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Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Citrus tatter leaf virus (CTLV), a strain of apple stem grooving virus, is a virus of citrus that is of commercial importance for trifoliate orange...  相似文献   

Sequence comparisons and phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA genes and the 16S/23S spacer regions of the phytoplasmas associated with Australian grapevine yellows, papaya dieback and Phormium yellow leaf diseases revealed minimal nucleotide differences between them resulting in the formation of a monophyletic group. Therefore, along with Australian grapevine yellows, the phytoplasmas associated with Phormium yellow leaf and papaya dieback should also be considered as Candidatus Phytoplasma australiense.  相似文献   

This study was carried out on the leaves of phytoplasma susceptible grapevine variety ??Chardonnay?? (Vitis vinifera L.), and included research of the alterations in chlorophyll and carotenoid contents, contents of phenol compounds and in related enzymes activity in the phenylpropanoid pathway during the Bois noir (BN) infection. Phytoplasma-infected leaves showed reduced contents of chlorophylls and carotenoids, which promoted their susceptibility to oxidative reactions. Furthermore, modulation of flavonoid biosynthesis occurred in infected leaves, leading to an increased activity of phenylalanine ammonia lyase, chalcone synthase/chalcone isomerase, flavanone 3-hydroxylase and polyphenoloxidase, but to a decreased peroxidase activity. Phytoplasma infection led to an increase of the contents of hydroxycinnamic acids (caftaric acid, sinapic acid glucose derivate and coutaric acid), flavanols (procyanidin B1, procyanidin dimer 3, catechin, epicatechin) and flavonols (quercetin 3-O-glucuronide, quercetin 3-O-glucoside) especially in the period up to vérasion. The study demonstrated that at certain phenological key-stages infection with phytoplasma (BN) induced different alterations in enzyme activities and in the contents of biochemical compounds from primary and secondary metabolism.  相似文献   

Apple proliferation (AP), caused by ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma mali’, is an economically important disease affecting many apple-growing areas in Europe. A new TaqMan real-time PCR assay was established for absolute quantification of ‘Ca. P. mali’ by using a single-copy gene of the host plant as a reference, which is amplified with the pathogen DNA in a single-tube reaction. Normalised estimates of phytoplasma concentration are ultimately expressed as the number of phytoplasma cells per host plant cell. The assay was used to monitor the ‘Ca. P. mali’ titre over the course of two growing seasons in roots and branches of symptomatic and asymptomatic but AP-positive apple trees. All 252 root samples from symptomatic and asymptomatic trees tested positive, with an average number of 59.8 ± 5.68 (standard error) and 55.1 ± 9.83 ‘Ca. P. mali’ per host cell, respectively. From the 378 shoot samples analysed, 81% of the symptomatic and only 20% of the asymptomatic samples were AP-positive with an average number of 9.4 ± 1.04 and 0.7 ± 0.13 ‘Ca. P. mali’ per host cell, respectively. This strengthens evidence that not the pathogen occurrence alone but the presence of a certain quantity of ‘Ca. P. mali’ in the aerial tree sections is involved in symptom expression. In addition, pronounced seasonality of the phytoplasma concentration was found, not only in branches, but also for the first time in roots of symptomatic and asymptomatic apple trees. Highest phytoplasma levels in roots were detected from December to May.  相似文献   

Glomerella leaf spot (GLS), characterized by black necrotic spots and severe defoliation, is a destructive foliar disease of apple. Widely grown cultivars such as Gala and Golden Delicious are highly susceptible to GLS. Currently, the infection biology of the causal pathogen, Colletotrichum fructicola, on apple leaves is unclear. In the present study, the penetration and colonization processes of C. fructicola were characterized on apple (cv. Gala) leaves using light and transmission electron microscopy. C. fructicola conidia produced germ tubes 4 hours post-inoculation (hpi) and appressoria at 8 hpi. In melanized appressoria, funnel-shaped appressorial cones formed around the penetration pore. At 12 hpi, C. fructicola produced secondary conidia. After penetration, C. fructicola began to develop infection vesicles at 36 hpi. At 48 hpi, the primary hyphae of C. fructicola were produced from infection vesicles within host epidermal cells; the host epidermal cell plasma membrane remained intact, indicating a biotrophic association. Subsequently, secondary hyphae penetrated epidermal cells and destroyed cell components, initiating necrotrophic colonization. C. fructicola also produced biotrophic subcuticular infection vesicles and hyphae. Together, these results demonstrate that C. fructicola forms special infection structures and colonizes apple leaves in a hemibiotrophic manner, involving intracellular as well as subcuticular colonization strategies. Detailed characterization of the infection process of C. fructicola on apple leaves will assist in the development of disease management strategies and provide a foundation for studies of the molecular mechanism of the C. fructicola–apple leaf interaction.  相似文献   

