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陈浩 《四川蚕业》2013,41(3):20-22
针对汉源县农村应用的蔟具种类,对纸板方格蔟、草笼蔟2种蔟具,采用蚕儿见熟蚕时添食药物自动上蔟方法,在汉源县开展自动上蔟技术试验研究与应用,旨在把自动上蔟省力化技术在农村现有的养蚕条件及方法下进行比较试验,结合现有蔟具研究自动上蔟技术,实现在现有养蚕设备条件下上蔟自动化的目的。试验结果表明,技术能在农村现有蔟具及技术条件下应用,上蔟省工省力,工效提高,蚕茧质量优。  相似文献   

为了解决农村养蚕熟蚕上蔟劳动力紧张,难以调济的实际困难,实现上蔟自动化,达到省工、省力的目的,开展自动上蔟技术的研究与应用,针对现行的自动上蔟技术在应用中尚有些不完善,需要研究和改进的状况,开展了塑料折蔟双蔟重叠自动上蔟的试验研究,结果:上下两蔟的茧质均表现优良,蚕儿自动上蔟率高,上蔟工效提高显。  相似文献   

许中亚 《四川蚕业》2007,35(3):50-51
栽桑养蚕是劳动密集型产业,降低劳动强度,提高劳动生产率,是现代蚕业的主攻方向。特别是近十年来,我国农村劳动力向城市转移,农村劳动力越来越少,劳动力已经成为制约蚕业发展的瓶颈。养蚕中,上蔟又是劳动力最为密集的一个环节,近几年有很多自动上蔟的方法被研究出来,但是真正做到“自动”上蔟的蔟具和方法却很少,上蔟工作仍然非常繁琐。笔者近几年深入农村,与蚕农一起使用现行的各种蔟具,深感每种蔟具的不足之处,提出了相应的改良措施。1草笼草笼是农村最早使用的蔟具之一。它取材容易,制作简单,使用方便,现我省各主要蚕区仍占比较大的比例…  相似文献   

近年简单钢架薄膜大棚养蚕方式在本市得到较快推广和应用,尤其是受到新型规模养蚕户的青睐,有效地解决了养蚕用房不足的矛盾,而且省工、省力,节约成本.一般春期饲养5张以上蚕种的养蚕户都要搭建1~2个大棚,规模经营户搭建5个以上大棚.大棚养蚕普及的同时也带来一些新的问题,如何解决好上蔟室、蔟具及上蔟方法成为当务之急.本市传统采用的蔟具是蜈蚣蔟和伞形蔟为主,养蚕大户在实施过程中发现二大缺陷:一是大棚内使用蜈蚣蔟,因湿度较大,稻草杆受潮后极易倒伏,减少营茧位置,不结茧蚕及次下茧增加.采茧后不能再次使用,材料浪费较大.二是制作蜈蚣蔟不仅费工费力,而且堆放蔟具需要占用大量室内空间,与蚕争房争棚,增加了养蚕户用工、用房压力.  相似文献   

蔟具及蔟中环境对茧质的影响试验简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对不同蔟具及上蔟环境蚕茧茧质的调查分析 ,研究了蔟具和上蔟环境对茧质的影响。试验证明 :蔟具和蔟中环境对茧质的影响差异显著 ,以使用纸板方格蔟上蔟和在干燥通风的环境下进行蔟中保护 ,茧质最好  相似文献   

通过对不同蔟具及上蔟环境蚕茧茧质的调查分析 ,研究了蔟具和上蔟环境对茧质的影响。试验证明 :蔟具和蔟中环境对茧质的影响差异显著 ,以使用纸板方格蔟上蔟和在干燥通风的环境下进行蔟中保护 ,茧质最好  相似文献   

邹付碧 《四川蚕业》2012,40(3):32-33
<正>上蔟是养蚕生产中最后一个阶段,也是丰产丰收的重要环节。蔟具是蚕儿吐丝营茧的场所,其结构是否符合营造优质上等茧,是直接影响茧质好坏的重要条件。纸板方格蔟具有结构合理,有均匀合适的营茧位置;蔟室空间利用率高,利于提高蚕茧解舒;蔟材坚固耐用,便于多次使用;上蔟和采茧方便,利于提高工效等特性,能提高上茧率,增加出丝量,提高解舒率,方便采茧,是当前各蚕区较为普遍使用的蔟具。推广纸板方格蔟自动上蔟技术应着重把握好以下关键环节。  相似文献   

