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In Cambodia, the planting of rice lines with a competitive and/or allelopathic ability would be a very useful way to supplement weed management in the rain‐fed, low‐input production systems. The present study examines a wide range of rice germplasm, mainly from Cambodia, and uses a series of bioassay techniques to identify those that might have a weed growth‐suppressing, allelopathic trait. A laboratory bioassay study that involved 359 rice lines showed that there were 15 that could significantly reduce the growth of awnless barnyard grass seedlings. In a second laboratory bioassay, involving the best 96 rice lines that were identified in the first study, 14 were shown to suppress the shoot growth of awnless barnyard grass, 11 could suppress the shoot growth of barnyard grass, six could suppress the shoot growth of small umbrella sedge, four could suppress the shoot growth of two‐leaf fimbristylis, four could suppress the shoot growth of water primrose, and three could suppress the shoot growth of gooseweed. Of the 13 rice lines that were able to suppress the growth of at least two weed species, there were three lines that could suppress the growth of three weed species, one line that could suppress the growth of four weed species, and one line that could suppress the growth of five weed species. In a third soil‐based, pot bioassay that studied the 18 best lines coming from the second laboratory bioassay, all showed a significant weed growth‐suppressive ability. A linear regression analysis showed that there was no correlation between their weed growth‐suppressive ability and their physical seedling size, supporting the idea that the growth suppression was allelopathic in nature and not a physical competition effect. In summary, the results indicate that an allelopathic trait does exist in some Cambodian rice lines and that this trait is effective in the growth suppression of a number of major rice weeds.  相似文献   

The effects of cover crops on weeds and the underlying mechanisms of competition, physical control and allelopathy are not fully understood. Current knowledge reveals great potential for using cover crops as a preventive method in integrated weed management. Cover crops are able to suppress 70–95% of weeds and volunteer crops in the fall‐to‐spring period between two main crops. In addition, cover crop residues can reduce weed emergence during early development of the following cash crop by presenting a physical barrier and releasing allelopathic compounds into the soil solution. Therefore, cover crops can partly replace the weed suppressive function of stubble‐tillage operations and non‐selective chemical weed control in the fall‐to‐spring season. This review describes methods to quantify the competitive and allelopathic effects of cover crops. Insight obtained through such analysis is useful for mixing competitive and allelopathic cover crop species with maximal total weed suppression ability. It seems that cover crops produce and release more allelochemicals when plants are exposed to stress or physical damage. Avena strigose, for example, showed stronger weed suppression under dry conditions than during a moist autumn. These findings raise the question of whether allelopathy can be induced artificially. © 2019 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

A cereal grower will normally attempt to maximise his returns from resources used without prejudicing the future. Historically, for the control of weeds, pests and diseases growers have preferred husbandry methods and the use of ‘resistant’ varieties. Economic pressures, technical developments and subsequent changes in farming systems demand more reliance on pesticides. The adoption of the Common Agricultural Policy and the relatively higher cereal prices improve the cost: benefit ratio from their more extensive use. Additionally, quality standards arising directly or indirectly from EEC legislation, where these can be influenced by pesticide application, will further encourage their routine application. In the longer term, increased fixed costs will encourage the grower to insure against crop losses by the use of prophylactic pesticide applications where appropriate. New systems of production to reduce fixed costs will be adopted, probably involving further use of pesticides. Growers will always wish to contain variable costs as far as is possible: as better forecasting of disease and pest epidemics is developed prophylactic treatments will be discarded. Examples of the economic benefits or penalties of adopting alternatives to pesticides are given.  相似文献   

