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Postweaning growth, sexual development, libido, and carcass data were collected from two consecutive calf crops using 31 Brahman x Angus (B x A), 41 Senepol x Angus (S x A), and 38 Tuli x Angus (T x A) F1 bulls. Following weaning (by mid-September) and preconditioning, at the start of the study (late September) bulls were fed concentrate (three times each week at a rate equivalent to 4.5 kg/d) on bahiagrass pasture for approximately 250 d. At the start of the study and at 28-d intervals, BW, hip height, and scrotal circumference (SC) were measured. Concurrently at 28-d intervals, when the SC of a bull was > or = 23 cm, semen collection was attempted using electroejaculation. Ejaculates were evaluated for presence of first spermatozoa (FS), 50 x 10(6) sperm with at least 10% motility (PU), and 500 x 10(6) sperm with at least 50% motility (PP). After all bulls reached PP they were subjected to two libido tests. Carcass data were collected on all bulls (n = 110) and Warner-Bratzler shear (WBS) force values were assessed on a subset (n = 80). For both years, B x A bulls were heavier (P < 0.05) and taller (P < 0.05) than S x A and T x A bulls at the start and end of the study. However, breed type did not influence (P > 0.10) gain in BW or hip height during the study. Scrotal circumference of T x A bulls was larger (P < 0.05) than that of B x A or S x A bulls at the start of the study, but there was no effect (P > 0.10) of breed type by the end of the study. At PU and PP, B x A bulls were older (P < 0.05), heavier (P < 0.05), and taller (P < 0.05) and had larger (P < 0.05) SC than S x A and T x A bulls. Tuli x Angus bulls were younger (P < 0.05) than S x A bulls at PU and PP but had similar SC. Libido scores tended (P < 0.10) to be lower for B x A than for S x A and T x A bulls. Breed type affected (P < 0.05) carcass traits; B x A bulls had the heaviest (P < 0.05) hot carcass weight, greatest (P < 0.05) dressing percentage, larger (P < 0.05) longissimus muscle area than S x A bulls, and higher (P < 0.05) USDA yield grade than T x A bulls but greatest (P < 0.05) WBS force values. Breed type did not affect (P > 0.10) USDA quality grade. In conclusion, tropically adapted F1 bulls produced from Senepol (Bos taurus) and Tuli (Sanga) sires bred to Angus cows in Florida had lighter BW, shorter hip heights, and smaller carcasses than those from Brahman sires but reached puberty earlier and had higher libido scores and lower WBS force values.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to characterize body growth, testicular development, and puberty from 8 to 14 mo of age in bulls (n = 120) produced by mating sires from Hereford, Angus, Norwegian Red, Swedish Red and White, Friesian, and Wagyu breeds to MARC III ((1/4) Hereford, (1/4) Angus, (1/4) Red Poll, and (1/4) Pinzgauer) cows. Traits evaluated were birth weight, weaning weight (at 215 d), yearling weight, ADG from 8 to 14 mo of age, paired testicular volume growth from 8 to 14 mo of age, age at puberty (determined by production of 50 x 10(6) sperm with 10% motility), age at freezable semen (determined by production of 500 x 10(6) sperm with 50% motility), and, at 15 mo of age, paired testicular weight and daily sperm production per testis pair. There was an effect of sire breed (P = 0.03) for age at puberty; animals with Wagyu and Swedish Red and White inheritance reached puberty at a later date (302 and 302 d of age, respectively) compared with Angus-sired bulls (268 d). Age at puberty for Hereford-, Norwegian Red-, and Friesian-sired bulls was 270, 271, and 278 d, respectively. Differences in BW were observed (P = 0.03) at birth; bulls with Hereford and Friesian were heavier at birth (43 and 41 kg, respectively) compared with those with Norwegian Red, Swedish Red and White, and Wagyu inheritance (39, 38, and 38 kg, respectively). Differences in BW were also observed at 1 yr of age (P = 0.001), where the heaviest animals were those sired by Angus (450 kg), whereas the lightest animals were those sired by Wagyu (403 kg). Bulls with Wagyu inheritance had the lowest (P = 0.04) ADG (1.12 kg/d) compared with bulls with inheritance from Hereford (1.22 kg/d), Angus (1.28 kg/d), Norwegian Red (1.24 kg/d), Swedish Red and White (1.25 kg/d), and Friesian (1.27 kg/d). Differences in scrotal growth rate were not significant (P = 0.99). They ranged from 1.95 in Angus-sired to 1.66 cm3/d in Wagyu-sired bulls. There were no differences (P = 0.80) for age at freezable semen (335 +/- 10 d). At slaughter (15 mo of age), there were no differences (P = 0.62) for paired testicular weight (603 +/- 28 g) and daily sperm production (10.6 x 10(9) +/- 0.9 x 10(9) per testis pair). Growth of bulls with Wagyu inheritance was slower, and bulls with Wagyu or Scandinavian inheritance reach puberty at an older age than bulls with Angus inheritance.  相似文献   

