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Groups of l8-month-old cattle were inoculated intratracheally with 5 X 105 colony forming units (high dose) or 500 colony forming units (low dose) of Mycobacterium bovis to determine an appropriate dose to induce lesions similar to those seen in the natural disease. An additional group of 21–28 weeks pregnant cattle were inoculated with the high dose of M. bovis to determine if pregnancy increased the susceptibility of cattle to M. bovis infection. By 23–24 weeks after challenge, the high dose of M. bovis had induced extensive lung lesions, and tuberculous lesions were observed in the lymph nodes of the head, neck, and thoracic and abdominal cavities. In contrast, the low dose of M. bovis induced predominantly small lesions (< 1 cm diameter) which were localised to the lungs and pulmonary lymph nodes. The lesions induced by the low dose were similar to those seen in the natural disease in cattle. The majority of the high dose group cattle produced strong antibody responses to M. bovis culture filtrate, while only one low dose animal produced a detectable response. All of the M. bovis-inoculated cattle produced strong cellular immune responses to bovine PPD (skin test and interferon-γ responses). Pregnancy did not appear to affect the susceptibility to M. bovis infection, and immune responses of the cattle in this group at the end of the study were similar to those in the high dose non-pregnant group. However, from the first test after calving, the interferon-y responses of peripheral blood cultures to bovine PPD were low compared with the responses prior to calving.  相似文献   

The comparative intradermal skin test, in which a delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) response to purified protein derivative of tuberculin (PPD) from Mycobacterium bovis and M. avium is assessed and compared, may be used repeatedly on non-infected animals on farms where bovine tuberculosis (TB) has occurred. A skin test is known to affect subsequent skin tests in infected animals. The reported study was to determine whether repeated skin testing prior to infection with M. bovis might affect the development of the comparative skin test and IFNgamma response subsequent to exposure to virulent M. bovis. The comparative intradermal skin test was applied to one group of six calves five times at 8-week intervals. These and six control calves were subsequently inoculated intratracheally with a dose of M. bovis that produced mild disease. The development of the DTH reaction, IFNgamma, IL-10 and proliferative responses were compared in the two groups of animals. No differences in IFNgamma, IL-10 and proliferative responses were seen between the two groups of calves prior to challenge. After infection with M. bovis no differences in the development of the DTH and IFNgamma responses to PPD were noted as a consequence of the repeated skin testing prior to challenge. No differences between the groups were evident when ESAT-6 was used as antigen and IFNgamma was assayed, although two animals that responded to PPD did not respond with ESAT-6. However, there did appear to be subtle effects of repeated skin testing on the immune response post-challenge that did not affect the diagnostic tests. After challenge control animals showed greater proliferative responses than animals given repeated skin tests prior to challenge, indicating that the procedure did have consequences for immune responses following infection. In both groups a marked reduction in the intensity of the skin test and in the number of animals that would be recognized as reactors was evident when animals were tested 15 weeks post-infection compared to their responses 8 weeks earlier that could have consequences for diagnosis of TB. An antibody response was not evident as a result of repeat skin testing prior to infection but was seen in both groups of calves following skin testing performed 7 weeks after infection.  相似文献   

This review considers the possible events that can occur when cattle are exposed to Mycobacterium bovis and, where appropriate, draws on principles accepted for tuberculosis infection in humans and laboratory animal models. Consideration is given to the many complex factors which influence the outcome of challenge with tubercle bacilli. These include features inherent to the mycobacterium, the host and the environment. It is apparent that clinical disease probably occurs only in a relatively small, but undetermined, proportion of cattle that are exposed to Al. bovis. The majority of animals may clear infection or control the bacilli, possibly in a condition of latency. It is concluded that a better understanding of the dynamics of the events following M. bovis exposure and subsequent infection in cattle would be of significant benefit in developing new tools appropriate for disease control and to designing optimal approaches for their application.  相似文献   