In dose-response experiments with the herbicide combinations MCPA+dichlorprop and ioxynil+mecoprop in barley, winter wheat, and winter rye varieties, oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) was used as a substitute for weeds. The results showed a significant interaction between the competitive ability of varieties and herbicide performance. A negative exponential model with variety as categorical variable was used to analyse the data and to assess the competitive effect of the varieties on herbicide efficacy. A target level of 5 g weed dry matter m?2 in all varieties at the end of flowering was used to derive a varietal calibration factor of the herbicide dose. The results showed significant differences in calibration factors between species of winter wheat, barley, and rye, and between varieties of spring barley and winter wheat. In the winter wheat variety Sleipner it was necessary to use a 154% higher herbicide dose than in the winter barley variety Trixi, whereas in the winter rye variety Petkus II, herbicide dose could be reduced by 31% compared with Trixi. The differences between spring barley varieties were smallerbut significant. Competition entre culture et mauvaises herbes, et efficacité herbicide chez différentes espèces et variétés de céréales Dans des expériences dose-effet avec les combinaisons herbicides MCPA+dichlorprop et ioxynil+mécoprop dans différentes variétés d'orge, de blé d'hiver et de seigle d'hiver, le colza (Brassica napus L.) était utilisé comme modèle de mauvaise herbe. Les résultats ont montré une interaction significative entre l'aptitude à la concurrence des variétés et l'efficacité herbicide. Un modèle exponentiel négatif avec la variété comme variable catégorielle, a été utilisé pour analyser les données et pour déterminer l'effet de l'aptitude à la compétition des variétés sur l'efficacité herbicide. Un objectif de 5 g de matière sèche de mauvaise herbe par m2 pour toutes les variétés à la fin de la floraison a été utilisé pour déterminer un facteur de calibration varietal de la dose d'herbicide. Les résultats ont montré des différences significatives entre les facteurs de calibration déterminés pour les espèces blé d'hiver, orge et seigle, ainsi qu'entre les variétés d'orge de printemps et de blé d'hiver. Avec la variété de blé d'hiver Sleipner, U était nécessaire d'utiliser une dose d'herbicide supérieure de 154%à celle nécessaire pour la variété d'orge d'hiver Trixi, alors que dans le seigle d'hiver Petkus II, la dose herbicide pouvait ßtre réduite de 31 % par rapport à Trixi. Les différences entre variétés d'orge de printemps étaient plus faibles mais significatives. Konkurrenz zwischen Kulturpflanzen und Unkraut und Herbizidwirkung bei Getreidearten und -Sorten In Dosis-Wirkungs-Untersuchungen mit den Herbiziden MCPA+Dichlorprop und loxynil+Mecoprop wurde in Gersten-, Winterweizen- und Winterroggensorten Raps (Brassica napus L.) als Unkraut eingesetzt. Die Ergebnisse zeigten eine signifikante Wechselwirkung zwischen der Konkurrenzkraft von Sorten und der Herbizidwirkung. Ein negativ exponentielles Modell mil der Sorte als Kategorie wurde angewandt, um die Da ten zu analysieren und den Einfluß der Sorten auf die Herbizidwirksamkeit zubestimmen. Es wurde eine Zielgröße von 5 gm?2 Unkrauttrockenmasse in allen Sorten zum Endeder Blüte gesetzt, um einen sortenbezogenen Kalibrierungsfakt or für die Herbiziddosis zu erhalten. Es wurden signifikante Unterschiede der Kalibrierungsfaktoren zwischen den Getreidarten Winterweizen, Gerste und Roggen und zwischen den Sommergersten- und Winterweizensorten gefunden. Bei der Winterweizensorte Sleipner war es erforderlich, eine 154 % höhere Herbiziddosis als bei der Wintergerstensorte Trixi anzuwenden, während die Herbiziddosis bei der Winterroggensorte Petkus II im Vergleich zu Trixi um 31 % reduziert werden konnte. Die Unterschiede waren bei Sommergerstensorten geringer, jedoch signifikant.  相似文献   

Planning effective weed control in cropping systems requires exact appraisal of the weed intensity and duration of their competition with the crops. This 2‐year study was carried out in order to determine the critical weed control period in sesame fields. Related and relative crop yields were monitored and analyzed using a four‐parametric log‐logistic model. We recorded data from weed‐free plots and compared these with data from different periods of weed interference. In both the study years, the longer period of weed interference decreased the relative yield of sesame, whereas the yield was increased with increasing duration of the weed‐free period. A 51–78.7% decline in sesame yield was noted if the weeds were allowed to compete with the crop from planting to harvest. In the first year, the duration of the critical period for weed control (CPWC) was 177–820 growing degree days (GDD), which corresponded to 14–64 days after crop emergence (DAE), and between 170 and 837 GDD (13–64 DAE) in the second year; this was based on a 5% acceptable yield loss. The results of this study clearly elaborated that maintaining weed‐free conditions is compulsory from as early as the second week after the emergence of sesame plants, and this should be maintained at least until the ninth week to avoid sesame yield losses by more than 5%. These findings show that growers can benefit from CPWC to improve weed control in sesame production, including the efficacy of a weed control program and its cost.  相似文献   

