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Sugar maple decline has been observed in northern Pennsylvania since the early 1980s. We investigated the interactions between soil moisture stresses in sugar maple and other factors, such as soil chemistry, insect defoliation, geology, aspect, slope, topography, and atmospheric deposition. In the summer of 1998, we sampled 28 sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) plots drawn from the USFS Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) plots, containing declining and non-declining sugar maple trees across northern Pennsylvania for a variety of soil physical and chemical parameters, site characteristics, and tree health. Foliage from declining plots was found to have significantly lower base cations and higher Mn as compared to that from non-declining plots. Soils in declining plots had lower base cations and pH, a Ca:Al≤1, lower percent clay and higher percent sand and rock fragments than soils on non-declining plots, suggesting that trees on declining plots are at risk of nutritional and drought stress. Regression relationships between foliar and soil chemistry indicated that foliar nutrition was highly correlated with soil chemistry in the upper 50 cm of the soil. Declining sugar maple plots in this study occurred at higher elevations on sandstone dominated geologies. Soils were found to be base poor-sandy soils that contained high percentages of rock fragments. Soils below 50 cm on declining plots had lower soil pH and foliar chemistry indicated lower foliar base cations. A trend, while not significant was found with declining plots experiencing a greater number of and more severe insect defoliations.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to analyse the degree to which the variation in soil conditions corresponds to the occurrence of specific plant species at micro-scale. The investigation was performed in beech forests with seven plant species growing on three sites with different geological substrates of the Triassic period (Muschelkalk, Oberer and Mittlerer Buntsandstein). At each site three to five plant species of ca. 20 individuals each were selected by stratified random sampling. The growth location of a plant individual was considered to be a potential microsite. At the gowth locations, soil solution was exctracted in situ by low tension lysimetry from the rooted topsoil exactly beneath the selected plant individuals. A soil sample was taken from the same spot and analysed for pH(H2O) and exchangeable cations. In addition, the vegetation was recorded around each target individual and species composition was related to chemical soil properties by multivariate analyses.

The three sites were found to form a gradient with respect to most analysed soil parameters. Variation coefficients of soil properties increased in the sequence pH, exchangeable Ca, K, Mg, Al, Fe, Mn. Concentrations of cations in the soil solution varied to a higher degree than those of exchangeable cations with the sole exception of Fe that showed a lower variation in the soil solution. Averaged over all sites, the microsite values for pH and exchangeable Ca exhibited a distinct sequence for the investigated species with decreasing values in the root horizon in the sequence Mercurialis perennis, Arum maculatum, Lamiastrum galeobdolon, Galium odoratum, Viola reichenbachiana, Oxalis acetosella and Luzula luzuloides. Within sites, only few significant differences were found between the potential microsites of specific species. The microsites of species on Muschelkalk differed in pH, concentrations of exchangeable Ca and K and of Ca in the soil solution. The microsites on Mittlerer Buntsandstein differed in pH and concentration of exchangeable Fe. No significant differences between species were found on Oberer Buntsandstein. Species composition in a area of 3.14 m2 around the sample locations varied only to a minor degree as was revealed by canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). In addition, the low level of encountered variation could only be explained to a small degree by the soil variables.

It is concluded that the analysed environmental factors are of minor importance for fine-scale species occurrences. At a scale of meters or less, biotic parameters might exert a greater influence than soil parameters.  相似文献   

Calcareous amendment and/or fertilization trials were carried out in a declining 66-year-old Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) stand in the Vosges mountains (northeast France, altitude 1100 m) in 1985. The aim was to test tree response to nutritional deficiencies (Ca + Mg) and to alleviate soil acidity. In 1988, experimental equipment was set up to collect atmospheric input (bulk precipitation, throughfall) and soil seepage water. The soils are podzolic (‘ocre-podzolique’), derived from an acid-poor granitic bedrock (‘granite du Valtin’). The soils are coarsely textured, hence very porous. They are very acid (pH 3.4 in the A1 horizon, and pH 4.1 in the Bs horizon). The cation exchange capacity (CEC) is highly saturated in exchangeable acidity: 86% in the A1 horizon. Ca2+ + Mg2+ saturation is very low (<10% in A1 and <1% in the subsoil). Liming and fertilization significantly increase soil pH, base cation saturation and decrease soil acidity, especially in the surface horizons.

