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为更好的开发利用笃斯越橘并保护其珍贵的野生资源,开展笃斯越橘播种育苗试验.研究表明赤霉素5000 ppm溶液里浸泡28 h,笃斯越橘种子发芽率可达97%;草炭土6:细沙3:松针1(加0.5%硫磺粉)为最适的播种育苗基质.  相似文献   

根据对根河地区自然、社会条件分析,根据笃斯越橘市场需要量较大、经济效益良好,而野生天然笃斯越橘日益减少的实际情况,提出笃斯越橘良种培育的可行性方案,做出前景分析。  相似文献   

随着国内外蓝莓市场需求量的逐年增多,仅靠原生态野生蓝莓资源已经不能满足产业发展的需要。因此,为大兴安岭蓝莓产业的健康有序发展,迫切需要研究野生蓝莓资源的保护和经营技术,探索出野生蓝莓资源有效利用的途径。  相似文献   

文章通过笃斯越橘的生物学特性、种苗繁育建设目标,提出了良种繁育示范内容、示范基地建设等笃斯越橘种苗繁育内容及建设模式。  相似文献   

根据根河市笃斯越橘天然分布现状和长春市人工蓝莓引种良种情况分析,提出笃斯越橘基地建设工程设计的区划、总平面设计、主要生产工艺和工程设计。  相似文献   

果胶酶-明胶-硅胶-膨润土复合澄清法能够有效的澄清笃斯越橘果汁,最佳澄清搂:斯越橘果汁中添加0.034%的果胶酶,在50度下保温2h,每100L果汁加入10克明胶,30%的明硅胶溶液37.5ml以及75克膨润土对果汁进行澄清,澄清的果汁于室温下贮藏180天后,仍保持清流透明,无沉淀。  相似文献   

基于CNKI数据库,采用文献计量学方法,对1990—2018年间笃斯越橘相关研究文献的数量、年度分布、学科分布、研究机构、作者及其核心作者、基金项目、出版物进行归类和统计,以期为笃斯越橘研究以及产业发展提供参考。结果表明:1990—2018年间笃斯越橘相关研究文献呈现波动增长趋势;学科领域主要集中在果树、食品以及中药与方剂3个学科;研究机构主要以黑龙江省林业科学研究所、吉林大学和延边大学为主;基金项目主要来自国家基金;相关期刊主要刊载于《食品科学》。  相似文献   

黑龙江省大兴安岭笃斯越橘资源丰富,生长条件得天独厚,但受自然因素等影响,产量不高不稳。在大兴安岭阿木尔林业局红旗林场设置试验地进行笃斯越橘的生物与生态学特性调查以及经营技术试验。调查结果显示了其形态特征、不同分布类型的种群植株特征、果实特征等生物与生态特性。试验结果表明,推广应用笃斯越橘资源的平茬复壮、疏灌透光等经营技术,可以提高笃斯越橘产量、扩大种群分布面积,可有效保护笃斯越橘资源与恢复野生种群。  相似文献   

文章根据培养基类型、细胞分裂素浓度及生长素浓度的不同采用L9(3)4正交设计对笃丝越橘组织培养的增殖生长进行试验。  相似文献   

采用清除OH.能力、清除O2-.能力、抗脂质过氧化能力和还原能力对笃斯越橘花色苷进行体外抗氧化活性的研究和相关性分析。结果表明:笃斯越橘花色苷具有良好的抗氧化活性,是天然抗氧化剂潜在来源。笃斯越橘花色苷含量与OH.清除率、O2-.清除率、抗脂质过氧化抑制率和还原能力具有显著的相关性(相关系数r分别为:0.9929、0.9700、0.9530、0.9807),呈明显的量效关系。OH.清除能力、O2-.清除能力及抗脂质过氧化能力的IC50值分别为28.53、123.32、55.64μg/mL。  相似文献   

以蓝莓品种‘蓝丰’组培苗为材料,采用正交试验设计,研究了不同类型的支撑物(珍珠岩、草炭和琼脂)、不同液体培养基(WPM、1/2WPM和1/4WPM)、不同激素(IBA、NAA、IBA+NAA)及其不同添加浓度(0.5 mg·L-1、1 mg·L-1、2 mg·L-1)对试管内蓝莓组培苗生根的影响。结果显示:以珍珠岩为支撑物的各处理有效生根率分别为82.5%、77.5%和79.31%,明显高于其他处理,且根系发达,分支多。基础液体培养基以WPM的R值最大,为44.44;激素类型以0.5 mg·L-1 IBA+0.5 mg·L-1 NAA组合的R值最大,为42.22;激素浓度以1 mg·L-1的R值最大,为43.33。蓝莓组培苗的最佳生根组合方式为以珍珠岩为支撑物,添加0.5 mg·L-1 IBA和0.5 mg·L-1 NAA的WPM液体培养基。  相似文献   

利用数量化理论对大兴安岭野生笃斯越桔适生立地条件进行研究的结果表明:影响野生笃斯越桔生长的主导因子为土壤类型、全氮含量、pH值;样地聚类结果可将研究区域样地分为3种类型,其中第Ⅰ类样地为笃斯越桔适生立地。  相似文献   