Competitive crop cultivars offer a potentially cheap option to include in integrated weed management strategies (IWM). Although cultivars with high competitive potential have been identified amongst cereal crops, competitiveness has not traditionally been considered a priority for breeding or farmer cultivar choice. The challenge of managing herbicide‐resistant weed populations has, however, renewed interest in cultural weed control options, including competitive cultivars. We evaluated the current understanding of the traits that explain variability in competitive ability between cultivars, the relationship between suppression of weed neighbours and tolerance of their presence and the existence of trade‐offs between competitive ability and yield in weed‐free scenarios. A large number of relationships between competitive ability and plant traits have been reported in the literature, including plant height, speed of development, canopy architecture and partitioning of resources. There is uncertainty over the relationship between suppressive ability and tolerance, although tolerance is a less stable trait over seasons and locations. To realise the potential of competitive crop cultivars as a tool in IWM, a quick and simple‐to‐use protocol for assessing the competitive potential of new cultivars is required; it is likely that this will not be based on a single trait, but will need to capture the combined effect of multiple traits. A way needs to be found to make this information accessible to farmers, so that competitive cultivars can be better integrated into their weed control programmes.  相似文献   

F FORCELLA 《Weed Research》2009,49(4):341-345
A potential new post-emergence physical weed control tactic is described. It entails plant abrasion and death upon assault from abrasive grits propelled by compressed air. Grit derived from granulated walnut shells was delivered by a sand blaster at 517 kPa at distances of 300–600 mm from seedlings of Chenopodium album in glasshouse pots. Control was influenced by size of plants at time of treatment. Seedlings at the cotyledon to 2-leaf stages of growth were mostly destroyed by a single split-second blast of grit of <1 s duration, but were unaltered by compressed air alone. Plants at the 4- to 6-leaf growth stages required up to 10 blasts of grit to be killed. These results indicate that small weed seedlings of susceptible species might be physically controlled by abrasion from air-propelled grit derived from suitable agricultural residues.  相似文献   

Crowding of L3, L4 and apterous adults ofSitobion avenae results in an increase in production of alate offspring. Crowding of L1 and L2 results in a slight increase in their number becoming alatae. Fewer alatae are produced by apterae on ears before and during flowering than in later ear developmental stages or on seedling leaves. On ears before and during flowering reproduction was higher than on the leaves and later ear growth stages. Brown forms often produce alatae less readily than green forms.  相似文献   

A field survey was performed to study the infection and development of Fusarium langsethiae in the growing season of wheat, barley, oats and triticale under commercial (2009 – 2011) production. Sampling was completed over three years from fields within the counties of Shropshire and Staffordshire in the UK. Plants sampled (from tillering to harvest) were divided into roots, leaves, lower stem, upper stem and inflorescence/head sub-samples depending on the growth stage of the cereal. DNA was extracted and F. langsethiae DNA quantified using real-time PCR. Fusarium mycotoxins HT-2 and T-2 were quantified from head samples at harvest. Three years of data showed oat to contain the highest levels of both F. langsethiae biomass and HT-2?+?T-2 mycotoxins in harvested heads of the cereals studied. The development of F. langsethiae in all three cereals appeared to be similar. Fusarium langsethiae DNA was not detected in the roots and seedlings of all three cereals suggesting F. langsethiae is not a seedling pathogen of cereals. Head infection if it occurs, is at head emergence but before flowering. Seemingly symptomless heads had high levels of F. langsethiae DNA and HT-2?+?T-2, confirming previous suggestions that F. langsethiae is a symptomless pathogen of oats.  相似文献   