Bulk precipitation is dilute and acidic (pH 4.5); ion concentration of the precipitation greatly increases after passing through the tree canopy. Dry deposition is moderate and has values in the lower range reported for Europe.

Nitrification produced large amounts of NO3-N and H+ ions in the O layer and organo-mineral horizons. Nitrate and aluminium dominate the chemical composition of the soil see-page water.

Liming induces a considerable rise in the soil solution pH and the base cations (Ca2+ + Mg2+) and decreases nitrate and aluminium substantially. Liming alone seems to lower the rate of nitrification. Addition of fertilizers increases the deep drainage of base cations which could reduce the long term efficiency of liming.

Improvement of tree health-status accords with the positive effects of liming and/or fertilization on the soil's solid phase and solution.  相似文献   

In the western United States, many native riparian forests are declining downstream from dams and diversions, primarily due to a lack of successful regeneration of native species. Conceptual models have been described that incorporate stream flow characteristics that promote successful regeneration of western riparian Populus seedlings. However, these models need to be calibrated for additional species and specific stream characteristics. In this study, we examined the growth and survival of two dominant Sonoran desert riparian tree species, a native Salix gooddingii, and an exotic, Tamarix chinensis, to simulated water table declines at rates of 0, 1, 2, and 4 cm/day. Salix seedlings performed best in the 0 cm/day treatment in which the soil was saturated and showed decreasing survival and growth with increasing rates of water table decline. Root-to-shoot ratios were high for Salix, but root elongation rates were low with an emphasis on lateral root development. This root growth pattern may be an adaptation to habitat where Salix typically grows, near the stream channel where the water table is shallow but the likelihood of flood scour is high. Lateral root development may help to protect Salix seedlings from late season flood scour. Tamarix seedlings showed consistently high survival across all treatments and had the greatest growth in the 0 and 1 cm/day treatments. Tamarix seedlings had greater root elongation rates in response to water table decline relative to the control, with the greatest elongation in the 1 cm/day treatment. Greater root elongation rates and higher drought tolerance allowed Tamarix seedlings to persist in dry soils where Salix seedlings died. Differences in growth and survival of these two species in response to water table decline will need to be incorporated into management practices to promote successful native riparian tree regeneration.  相似文献   

The influence of above-ground insect herbivory and other agents of damage to seedlings was studied in a field experiment. Nine different tree species were planted in each of five randomised blocks. The species were: Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertner, Betula pendula Roth., Fagus sylvatica L., Fraxinus excelsior L., Larix eurolepis Henry, Picea abies (L.) Karst., Prunus avium L., Quercus robur L. and Tilia cordata Mill. The seedlings were monitored through the 2000–2002 growing seasons. Pine weevils (Hylobius abietis L.) fed significantly more on Norway spruce seedlings than on all other tree species. The following rough preference order was obtained: Norway sprucelarch>birch, beech, oak>cherry>alder, ash, lime. Thus, during the conversion of single-species coniferous plantations to mixed-species broadleaved stands, the use of costly insecticides against pine weevil is not required. Short-snouted weevils (e.g. Strophosoma melanogrammum Forst. and Otiorhynchus scaber L.) and other insects caused leaf and needle area loss primarily during the first growing season.  相似文献   