Protection against tuberculosis (TB) is associated with Th1-type cell-mediated immunity (CMI). Whilst the intradermal injection of partially purified derivatives of tuberculin (PPD) represents the classic test assessing the delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) response used in both humans and cattle for diagnosing TB, it has been suggested that the test may modulate host CMI responses. To investigate the kinetics of the development of the DTH response and its subsequent effect on CMI responses, groups of 6-month old calves were inoculated intranasally with 8 x 10(4) cfu of Mycobacterium bovis, subjected to the comparative intradermal tuberculin test (TT) using bovine and avian PPD (PPD-B, PPD-A) at various time intervals post-infection, and immune responses compared. These included DTH, lymphocyte proliferation, IgG production, and synthesis of the cytokines: IFNgamma, IL-10, IL-4, IL-6, and IL-13. All animals were subjected to post-mortem examination. The kinetics of the development of the DTH response assessed in the TT was such that infected cattle could be identified as early as 3 weeks post-infection, which correlated with the detection of an antigen-specific IFNgamma response. Transient increases in plasma-derived IFNgamma as a result of TT during an established TB infection were more pronounced when blood was stimulated with PPD-A compared with PPD-B stimulation. This has the potential to mask diagnosis of infection as a result of the stronger avian-bias if the IFNgamma test is used the week following TT. Disease pathology was not affected by TT. A transient failure to a second TT was observed in 1 of 30 animals and the time (post-infection) at which the TT is administered may be of significance. In serum, IgG responses to PPD-B, which were undetectable prior to TT, were elevated after TT and were most pronounced in cattle that were TT at 6 weeks post-infection. Other cytokines were also affected by the TT; IL-4 mRNA levels increased and IL-6 mRNA levels decreased, whilst PPD-B specific IL-10 protein synthesis was enhanced. These observations may offer the potential for further diagnostic assays that could complement the TT and IFNgamma test.  相似文献   

The transmission of Mycobacterium bovis infection to cattle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The prevalence of Mycobacterium bovis infection in cattle is increasing rapidly in some countries, including the UK and Ireland. The organism infects a wide range of mammalian hosts, and eradication of the disease is difficult if there is an extensive reservoir in the wildlife population. Existing evidence suggests that wildlife vectors include the European badger in the UK and Ireland, the brush-tailed possum and ferret in New Zealand and ungulates in some other countries. Cattle grazing field boundaries or short swards are at particularly high risk, since the chance of contact with the intermediate host or their excreta is increased. There is evidence that the transmission of the disease between cattle following movement accounts for 10-15% of outbreaks in the British Isles and that transmission can occur across farm boundaries. The prevalence the prevalence of single reactors in herds suggested that within-herd transmission was not common. In herds with infected cattle, spreading slurry is a risk factor, which can be minimised by prolonged storage of the slurry, by spreading it on fields not used for grazing or by soil injection. M. bovis also survives in water and may enter the respiratory tract during drinking. It is concluded that M. bovis infection in cattle can be transmitted by a number of routes, some of which can be controlled by appropriate husbandry, but that circumstantial evidence suggests that the existence of a widespread intermediate host is the greatest contributor to infection in cattle.  相似文献   

A concentration of 2.5 X 10(-5) M 2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME) added to the medium in lymphocyte blastogenesis assays increased both the uptake of [3H]thymidine in unstimulated lymphocyte cultures and the probability of detecting antigen-sensitized cattle. The use of 2-ME did not cause lymphocytes from unsensitized cattle to react positively in blastogenesis assays. A crude brucella lysate prepared from Brucella abortus strain 19 was compared with a well-characterized brucella protein allergen prepared from B melitensis and was found to be equally suitable for use in blastogenesis assays. Cell-mediated immunity was produced most effectively in 4-month-old calves by tetanus toxoid, then by Mycobacterium bovis, and least effectively by B abortus.  相似文献   

Although it is generally recognised that tuberculous lesions are present in lymph nodes associated with the respiratory tract in approximately 90 per cent of reactors with confirmed infection, lung lesions are found in only 1 to 2 per cent of such cases during abattoir examination. When lung lesions are not detected, it has been claimed that such cattle are non-excretors and thus unimportant in the epidemiology of the disease. In this study the lungs of 55 reactor cattle were sliced into sections approximately 0.5 cm thick. Tuberculous lesions were evident in over 70 per cent of lungs from reactors with concurrent lesions in lymph nodes of the respiratory system. Further, M bovis was isolated from single samples of nasal and, or, tracheal mucus taken at slaughter in 19 per cent of confirmed cases. Several of these reactors had a clear tuberculin test less than six months previously indicating recent infection. This study confirms the continued importance of the infected bovine in the epidemiology and current eradication of bovine tuberculosis. It is suggested that all tuberculous cattle with lesions in respiratory lymph nodes, rather than being regarded as non-excretors, should be considered as possible excretors and thus important sources of infection for other cattle both within and between herds.  相似文献   

