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The effects of supplementation of beef calves on weight gain, intake and digestibility of pasture, milk production and composition of their dams, and behavior of the pair cow–calf were assessed. Fifty-five beef cows with an initial average body weight of 449?±?8 kg and their respective offspring, with an initial average body weight of 138?+?3 kg and aged between 90 and 150 days, were used. Animals were submitted to an experimental period of 112 days. The experimental treatments consisted of: control?=?mineral mixture only, plan 1?=?high protein and high carbohydrate multiple supplement, plan 2?= high protein and low carbohydrate multiple supplement, plan 3?=?low protein and high carbohydrate multiple supplement, and plan 4?=?low protein and low carbohydrate multiple supplement. About 25 and 12.5 % of the protein requirements were supplied by the high and low protein supplements, respectively, and 15 and 7.5 % of total digestible nutrient requirements by the high and low carbohydrate supplements, respectively. Grazing behavior, performance, milk production, milk composition, intake, and digestibility of the cows were not affected (P?>?0.05) by the supplementation of the calves. The supplemented calves had greater (P?<?0.05) performance (as measured by final body weight, average daily gain, and final body condition score), intake and idle time, and lower (P?<?0.05) grazing time, but supplementation did not affect (P?>?0.05) suckling time and suckling frequency. It can be concluded that supplementation affects the behavior and feed intake of calves. However, it does not affect the suckling time and suckling frequency of calves. Additionally, performance, milk production, nutritional characteristics, and behavior of their dams are not affected.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - The increasing interest from the feed as a source of energy towards specific nutrient-yielding compounds in feeds is amongst the latest developments from...  相似文献   

A fence‐line contrast study compared erosion levels, herbage production and grass species diversity in Umfolozi Game Reserve (UGR) and adjacent KwaZulu (KWZ). There was no significant difference in soil loss or A‐horizon depths measured in KWZ and UGR, but there were significant differences in both parameters when measurements from upper, mid and lower slope sites were compared. Similarly, there was no significant difference between herbage accumulated in KWZ and UGR in the absence of grazing, but there was a significant difference between the upper, mid and lower slope plots. There was also no significant difference between grass species richness measured on plots in KWZ and UGR, but there was a highly significant difference when the grass species richness was compared between upper, mid and lower slopes. The major conclusion drawn from these results was that differences in the topographical position of the plots, rather than differences in land‐use practices, explained the greater amount of variability in the data.  相似文献   