介绍了纸板方格蔟自动上蔟技术,其中包括蔟具规格、上蔟准备和操作、蔟中管理、采茧贮运和方格蔟的消毒保管等内容.  相似文献   

<正> 上蔟是养蚕最后阶段的重要工作,是决定蚕茧丰产丰收和蚕茧品质的重要一环。选用结构较好的蔟具,进行合理的上蔟处理和蔟中保护,是提高蚕茧质量的有效措施之一,蔟片保护的好坏直接影响到蔟片的使用时间及养蚕成本。方格蔟是目前最为理想的上蔟工具。  相似文献   

熟蚕自动快速收集试验简报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正> 熟蚕上蔟是养蚕中一项时间紧,用工多的工作,如果上蔟不及时,熟蚕在蚕座内吐丝,不仅给蚕茧丰收造成较大影响,而且有碍于茧质提高,特别是方格蔟上蔟,如果采用通常的“手捉法”,劳动强度大,蔟具摆放要占用较多场地,给操作带来很大不便。如何减轻上蔟劳动强度,节省时间和物资(场地)占用,对熟蚕自动快速收集上蔟方法进行了研究。  相似文献   

The objective was to use an electronic pressure mat to measure and compare forces and pressures of the saddle on a horse's back when riders mounted from the ground and with the aid of a mounting platform. Ten riders mounted a horse three times each from the ground and from a 35 cm high mounting platform in random order. Total force (summation of forces over all 256 sensors) was measured and compared at specific points on the force-time curve. Total force was usually highest as the rider's right leg was swinging upwards and was correlated with rider mass. When normalized to rider mass, total force and peak pressure were significantly higher when mounting from the ground than from a raised platform (P<0.05). The area of highest pressure was on the right side of the withers in 97% of mounting efforts, confirming the importance of the withers in stabilizing the saddle during mounting.  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济改革的推进和发展,尤其是我国加入WTO后,市场竞争必将日益剧烈。作为我国在国际市场唯一居于主导地位的蚕丝行业,也必将是群雄逐鹿的目标。带来了挑战的同时,也带来了机遇,审时度势,加速科技创新,推动产业进步和蚕丝产品质量升级,才具有竞争优势。  相似文献   

随着改革开放政策的深入贯彻,外出务工的农民越来越多,劳动密集型的蚕业遇到了严峻的挑战.如何降低养蚕生产劳动强度,减少养蚕用工,降低养蚕成本,就成了蚕业工作者共同关心的问题.而养蚕劳动强度最大,用工最多的就是5龄阶段.不但天天采叶喂蚕,而且要天天除沙,上蔟时熟蚕要一条一条地捉.由于劳力紧缺,弃桑不管,有桑不养蚕的现象日渐严重.为了稳定蚕业生产,近年来,我们进行了一些试探,采用固定蚕台育,5龄期不除沙,上蔟不捉熟蚕,让其自行结茧获得成功,受到了养蚕大户的欢迎.为了让这一成果得到健康有序的推广,笔者就相关技术谈谈初见.  相似文献   

An automated heatmount detection system was employed to detect estrus for artificial insemination in 57 beef cows. First service conception rate was 84.2% and the pregnancy rate was 89.5% for a 42-day breeding season. Duration of estrus was 9.6 h, sx = 0.5 h and mounting activity was lowest during the dark part of the day.  相似文献   

竹花蔟在广东的使用已有数百年的历史。这种蔟具结构牢固,方便上蔟操作,可以进行火烧和水洗的清洁消毒,适合广东的养蚕环境的技术特点。但是,竹花蔟采茧较困难,费时费工,且柴印茧较多,影响生丝品质。随着广东蚕业逐步走向产  相似文献   