Site‐specific weed management is the part of precision agriculture (PA) that tries to effectively control weed infestations with the least economical and environmental burdens. This can be achieved with the aid of ground‐based or near‐range sensors in combination with decision rules and precise application technologies. Near‐range sensor technologies, developed for mounting on a vehicle, have been emerging for PA applications during the last three decades. These technologies focus on identifying plants and measuring their physiological status with the aid of their spectral and morphological characteristics. Cameras, spectrometers, fluorometers and distance sensors are the most prominent sensors for PA applications. The objective of this article is to describe‐ground based sensors that have the potential to be used for weed detection and measurement of weed infestation level. An overview of current sensor systems is presented, describing their concepts, results that have been achieved, already utilized commercial systems and problems that persist. A perspective for the development of these sensors is given. © 2013 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Agricultural practices exert selective forces on weed populations. As these practices change over time, weed adaptive traits also evolve, allowing weeds to persist in the new environment. However, only weeds having individuals showing the trait with adaptive significance will be able to cope with these changes, thus allowing a sub‐population to be selected for persistence. In addition, changes in agricultural practices can select new weed species showing functional traits with characteristics adaptive to the modified system. Seed dormancy has long been recognized as a trait with enormous adaptive value to adjust weed biology to cropping systems. In this paper, we illustrate with examples of success and failure, the value of seed dormancy as a functional trait to cope with long‐term changes in crop production systems. We show that successful outcomes are mostly related to the existence of sufficient variability for the functioning of physiological mechanisms that control dormancy characteristics as influenced by the agricultural environment. Presented examples illustrate how knowledge about the relationship that exists between agricultural practices and their selective pressure on seed dormancy can be instrumental in predicting changes in weed biotype dormancy characteristics or foreseeing the appearance of new weed species in future agricultural scenarios. © 2019 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Competition between winter-sown wheat and Viola arvensis Murray or Papaver rhoeas L. was studied in two experiments in two successive years. The effects of varying crop and weed density were modelled in terms of weed biomass over time, weed seed production and crop yield. Biomass model parameters, representing maximum weed biomass and intra- and interspecific competition, were obtained for different assessment dates, enabling biomass levels to be predicted during the two growing seasons. Weed biomass declined, and its maximum level was reached earlier, with increasing crop density. Intraspecific competition was higher in the absence than in the presence of crop, increasing with time and with weed density. Halving the wheat population increased June biomass of V. arvensis by 74% and of P. rhoeas by 63%. Crop yield losses with increasing weed density were greater with low than with medium and high crop populations. P. rhoeas was significantly more competitive than V. arvensis in both years. Weed biomass in 1989 responded more to reductions in crop density following the milder winter of 1988/89 than in the previous year; however crop yields were less affected in 1989 due to summer drought, restricting late weed growth and competition. Weed seed production was related to weed biomass; the progressive lowering of crop density increased seed production, and both species were very prolific in the absence of crop. By combining models, seed production could be derived for a given competitive effect on the crop. Threshold weed populations, based on low weed levels that are not economic to control, could then be equated with the accompanying weed seed production.  相似文献   

The UK Farm Scale Evaluations (FSE) compared the effects on biodiversity of management of genetically modified herbicide-tolerant (GMHT) crops and conventional crops over the shorter term. We simulated population changes over seven 4-year rotations (28 years) for weeds in crop rotations that included cereals and spring-sown GMHT and conventional oilseed rape and beet, using FSE data and assuming the continuation of the weed management systems practised in the FSE. The weed density dependence that was modelled integrated change caused by population dynamics and farmers’ responses to changes in weed density. Predicted weed seed populations decreased under conventional management and at a greater rate under GMHT. Total seed densities were lower for GMHT cropping by a factor of 0.7–0.8. The predicted distributions of weeds had more fields with lower weed densities under GMHT cropping. Such changes could affect animal populations on farmland, depending on the scale of uptake of GMHT crop cultivars.  相似文献   