Fifty-three transitional-anestrus Awassi ewes, randomly assigned to three groups: fluorogestone acetate (FGA, n = 18), FGA-Prostaglandin (FGA-PGF, n = 18) and control (n = 17), were used to examine the effect of estrus synchronization protocols and steroid hormones concentrations on milk somatic cell count (SCC). Intravaginal FGA sponge was inserted for 13 days and 600 IU equine chorionic gonadotropin was administered for ewes of FGA and FGA-PGF groups at the time of sponge removal (day 0). In addition, 10 mg was administered to ewes of FGA-PGF group on day 0. Blood and milk samples were collected from all ewes on days -13, -6, 0, 1, 2, 7 and 14. Estradiol had significant positive correlation with the SCC during the periods of sponge insertion (P = 0.015, r = 0.235) and within two days (P = 0.063 r = 0.23) after sponge removal with no correlation with SCC of both udder halves during the luteal phase. Progesterone concentrations, on the other hand, had a significant positive correlation (P < 0.001; r = 0.420) with the SCC of both udder halves during the luteal phase of the experiment, but not during the periods of sponge insertion and expected estrus. SCC returned under the influence of endogenous progesterone on days 7 and 14 to pre-synchronization values. In conclusion, sheep milk SCC is affected significantly with induction of estrus and steroid hormones concentrations. However, peak SCC recorded during estrus was far below the upper limit of the current standard for normal milk. With the current standards for SCC of 1,000,000/ml as legal limit for abnormal milk control programs in sheep, estrus synchronization programs and the estrus status should not be considered when bulk-tank milk SCC is being investigated, but should be considered during the process of setting new standards.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to examine the effect of estrus synchronization protocols and steroid hormones concentrations on somatic cell count (SCC) of transitional-anestrus local-Damascus cross goats’ milk. Fifty-six goats (2–4-year old) were randomly assigned to three groups: fluorogestone acetate (FGA, n = 19), FGA-Prostaglandin (FGA-PGF, n = 19) and control (n = 18) groups. Intravaginal sponge containing 40 mg FGA was inserted for 13 days and an injection of 600 IU equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) was administered for goats of FGA and FGA-PGF groups at the time of sponge removal (day 0). In addition, goats of FGA-PGF group were injected with 10 mg dinoprost tromethamine () on day 0. Five fertile local-Damascus cross bucks were turned-in with all goats on day 0. Blood and milk samples were collected from all goats on days -13 (beginning of experiment), -6, 0, 1, 2, 7, 13 and 20 (end of the experiment). Four-year old and second-parity goats had significantly higher (p < 0.05) SCC of both udder halves than 2- and 3-year old and first-parity goats, respectively. There was a significant effect (p < 0.05) for treatment and number of kids born in the last kidding season on SCC of both udder halves. Neither estradiol nor progesterone concentrations were correlated with SCC in goats in this experiment. The SCC of both udder halves and left udder halves in goats of the control and FGA groups, respectively, increased significantly (p < 0.05) after sponge removal and buck introduction when compared with day 0, with no differences in the FGA-PGF group. This increase in SCC of the control and FGA groups coincided with peak estrus behavior. However, SCC was far below the upper limit of the current standard for normal milk. In conclusion, induction of estrus with progestagen based programs and buck introduction may cause temporary significant increase in SCC. However, the SCC values during this period of temporary increase were still in the range of acceptable values for normal milk. With the current standards for SCC of 1,000,000/ml as legal limit for abnormal milk control programs in goats, estrus synchronization programs and the estrus status should not be considered when bulk-tank milk SCC is being investigated.  相似文献   


To examine if hard floor or relocation to a new room affects the pulsatile secretion of growth hormone (GH) and cortisol in calves, we housed individually 12 calves on concrete floors and 12 on rubber mats for 67–74 days. Half of the calves in each pen were relocated to an identical but strange room. Serial blood samples were taken 24 h prior to and 24 h following relocation at 20-min intervals and were assayed for GH and cortisol. Both of the hormones had a clear ultradian pulsatile variation. We detected (mean±/se) 4.6±/0.6 GH pulses/24 h. GH concentrations peaked four times during the day and pulses were higher in daytime. Cortisol peaked 5.8±0.6 times/24 h. Cortisol concentrations were highest at feeding. No overall effects of flooring or relocation were found but calves on concrete floors had greater cortisol concentrations than on rubber mats, especially during the night.  相似文献   

Background: Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis (SE), as a major cause of foodborn illness, infects humans mainly through the egg. However, the symptom of laying hens usually is not typical and hard to diagnosis. In the present study, it is studied that the influences of SE infection on layers' performance, egg quality and blood biochemical indicators. It will help us to improve the strategy to control SE infection in commercial layers. One hundred layers at 20 wk of age were divided into 2 groups, 60 hens for experiment and others for control. The experiment group was fed with the dosage of 108 CFU SE per hen. The specific PCR was used to detect the deposition of SE. On the 8 d after SE infection, 10 hens from the control group and 30 hens from the experimenta group were slaughtered to detect the SE colonization. The production performance, egg quality and blood biochemical indices were also analyzed. Results: The results showed that the colonization rate of SE was highest in caecum contents (55.17%) and lowest in vagina (17.24%). For the eggs the detection rate of SE was highest on the eggshell (80.00%) and lowest in yolk (18.81%). SE infection had no significant influence on production performance and egg qualities (P 〉 0.05). The difference of laying rate between the experimental and control groups was less than 0.30%, and both were approximately equal to 82.00%. The blood analysis showed that the aspartic aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) of experimental group was significantly higher than those of control group (P 〈 0.05). For experimental and control groups AST values were 236.22 U/I and 211.84 U/I respectively, and ALT values were 32.19 U/I and 24.55 U/I. All of coefficients were less than 20%. The colonization of SE in organs increases the enzyme activities of AST and ALT in blood. Conclusions: SE in feed could invade the oviduct and infect the forming eggs. It significantly increased the concentration of ALT and AST in blood. Ho  相似文献   