采用常规压片法,首次对甘肃康乐地产野生百里香染色体进行核型分析。结果表明,上午8:45-9:15取材,0.04%秋水仙素和0.002 mol/L 8-羟基喹啉溶液等体积混合液处理百里香芽尖2~3 h,改良石炭酸品红染色液染色1 h效果最好;对百里香体细胞染色体数目进行统计,核型分析结果表明,百里香的细胞染色体数为2n=24,其中中部染色体(m)为10对,近中部着色点染色体(sm)2对,其核型公式为2n=2x=24=20m+4sm,核型属2A型,核型不对称系数为59.63%。  相似文献   

田时铭  彭梅 《蚕学通讯》2006,26(3):37-39
蚕桑生产是我县农村发展经济的传统支柱产业,2000-2001两年发展桑园0.793万hm2,为在2010年实现年产1万t优质茧打下了坚实基础.但是,随着城镇建设步伐的加快,二、三产业的迅速发展,农村劳力大量向务工经商转移,据2003年对我县36个社调查,有40%的劳力外出,其中青壮年占外出劳力的85%左右,有15%左右的户举家外出.  相似文献   

Seven ovariectomized Holstein cows, treated sequentially with progesterone and estradiol benzoate to induce estrus, were used to determine whether cows showed a preference for mounting and displaying other sexual behaviors toward estrual or nonestrual cows tied on dirt or concrete surfaces. Preference tests were conducted in a test area that consisted of equal-sized concrete and dirt surfaces; two cows, designated A and B, were tied on the two surfaces, one on either side. Cows A and B were treated so that on each of four test days both were estrual, only A was estrual, only B was estrual or neither A nor B were estrual. On each test day, five estrual test cows were introduced individually into the test area for two 30-min test periods. During the first test period, tied cow A was on concrete and tied cow B was on dirt, but during the second test period, their positions were switched. Test cows were able to move freely from surface to surface and to interact with tied cow A or B. Estrual test cows spent 21.6 +/- 1.4 min of each 30-min test period on dirt, regardless of the estrual status of the cow tied on concrete or dirt. Mounting activity was 3- to 15-fold greater on dirt than on concrete when there was an estrual cow tied on dirt, regardless of the estrual status of the cow on concrete. Mounting activity was fourfold greater on concrete than on dirt when there was a tied estrual cow on concrete and a tied nonestrual cow on dirt.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Muskox farming is an emerging industry in Alaska. For such an endeavor to succeed, it is necessary to develop fundamental husbandry tools specifically for this species. This study examined the role of the bull in the onset of seasonal ovarian activity and the synchrony of estrus and tested the efficacy of a radiotelemetric estrus detection system. Twenty parous female muskoxen, ranging in age from 4 to 15 yr, were divided into three groups (balanced by age and body weight). Groups received early bull exposure (EBE; August 1, n = 7), late bull exposure (LBE; August 22, n = 6), or remained physically isolated from a bull (NBE; n = 7). Just before bull introduction, radiotelemetry transmitters were attached to the rump of muskox cows in the EBE and LBE groups. Plasma samples were collected from all the cows twice weekly and analyzed for progesterone (P4). The mean date of onset of seasonal ovarian activity was earlier in the EBE and LBE groups than in the NBE group (P < 0.001) and was earlier in EBE (P < 0.021) than in LBE. All EBE and LBE cows conceived to the first fertile cycle, giving 100% fertility. The time interval for the onset of ovarian activity between the first and last cow within each group was 7 d in the EBE group, 12 d in the LBE group, and 24 d in the NBE group. Radiotelemetry correctly identified estrus 95% of the time (18 of 19 instances). Mean length of estrus for each cow, calculated from the time of first mount until last mount, was 771 +/- 98 min (range = 4 to 1,508 min). Mean number of mounts during estrus was 8.89 +/- 1.29 (range = 3 to 25 mounts). Length of estrus at the first short cycle did not differ from the length of the first fertile estrus between, or within, individuals. Estrous behavior was initiated more frequently during the night (2300 to 0500; P < 0.05). Bull introduction can be used as a simple, low-cost management tool for synchronizing estrus in farmed muskoxen. Radiotelemetry was an effective tool for identifying breeding behavior in this species.  相似文献   

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