Interactions between forest canopy characteristics and plants in the forest understory are important determinants of forest community structure and dynamics. In the highlands of southwestern, China the dwarf bamboo Bashania fangiana Yi is an understory dominant beneath a mixed canopy of the evergreen Abies faxoniana (Rheder & Wilson) and the deciduous Betula utilis (D. Don). The goal of this study was to better understand the role of bamboo dominance, canopy characteristics, and periodic bamboo dieback on forest development. To achieve this goal, we measured tree seedling, tree saplings, and trees, forest canopy characteristics, and bamboo cover in permanent forest (n = 4) and gap plots (n = 31) in a mixed A. faxoniana and B. utilis forest in Sichuan, China. Dwarf bamboos died off in 1983 in the gap plots, and in three of the four forest plots. Forest development was assessed for the period 1984–1996. The seedling bank in forest and gap plots increased after bamboo die-off. A. faxoniana seedlings increased more than B. utilis in forest plots; the opposite pattern characterized gap plots. The proportion of seedlings on raised micro-sites on the forest floor also changed and new seedling were more abundant on the forest floor. By 1996, bamboo seedling cover and biomass had recovered to ca. 45% or their pre-flowering values. Rates of bamboo seedling recovery were faster beneath canopy gaps and deciduous trees than beneath forest or evergreen trees. Tree mortality exceeded recruitment in plots with dense bamboo; the opposite pattern was found in the plot with little bamboo. The mortality rate for B. utilis trees (2.4% year−1) was higher than that for A. faxoniana (0.8% year−1) and forests with dense bamboos became more open over the census period. Tree mortality was size-dependent and intermediate sized trees had the lowest rates of mortality. Stand basal area increased mainly due to greater basal area gain than loss for A. faxoniana. Interactions between tree species life history, canopy type, and bamboo life-cycles create heterogeneous conditions that influence tree and bamboo regeneration and contribute to the coexistence of A. faxoniana and B. utilis in old-growth forests in southwestern China.  相似文献   

采集江西省林科院竹种园刚竹属3个竹种——毛竹、雷竹及黄秆乌哺鸡竹根际土壤作为研究对象,采用高通量测序技术比较3个竹种根际土壤微生物群落结构,分析其种类及多样性的差异。结果表明:不同竹种根际微生物群落结构具有一定差异性。3个竹种根际土壤细菌群落在各级分类水平上组分相似,构成比例差异不大。真菌群落在各级分类水平上组分相似,构成比例差异显著。在3个竹种中毛竹和雷竹根际土壤固氮菌群落构成组分及比例都更接近。由此可见,不同竹种的根际微生物群落都有其特异性,因此在培育中应对不同的竹种选择施用适当的微生物菌肥,以促进竹种根际土壤优势菌群的形成,进而促进竹种的生长。  相似文献   

In this study three species of the genus Quercus section Erythrobalanus (Quercus coccinea, Quercus rubra, Quercus velutina) were investigated. All occur together as canopy trees in forests of southern New England. Acorns of each Quercus species were planted in plots located in five zones that represent a range of forest gap/canopy conditions that can occur within a southern New England forest. These five zones were demarcated adjacent to and across large openings of two physiographic sites—valley and ridgetop. Experiments were designed to monitor germination and initial growth of seedlings for the first three growing seasons. During the start of the first growing season germination was monitored. At the end of the first growing season measurements of height and number of flushes were taken and destructive samples of seedlings made for dry mass of root, stem and leaves. At the end of the third growing season height was recorded for surviving seedlings. Comparisons were made of germination and growth of seedlings located in the different gap/canopy conditions.

Results demonstrated clear differences in patterns of germination and early growth among species and among gap/canopy conditions of the sites. All species showed an increased lag in germination with reduced amounts of light. Highest growth and flushing rate were in the center conditions of the openings for all species during the first growing season. Quercus rubra had the greatest height growth the first growing season but a lower number of flushes than Q. velutina and Q. coccinea. In comparison with the other species, Q. rubra had the greatest total dry mass in most gap/canopy conditions after the first growing season. However, Q. velutina had the greatest total dry mass in the center of the ridgetop opening. In almost all gap/canopy conditions Q. velutina had greater proportions of dry mass allocated to roots compared with the other species.