Calving and weaning data from crossbred calves sired by five Bos indicus breeds and one Bos taurus breed were evaluated. Data included calving and weaning records of F1 calves out of multiparous Hereford cows and sired by Angus, Gray Brahman, Gir, Indu-Brazil, Nellore, and Red Brahman bulls. At calving, Angus-sired calves had shorter gestations and lower (more desirable) calving ease scores and were smaller than Bos indicus-sired calves. Among the Bos indicus crosses, Gir calves had the shortest gestations, lowest calving ease scores, lightest birth weights (P less than .05), and smallest cannon bone lengths and heart girths. Nellore calves had the longest gestations (P less than .05) and largest heart girths. Calves by Indu-Brazil sires had the highest calving ease scores, highest birth weights (P less than .05), and greatest cannon bone lengths (P less than .05). Gray Brahman- and Red Brahman-sired calves were similar and intermediate for all calving characters. At weaning, Angus-sired calves had gained slightly faster than the Gir crosses and weighed more but were shorter at the hip than Gir crosses. Gir calves gained the least preweaning, weighed the least, and were shortest at weaning of the Bos indicus crosses. The Nellore and Indu-Brazil crosses were intermediate in preweaning gain and weaning weight to the Gir and the Red and Gray Brahman but were tallest at weaning. Gray Brahman and Red Brahman calves gained the most and were heaviest at weaning but were not as tall as the Nellore and Indu-Brazil.  相似文献   

Six Holstein (light-muscled type) and six Belgian Blue bulls (double-muscled type) were fed a finishing diet. Average daily gain was 1.36 kg for the Holstein bulls vs 1.24 kg for the Belgian Blue bulls (P less than .05). Holstein bulls consumed more feed (2.3 vs 1.8 kg/100 kg body weight, P less than .001) than the Belgian Blue bulls. The dressing percentage (55.4 vs 65.8%, P less than .001) and the proportion of muscle (56.1 vs 71.3%, P less than .001) in the carcass were less, whereas the proportions of adipose tissue (28.3 vs 15.4%, P less than .001) and bone (15.7 vs 13.4%, P less than .05) were higher in the Holstein bulls. Plasma creatinine determined in samples obtained once a week was lower (11.0 vs 20.3 mg/liter, P less than .001) in the Holstein bulls. In contrast, Holstein bulls tended to produce more triiodothyronine (2.3 vs 1.8 nM, P less than .10), tetraiodothyronine (71.9 vs 54.7 nM, P less than .10) and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I; 340 vs 205 ng/ml, P less than .20) than the Belgian Blue bulls. Growth hormone, insulin, IGF-I and testosterone were measured at 20-min intervals during two 24-h periods. In wk 6, Holstein bulls tended to produce more growth hormone than the Belgian Blues, as indicated by higher total peak area (3,185 vs 2,431 ng), peak amplitude (34.1 vs 22.6 ng/ml, P less than .10) and baseline (4.6 vs 3.3 ng/ml, P less than .20). In wk 27, the trends were opposite.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

To study the differences in meat yield in hypertrophied cattle, a commercial dissection trial was carried out on 48 carcasses obtained from 24 Piemontese (P: 12 reared with a restricted feeding, P-R, and 12 fed ad libitum, P-L), and 24 Belgian Blue (B: 12 reared with a restricted feeding, BB-R, and 12 fed ad libitum, BB-L) young bulls. The animals were reared under the same environmental condition and slaughtered at the same age and fattening degree. During commercial dissection, the weights of the retail cuts were recorded. Three fore-quarter meat cuts were heavier in P than in BB, while nine meat cuts (two from fore-quarter and seven from hind-quarter), hind-quarter meat and prime quality meat were heavier in BB than in P. Fat weight was higher in BB than in P, whereas meat production as a percentage of carcass side weight was higher in P than in BB. Only one hind-quarter meat cut was heavier in the ad libitum (L) than in the restricted (R) group, whereas meat yield was higher in R than in L. In comparing the meat yield in carcass sides of P-R, P-L, BB-R and BB-L fed young bulls, four meat cuts (one from fore-quarter and three from hind-quarter), hind-quarter, prime quality and 3rd quality meat were heavier in BB-L (P ≤ 0.05), while one shoulder cut and fore-quarter were heavier in P-R group.  相似文献   

