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28 immature female albino mice were utilized to clarify if there was a sufficient amount of the hormonal agent used in the production of meat for human consumption, such as estrogen, can remain in meat cut from carcasses of animals administered hormones during finishing to have deletorious effects on human ingestors. The animals were divided into 4 equal groups, group A: control, fed on normal ration, group B: each mouse were injected with 0.2 microgram of estradiol propionate i. p. daily, group C: were fed on normal ration mixed with imported minced meat, 5 g/mouse/day, group D: were fed as in group C, but we used local minced meat. Sera were collected after one week. There were significant increase in both FSH and LH in group B, slight rise in both FSH and LH in groups C and D but group A have the lower level of both FSH and LH. The number of Graafian follicle were significantly higher in group B, also the body weight of group B, were rapidly increased more than other groups. Both of groups C and D nearly inclose to each other, in body weight, indicating that imported meat were free from any estrogenic residues in comparison to our local meat.  相似文献   

An outbreak of tuberculosis due to Mycobacterium bovis in farmed red deer imported from an eastern European country is described. Twenty-six of the 106 deer examined at autopsy were found to be infected and 19 had visible lesions of tuberculosis. Single comparative intradermal tuberculin tests on 51 deer showed that the test had a specificity of 61.3 per cent and a sensitivity of 80 per cent relative to subsequent biological and cultural tests on tissues taken at autopsy. Three hundred and seventy eight culled fallow and sika deer which had been running in a park in contact with some of the infected animals were found to be free of tuberculosis.  相似文献   

On several occasions in 1987 Australian meat was reported by overseas countries to contain unacceptable levels of pesticide residues. Investigations revealed that the residues were mainly the organochlorine compounds DDT, dieldrin and heptachlor, the concentrations of which exceeded the maximum residue limits. The organochlorines had accumulated in the soil of farms where they were used annually, or more frequently, owing to their long half-life in soils, and grazing animals had accumulated the pesticides in their adipose tissues. Removing the animals to non-contaminated pastures did not reduce the residue levels for some time because their half-lives in the adipose tissues ranged from two to three months. When the problem was recognised action was taken by the Commonwealth Department of Primary Industries and Energy and the relevant Departments of the States and the Northern Territory to identify the affected properties and animals. The affected farms were quarantined and the animals detained until the residue levels were depleted adequately. The use of DDT was banned and dieldrin and heptachlor were permitted to be used only for the control of termites in buildings. Following this action the proportion of samples of beef with residue levels above the permitted limits decreased from 0.42 per cent in 1986/87 to 0.22 per cent in 1987/88.  相似文献   

Selenium did not exceed 108 ng/g in muscle after single subcutaneous dosesof 5 mg selenium into weaned lambs. Levels in liverand kidney exceeded 2000 ng/g only during the first day after treatment.  相似文献   

应用经验证可靠的ELISA方法,对进口猪产品进行莱克多巴胺残留快速筛选检测,对ELISA检测阳性的样品采用色谱质谱联用分析方法进行确证检测。1330份猪产品的检测结果显示,采用ELISA方法检出阳性率达11.4%(152/1330);对ELISA阳性样品采用高效液相色谱-串联质谱(HPLC—MS/MS)或气相色谱-质谱方法(GC—MS)确证,阳性率达90.8%(138/152)。检测工作表明,综合运用快速筛选检验技术与确证检测技术可实现快速准确检测动物产品中莱克多巴胺残留,提高进出境检验工作效率。  相似文献   