In this study the effect of different cropping systems and crop successions was evaluated on natural Fusarium sp. contamination and fumonisin levels in corn. The cropping systems consisted of a conventional and no-tillage area cultivated with corn in the summer following either oats or fallow in the winter (2006 and 2007 growing seasons). In addition, the effect of applying nitrogen fertilizer (0, 22.5, 45.0, 90.0 and 90.0 kg ha−1 nitrogen supplemented with potassium oxide) on fumonisin contamination was evaluated in the 2006 growing season. Fusarium sp. was detected in 90% samples in 2006 and in 100% samples in 2007. In both growing seasons, no-till corn following oats showed the highest mean fumonisin levels and differed significantly (P < 0.05) from all the others (2006) and from conventional till corn following either oats or fallow in the winter (2007). Fumonisin levels ranged from 0.13 to 19.52 μg g−1 (mean 6.97 μg g−1) and from 3.70 to 7.75 μg g−1 (mean 6.29 μg g−1) in no-till corn following oats from the 2006 and 2007 growing seasons, respectively. Plots treated with 0 kg ha−1 and 22.5 kg ha−1 nitrogen showed the highest mean fumonisin levels and differed significantly from those with 45.0 and 90 kg ha−1 nitrogen. Fumonisin levels correlated negatively (P < 0.05) with the nitrogen fertilization rates. Although no-till is advantageous from a soil conservation standpoint, it may enhance the potential for fumonisin contamination in corn.  相似文献   

European Journal of Plant Pathology - Phoma stem canker / blackleg is an internationally important disease of Brassicas including B. napus (oilseed rape, OSR), caused by multiple genetic subclades...  相似文献   

A European quarantine organism ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma pyri’ causing devastating pear decline disease has been reported to affect pear trees in several European countries. In this study a multilocus sequence analysis was successfully used to gain detailed insight into the molecular diversity of thirty closely related ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma pyri’ isolates from different orchards in Slovenia. Among three genomic regions analyzed, the 16S/23S rRNA intergenic spacer region was the most conserved among Slovenian isolates with 99.7 % sequence identity, yielding only three distinct genotypes. On the other hand, five different genotypes were detected when analyzing secY and aceF genomic regions that shared sequence identity of 94.8 and 97.2 %, respectively. Six of the detected genotypes, specifically four in the secY region and one in each of the two other analyzed genomic regions, were unique for Slovenia. At least eight different haplotypes were found with multilocus sequence analysis, indicating high molecular diversity among Slovenian ‘Ca. P. pyri’ isolates. Haplotypes were clustered into two major clusters, separated by at least 45 mutations. No connection was established between haplotype occurrence and cultivar type.  相似文献   

An outbreak of rust on Salix × mollissima (S. triandra × S. viminalis) Q83, an important biomass willow, was first observed at several locations in the UK in 1992. Rust collections obtained from Q83 in 1992 at Long Ashton (south west England), Markington (Northern England) and Loughgall (Northern Ireland), were tested for pathogenicity and examined using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). All collections showed the same pathogenicity patterns on the eight willow differentials and were assigned to f.sp. larici-epitea typica of Melampsora epitea. A total of 304 AFLP markers was scored for 54 rust isolates, 20 from Long Ashton, 20 from Markington and 14 from Loughgall. Cluster analysis placed the isolates into three distinct groups according to the collection sites. Within each site, Markington isolates were least variable, Nei & Li's similarity coefficients averaging 0.996. Average similarities within isolates from Long Ashton and Loughgall were 0.899 and 0.883, respectively. Average per-locus diversity within site (Hj), calculated using Shannon information index, was 0.014 in Markington, 0.24 in Long Ashton and 0.23 in Loughgall population. Most diversity (69.1%) was partitioned between populations. An analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) attributed 85.8% of variance to between populations and 14.2% to the individuals within populations. The results suggest that, in 1992, this previously unknown pathotype was not spread from a common source but from separate sources. The AFLP analysis and early records on the host range of M. epitea indicate that the rust virulent to S. × mollissima may have existed in nature before 1992.  相似文献   

During 2010 and 2011, typical phytoplasma disease symptoms such as little leaves, phyllody and witches’ brooms were observed on black gram, green gram, long bean, shaggy button weed and sesame plants from different regions of Myanmar. The symptomatic samples were analyzed by PCR using universal phytoplasma primers and characterized by sequencing 16S rRNA, ribosomal protein and translocase protein genes. Based on sequence and phylogenetic analysis of the three genes, the phytoplasmas associated with those plants belonged to members of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma aurantifolia’. To our knowledge, black gram and shaggy button are new hosts for ‘Ca. P. aurantifolia’.  相似文献   

Phytoplasma-induced floral malformations such as virescence, phyllody, and proliferation were observed on hydrangeas in Gunma Prefecture, Japan. Phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rRNA, secY, groEL, and amp gene sequences indicated that the affected hydrangea plants were associated with phytoplasmas belonging to ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris’, but not to ‘Ca. P. japonicum’, which occurs in hydrangeas showing phyllody in Japan. This is the first molecular evidence of an association of ‘Ca. P. asteris’ with hydrangea plants in Japan.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Psyllids are small, phloem-feeding insects. Several species are vectors of economically important pathogens, such as ‘Candidatus Liberibacter...  相似文献   

A 303-nucleotide viroid was isolated from an apple tree (Malus × domestica, ‘Fuji’) cultivated in Japan. The viroid had 84.9% overall nucleotide sequence homology to Apple dimple fruit viroid (ADFVd), a member of Pospiviroidae, reported from Italy. This viroid differed from the Italian variant by 47 mutations (38 substitutions, six deletions and three insertions), and most of these mutations occurred on either side of the central conserved region. The leaves and branches of the infected trees did not have any disease symptoms, but the fruits were dimpled and yellow. The infected scions were top-grafted onto a healthy ‘Fuji’ apple tree, which tested positive for this viroid in a northern hybridization analysis, and yellow dimple fruits were produced in the second growing season. We propose that this viroid is a new variant of ADFVd and causes yellow dimple fruit formation in ‘Fuji’ apple trees.  相似文献   

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