笃斯越橘(Vaccinium uliginosum Linn.)喜凉爽湿润的森林气候,集营养、药用、保健和商用价值于一体,为珍贵野生果类之一。采取固定标准地连续定位测定和临时标准地随机调查点面结合的方法,通过探讨高寒地区光、热、水、土资源与笃斯越橘生态耦合性,综合分析了数量性状的生态效应和亲本的遗传效应,为高寒地区的良种选育和引种驯化提供理论依据。结果表明:生境类型不同,数量性状存在一定的变异,以沼泽草句生境的变异最小,株高、果实纵和横径、单果质量及单株结实量的平均变异系数分别为4.31%、1.52%、1.11%、15.83%和3.45%;5个数量性状的遗传力较强,遗传增益中等,遗传力分别为0.995,0.982、0.990、0.997、0.995和1.000,遗传增益分别为8.40%、5.48%、5.53%、13.29%和4.63%,经济效益显著。  相似文献   

通过田间试验,研究了不施肥处理(CK)、风干鸡粪(CM)、有机无机复合肥(OIC)和生态有机肥(BIO)处理对定植大果榉土壤碱解氮和有机质含量,土壤微生物量碳氮含量以及大果榉地上部生长指标(株高、胸径和叶面积)增长率的影响。结果表明:与CK相比CM、OIC和BIO处理均增加了土壤碱解氮和有机质含量,显著提高土壤微生物量碳、氮的含量,其中BIO处理的土壤微生物量碳氮含量最高;与CM和OIC处理相比,BIO处理初期土壤碱解氮含量相对较低,而有机质含量在整个观测期均表现出较高水平;各施肥处理均显著提高了大果榉株高、胸径和叶面积增长率,其中BIO和OIC处理效果较好。  相似文献   

Young leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala (Lam) de Wit) and gliricidia (Gliricidia sepium (Jacq) Steud) alley-cropped with food crops on farmers' fields in southwestern Nigeria showed marked variability in growth and foliage coloration. A field study was undertaken to determine whether variability in soil fertility was responsible for the differential growth of the two tree species. Plant height of leucaena and gliricidia at 6 and 9 months after planting (MAP) were significantly correlated with soil organic C and total N. Dry matter yield at 12 MAP was also significantly correlated with plant height, soil organic C and total N for leucaena but not for gliricidia. Soil and plant N concentrations were significantly higher in farms with normal than those with chlorotic plants.  相似文献   

以北京山区25块油松人工林样地为研究对象,调查了40年生油松人工林在不同林分密度和立地条件下的生长状况,建立了林分密度与平均胸径、平均树高、平均冠幅和单木材积之间的回归方程,相关指数都在0.9以上;以样地平均优势木的解析材料确定40年生优势木树高,按单项立地因子实际分布区间分组,进行方差分析、差异显著性检验、多重比较。结果表明:随着林分密度的增大,平均胸径、平均树高、平均冠幅、单木材积逐渐减小;北京山区40年生油松人工林密度应控制在1 500株/hm2以下;明确了北京山区油松人工林生长与立地因子的关系,初步确定了油松人工林适宜的立地条件为:低山、阴坡、有效土层厚度(A+B层)45cm以上。  相似文献   

A detailed study of the soil chemical and physical properties in seven-year-old alley cropping trial containingLeucaena leucocephala andFlemingia congesta in Northern Zambia is described. There was a strong correlation between the maize yield and the total amount of nitrogen applied, both from prunings and fertiliser, suggesting that a major reason for the observed benefit from alley cropping, particularly withLeucaena, was due to an improvement in nitrogen supply.Leucaena produced significantly more biomass, and its leaves had higher concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium and lower C/N and C/P ratios than did those ofFlemingia. There was also evidence that the trees had a beneficial effect on other soil chemical properties; under the hedgerows, particularly those ofLeucaena, there were higher levels of organic carbon, Mg, K and ECEC, and pH values were also highest.It is suggested that higher levels of organic carbon in the alley crop treatments were responsible for the improvements observed in soil physical properties. Lower bulk density, lower penetration resistance, and a higher infiltration rate and pore volume fraction were measured in the alley crops, although there was no significant change in the soil water release parameters.A deteriorating effect of constant applications of nitrogen fertiliser on soil fertility was observed; as the level of urea application increased, there were significant decreases in Mg, K and pH, increases in Al and soil acidity, and higher penetrometer resistance. These results highlight the urgent need for further research on biological methods of maintaining soil fertility.  相似文献   

The effects of intensive site management treatments at establishment on the production ecology of a stand of Eucalyptus grandis were evaluated in South Africa. Treatments mimicked common operational practices in the region, and included slash removal, slash conservation, slash burning, topsoil disturbance through mechanised harvesting and fertilisation. We calculated the carbon distribution in the standing biomass from allometric relationships. Fine root turnover and litterfall measurements were determined using sequential coring techniques and litter traps, respectively, and this data was used to construct a full model of biomass allocation among stand components. Differences in nutrient availability to young trees, brought about by the most extreme site management treatments, produced several small but significant changes in the elements of the system's production ecology: Absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (APAR) increased from 210 to 247 Mmol photons ha−1 over the 3-year monitoring period, apparent canopy quantum efficiency (α; defined as gross primary production per unit of APAR) from 0.026 to 0.029 mol C (mol photon)−1, and the fraction of carbon allocated to stem wood from 32.7% to 35.6% of net primary production. The magnitudes of these individual responses collectively described the increase in net primary productivity and the Type 1 timber volume response obtained. The biggest changes occurred in APAR, in contrast to published studies from higher rainfall environments where differences in nutrient availability caused greater changes in α than in APAR.  相似文献   

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