Paratuberculosis is a chronic infection of the intestine of ruminants caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP). Early stage MAP infection can be detected by measuring specific cell mediated immune responses, using the whole blood interferon-γ (IFN-γ) assay. Available IFN-γ assays use purified protein derivative of MAP (PPDj) which are complex antigen mixtures with low specificity. The objectives of this study were to evaluate immunogenicity and specificity of 14 novel recombinant antigens for use in the IFN-γ assay and to assess the consistency of IFN-γ responses. The study included blood samples from 26 heifers from a MAP infected herd, collected three times with four to five-week intervals, and blood samples from 60 heifers of a non-infected herd collected once. Heifers of the non-infected herd were used to establish cut-off values for each antigen. The case definition was an animal with ≥ 2 positive tests for ≥ 4 antigens, resulting in 13 cases and 13 non-cases. IFN-γ levels of cases were higher compared to IFN-γ levels of non-cases (P<0.05). The results of the IFN-γ assay using PPDj did not correlate well with the results using the novel antigens. PPDj produced elevated IFN-γ responses of samples from both the non-infected and the MAP infected herd, indicating unspecific IFN-γ responses and showed low consistency. Three latency proteins, LATP-1, LATP-2 and LATP-3 gave positive IFN-γ tests that correlated very well with the case definition suggesting high immunogenicity. Three tested antigens, LATP-2, MAP-1 and MAP-2 have no homologue in the M. avium subsp. avium or M. bovis genome and could be promising diagnostic antigens, especially LATP-2 correlated highly with the case definition.  相似文献   

Genetic variation in the susceptibility of cattle to Mycobacterium bovis infection exists in differences between families and species, but not breeds. Susceptibility to M. bovis infection increases with age of cattle. Natural exposure to M. bovis or environmental mycobacteria may assist in the development of specific immunity, but there is no direct evidence for such immunological priming of tuberculosis resistance in cattle. This has, however, been demonstrated in humans and other animals. Since non-specific mechanisms have a role in protective immunity, developing an effective vaccine will be difficult, even though some protection of other species has been achieved. Immunological suppression in the periparturient period can produce anergic reactors, which may act as a constant source of infection for cattle-to-cattle transmission. Circumstantial evidence suggests that an adequate intake of mineral, vitamin and protein reduces the susceptibility of cattle. Although weather patterns have been implicated in the susceptibility of herds to M. bovis infection, there is insufficient information to determine the risk factors precisely. It is concluded that some reduction in the susceptibility of cattle to M. bovis infection can be achieved by modifications to the management system to minimize risk factors, but that a considerable amount of further research is required.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to improve the understanding of immune responses of whitetailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) infected with Mycobacterium bovis. Ten mature, female, white-tailed deer were inoculated by intratonsilar instillation of 2 x 10(3)or 2 x 10(5)colony-forming units of M. bovis. Lymphocyte proliferation and humoral response to M. bovis PPD and the M. bovis protein, MPB70 were measured. Deer were tested for exposure to M. bovis by the comparative cervical skin test. Biopsy specimens of skin test sites were examined microscopically and immunohistochemically. The comparative cervical skin test correctly identified all M. bovis -inoculated deer as exposed to M. bovis. Lymphocyte proliferative responses to MPB70 were more consistent than responses to M. bovisPPD in M. bovis -inoculated deer. Antibody responses were more prominent in deer with disseminated disease than in deer with localised disease. The cellular components of delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions at skin test sites were similar to tuberculin reactions in other species. T lymphocytes of the gamma/delta phenotype were seen in increased numbers in M. bovisPPD injection sites.  相似文献   

