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Salmonella enterica is a pathogen highly successful in causing a variety of gastrointestinal and systemic diseases in animals and humans. While some serovars of S. enterica are able to infect a broad range of host organisms, other serovars are highly restricted to specific host species. The colonization of hosts by S. enterica depends on the function of a large number of virulence determinants. The molecular analyses of virulence genes demonstrated that most of these loci are clustered within Salmonella Pathogenicity Islands (SPI). SPI1 and SPI2 each encode type III secretion systems (T355) that confer main virulence traits of S. enterica, i.e. invasion, enteropathogenesis and intracellular survival and proliferation. Further SPI encode factors that contribute to intracellular survival, different types of adhesins, or effector proteins of the SPI1-T3SS or SPI2-T3SS. The availability of genome sequences of several serovars of S. enterica also revealed serovar-specific SPI. In this review, the main characteristics of the currently known SPI are summarized with focus on their roles in various animal hosts and putative functions in human infections.  相似文献   

Host range relationships and the evolution of canine parvovirus.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Canine parvovirus (CPV) is an example of an unusual class of emerging virus-those that gain an altered host range through genetic variation and subsequently become widespread pathogens of their new and previously resistant host species. CPV was first detected in 1978 as the cause of new diseases in dogs throughout the world, when it rapidly spread throughout domestic populations, as well as becoming widespread in wild dogs. CPV was soon shown to be a variant of the long recognized feline panleukopenia virus (FPV), from which it differed in less than 1% at the nucleotide sequence level. Genetic analysis showed that virtually all of the biological differences between CPV and FPV, including the canine host range, were determined by three or four sequence differences in the viral capsid protein gene. Analysis of the atomic structures of the CPV and FPV capsids showed that the differences controlling host range were located within two different structural regions and were exposed on the capsid surface. The CPV which first emerged in 1978 appeared to be derived from a single ancestral sequence, which has allowed the ready analysis of the subsequent evolution of the virus in nature. Sequence analysis has also revealed that CPV strains have undergone a series of evolutionary selections in nature which have resulted in the global distribution of new virus variants. This was first seen in the global replacement between 1979 and 1981 of the original (1978) strain of the virus by a genetically and antigenically variant strain, and the subsequent widespread selection of other variants which have also become globally distributed. The genetic and antigenic variation in the virus strains was also correlated with changes in the host range of the virus, in particular in the ability to replicate in cats, and in canine host range differences seen in tissue culture cells.  相似文献   

近年来肠道病毒组功能研究日益受到关注,其中肠道噬菌体作为肠道病毒组的主要组成,更是成为了研究热点。大量研究表明,肠道噬菌体种类和数量不仅直接影响肠道微生物菌群区系,还与动物机体存在着密切联系,因此对动物机体健康发挥着重要作用。本文就肠道噬菌体研究进展进行总结,从肠道噬菌体、噬菌体与细菌互作、噬菌体与动物宿主互作以及肠道噬菌体与肠道炎症性疾病、代谢性疾病等疾病的联系等方面进行综述,为深入研究肠道噬菌体对机体健康的影响及其机制提供理论参考和新的思路。  相似文献   