Sida cordifolia L., Croton bonplandianum L., Malachra capitata L., Eclipta prostrata L., Clerodendron inerme L., Acalypha indica L., and Urena lobata L. are common weeds found all over India. They are often infected by different begomovirus complexes and may act as reservoirs of crop-infecting begomoviruses. Cloning and sequencing were done to partially characterize the begomovirus complexes associated with these weed species from the eastern part of India and their genetic pattern was compared with respective geographical isolates throughout India. Coat protein (CP) genes were found to be amplified from all the infected samples tested in this study, whereas betasatellite molecules amplified only from four infected samples (Sida, Croton, Malachra and Urena). Sequence analysis using CP genes and betasatellites of the present begomovirus complexes showed significant variation among their geographical isolates and also exhibited closeness to different crop-infecting begomovirus complexes. The majority of the weed-infecting begomovirus complexes characterized in this paper are reported for the first time from India.  相似文献   

Weed seedbanks are the primary source of weeds in cultivated soils. Some knowledge of the weed seedbank may therefore be appropriate for integrated weed management programs. It would also be very useful in planning herbicide programs and reducing the total herbicide use. However, a number of problems are inherent in the estimation of the seedbank size for arable weeds that usually have annual life cycles. In a long-term research project we have investigated the dynamics of weed seedbanks in corn fields for the past 8 years. Specific studies have included (i) developing cheap and efficient methods for estimating the weed seedbank; (ii) developing guidelines for efficient soil sampling (including the number and size of samples); (iii) influence of cultivation methods on weed seed distribution; (iv) mapping the spatial variability of the seedbank; (v) estimating the rate of seedbank decline for certain weed species; and (vi) assessing the potential of using the weed seed content in the soil to predict future weed problems. This paper reviews and summarizes the results of our research on the above aspects. The strong correlation between seedlings emerged in the greenhouse and seeds extracted in the laboratory for the most abundant weed species has demonstrated the potential for using the weed seed content of the soil to predict future weed infestations. The next step is to establish correlations with field emergence under commercial conditions using the sampling guidelines developed in our studies. Subsequently, we aim to offer the weed seedbank estimation as a commercial service to farmers for planning the most appropriate weed management options.  相似文献   

Histopathological changes associated with silverleaf syndrome in squash   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Silverleaf syndrome on squash ( Cucurbita pepo ) is characterized by vein clearing, and leaf whitening, and has been associated with the presence of nymphs of Bemisia tabaci (sweetpotato whitefly), and the presence of two double-stranded RNAs (4·2 and 4·6 kb) in symptomatic leaves. However, the aetiology of the disorder remains unknown. Anatomical studies using transverse and paradermal sections from symptomatic leaves of C. pepo cv. Dixie showed turgescent, aligned adaxial epidermal cell layer, flat cuticle and the presence of sub-epidermal spaces. Histochemical studies failed to reveal any breakdown in the cellulose cell walls; however, the cuticular layer, the pectin layer and cellulose wall of epidermal cells formed a fiat compact structure. Some changes were observed in the lipid content, with the presence of lipid bodies near cell wall membranes. Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of preparations of symptomatic squash leaves, partially purified by differential centrifugation, revealed a protein with a molecular mass of about 48 k Da that was not found in comparable preparations of asymptomatic leaves. This protein was localized by immunological staining in the spongy mesophyll cells and in the layer of bundle sheath associated with sieve elements and companion cells of the leaf phloem.  相似文献   

