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A totaI of 105 transgenic rice lines independently transformed with a pea ferritin gene (Fer)were previously obtained.After seven generations of selfing and β-glucuronidase(GUS)assisted selection,82 transgenic lines with stable agronomic traits were got.Among the 82 transgenic lines,two high-iron transgenic rice lines Fer34 and Fer65,with the iron contents in the milled rice being 4.82 and 3.46 times of that of the wild type Xiushui 11,respectively were identified.In the two transgenic lines,the exogenous Fer gene was highly expressed,and inherited as a single locus.The transgene had no negative effect on the agronomic traits of rice plant,other mineral nutritional components,appearance quailty and eating quailty of the milled rice,indicating that these two lines were elite high-iron breeding lines.Furthermore,the practical application and further studies facilitating utilization of the two elite breeding lines were discussed.  相似文献   

小麦籽粒戊聚糖含量的基因型与生态变异研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
通过比色法测定了在江苏省6个生态点种植的6个有代表性的小麦品种籽粒戊聚糖含量,以探讨小麦籽粒戊聚糖含量的基因型与生态变异。结果发现,小麦籽粒戊聚糖含量在基因型和生态环境间差异达显著水平,6个小麦基因型品种戊聚糖含量变幅为6.35%~7.02%,以皖麦38戊聚糖含量最高,且在各个生态点变异最小,宁麦9号戊聚糖含量最低,扬麦10号在各个生态点变异最大。6个生态点各品种戊聚糖平均含量为6.42%~6.70%,以赣榆点最高,吴江点最低;戊聚糖含量在赣榆变异最小,在姜堰变异最大。小麦籽粒戊聚糖含量与花后气象因子关系密切,与小麦主要面粉品质性状和面团流变学特性参数也存在相关关系。  相似文献   

Twenty-nine japonica rice varieties collected from Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces, China were planted in Hangzhou, China, to investigate the phytic acid content in brown rice and its frequency distribution as well as the correlation among the contents of phytic acid, total protein and four protein compositions in brown rice. The phytic acid content in brown rice ranged from 0.699% to 1.034%, with a mean of 0.868% for the 29 tested rice varieties. Xiushui series rice varieties generally exhibited lower phytic acid level than Wuyujing and Huai series rice varieties. A rough normal distribution, with a mean of 8.722%, was observed for the total protein contents in the tested varieties. Of the four protein compositions, the glutelin, globulin and albumin contents had larger coefficient of variation than the prolamin content, although the difference in prolamin content was genotype-dependent. No significant correlation was found between the phytic acid and four protein composition contents, whereas the total protein content was significantly and positively related to the glutelin content in brown rice.  相似文献   

施氮处理对水稻精米中铁含量的影响及基因型差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以120份国内外水稻基因型为材料,设置0、150、300kg/hm23个氮素水平,研究施氮处理对水稻精米中Fe含量的影响及其基因型差异。除相同氮素条件下水稻精米中的Fe含量、产量、千粒重及籽粒含氮量存在基因型差异外,精米中的Fe含量对氮素反应的敏感性也存在显著差异。以各基因型水稻在不同氮素条件下精米中Fe含量的极差和变异系数为指标,通过系统聚类的方法,可将上述120份水稻基因型对氮素反应的敏感性分为极钝感型、钝感型、敏感型和极敏感型共4种类型。同时,相关性分析表明,水稻精米中的Fe含量与产量的相关性不显著,而与粒重、籽粒含氮量呈显著或极显著的二次曲线关系。由此说明,施氮处理对水稻精米中Fe含量的影响具有基因型差异,充分利用这种差异一方面有利于对氮环境适应性强的富铁水稻的选育;另一方面,由于精米中的Fe含量与产量无必然联系,可通过氮肥对水稻(尤其是敏感和极敏感类型水稻)精米中的Fe含量和粒重、籽粒含氮量的调节,实现富铁、高产水稻的种植。  相似文献   