陶藏F1羊和藏羊生长发育的观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对60只陶藏F1的生长发育指标进行了测定,同时与同龄藏羊进行了比较,结果发现,陶藏F1羊4月龄和6月龄体重分别比同龄藏羊增加2.92kg,3.85kg(P<0.01)。4月龄陶藏F1羊的体高、胸围和体斜长分别比同龄藏羊提高5.85cm,4.03cm和8.15cm,6月龄陶藏F1羊分别比同龄藏羊提高4.69cm,6.45cm和7.74cm,(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the growth curves of females to determine if mature size and relative rates of maturation among breeds differed. Body weight and hip height data were fitted to the nonlinear function BW = f(age) = A - Be(k×age), where A is an estimate of mature BW and k determines the rate that BW or height moves from B to A. Cows represented progeny from 28 Hereford, 38 Angus, 25 Belgian Blue, 34 Brahman, 8 Boran, and 9 Tuli sires. Bulls from these breeds were mated by AI to Angus, Hereford, and MARC III composite (1/4 Angus, 1/4 Hereford, 1/4 Red Poll, and 1/4 Pinzgauer) cows to produce calves in 1992, 1993, and 1994. These matings resulted in 516 mature cows whose growth curves were subsequently evaluated. Hereford-sired cows tended to have heavier mature BW, as estimated by parameter A, than Angus- (P=0.09) and Brahman-sired cows (P=0.06), and were heavier than the other breeds (P < 0.001). Angus-sired cows were heavier than Boran- (P < 0.001) and Tuli-sired cows (P < 0.001), and tended to be heavier than Belgian Blue-sired cows (P=0.097). Angus-sired cows did not differ from Brahman-sired cows (P=0.94). Brahman-sired cows had a heavier mature BW than Boran- (P < 0.001), Tuli- (P < 0.001), and Belgian Blue-sired cows (P < 0.04). Angus-sired cows matured faster (k) than cows sired by Hereford (P=0.03), Brahman (P < 0.001), Boran (P=0.03), and Tuli (P < 0.001) sires, but did not differ from Belgian Blue-sired (P=0.13) cows. Brahman-sired cows took longer to mature than Boran- (P=0.03) or Belgian Blue-sired cows (P=0.003). Belgian Blue-sired cows were faster maturing than Tuli-sired cows (P=0.02). Brahman-sired cows had reached a greater proportion of their mature BW at puberty than had Hereford- (P < 0.001), Tuli- (P=0.003), and Belgian Blue-sired cows (P=0.001). Boran-sired cows tended to have reached a greater proportion of their mature BW at puberty than had Angus-sired cows (P=0.09), and had reached a greater proportion of their mature BW at puberty than had Hereford- (P < 0.001), Tuli- (P < 0.001), and Belgian Blue-sired cows (P < 0.001). Within species of cattle, the relative range in proportion of mature BW at puberty (Bos taurus 0.56 through 0.58, and Bos indicus 0.60) was highly conserved, suggesting that proportion of mature BW is a more robust predictor of age at puberty across breeds than is absolute weight or age.  相似文献   

In the present study, the correlations among age, body weight, scrotal circumference (SC), semen quality and peripheral testosterone and estradiol-17beta (E(2)) concentrations were investigated in pubertal (n=5) and postpubertal (n=7) groups of Holstein bulls over a 6 week period. There were significant positive correlations (P<0.01) among age, body weight and SC in both groups, and similar significant correlations between sperm motility and SC in pubertal bulls (P<0.01) and between sperm concentration and SC in postpubertal bulls (P<0.05). The sperm motility after collection (P<0.05) and after freezing and thawing (P<0.01) of the postpubertal bulls correlated positively with the E(2) concentration. Estrogen may be important for the function of postpubertal bull testes, in which it may regulate spermatozoa motility in vivo.  相似文献   