A 5-yr study involving 45 to 78 pregnant Hereford range cows each year evaluated relationships among prepartum nutrition, body condition scores, BW changes and reproductive performance. Four prepartum nutritional treatments were imposed. One group of cows were fed to maintain (M) their November BW until calving in March and April. The other three groups of cows were fed to lose about 5% of their November BW by 8 wk before parturition, then to maintain BW (LM), lose an additional 5% of their BW (LL) or gain 5% of their BW (LG). After calving, all cows were fed to maintain BW. Body condition scores and BW were recorded every 14 d throughout the trial. Linear regression analyses were conducted to examine treatment effects on BW, body condition score and measures of reproductive performance. A discriminant analysis was performed on pregnancy rate and percentage of cows with ovarian luteal activity by 85 d after parturition. The M cows had a greater pregnancy rate (71%) than cows on other treatment groups. The LL cows had a reduced pregnancy rate (42%) compared with LM (51%) and LG (58%) cows. Prepartum nutritional treatment did not affect the days from parturition to conception. Precalving body condition score and November to January BW changes influenced pregnancy rate (P less than .001). A cubic response curve described the relationship between pregnancy rate and precalving body condition score for cows with condition scores of 3 through 7.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Accuracy of culture for diagnosis of Tritrichomonas foetus was investigated in 2832 naturally exposed range beef bulls from 124 herds. Preputial fluid samples were inoculated into the culture medium, incubated at 37 degrees C, and daily examined. Diagnostic test was evaluated using Bayesian techniques to estimate sensitivity and specificity without a gold standard. Median posterior test sensitivity was 72.04% (95% probability interval: 58.07-86.38%) and specificity was 95.37% (95% probability interval: 94.07-96.65%). Low diagnostic test accuracy may have resulted from host and/or diagnostic test procedure related factors. Under natural range conditions, more accurate methods for T. foetus diagnostic and repeated preputial samplings of bulls may be necessary on trichomonosis control programs.  相似文献   

Groups of Swiss Webster outbred mice were each inoculated with one of four bartonella strains originally isolated from Rattus spp. at doses ranging from 101 to 107 bacteria per mouse. One strain, Rn1691yn (Bartonella coopersplainensis-like), infected mice and produced bacteremias at levels up to 105 bacteria/ml of blood and from 3 to 8 weeks duration. A dose dependent response was also observed with differing proportions of mice bacteremic following inoculation at different doses. In addition weeks-to-months long lags in bacteremia manifestation occurred following lower dose exposures. The possibility of bacterial transmission from bacteremic mice to uninfected cagemates was assessed and no naïve mice became infected from contacts with infected mice. Finally, a subset of bacteremic mice inoculated with high doses of Rn1691yn were examined histopathologically and multifocal, granulomatous lesions were detected in both liver and kidneys. The host specificity and infectivity of the strains is discussed in relation to their potential for zoonotic transmission to incidental hosts.  相似文献   

本试验从猪粪中分离得1株大肠杆菌的烈性噬菌体ФNJ14。用实验室保存的大肠杆菌对其裂解谱进行检测,发现ФNJ14能裂解27株大肠杆菌,是一株对肠道内和肠道外大肠杆菌均有效的宽宿主谱的噬菌体。电镜观察结果表明,ФNJ14头部呈狭长的六面体,有一个可伸缩的尾部,属于肌尾噬菌体科成员。ФNJ14的生物学特性鉴定结果显示,其效价为1.28×1010PFU/m L,最佳感染复数(MOI)为100;对60℃以下的温度具有较好的耐受力,在70℃培养20min后活力显著下降;ФNJ14对碱的耐受力较强,在p H4~11之间都能保持较高的活力;一步生长曲线检测结果显示,ФNJ14潜伏期为20 min,复制周期为140 min。提示噬菌体ФNJ14对致病性大肠杆菌具有一定的防控潜力。  相似文献   

The specificity of serum antibodies for the polypeptides of bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) was examined, using sera obtained from feedlot and range cattle. Test results in sera from feedlot cattle indicated a 60% rate of seroconversion and 95% seropositivity to BRSV, associated with lack of clinical signs indicative of respiratory tract disease. Exposure to other common respiratory tract viruses also was high (greater than or equal to 92% to bovine herpesvirus type 1, bovine viral diarrhea virus, and para-influenza virus type 3). Test results in sera from range cattle indicated BRSV seropositive rates of 28% in calves, 49% in yearling cattle, and 70% in mature cows; clinical signs of respiratory tract disease were not observed in these cattle. Antibodies to BRSV in sera from cattle in both environments reacted predominantly with polypeptides of molecular weight 80,000 through 85,000, 40,000, and 28,000. Reactivity to a glycoprotein of molecular weight between 43,000 and 44,000 and to several glycopolypeptides of smaller molecular weight increased in serum specimens obtained from feedlot cattle between time of entry into the feedlot and slaughter.  相似文献   