以协青早、秀水110及其辐射诱变获得的低植酸突变系(HIPi1和HIPj1)为材料,通过水培试验对不同氮、磷、锌浓度处理下水稻籽粒植酸含量差异及与几种矿质元素间的相关性进行了比较分析。高水平氮、磷、锌浓度处理的籽粒植酸含量较同一品种的低氮、磷、锌处理均有所降低,但在水稻生育期间,籽粒植酸含量对磷、锌处理浓度变化的敏感性,则因品种的植酸类型特征而异;氮、磷浓度增加能分别提高铁或降低铜在籽粒中的积累,但在高锌处理下,籽粒铁含量明显降低、而钾和镁的含量等却有所升高; 籽粒植酸含量一般与K、Mg、Fe、Cu 4种矿质元素含量呈正相关、与籽粒Zn含量呈负相关,但统计显著水平因品种而异。低植酸突变体籽粒中的K、Mg、Fe、Zn等含量虽略有下降,但可以通过适当的介质营养条件来调节有关矿质营养在水稻籽粒中的积累。  相似文献   

Malnutrition is one of the major problems inmost of the developing countries, especially amongwomen, infants and children. Biofortification is a verynew strategy to enhance the bioavailability ofmicronutrients in staple food by using advancedbreeding meth…  相似文献   

水稻籽粒不同部位植酸含量及其与稻米品质的相关性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 选用13个不同类型的水稻品种,对其籽粒不同部位植酸含量品种间差异及与稻米主要品质性状间的相关性进行了分析。结果表明,供试13个水稻品种米糠、糙米、颖壳、精米的植酸含量平均值分别为48.51、9.77、1.40和0.91 mg/g,而且不同水稻品种间籽粒不同部位的植酸含量存在极显著差异。在籽粒中,米糠中植酸积累最多,其次是精米,颖壳最少。米糠中植酸含量与糙米和颖壳中植酸含量呈极显著正相关。糙米和米糠中植酸含量与稻米蛋白质含量均呈显著的负相关,与千粒重均呈显著正相关。  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(3):322-328

Stomatal conductance (gs) is an important trait responsible for the genotypic difference in gas diffusion for photosynthesis and transpiration in rice (Oryza sativa L.). We measured gs, stomatal density and stomatal length (guard-cell length) at two weeks before heading for 64 accessions from a rice diversity research set of germplasm (RDRS) and for three high-yielding cultivars (HYC) under field conditions. Considerable variations in gs, and stomatal length were observed among varieties in RDRS, and it was considered that RDRS covers the species diversity of the stomatal characteristics in rice. When it was compared among the varieties with similar plant earliness, gs was higher in HYC than in most varieties of RDRS. Stomatal density did not correlate with gs, and there was a negative correlation between stomatal density and stomatal length. However, noticeable variance existed in the latter relation, where HYC exhibited a higher stomatal density and slightly shorter stomatal length than RDRS. High gs in HYC is attributable to their high stomatal density and moderate specific stomatal conductance (gs / stomatal density) while the high-gs varieties in RDRS tended to have a lower stomatal density and higher specific stomatal conductance. Stomatal length is related to specific stomatal conductance, but there are remarkable differences between these traits. Specific stomatal conductance in HYC has not reached the upper limit for their stomatal size, which raises a possibility of further improvement of HYC in gs.  相似文献   

两种穗型粳稻穗内粒间直链淀粉含量变异与粒位分布特征   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
以6个直穗型和4个弯穗型粳稻品种为材料,对两者在相同栽培条件下的穗内粒间直链淀粉含量变异及其频数分布、粒位特征进行了比较分析。结果表明:水稻穗型虽然与品种间的直链淀粉含量高低无直接关系,但对其穗内不同籽粒间的直链淀粉含量差异存在着较大的影响;直穗型粳稻品种单一稻穗内直链淀粉含量的粒间差异明显大于弯穗型品种,其直链淀粉含量的粒间变异系数与离散程度均高于后者;同一稻穗内不同籽粒间的直链淀粉含量变化与其相应的粒位有关,两种穗型粳稻品种均表现为穗顶部籽粒的直链淀粉含量相对较高、穗基部籽粒的直链淀粉含量相对较低这一基本趋势。但与弯穗型粳稻品种相比,直穗型粳稻品种大量低直链淀粉含量籽粒产生的部位是在其稻穗的中部,而不仅仅局限在稻穗基部的3个枝梗上。  相似文献   