A comparative slaughter trial was conducted with 36 F1 Nellore x Red Angus calves (12 steers, 12 bulls, and 12 heifers), averaging 274 kg of BW, to assess the net requirements of protein and energy for growth and maintenance. Three cattle from each group (i.e., steers, bulls, and heifers) were slaughtered at the beginning of the trial to determine the initial body composition. The remaining calves were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatments: maintenance (diet containing 70% of DM as corn silage fed at 1.2% of BW daily) or concentrate at 0.75 or 1.5% of BW daily with corn silage available for ad libitum consumption. The diets were isonitrogenous (2% N, DM basis). The experimental design provided ranges in ME intake, BW, and ADG for the development of regression equations to predict the maintenance requirements for NE and net protein (MRNE and MRNP, respectively) and the growth requirement for NE and net protein (GRNE and GRNP, respectively). After 84 d of growth, the cattle were slaughtered. The cleaned gastrointestinal tracts, organs, carcasses, heads, hides, tails, feet, blood, and tissues were weighed to measure empty BW (EBW). These parts were ground separately and subsampled for chemical analyses. For each animal within a period, DMI was measured daily and samples of feces were collected to determine diet digestibility. There were no differences in MRNE (P = 0.06) among groups. The combined data indicated a MRNE of 71.2 kcal x kg(-0.75) of EBW x d(-1), with a partial efficiency of use of ME to NE(m) of 0.71. The partial efficiency of use of ME to NE for growth was 0.54 for bulls, 0.47 for steers, and 0.54 for heifers. The GRNE for steers and heifers were similar (P = 0.15) but were 18.7% greater (P = 0.03) for steers and heifers than for bulls. The MRNP did not differ among groups and averaged 2.53 g of CP x kg(-0.75) of EBW x d(-1). Likewise, GRNP was not different among groups. The percentage of retained energy deposited as protein (RE(p)) increased as the content of retained energy in the gain (RE(c), Mcal/kg of empty body gain) decreased. The RE(p) equation of the pooled data was 46.5 x e(-0.2463 x RE(c)). We conclude that the energy requirement of crossbred Bos indicus x Bos taurus for maintenance might be less than that of purebred Bos taurus and that RE(p) is nonlinearly, negatively correlated with RE(c). The GRNE was less for bulls than for steers and heifers. However, we found no differences in MRNE, MRNP, and GRNP for bulls, steers, and heifers of Nellore x Red Angus crossbreds.  相似文献   

Plasma glucose and serum insulin, growth hormone and glucocorticoid concentrations were determined in five yearling bulls given (im) 5, 15 or 30 mg prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), 30 mg prostaglandin F2 alpha(PGF2 alpha) or saline. Jugular blood was collected at frequent intervals around the time of injection and at .5--hr intervals from 1 to 9 hr after injections. Thirty milligrams PGE2 and 30 mg PGF2 alpha each caused 15- to 20-fold increases in serum glucocorticoids. Glucocorticoids increased with increasing doses of PGE2. Although PGE2 and PGF2 alpha each increased blood growth hormone, this effect was about twofold larger after PGE2. By contrast, PGE2 depressed serum insulin about 50% for 1 hr, then insulin increased about sixfold until 3 to 4 hours. Blood serum insulin increased after PGF2 alpha, but this effect only approached significance (P less than .10). Plasma glucose increased about 10 mg/100 ml after PGE2, but was not affected significantly by PGF2 alpha. Thus, the effects of PGE2 and PGF2 alpha on hormones which control glucose metabolism differ markedly. We speculate that PGE2 caused a twofold increase in growth hormone secretion within 10 to 20 min, that increased growth hormone induced increased blood glucose within 1 to 2 hr and that increased glucose caused increased insulin secretion at 2 to 4 hr, but we cannot rule out a transitory (1 hr) suppressive effect of PGE2 directly on the pancreas.  相似文献   

Bovine GH and testosterone profiles were determined in plasma collected at 20 min intervals during 3 hr bleeding periods on day 25 of life and every 15 days thereafter in six intact (I) Holstein bull calves and in six others which had been hemiorchidectomized (HO) at 10 days of age. In I bulls average plasma GH concentrations varied between 7.9 and 14.5 ng/ml (P greater than 0.05) until 130 days of age, after which the GH level gradually rose (P = 0.007) to a maximum of 19.4 ng/ml on day 205 of life. Episodic release of GH was apparent in 55 day-old and older I bulls and in HO bulls of all ages. Plasma GH concentrations in HO bulls were higher than in I bulls 15 and 30 days after surgery (P = 0.07), at which times the levels in HO bulls averaged 19.6 and 22.5 ng/ml and in I bulls 10.3 and 10.2 ng/ml, respectively. Plasma GH in HO bulls again exceeded that of I bulls at ages of 130-190 days (P = 0.04). Plasma testosterone was virtually nondetectable before 130 days of age in I bulls but thereafter exhibited the typical episodic pattern. In HO bulls, plasma testosterone concentrations began to rise 15 to 30 days before those in I bulls, resulting in an age X treatment interaction (P less than 0.0001). Furthermore, average testosterone levels were higher (P = 0.07) in HO than I bulls at 235 and 250 days of age.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