After 3 years, greatest height growth in any of the gap/canopy conditions was recorded for all three species in the center of the valley site. Under this condition Q. rubra had significantly greater growth than Q. velutina and Q. coccinea. Quercus rubra also had significantly greater height growth and survival beneath the canopy conditions of the valley site than the other species. On the ridgetop site regeneration failed to establish beneath canopy conditions that provided low amounts of light. Quercus velutina showed greatest height growth after three years in the center and edge conditions of the ridgetop opening compared with the other species. Environmental influences that determine species germination and growth performance are suggested.  相似文献   

筇竹不同林分类型土壤酶活性的垂直分布特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在云南省大关县木杆镇选择4种筇竹林分类型:天然筇竹—阔叶树混交林、天然筇竹—山茶混交林、天然筇竹—人工黄皮树混交林、人工筇竹—黄皮树混交林等,研究不同筇竹林分类型、不同土层深度(0~20、20~40和40~60 cm)的土壤过氧化氢酶、蔗糖酶、酸性磷酸酶和脲酶活性。结果表明:1)天然筇竹—阔叶树混交林的土壤过氧化氢酶、酸性磷酸酶和脲酶活性高于其他3种林分类型,人工筇竹—黄皮树混交林的土壤蔗糖酶活性高于其他3种林分类型,说明人工施肥处理对提高蔗糖酶活性有一定的作用;2)除天然筇竹—阔叶树混交林的蔗糖酶外,4种林分类型的土壤酶活性在土层0~20 cm达到最大值,并且随着土壤土层深度的增加而降低;3)除天然筇竹—人工黄皮树混交林的蔗糖酶和脲酶与过氧化氢酶、人工筇竹—黄皮树混交林和天然筇竹—山茶混交林的酸性磷酸酶与过氧化氢酶、天然筇竹—阔叶树混交林的酸性磷酸酶与蔗糖酶无显著相关外,其他酶活性之间均存在显著或极显著相关(P<0.05或P<0.01)。研究表明林分类型和土层深度是影响土壤酶活性的重要因素。  相似文献   

The long-term nature of forest crop rotations makes it difficult to determine impacts of forestry on soil nutrients that might be depleted by forest growth. We used small scale, highly stocked plots to compress the length of the rotation and rapidly induce nutrient depletion. In the study, two species (Pinus radiata D. Don and Cupressus lusitanica Miller) are compared under two disturbance regimes (soil undisturbed and compacted), and two fertiliser treatments (nil and plus fertiliser), applied in factorial combination at 33 sites, covering the range of climatic and edaphic variation found in plantation forests across New Zealand. To assess our ability to rapidly highlight important soil properties, foliar nutrient concentrations were determined 20 months after planting. It was hypothesised that the densely planted plots, even at a young age, would create sufficient pressure on nutrient resources to allow development of relationships between properties used as indicies of soil nutrient availability and foliar nutrient concentrations. For both species significant relationships between foliar nutrients and 0–10 cm layer soil properties from unfertilised plots were evident for N (total and mineralisable N) and P (total, acid extractable, organic, Bray-2 and Olsen P). With the exception of Ca in C. lusitanica, foliar K, Ca and Mg were correlated with their respective soil exchangeable cation measures. The results thus confirm the utility of the experimental approach and the relevance of the measured soil properties for forest productivity.