为探寻不同专用类型小麦籽粒品质调控的途径,以不同专用类型小麦品种为材料,比较了其籽粒淀粉合成酶基因表达、淀粉合成酶活性以及淀粉积累速率动态特征,并分析了三者之间的相关性。结果表明,整个灌浆期间,籽粒淀粉合成酶基因(AGPase1、GBSSI、SSSIII、SBEI)相对表达量、淀粉合成酶(AGPase、GBSS、SSS、SBE)活性及直、支链淀粉积累速率均表现为强筋小麦中优9507〉中筋小麦淮麦18〉弱筋小麦宁麦9号〉糯小麦Wx11。相关分析表明,AGPase1、SSSIII、SBEI基因的相对表达量最大值与AGPase、SSS、SBE活性峰值均呈极显著正相关;GBSSI基因相对表达量最大值与GBSS活性峰值相关不显著;4种淀粉合成酶基因相对表达量最大值均与籽粒直、支链淀粉及总淀粉积累速率峰值呈极显著正相关;4种淀粉合成酶活性与籽粒直、支链淀粉及总淀粉积累速率均呈极显著正相关。  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(1):136-145

Exploring Approaches To Optimizing Spatial Distributions of Leaf Area index (Lai) and Leaf Nitrogen Content (Lnc) Should Be Useful For increasing Grain Yield in Rice (Oryza Sativa). THe Primary Objective of This Study Was ToCharacterize The Variation of Lai and Lnc Distributions Within The Canopy in Relation To Grain Yield and N Uptake in Rice.Two Experiments With Different N Fertilization Rates Under Conventional and intermittent Irrigation (Ci and Ii, Respectively) Were Conducted in 2002 and 2003, Using Japonica Rice Cultivar Wuyujing9. The Results Showed That Grain Yield and N Uptake Were Significantly Different Among Application Rates of N (N Rates), But Did Not Differ Between Ci and Ii. Lai Distribution At Full Heading Was Affected Significantly By N Rate But Hardly By The Irrigation Method. individual Lai increased With The N Rate. To Achieve A High Yield, The Proper Distribution of Lai in The Canopy Can Be Designed As The Largest in The 2Nd Leaf From The Top, Followed By The 3Rd and 4Th Leaves, and The Smallest in The Top Leaf. Lnc On The Base of Both Area and Dry Matter At 15 Days After Full Heading Decreased From The Top To Lower Leaves in The Canopy, and Significantly increased With The N Rate. Grain Yield Was Enhanced Linearly With The increasing N Content of The Upper Two Leaves, But Hindered By The High N Content of Lower Leaves. These Results indicate That The Spatial Distributions of Both Lnc and Lai Could Be Optimized To Achieve Maximum Canopy Photosynthesis and Grain Yield in Rice.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(4):406-420

Duration of the drought period is important for plant response during drought and after rewatering. We hypothesized that, if drought duration is extended, (1) high seedling vigor and rapid development of a deep root system will not be advantageous, and (2) osmotic adjustment will be more important. Six diverse rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes were selected from rainfed lowland germplasms to examine the development of a deep root system and osmotic adjustment, and their relationship with biomass production during drought and after rewatering, under two different drought durations (shorter and prolonged) in the greenhouse. NSG19 and KDML105 had greater seedling vigor (larger seedling biomass), developed a deep root system earlier in response to drought, extracted soil water more quickly, and their pre-dawn leaf water potential declined more rapidly during the prolonged drought period. These two genotypes showed superior drought recovery even after a prolonged drought period in which they suffered a greater reduction in transpiration, water use efficiency, and biomass production. The superior recovery ability was associated with larger plant size by the end of the drought period rather than with plant water status during drought, such as osmotic adjustment or leaf water potential. Osmotic adjustment was greater during prolonged drought periods (ca. 0.7 MPa) than during shorter drought periods (ca. 0.5 MPa), and lower osmotic adjustment was mostly associated with a higher leaf water potential. Genotypic variation in osmotic adjustment was observed, but there was no clear relationship between osmotic adjustment and biomass production during drought periods. These patterns of response of rice seedlings to drought and rewatering in the greenhouse should help to explain the patterns of adaptation of rainfed lowland rice in the field. Selection for drought recovery ability should be an advantageous strategy for early season drought.  相似文献   

