions is mainly marginally saline (2-6 dS/m) to saline (>6 dS/m) and could be exploited to meet crop water requirement if no adverse effects on crops and land resource occur. The fear of adverse effects has often restricted the exploitation of naturally occurring saline water. The results reveal that substituting a part or all except pre-sowing irrigation with saline water having an electrical conductivity (ECiw) of 8 dS/m is possible for cultivation of wheat. Similarly, saline water with ECiw ranging between 8 and 12 dS/m could be used to supplement at least two irrigations to obtain 90% or more of the optimum yield. In low rainfall years, the use of such waters for all irrigations, except pre-sowing, produced more yield than skipping irrigations. Apparently, even at this level of osmotic salt stress, matric stress is more harmful. Thus, it would be interesting to use such waters for wheat production in monsoon climatic regions.  相似文献   

Two surface irrigation methods on three crop fields (border irrigated alfalfa and small grain and furrow-irrigated potatoes) in southeast Idaho were tested to determine their effects on the parameters of the Kostiakov equation. A double-ring infiltrometer was used to measure the water intake rate of soil for the border irrigated fields. The furrow-irrigated fields were tested by both double-ring infiltrometer and inflow-outflow methods. The border-irrigated fields showed higher values of the intercept of the Kostiakov equation than the furrow-irrigated fields for a given soil. This means that the border-irrigated fields have a higher initial intake rate than that of the furrow-irrigated fields. The intercepts obtained by the inflow-outflow method were lower than that by the double-ring infiltrometer but the exponents were statistically not different.  相似文献   

为了确定合理的冬小麦灌溉制度,该文在分析广利灌区30 a降水分布规律的基础上,应用蒙特卡罗方法对其进行模拟出长系列(500 a)的旬降水,结合试验所得到的冬小麦耗水的基本参数,制定出了每个模拟年份冬小麦最优灌溉制度,并对灌水规律进行统计分析,得到不同灌溉定额条件下,各生育期灌水定额的的概率分布以及不同灌水定额的高产概率。结果表明:以30 mm为灌水定额的变化步长情况下,灌溉定额为60 mm时,越冬和拔节期各应该灌30 mm,高产概率为1%;灌溉定额为120 mm时,越冬和返青期灌30 mm,拔节期灌60 mm,高产概率为12%;灌溉定额为 180 mm时,越冬和灌浆期灌30 mm,返青和拔节期灌60 mm,高产概率为62.8%;灌溉定额为240 mm时,拔节期和抽穗期灌60 mm,其他生育期灌30 mm,高产概率为98.8%。该文丰富了灌溉制度的研究方法,为冬小麦的科学灌水提供了有力的技术支持。  相似文献   

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