In unfertilised plots foliar N and P concentrations in P. radiata exceeded those in C. lusitanica, the differences being eliminated by fertiliser application. Foliar N/P ratios in P. radiata also exceeded those in C. lusitanica. In contrast to N and P, foliar K, Ca and Mg concentrations were all higher in C. lusitanica, the difference being particularly marked for Ca and Mg. P. radiata contained substantially higher concentrations of the metals Zn, Mn and Al than C. lusitanica, whereas the latter contained higher B concentrations. Possible reasons for differences between species in foliar nutrient concentrations are discussed.  相似文献   

The Salicaceae and Betulaceae are important plant families within riparian ecosystems throughout the Northern hemisphere, and cuttings of species within these families are often used in riparian restoration projects due to their capacity for vegetative (asexual) propagation and rapid growth. Riparian zones can experience a wide range of hydrological conditions and establishing cuttings may be subjected to substantially varying levels of hydric stress from inundation and drought. Tolerance to such stress can vary notably between species, and the absence of knowledge of species-specific responses to inundation and drought has resulted in high mortality in many riparian restoration projects. In this paper, the survival and growth responses of Salix elaeagnos (Salicaceae), Populus nigra (Salicaceae) and Alnus incana (Betulaceae) cuttings in relation to varying rates of water table decline and periods of inundation were investigated using rhizopods during a 69-day greenhouse experiment, in substrates of contrasting sediments (sand versus gravel).

Each species responded differently to the experimental treatments. S. elaeagnos demonstrated an ability to establish in stable, declining and inundated conditions by the production of relatively substantial root and shoot biomass in all treatments, along with elongated roots when experiencing water table decline. P. nigra showed high mortality and poor root and shoot production in inundation treatments, suggesting that this species is intolerant to reduced oxygen conditions. A. incana displayed complete mortality in all gravel-based treatments and high mortality or poor growth in the sand-based inundation treatments. All species showed preferences for stable conditions without inundation, along with slow water table decline for S. elaeagnos. Fast rates of water table decline were detrimental to all species. Overall, sand was a much more effective substrate than gravel for supporting cutting establishment. These results suggest that riparian restoration schemes utilizing S. elaeagnos cuttings may experience greater success than those using the other species investigated. P. nigra cuttings may establish more easily if situated where inundation does not occur often or for prolonged periods, and A. incana cuttings should be planted only where very stable conditions dominate. The study highlights the inter-species variability in the survival and growth response of riparian trees to differing hydrological conditions.  相似文献   

The growth of Grevillea robusta A. Cunn. ex R.Br. in plantations and on farms was assessed on 67 sites selected at random in the major ecological zones of Rwanda. The following parameters were assessed: diameter at breast height, tree height, altitude above sea level, annual rainfall and temperature, soil pH, soil type, soil fertility, soil depth, spacing and forest type (plantation or farm).

Analyses of variance demonstrated that fertile soil, intercropping and cultivation between trees considerably improved growth performance. However, growth was negatively correlated with altitude, with stands above 2300 m above sea level showing poor growth. In Rwanda with proper management, the species can be grown in plantations and on farms for firewood, poles and sawlogs.  相似文献   

The objective was to study the influence of vegetation cover, humus depth, microrelief and distance to seed tree edge on natural regeneration of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) in five small clear-cuts on bilberry woodland in southeastern Norway. The impact of the vegetation was considered at tree different scales: at the growing point, in the nearest square decimetre around the seedlings and at a 1 m2 scale. Most of the regeneration (95%) developed in 1996, after a rich seed year in 1995. The microhabitat was of crucial importance to seedling establishment. Litter, Sphagnum spp. and Polytrichum commune were good substrates for establishment, while areas dominated by Deschampsia flexuosa, Dicranum spp. and Pleurozium schreberi had very few seedlings. Seedling survival after five growing seasons was slightly better in litter than in Sphagnum and other mosses, but the differences were not statistically significant. Increasing humus depth had a positive influence on regeneration, probably due to shallow soils at the sites. Even though depressions covered only 4.9% of the ground, 24.1% of the seedlings occurred here. Survival was, however, lower in depressions than in the other microrelief classes. Distance to the seed tree edge had a significant influence on establishment, with more seedlings establishing close to the edge.  相似文献   