The total bacterial community of Fibrobacter succinogenes and Ruminococcus flavefaciens in fibre-enriched culture of the foregut contents of 12 adult feral camels (Camelus dromedaries) fed on native vegetation in Australia was investigated using quantitative PCR. Foregut contents were collected postmortem, pooled and filtered before divided into two fractions. One fraction was used for extraction of DNA, while the other fraction was inoculated straight away into BM 10 contained filter paper (FP), cotton thread (CT) or neutral detergent fibre (NDF) as the sole carbohydrate sources in Hungate tubes. The tubes were incubated anaerobically at 39 °C for 1 week. After a near complete degradation of the FP and CT and extensive turbidity in the NDF, media subculturing was carried out into fresh media tubes. This was repeated twice before genomic DNA was extracted and used for quantification of bacteria. Using an absolute quantification method, the numbers of cells in 1 ml of each sample ranged from 4.07?×?106 to 2.73?×?109 for total bacteria, 1.34?×?103 to 2.17?×?105 for F. succinogenes and 5.78?×?101 to 3.53?×?104 for R. flavefaciens. The mean cell number of F. succinogenes was highest in the FP enrichment medium at approximately 107-fold, whereas for the R. flavefaciens targeted primer, the NDF enrichment media had the highest mean cell number at approximately 4-fold when compared to the rumen content. The data presented here provide evidence of fibre type preference by the two main fibre-degrading bacteria and would help us understand the interaction between fibre type and fibre-degrading microorganisms, which has ramification on camel nutrition at different seasons and environments.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(1):138-146
The relative population numbers of rodents were studied in nine habitats in and outside the N’washitshumbe enclosure site, Kruger National Park, before and after burning the firebreaks that surround the enclosure. Trap success was exceptionally high, and the field work is suspected to have coincided with a Mastomys population explosion. This genus dominated the small mammal communities before and after the burn, and never disappeared from the burnt patches. Its numbers also did not crash directly after the burn, as have been reported in most other studies. Movement from the burnt areas was observed, which may have had a significant impact on the numbers of rodents caught both inside the enclosure and in the more natural areas outside. Our study suggests that fire can be investigated as a tool to keep rodent densities down in areas where they are nuisance animals, especially when used in conjunction with models that forecast outbreaks of Mastomys. It also emphasizes the value of long-term studies informing management strategies for animal damage control and biodiversity and ecosystem conservation.  相似文献   

1. The objective of the present study was to investigate the effect of vitamin E (VE, α-tocopherol acetate) on growth performance and meat quality of broilers fed on diets containing maize distillers’ dried grains with solubles (DDGS).

2. A total of 360 one-d-old broilers were randomly assigned to 6 groups. Each group comprised 6 replicates of 10 broilers. Broilers were allocated to 1 of 6 diets and fed for 49?d in a 3?×?2 factorial design. The dietary treatments included three concentrations of DDGS (0, 10 or 20%) and two concentrations of VE (0 or 200?mg/kg).

3. Diets containing 20% DDGS decreased the growth phase and average daily feed intake, demonstrating that small amounts of DDGS affected feed intake in broilers and that an excess of DDGS was not conducive to feed intake.

4. Different dietary concentrations of DDGS did not significantly improve colour, drip loss, cooking loss, or shear force. Supplementation with 200?mg/kg VE significantly reduced cooking loss and shear force and improved colour.

5. In conclusion, supplementation with DDGS at 10% and/or α-tocopherol acetate at 200?mg/kg had positive effects on growth performance and meat quality in broilers.  相似文献   

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