Trials were conducted in the tropical rainforest zone of Nigeria from 1982 to 1984 to compare manual weeding with chemical and integrated weed control systems in cassava (Manihot esculenta Krantz)/maize (Zea mays L) intercrop. Uncontrolled weeds reduced cassava and maize component yields by 2-year averages of 49 and 62% respectively; and their combined energy yield by 53% compared with 30 572 kcal ha?1 obtained from the control plots hand-hoed at 3 and 8 weeks after planting. Highest economic returns were obtained from using cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp) or Egusi melon (Colocynthis citrullus (L.) O. Ktze) which gave 2-year average net returns of N2843 ha?1 and 2944 ha?1 compared with N1598 ha?1 generated from the control that received two hand-hoeings. Integrated use of cowpea and pre-emergence application of alachlor at 2.0 or chloremben at 3.4 kg ai ha?1 and pre-emergence application of either fluometuron or chloramben at 2.5 and 3.4 kg ai ha?1 respectively or their mixture gave more economic net returns than two hand-hoeings. Under similar management level, intercropping cassava and maize resulted in 36–43% more land being made available to the farmer for other uses than sole cropping them. Lutte intégrée contre les mauvaises herbes en culture de manioc semé entre les lignes du mäis Des essais ont été installés de 1982 à 1984 dans la zone forestiére tropicale humide du Nigéria dans le but de comparer le désherbage manuel avec des systèmes de lutte chimique et intégrée contre les adventices d'une culture de manioc (Manihot esculenta Krantz) semé entre les lignes d'une culture de mäis (Zea mays L.). Faute de désherbage, les mauvaises herbes ont amené une réduction moyenne sur deux ans de 49% et 62% respectivement dans les rendements de manioc et de mais; le rendement global en énergie des deux espèces a subi une réduction de 53% par rapport à la somme de 30 572 kcal ha?1, obtenues sur les parcelles témoin recevant un sarclage manuel 3 et 8 semaines après le semis. Une lutte culturelle, utilisant une culture de niébé (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp) ou de melon Egusi (Colocynthis citrullus (L.) O. Ktze) s'est révélée le plus rentable des systèmes de désherbage; ce système a rapporté net, en moyenne sur 2 ans, N2843 ha?1 et N2944 ha?1 tandis que le témoin recevant deux sarclages manuels n'a rapporté que N1598 ha?1. Une lutte intégrée, utilisant le niébé et un traitement herbicide de prélevée, soit alachlore 2,0 kg ou chloramben 3,4 kg ma ha?1, ainsi qu'une lutte chimique (fluométuron 2,5 ou chloramben 3,4 kg ma ha?1, ou bien un mélange des deux) a fait preuve d'une rentabilité supérieure à celle de deux sarclages manuels. Etant donné le même système de désherbage, la combinaison manioc-mäis a mis 36–43% plus de superficie à la disposition du fermier pour d'autres emplois que la culture de chaque espèce à part. Integrierte Unkrautkontrolle in Cassava/Mais—Mischkultur In der tropischen Regenwaldzone von Nigeria wurden von 1982 bis 1984 Versuche zum Wirkungsvergleich zwischen manueller, chemischer und integrierter Unkrautkontrolle in Mischkulturen von Cassava (Manihot esculenta Krantz) und Mais (Zea Mays L.) Durchgeführt. Die nicht kontrollierte Unkrautpopulation reduzierte die Cassava- resp. Maisernte im Durchschnitt von zwei Jahren um 49 resp. 62%; der kombinierte Energieertrag wurde um 53% verringert, bezogen auf 30 572 kcal ha?1, die in den 3 und 8 Wochen nach der Pflanzung handgejätet Parzellen erzielt wurden. Die wirtschaftlich günstigsten Resultate wurden in Mischkulturen von Mais und Kuhbohne (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp) oder Egusi-Melonen (Colocynthis citrullus (L.) O. Ktze) erhalten; diese erzielten im Mittelzweier Jahre Nettoerträge von N 2843 ha?1 und N 2944 ha?1, verglichen mit N 1598 ha?1 aus den zweimal manuell gejäteten Parzellen. Integrierter Einsatz von Kuhbohne und Vorauflaufapplikation von 2,0 kg ai ha?1 Alachlor oder 3,4 kg ai ha?1 Chloramben, sowie Verauflaufapplikationen von 2,5 kgai ha?1 Fluometuron oder 3,4 kg ai ha?1 Chloramben, allein oder gemischt verwendet, ergaben wirtschaftlich bessere Resultate als zwei Handjätungen. Unter vergleichbaren landwirtsehaftlichen Bedingungen ermöglichten Mischkulturen von Cassava und Mais dem Landwirt 36–43% mehr Land für andere Verwendung einzusetzen, als bei separatem Anbau der beiden Kulturpflanzen.  相似文献   

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