In spite of several quality control procedures used by Australia to ensure the wholesomeness of export meat, a number of pesticide residue violations were identified in the Australian product exported to the USA in May 1987. The pesticides involved were the organochlorines, dieldrin and heptachlor. The problems were caused by the persistence of organochlorines in soils and their illicit use or contamination of storage facilities. Animals grazing contaminated pasture, ingesting contaminated feed or held in contaminated yards over a period, bioaccumulated residues in their adipose tissues which eventually exceeded maximum residue limits (MRL) and caused violations. Though there was no immediate public health risk, the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS) of the Commonwealth Department of Primary Industries and Energy (DPIE), acted expeditiously to determine and eliminate the factors causing these problems, which threatened Australia's beef export industry worth in excess of two billion dollars annually. An overall strategic plan, "The Integrated Action Plan", was formulated and implemented by AQIS with the assistance of the relevant Departments of the States and the Northern Territory (NT), meat processing and export industries and livestock producer bodies. As a result of this action, the likely sources of contamination were identified and controlled. The National Residue Survey (NRS) was enhanced, a National Residue Data Base (NRDB) was established and a centralised computer system interactive with abattoirs, laboratories and animal health authorities developed. The cattle farm identity tail tag system already in place, capable of tracing cattle to the farm of origin was refined and trace back systems for sheep and pigs were utilised.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A mass die-off of imported red tailed knobby newts (Tylototriton kweichowensis) occurred in 2004 in Belgium and the Netherlands. In addition to massive infection with Rhabdias tokyoensis, Ranavirus was isolated from three dead newts examined virologically and the gene coding for the major capsid protein of the virus was sequenced. The isolate showed 99.8% similarity to the published sequence of frog virus 3. Upon experimental infection of axolotls (Ambystoma mexicanum) with this isolate, no marked pathology was noticed and the virus could not be re-isolated at 9weeks post-inoculation. Apart from the possibility of exposure of a non-sensitive host, the mortality episode in the newts may be related to stress resulting from the importation of the newts in breeding condition. This possibility is supported by the presence of degenerating egg-follicles in the females.  相似文献   

Residual antimicrobials in food constitute a risk to human health, but poor knowledge is available about the significance of contaminated meat in developing countries. The purpose of the study was to determine the occurrence of antimicrobial drug residues in pork products in Madagascar. The occurrence of antimicrobial drug residues in pork meat were investigated by the Premi® test (DSM©) technique. There was a high incidence rate of drug residues, with 360 (37.2 %) meat samples being contaminated. A significant increase was observed between 2010 and 2011, with 32 and 39%, respectively. Pork meat samples are less contaminated by drug residues when animals are slaughtered in urban abattoirs (34.4%) vs in provincial abattoirs (42.2%), suggesting that animals under treatment (or sick) are sold preferentially in local abattoir. Drug residue levels in pork meats purchased in Madagascar appear to be serious public health problem at the moment.  相似文献   

USDA regulation of residues in meat and poultry products   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The National Residue Program conducted by the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) of the USDA includes a comprehensive testing program for residues of pesticides, drugs and other chemical contaminants in meat and poultry. Prevention strategies encourage producers to adopt quality control measures in their production management to prevent illegal residues in food. These activities have been effective in reducing the occurrence of violative residues and the potential for adverse health effects. Overall, the number of domestic monitoring samples containing violative residues is low-about 1% of samples tested. Violative residues are found less frequently in poultry than in livestock. More occur in swine than in other species; the least number occur in fed cattle and broilers. Testing results over the last 10 yr show that most drugs and pesticides used to enhance agricultural productivity are not causing a residue problem in meat and poultry. However, the FSIS cannot be complacent about its program achievements. Unacceptably high incidences of violative residues of certain drugs, namely, sulfonamides and antibiotics, still occur in particular production classes. For example, the incidence of violative sulfonamide residues in liver samples from swine slaughtered in 1985 was about 6%, with significant differences between geographical areas. An estimated 2.5% of market hogs had violative sulfamethazine residues in the muscle tissue. The FSIS is taking steps to correct this and other residue problems by strengthening the link between residue detection and enforcement and by expanding its analytical capability to monitor for residues.  相似文献   

  1. The study documented gross anatomical and histological differences in the reproductive organs of 28 breeding and non-breeding female guinea fowls. Peripheral progesterone and 17β-oestradiol concentrations were also compared in breeding and non-breeding hens.

  2. In non-breeding females, all ovarian and oviducal gross anatomical features had significantly regressed. Histologically, some of the changes in a regressing oviduct include systematic changes in height and size of all epithelial cells in all regions of the duct, absence/sparse ciliation of portions of surface epithelium in the magnum, isthmian and uterine regions, general loss of cytoplasmic mass, reduction in size and degeneration of tubular glands. Mucosal folds in all regions of the oviduct except the infundibular lip were higher in breeding females.

  3. No difference was found between the two groups in plasma progesterone concentrations. Breeding females, however, had higher peripheral oestradiol concentrations than non-breeding females. About 2 h prior to oviposition, plasma oestradiol concentrations peaked at 2.4-fold (230 pg/ml) compared with baseline concentration and plasma progesterone concentrations by nearly 9-fold (5.29 ng/ml) of baseline.

  4. Significant regression and changes in the histological structure of the ovary and oviduct had occurred in non-breeding females, and lower peripheral oestrogen concentrations may be responsible for this phenomenon.


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