特种稻米中微量元素铁、锌、锰含量的配合力和稳定性分析   总被引:28,自引:2,他引:28  
 以米粒中微量元素铁、锌、锰含量各具差异的7个特种稻品种配制完全双列杂交,利用Griffing方法1模型I分析3种微量元素含量的配合力;利用变异系数分析法研究7个亲本在不同地点、不同年份间微量元素含量的稳定性。结果表明,铁、锌、锰3种微量元素的一般配合力(GCA)方差和特殊配合力(SCA)方差均达极显著水平,其中铁含量的SCA方差大于GCA方差,锌、锰含量GCA方差大于SCA方差,说明这3种元素同时受加性和非加性基因作用,铁含量以非加性效应为主,锌和锰含量则以加性效应为主。同一亲本3种元素间GCA效应差异较大,同一元素不同亲本间差异亦较大;同一元素不同组合间SCA表现较大变幅,并有GCA效应高的亲本其杂交组合的SCA效应多数表现较高的趋势,但亦有GCA低的亲本间杂交出现SCA高的组合。变异系数分析结果显示,7个亲本在不同年份、不同地点间,各元素含量的差异较大,表明稻米中铁、锌、锰含量除受遗传控制外,还明显受环境条件的影响,并表现基因型×环境互作。  相似文献   

利用Wx基因第1内含子第1位的G/T和第6外显子第1 132位的A/C碱基多态性,分别开发分子标记Wx-I和等位基因特异性分子标记Wx-a-F(Wx-b-F)/Wx-a-R,对76份水稻品种Wx基因多态性进行检测,并分析不同基因型与直链淀粉含量的关系。结果表明,供试品种中在Wx基因的这2个多态性位点上检测到了3种基因型(In1G-Ex6A、In1G-Ex6C和In1TEx6A),分别表现为高、中、低直链淀粉含量;籼稻中这3种基因型均存在,而供试爪哇稻和粳稻中分别只检测到In1G-Ex6C和In1T-Ex6A基因型;供试籼型杂交水稻亲本中,恢复系Wx基因以In1T为主,三系保持系均为In1G,而两系不育系同时含有这2种类型,说明两系不育系的Wx基因变异比三系不育系丰富。  相似文献   

以易穗萌的冈46B、穗萌抗性好的桂R106和深97B3个品种为材料,比较研究了穗萌抗性不同的水稻品种新鲜种子胚中OsVP1基因的表达水平及OsVP1基因的启动子序列差异。结果表明,在开花受粉后不同时间的新鲜种子胚中,桂R106和深97B中OsVP1及受其调控的下游基因OsEM的表达水平均高于冈46B;且与冈46B相比,桂R106和深97B中OsVP1基因的表达对ABA更敏感。比较3个品种的OsVP1基因启动子序列,发现易穗萌的冈46B仅有一种启动子序列,而抗穗萌的桂R106和深97B有2种类型启动子序列,其中一种与冈46B的一样,另一种与冈46B中OsVP1启动子序列相比有3处碱基差异,推断桂R106和深97B中可能存在至少2个OsVP1基因拷贝。这可能是桂R106和深97B中OsVP1基因表达水平高于冈46B,进而导致其对穗萌的抗性强于冈46B的主要原因。  相似文献   