Influences on mineral topsoils of common European tree species (oak-Quercus robur L., lime-Tilia cordata Mill., ash-Fraxinus excelsior L., birch-Betula pendula Roth., beech-Fagus sylvatica L. and spruce-Picea abies (L.) Karst.) were studied in 30 to 40-year-old stands planted in adjacent plots on former arable land. Mineral soil samples from two depth layers (0–10 and 20–30 cm) under the different species were compared in terms of pH, base saturation, pools and concentrations of exchangeable macro- and micronutrients, total nitrogen and carbon. With the exception of pH (H2O) and extractable Al and Fe, no significant differences between species were detected in the lower layer. The upper (0–10 cm) layer was, however, affected differently depending on tree species: significant differences in pH, base saturation, exchangeable base cations and other nutrients were observed. The most prominent differences were between lime and spruce. Lime had considerably higher pH, base saturation, base cation and boron pools compared to spruce, which had the most acidifying effect on the mineral topsoils. Among the deciduous species, beech had the most similar effect to spruce on the upper layer of mineral topsoils. Soil C, N and C/N ratios did not differ significantly among species.  相似文献   

Thirteen species of deciduous forest vascular plants were established from seeds: Brachypodium sylvaticum, Carex sylvatica, Circaea lutetiana, Deschampsia flexuosa, Galium odoratum, Lamium galeobdolon, Lathyrus vernus, Luzula pilosa, Milium effusum, Poa nemoralis, Sanicula europaea, Stellaria holostea and Stellaria nemorum. An acid beech forest soil was variously treated with carbonates (CaCO3 + MgCO3 or SrCO3) to obtain a soil solution pH of 3.3–5.2. The experimental results were compared with the field distribution of the same species in 230 south Swedish deciduous forests with regard to soil pH.

In general, the species reacted to increasing soil pH in accordance with their field distribution. Addition of SrCO3 was almost equally effective as CaCO3 + MgCO3 (both at pH 4.2 in the soil solution) in promoting establishment and growth, whereas most species failed in the untreated soil (pH 3.3). There were no indications that the Ca or Mg concentrations of the soil solution were below minimum or even suboptimal for plant growth in the untreated soil. Within the pH range (pH 3.5–4.3) which proved critical to establishment and growth in most of the species, the reactive Al3+ concentration of the soil solution did not vary significantly. It is suggested that the high acidity of the rhizosphere solution, possibly aggravated by Al3+, obstructed the uptake or retention of mineral nutrients by the roots in the untreated acid beech forest soil.  相似文献   

Tree vegetation and size structure was sampled in a miombo woodland area in E Tanzania and related to environmental factors, particularly soil and disturbance history. A total of 86 tree species was found. Four plant communities were distinguished through multivariate classification. Community 1 was dominated by Brachystegia boehmii, Brachystegia bussei and Julbernardia globiflora, and community 2 by B. boehmii and Brachystegia spiciformis. Community 1 was found on grey, eroded soil and community 2 on red, residual soil, a fact that opens up possibilities to use soil signals of satellite data for vegetation mapping. Community 3 is heavily disturbed miombo woodland near villages and community 4 was found on more clayey soil where miombo woodland is not expected.

At our 42 sampled sites, density ranged from 74 to 1041 individuals ha−1 and basal area from 3.9 to 16.7 m2 ha−1. Regeneration is generally good but large sized trees are less prominent in communities 3 and 4 due to harvesting. With reduced disturbance miombo species may rapidly resume dominance in community 3. A higher than expected representation by the size class 30–40 (−50) cm dbh in community 2 is probably related to disturbance history. Prevalence of certain species (Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia, Pterocarpus angolensis and Diplorhynchos condylocarpon) may be related to frequent fires. Selective logging will soon cause extinction of Dalbergia melanoxylon, whereas Pterocarpus angolensis still has good regeneration, possibly because individuals below logging size have a good seed set.