一、昆明犬与马里努阿犬杂交犬(以下简称“昆马杂交犬”)幼犬生长发育状况测量方法及结果分析 1.利用电子秤、测杖、卡尺、皮尺等测量工具,对幼犬从2月龄开始观察测量,对其进行定期称重,测量体尺(体长、体高、胸围、胸深)。以后以一个月为一个阶段进行观察测量,到6月龄时结束观察测量。  相似文献   

To investigate certain physiological aspects of the mode of action of zeranol or Ralgro on growth, behavior and carcass quality of young bulls, concentrations of 19 blood components and weights of eight organs were determined. Experimental animals consisted of 36 untreated steers, 36 untreated bulls, 36 bulls implanted with zeranol at 3 mo of age and subsequently at 5, 8 and 10 mo and 36 bulls implanted with zeranol at 6 mo of age and subsequently at 9 and 11 mo. In addition, half of the animals in each group were subjected to moderate pre-slaughter stress (mixing and trucking 160 km); the other half was subjected to minimum pre-slaughter stress (no mixing and 4 km transport). Concentrations of cortisol, urea nitrogen and albumin in serum were higher (P less than .01) and those of glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), alkaline phosphatase (AP) and creatinine were lower (P less than .05) in steers than in intact males. Concentrations of GOT, LDH, and creatinine were higher (P less than .05) in implanted than those in control males. Pre-slaughter stress had a significant effect on several traits measured in blood or serum. Thyroid glands were smaller (P less than .01) in steers than in control and implanted males. Testes were smaller (P less than .01) in the zeranol-implanted than in untreated males. Results indicate that zeranol had only a minor effect on the 19 blood components studied, but it did reduce testicle size. Castration had a major impact on several of the blood components. Pre-slaughter management had a significant effect on several blood components.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the health and meat production of cloned sows and their progenies in order to demonstrate the application of somatic cell cloning to the pig industry. This study compared the growth, reproductive performance, carcass characteristics and meat quality of Landrace cloned sows, F1 progenies and F2 progenies. We measured their body weight, growth rate and feed conversion and performed a pathological analysis of their anatomy to detect abnormalities. Three of the five cloned pigs were used for a growth test. Cloned pigs grew normally and had characteristics similar to those of the control purebred Landrace pigs. Two cloned gilts were bred with a Landrace boar and used for a progeny test. F1 progenies had characteristics similar to those of the controls. Two of the F1 progeny gilts were bred with a Duroc or Large White boar and used for the progeny test. F2 progenies grew normally. There were no biological differences in growth, carcass characteristics and amino acid composition among cloned sows, F1 progenies, F2 progenies and conventional pigs. The cloned sows and F1 progenies showed normal reproductive performance. No specific abnormalities were observed by pathological analysis, with the exception of periarteritis in the F1 progenies. All pigs had a normal karyotype. These results demonstrate that cloned female pigs and their progenies have similar growth, reproductive performance and carcass quality characteristics and that somatic cell cloning could be a useful technique for conserving superior pig breeds in conventional meat production.  相似文献   

Twenty-four half-sib Brahman bulls (171 to 276 d of age; 140.9 to 243.2 kg) were paired by age and weight and randomly allotted to one of two treatment groups (12 bulls/treatment) with two replicates (six bulls/replicate). Control treatment (C) was a 4:1 corn (IFN 4-02-931):cotton-seed meal (IFN 3-01-621) diet fed at 1% of the average body weight plus Coastal bermudagrass hay (IFN 1-00-716) ad libitum. Lasalocid treatment (L) was the control diet with the addition of 200 mg lasalocid X head-1 X d-1. Lasalocid resulted in lower acetate and butyrate with higher propionate and no change in total ruminal volatile fatty acids. Lasalocid-fed bulls tended to gain more weight (L = 153.6 +/- 8.5 kg, C = 138.4 +/- 7.9 kg; P less than .08), tended to have a greater average daily gain (ADG; L = .78 +/- .05 kg/d, C = .71 +/- .04 kg/d; P less than .09) and had greater feed conversion (11.5% less feed/kg gain) than did the control bulls. Lasalocid did not affect bull height (HT), weight:height ratio, length (LE) or heart girth (HG) at any time tested during puberal development. Lasalocid bulls exhibited a greater increase in HG through 175 d on treatment (L = 27.6 +/- 1.0 cm, C = 24.3 +/- 1.8 cm; P less than .05) and through first detected sperm (FS) in an ejaculate (L = 30.1 +/- 2.2 cm, C = 26.1 +/- 1.4 cm; P less than .05), but the increase in HG from the start of the trial through puberty was not different between treatments.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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