选用籽粒蛋白质含量有显著差异的亲本和杂种后代超亲变异系,比较分析灌浆过程中籽粒蛋白质积累特性、谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)活性变化、GS基因mRNA表达量变化和基因碱基序列。结果表明,杂交后代通过籽粒蛋白质含量的连续定向选可获得超亲变异系,籽粒蛋白质积累量与基因型紧密相关;灌浆过程中籽粒GS活性呈单峰曲线变化,籽粒蛋白质含量与籽粒GS活性密切相关,而且籽粒GS活性也能产生超亲变异;在灌浆过程中籽粒蛋白质含量不同的亲本及超亲变异系籽粒GS1.3和GS2基因的mRNA表达量变化趋势基本一致,即随灌浆进程mRNA表达量逐渐增加,到抽穗后15~20d表达量最高,随后逐渐下降,呈单峰曲线变化;GS1.3和GS2基因mRNA表达量与籽粒蛋白质含量关系密切,GS基因mRNA表达量高的基因型籽粒蛋白质含量也高,而且超亲表达;尽管不同品种GS1.3和GS2基因碱基序列保守性很高,但不同品种水稻GS1.3和GS2基因的碱基序列和蛋白质氨基酸序列并不完全一致,存在着个别碱基不同的基因多态性,品种间有性杂交后代在基因分离和稳定过程中通过碱基的替换仍然能发生碱基的随机性变化及三联体密码和氨基酸的变化。  相似文献   

水稻根表铁膜对磷的富集作用及其与水稻磷吸收的关系   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
采用溶液培养方法,使铁毒耐性不同的两个基因型水稻根表分别形成有铁膜和无铁膜的根系,研究水稻根表铁膜对磷的富集作用及其与水稻磷吸收的关系。不同基因型水稻根表形成的铁膜厚度存在显著差异,对介质中磷的富集能力也有显著差异。根表形成的铁膜越厚,对介质中磷的富集作用也越大,即根表铁膜数量与铁膜对磷的富集量呈显著正相关。铁膜对磷的富集作用是一个化学过程,吸附可在0.5~1.0 h内达到饱和。根表铁膜明显促进水稻对磷的吸收,表明在淹水降低土壤磷有效性时,水稻根表铁膜富集的磷可作为磷库,保证水稻能正常吸收利用磷。  相似文献   

 利用在玉米中克隆到的一个抗水稻细菌性条斑病的非寄主抗性基因Rxo1中含有NBS LRR结构的开放读码框(ORF)在水稻基因组中搜索到16个抗性基因同源序列,进一步研究发现,位于第11染色体上的同源序列基因RPR1与细菌性条斑病的抗性有一定关系。首先,以RPR1为模板设计的两对引物都只在供试的细菌性条斑病抗病品种中扩增出目标带;再者RT PCR的结果表明RPR1的表达能被细菌性条斑病菌接种所诱导,说明来自不同物种的结构相似的抗性基因可以表达相同或相似的功能。但从对RPR1定位的结果看,RPR1与之前定位的抗细菌性条斑病主效QTL之间尚有9 cM的图距,两者之间的连锁并不紧密,说明RPR1的表达并不能解释抗病品种Dular对细菌性条斑病的抗性,RPR1并不是水稻表达细菌性条斑病抗性的关键因子。  相似文献   

利用水稻穗离体培养方法,对不同外源磷浓度下水稻籽粒植酸等磷化物含量的差异及其植酸代谢相关功能基因在灌浆过程中的表达特征进行了探讨。结果表明,水稻籽粒中的植酸、无机磷和总磷含量随外源磷处理浓度上升呈增加趋势,但磷处理对千粒重和单位籽粒中植酸积累量的影响因磷浓度水平而异,高磷处理会导致水稻千粒重和籽粒植酸积累绝对量的显著降低;外源磷处理浓度的上升,不仅会引起水稻籽粒中锌和铁元素含量的显著降低,而且会导致锌、铁营养的生物有效性下降;外源磷处理对水稻籽粒植酸含量的影响与不同磷处理下RINO1基因的相对表达量之间存在较密切关系,中磷浓度(3P)处理会诱导RINO1基因的表达,但高磷浓度(12P)会抑制RINO1基因的表达,RINO1是外源磷浓度处理对水稻籽粒植酸合成代谢过程产生调控作用的一个重要功能基因位点,而IPK2基因与水稻在不同磷浓度处理下的植酸含量变化无直接联系。  相似文献   

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