The intracellular survival of virulent Mycobacterium bovis and avirulent M. bovis BCG in ferret alveolar macrophages was investigated. In addition, the effects of endogenous and exogenous modulators of macrophage oxidative function on bacterial survival and growth in vitro were determined. Ferret macrophages limited the initial growth of BCG, while virulent M. bovis replicated within macrophages. Intracellular bacterial survival was unaffected by the addition of specific inhibitors of macrophage oxidative function. A T-cell supernatant (TCS), derived from mitogen-stimulated lymphocyte cultures, activated ferret macrophages for heightened oxidative burst performance. However, macrophages activated by TCS, bacterial LPS or a combination of both, failed to control infection, and actually enhanced the intracellular survival of M. bovis. These results are discussed in relation to the role of macrophages in mediating tuberculosis-related pathogenesis, with respect to the fact that ferrets are important wildlife vectors of bovine tuberculosis in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium fortuitum and at least 1 unidentified species of soil mycobacteria were isolated from lymph nodes from 4 of 5 African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) that had been culled because of positive test results using the Bovigam assay. The buffalo were part of a group of 16 free-ranging buffalo captured in the far north of the Kruger National Park (South Africa) assumed to be free of bovine tuberculosis. No Mycobacterium bovis was isolated. To investigate the possible cause of the apparent false-positive diagnosis, the Mycobacterium isolates were inoculated into 4 experimental cattle and their immune responses monitored over a 13-week period, using the gamma interferon assay. The immune reactivity was predominantly directed toward avian tuberculin purified protein derivative (PPD) and lasted for approximately 8 weeks. During that period 3 of 4 cattle yielded positive test results on 1 or 2 occasions. The immune responsiveness was boosted when the inoculations were repeated after 15 weeks, which led to 2 subsequent positive reactions in the experimental animal that did not react previously. Including an additional stimulatory antigen, sensitin prepared from M. fortuitum in the gamma interferon assay, showed that it was able to elicit a detectable gamma interferon response in all 4 experimentally inoculated cattle when applied in parallel with bovine and avian tuberculin PPD for the stimulation of blood samples. The implications of occasional cross-reactive responses in natural cases of infection with environmental mycobacteria in the diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis in African buffalo and cattle in South Africa are discussed.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium intracellulare, isolated from sawdust used as litter, was inoculated into 25 bullocks. Six developed a doubtful reaction to mammalian tuberculin and the remainder stayed negative. With avian tuberculin, 8 became positive, 10 doubtful and 7 remained negative. Using the interpretation key described by Goetze, Lauterbach and Nassal, the reactions were shown to be para-allergic. At slaughter there was no evidence of tuberculous lesions.  相似文献   

After immunization of four calves with a live modified Mycobacterium paratuberculosis vaccine the course of the humoral and cell mediated immune reactions was studied during a 2-year clinical investigation. Furthermore, the possibility of shedding of the vaccine strain and the influence of the vaccination on the tuberculin skin test was determined. In addition to standard procedures recently developed diagnostic methods (antibody enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, interferon-gamma test, polymerase chain reaction) were used. A cell-mediated immune reaction, reflected in an increased, specifically induced, interferon-gamma production developed much earlier (1-2 weeks post-immunization) than humoral immunity (8-16 weeks post-gamma immunization). While the increase in antibody titres was transient, declining to extremely low levels 48-60 weeks post-immunization, cell-mediated immunity remained detectable until the end of the investigation. Spread of the vaccine strain into the body and shedding were never detected during the whole course of the study except for one colon site in one calf. As late as 2 years after vaccine application positive or doubtful skin reactions against M. bovis purified protein derivative were measured, reflecting possible interference of the immunization with the diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis. At the end of the investigation, a positive cell-mediated immune reaction was detected the control animal although clinical, pathological and bacteriological examinations gave no indication for a mycobacterial infection.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - The occurrence of Mycobacterium bovis infection in wildlife places at risk livestock, public health, and ecosystems that house endangered species. However,...  相似文献   

This work studies the influence of Neospora caninum intra-species diversity on abortion outcome, infection dynamics in terms of parasite dissemination and peripheral-local immune responses in pregnant cattle. Animals were intravenously inoculated at day 70 of pregnancy with 107 tachyzoites of two isolates showing marked differences in virulence in vitro and in pregnant mouse models: Nc-Spain7, a high virulence isolate, and Nc-Spain8, a low-to-moderate virulence isolate. After inoculation, pregnancy was monitored, and dams were culled when foetal death was detected. Foetal mortality occurred in all infected heifers between days 24 and 49 post-infection (pi), however, it was detected sooner in Nc-Spain7-infected animals (median day = 34) than those inoculated with Nc-Spain8 (median day = 41) with a trend towards significance (P < 0.11). Similar histological lesions were observed in placentomes and in most of the foetuses from the two infected groups. However, parasites were more frequently detected in the placenta and foetuses by PCR and in the foetal brain by immunohistochemistry in Nc-Spain7-infected animals. Specific antibodies were detected starting at day 13 post-infection in all infected cattle, with higher IgG levels in Nc-Spain7-infected group. IFN-γ and IL-4 profiles also varied between infected groups in PBMC stimulation assays. Infected animals showed significant increases in their cytokine mRNA levels (IFN-γ, IL-4, IL-10, IL-12p40 and TNF-α) in the caruncle at time of foetal death. Differences between the infected groups were also observed for cytokine profiles. These results demonstrate the influence of the N. caninum isolate on foetal death outcome, infection dynamics and immune responses in cattle.  相似文献   

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