A way to get an easy overview of size classes in all species in an area using PCA is discussed.  相似文献   

The damaging effects of mistletoes Amyema spp. on host eucalypts in rural Australia concern many landholders, but few data are available to evaluate mistletoe impacts or formulate management strategies. We used an experimental disinfection approach to determine the effects of a putative pest mistletoe, Amyema miquelii, on its two principal hosts, Blakely's red gum (Eucalyptus blakelyi) and yellow box (Eucalyptus melliodora), on pastoral properties in northern New South Wales. For each host species, pairs of nearby trees were matched for heigth, diameter at breast height, level of mistletoe infestation and distance to neighbouring trees. One tree per pair was chosen at random and all the mistletoes pruned. After 33 months all treated trees were still alive, but among control trees seven of 29 red gums and one of 20 yellow box trees had died. The difference in survival between treated and control trees was significant for red gum. Among surviving pairs of trees, treated trees of both species had significantly greater diameter increments and significantly more foliage than untreated trees. After 33 months, the average increase in relative host foliage biomass attributable to removal of mistletoes was 22% in red gum and 24% in yellow box, compared with untreated controls. The average increase in radial growth attributable to mistletoe removal was 55% in red gum and 49% in yellow box. Diameter increment was negatively and linearly related to mistletoe infestation level in control trees of both species. The differences between infected and disinfected trees in this experiment may underestimate the impact of Amyema miquelii on host growth because small amounts of host biomass were unavoidably lost during disinfection. In a separate experiment, loss of host biomass had a significant negative impact on diameter increment. Although the results indicate that control of serious Amyema miquelii infestation of individual trees will be worthwhile in terms of immediate host survival and higher growth rate, prudent long-term management may well allow for the loss of small numbers of farm trees to mistletoes when planning tree recruitment and utilisation.  相似文献   

为丰富西藏昌都市城市绿化树种类型,于2017年从云南昆明引种栽植了美竹。文章调查分析了引种3年的美竹无性系种群结构。结果表明:美竹在昌都市区生长较好,能够正常发笋成竹;无性系种群年龄结构表现为正金字塔型,为增长型种群;植株高生长和胸径生长没有出现低矮化、纤细化等种群衰退特征;每丛竹发笋成竹数量一般在6~17株。由此表明,美竹可在昌都地区的城市绿化中扩大种植。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the factors which are responsible for clearly visible growth irregularities in Gmelina arborea stands by relating growth rates to soil and site properties. All Gmelina plantations under study, established on degraded pasture soils in the Atlantic lowlands of Costa Rica, showed the same growth pattern: very poor growth and chlorotic foliage of trees in mid-slope positions, and fast growth and healthy leaves of trees on hilltops and hillbases. The variation in site and soil properties and tree growth rates was analysed, investigating 24 plots in eight different plantations. Leaf samples were taken from 120 trees (five trees per site). Foliar analysis revealed that the tree growth is highly dependent on the supply of N, P, K and S, indicating that poorly growing trees suffer from a multiple nutrient disorder. To identify the most restricting soil factor, simple correlations between growth rates and soil chemical and physical properties were applied to the entire data set. The best correlation was obtained with exchangeable soil K (r=0.78, P<0.001). Subdivision of the data set into plots on brown soils (eight) and plots on red soils (16) and subsequent correlation analysis resulted in much stronger relationships. Growth depressions in mid-slope positions had other causes on brown soils than on red soils. On the acid brown soils the combination of the variables Al saturation and bulk density could explain 82% of the variation of tree growth. Al saturation of up to 80% in brown soils inhibits nutrient uptake, particularly of N and P. The red soils dominate on Ca---Mg-enriched, alluvial terraces and were among the first soils to be cultivated in the region. During the agricultural use and at the establishment of the tree plantations, they received dolomitic lime to reduce Al toxicity. Here, very low K/Mg ratios (less than 0.03) may induce K deficiency. Therefore, the best multiple regression model for tree growth rates on red soils is obtained with K/Mg ratio and thickness of the humic A-layer (r2=0.75, P<0.001). Inclusion of the variable bulk density resulted in a clear improvement of the model, explaining 91% of the growth variability.  相似文献   

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