Giardia duodenalis colonizes the gastrointestinal tract of a wide range of hosts, including humans and other primates. It is grouped into eight different Assemblages and, beyond that, into a number of sub‐Assemblages, defined ad hoc on the basis of genetic differences; these various groups are often considered to be associated with a specific restricted host range. The aim of this study was to use publicly available genotyping data to investigate the relatedness of human and non‐human primate (NHP) Giardia isolates in order to evaluate the usefulness of current taxonomic classification and to assess whether there is potential for zoonotic transmission between humans and NHP. Our final data set consisted of sequence data from 165 isolates, 111 from NHP and 54 from humans. Assemblages were well defined, but sub‐Assemblages across Assemblage B were not resolved. Although sub‐Assemblages AI and AII were resolved, the terms were not found to capture any useful molecular or host/deme properties. In the phylogenetic tree, NHP isolates were scattered among human isolates across Assemblages A and B, and were even found in Assemblage E. We conclude that there does not appear to be significant molecular distinction between human and NHP Giardia isolates across these four molecular markers. Thus, on the basis of these markers, we cannot exclude a risk for zoonotic and anthropozoonotic transmission of Assemblages A and B isolates, irrespective of sub‐Assemblage classification. We further evaluated the relative merit of the four genes used in genotyping studies. The tpi, gdh and bg genes gave relatively congruent tree topologies, but the SSU gene did not resolve Assemblages according to the current classification. Future genotyping efforts should aim for multilocus or whole‐genome approaches and, in particular, use of the SSU gene as the sole marker should be avoided when possible.  相似文献   

The external microbiome of fish is thought to benefit the host by hindering the invasion of opportunistic pathogens and/or stimulating the immune system. Disruption of those microbial communities could increase susceptibility to diseases. Traditional aquaculture practices include the use of potent surface-acting disinfectants such as potassium permanganate (PP, KMnO4) to treat external infections. This study evaluated the effect of PP on the external microbiome of channel catfish and investigated if dysbiosis leads to an increase in disease susceptibility. Columnaris disease, caused by Flavobacterium columnare, was used as disease model. Four treatments were compared in the study: (I) negative control (not treated with PP nor challenged with F. columnare), (II) treated but not challenged, (III) not treated but challenged, and (IV) treated and challenged. Ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (RISA) and pyrosequencing were used to analyze changes in the external microbiome during the experiment. Exposure to PP significantly disturbed the external microbiomes and increased catfish mortality following the experimental challenge. Analysis of similarities of RISA profiles showed statistically significant changes in the skin and gill microbiomes based on treatment and sampling time. Characterization of the microbiomes using 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing confirmed the disruption of the skin microbiome by PP at different phylogenetic levels. Loss of diversity occurred during the study, even in the control group, but was more noticeable in fish subjected to PP than in those challenged with F. columnare. Fish treated with PP and challenged with the pathogen exhibited the least diverse microbiome at the end of the study.  相似文献   

Concomitant infections by different influenza A virus subtypes within pig farms increase the risk of new reassortant virus emergence. The aims of this study were to characterize the epidemiology of recurrent swine influenza virus infections and identify their main determinants. A follow-up study was carried out in 3 selected farms known to be affected by repeated influenza infections. Three batches of pigs were followed within each farm from birth to slaughter through a representative sample of 40 piglets per batch. Piglets were monitored individually on a monthly basis for serology and clinical parameters. When a flu outbreak occurred, daily virological and clinical investigations were carried out for two weeks. Influenza outbreaks, confirmed by influenza A virus detection, were reported at least once in each batch. These outbreaks occurred at a constant age within farms and were correlated with an increased frequency of sneezing and coughing fits. H1N1 and H1N2 viruses from European enzootic subtypes and reassortants between viruses from these lineages were consecutively and sometimes simultaneously identified depending on the batch, suggesting virus co-circulations at the farm, batch and sometimes individual levels. The estimated reproduction ratio R of influenza outbreaks ranged between 2.5 [1.9-2.9] and 6.9 [4.1-10.5] according to the age at infection-time and serological status of infected piglets. Duration of shedding was influenced by the age at infection time, the serological status of the dam and mingling practices. An impaired humoral response was identified in piglets infected at a time when they still presented maternally-derived antibodies.  相似文献   

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