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Infection of sugarcane by Sugarcane Yellow Leaf Virus (SCYLV) remains mostly asymptomatic. The assimilation rates and the water relations parameters were measured to test whether the plants are already inflicted by the infection. The assimilation rate and the stomatal conductance were 10–30% higher in virus-free plants than in infected plants. The observed differences were significant in young potted plants, not in older field plants. Virus-free leaves had a higher bundle sheath leakiness and a lower 13C discrimination rate than infected leaves. The water relations parameters of SCYLV-infected asymptomatic plants showed resemblance to those of salinity- and drought-stressed plants.  相似文献   

A survey revealed that Sugarcane yellow leaf virus (SCYLV) is found on all Hawaiian sugarcane plantations including those where no yellow leaf symptoms were observed. In a comparison of growth and yield between SCYLV-infected and SCYLV-free plants of the cultivar H87-4094, germination and early shoot growth of infected plants were retarded. The number of stalks per stool was reduced by 30%, biomass was reduced by 29%, and sugar yield by 26% when plants were harvested after 11 months. Yields did not decrease when plants were harvested after 2 years. Thus, SCYLV could reduce yield, even when the plants were asymptomatic. In a field test of SCYLV-susceptible (infected) and -resistant cultivars to compare growth and yield, 10 commercial cultivars (six susceptible and four resistant to SCYLV) were grown in eight fields with different climates and soils. Primary stalk length, biomass and sugar yield did not differ between susceptible and resistant cultivars under any field conditions. Thus, harmful effects of SCYLV on yield cannot be deduced by comparing different cultivars.  相似文献   

Sugarcane yellow leaf virus (SCYLV), a member of the Luteoviridae , is implicated in the sugarcane disease known as yellow leaf syndrome (YLS), which is characterized by yellowing of the leaf midrib followed by leaf necrosis and possible growth suppression. YLS is distributed worldwide and susceptible cultivars are commonly infected with SCYLV. However, not all cultivars infected with SCYLV show symptoms of YLS and some cultivars that show symptoms do so sporadically. Since it is difficult to obtain virus-free plants of susceptible cultivars, it has not been possible to study the factors involved in SCYLV infection nor the effects of infection on plant growth and yield. A tissue blot immunoassay was used to visualize in vivo presence of the virus so that virus-infected and virus-free plants could be distinguished. Meristem tip cultures were used to produce virus-free plantings of six SCYLV-susceptible sugarcane cultivars. Nearly all of the regenerated sugarcane lines remained virus-free over a period of up to 4 years, whether grown in isolated fields or in the glasshouse. Experimental re-infection of the virus-free plants by viruliferous aphids demonstrated that meristem tip culture did not affect susceptibility of sugarcane to SCYLV. Improved diagnosis and production of virus-free plants of SCYLV-susceptible cultivars will facilitate research to quantify the effect of the virus on yield and to analyse the processes involved in disease development.  相似文献   

Non-symptomatic sugarcane plants infected with Sugarcane Yellow Leaf Virus showed starch in mesophyll and bundle sheath cells. In situ-hybridization of mRNAs of sucrose-phosphate phosphatase and ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase revealed that infected leaves contained SPPase and AGPase in mesophyll cells, Kranz cells and bundle sheath cells. In contrast virus-free leaves contained SPPase only in Kranz cells and AGPase only in bundle sheath cells. Infected leaves exhibited ultrastructural changes in Kranz cell chloroplasts and a shift of the chlorophyll a/b ratio. No obstruction of plasmodesmata was observed. The results indicate that SCYLV-infected plants, even when visually non-symptomatic, underwent strong metabolic and ultrastructural changes.  相似文献   

Viral dieback of carrot, chervil, coriander, dill and wild Umbelliferae is described. Disease incidence in carrot crops grown for seed is often high but low in ware carrot. There is no secondary spread in carrot crops.The causal virus was identified as theAnthriscus strain of parsnip yellow fleck virus (PYFV) transmitted byCavariella aegopodii from cow parsley(Anthriscus sylvestris). Nicotiana benthamiana was practically indespensable for isolation of PYFV by sap transmission from plants with viral dieback.No immunity was found in 12 carrot cultivars or in wild carrot. Disease control with a systemic insecticide had limited effect.Carrot red leaf virus and carrot mottle virus were commonly found in carrot, but they did not cause dieback symptoms. Cucumber mosaic virus, parsnip mosaic virus and a virus resembling that of carrot yellow leaf were occasionally isolated from carrot. Symptoms due to mycoplasma were also observed.Samenvatting Bij de zaadteelt van peen is in ons land reeds lang een schadelijke, vroeg in het seizoen optredende instervingsziekte bekend als voorjaarsziekte of het zwart. Planten vallen op door necrose van jonge spruiten (insterving). Soms gaat meer dan de helft van het gewas verloren. Voor consumptie geteelde peen wordt echter nauwelijks aangetast. De ziekte is nu ook gevonden bij dille, kervel, koriander en wilde schermbloemigen.Uit zieke planten en ook vaak uit symptoomloze fluitekruidplanten werd een virus geïsoleerd waarmee de insterving kon worden gereproduceerd. Het werd herkend als de fluitekruid-(ofAnthriscus-)stam van pastinakegeelvlekvirus (PYFV) op grond van waardplanten, symptomen, serologie en overdracht doorCavariella aegopodii met als onmisbare helper hetAnthriscus-vergelingsvirus (AYV), dat ook in fluitekruid voorkomt. Het gebruik vanNicotiana benthamiana als toetsplant maakte isolatie uit planten met virusinsterving mogelijk. Voor de ziekte wordt nu de naam virusinsterving van schermbloemigen voorgesteld.Peenroodbladigheid veroorzaakt door peenroodbladvirus, dat meestal samengaat met peenvlekkenvirus, bleek ook algemeen voor te komen. Deze twee virussen spelen geen rol bij het veroorzaken van virusinsterving, zoals wel werd aangenomen. Beide ziekten zijn geheel verschillend in symptomatologie en epidemiologie. Incidenteel werden komkommermozaïekvirus, pastinakemozaïekvirus en een virus gelijkend op peengeelbladvirus in aangetroffen. Ook werd eenmaal een aan een mycoplasma toe te schrijven ziekte geconstateerd.Virusinsterving bleek epidemiologisch te kunnen worden verklaard door de massale jaarlijkse migratie vanC. aegopodii in het voorjaar, waarbij PYFV van fluitekruid naar peen en andere schermbloemigen wordt verspreid. Door onvatbaarheid van peen voor het helpervirus (AYV) treedt in dit gewas geen secundaire verspreiding op.In geen van 12 peenrassen en wilde peen werd resistentie aangetroffen. Toepassing van een systemisch insekticide bleek in eerder onderzoek slechts een beperkt effect te hebben. Peenzaadteelt in gebieden met minder bladluizen, zoals het noorden des lands, lijkt aan te bevelen, maar verder lijkt de ziekte niet te bestrijden.Work in partial fulfillment of requirements for master's training at Agricultural University, Wageningen  相似文献   

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