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PCR for antigen receptor rearrangement (PARR) is a technique developed to aid with the assessment of lymphoid malignancies. The technology relies on the assessment of clonality of T or B cells, and there are many pitfalls. One major advantage is that only a small amount of sample is required to detect clonality, and it can be performed on any type of sample, including effusions, formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues and cytological samples. However, the risk of both false negative and false positive results means that PARR should not be used to diagnose a lymphoid malignancy in isolation, but that results should be considered in conjunction with a full clinical and clinicopathological assessment.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate systematically the quality of equine veterinary top sports medicine in The Netherlands and the degree to which the expectations in the field are met. Focus was on structure, process and outcome of care. The structure of care is generally satisfactory but there is insufficient transfer of applicable scientific knowledge to the equine community and a lack of regular checks by team vets. The process of care is hampered by the failure in communication between the veterinary and paraveterinary members of a team. For continuation of the excellent international results of Dutch riders and drivers a more collaborative approach, abandoning the often secretive character of equine medicine in relation to sport horses, is necessary.  相似文献   

In April 2011, horses at Nanjing Racecourse were accidentally overdosed with ivermectin deworming powder, mixed into the feed. After 3 days of medication, most of the horses ate feed only and reduced their hay intake significantly. On Days 5–6, 3 Mestizo horses showed discomfort, no appetite, sweating, abdominal enlargement, restlessness, whinnying, pawing the ground and no defaecation. Of the other horses, 4 showed abnormal sweating. Toxic atony of the large intestine was diagnosed. During the initial treatment process, only glucose saline injection was used to strengthen cardiac function and sustain the balance of body fluid. It was given in an enema with liquid paraffin, or drenched with magnesium sulfate and liquid paraffin. However, these treatments failed to cure the horses. One of the most seriously affected horses died the next morning. Then, analgin was injected i.m. and vitamin B1 was injected immediately into bilateral Guanyuanshu acupoints. At the same time, a decoction of Costus root‐Areca reed‐Rhubarb‐Mirabilite powder (CARMP) was given by gavage immediately. Liquorice root was decocted and then the decoction was fed mixed into the feed, at the dosage of 200–300 g per horse, s.i.d., for 3–5 days. One horse died before the integrated treatment but all others horses recovered. Two additional cases were cured with similar treatment.  相似文献   

繁殖性状是奶牛生产的重要经济性状。繁殖性状属于数量性状,受多基因的调节和环境的影响,并且遗传力低(一般不到0.05)。采用传统的选择方法提高奶牛繁殖力很难奏效,而基因组学的发展为有效提高繁殖力提供了可能。介绍了繁殖性状的遗传变异、繁殖性状与产奶量的关系,传统育种和基因辅助育种策略,奶牛繁殖的功能基因组学和基因组选择的研究进展和发展前景,特别是基因组和蛋白质组学的研究有望提高遗传选择的效率,预计在不久的将来,能对改善奶牛的繁殖性能发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

The structures of the equine foot have the unique ability to adapt, change shape and restore. There are multiple benefits in shod vs. barefoot or in allowing the horse to be without shoes for a given time period to improve the palmar section of the foot. However, it requires a transition period, a change in the manner in which the foot is trimmed, a commitment from the owner/trainer and, in the case of leaving the horse without shoes permanently, it depends whether the horse can perform the desired function without shoes.  相似文献   

Successful placement of an i.v. catheter in horses is a core competency required by the AVMA COE accreditation policy (section 7.11, #2,#3,#5). Therefore, we determined whether the use of a novel intravenous (i.v.) catheter placement training tool would improve confidence, time to successful placement and accuracy with which third- and fourth-year veterinary students acquire competence regarding this skill in adult horses. Students lacking earlier experience with i.v. catheter placement in horses were randomly assigned to either Group 1 (n = 15) or 2 (n = 10). Students with prior experience with the technique were assigned to Group 3 (n = 14). Group 1 students were instructed on i.v. catheter placement using the model and then assessed using a live horse. Group 2 students were instructed on i.v. catheter placement using a live horse and then assessed using a live horse. Group 3 students were assessed using a live horse. Assessments included number of placement attempts, number of redirects and time needed to achieve correct intraluminal placement. Student perceptions regarding the use of this model for the purpose of learning i.v. catheter placement in horses were evaluated using a questionnaire. Results of this study demonstrated that students receiving initial instruction with the model achieved better scores in terms of both time to accomplish the task and accuracy for catheter placement in a live horse when compared with students that received their first instruction on a live horse. The use of this i.v. catheter placement training tool therefore served to lessen the cost of training and to minimise animal discomfort during this component of veterinary student training.  相似文献   

There is more and more online information available at our fingertips, but how do we efficiently identify and extract relevant information for good clinical decision making? The aim of this review article is to provide equine professionals with the building blocks to be able to develop skills for expertly navigating the scientific literature in a timely fashion. This includes what key questions you need to ask before starting (why am I searching and how much time do I have), where the best places are to search and how to find freely available legal copies of papers (articles, conference proceedings, book chapters and dissertations). Additionally, how to best conduct an information search and what you get from searches of varying comprehensiveness. Finally, this article will cover where to find databases of research syntheses where others have already carried out the hard work for you and some advanced techniques which are likely to save you substantial amounts of time. This article draws together expertise from a panel of veterinary clinicians, nurses and technicians, information specialists and librarians and clinical researchers.  相似文献   

Progesterone is in constant fluctuation throughout the lifespan of the horse. As a key regulator of the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis, progesterone is involved in numerous aspects of reproduction. Synthetic analogs of progesterone, deemed progestins, are widely available to industry to act as progestogenic within the reproductive tract, although few are bioactive in the horse. Utilised to suppress oestrous, delay ovulation, maintain pregnancy, and for behavioural modifications, progestins are a commonly administered class of pharmaceuticals in veterinary medicine. In this review, we discuss the progestins available to equine industry, in addition to assessing efficacy, pharmacokinetics, and potential side effects following administration of each.  相似文献   

This study investigates the present situation with respect to the use and abuse of (veterinary) medicinal products (VMPs) by equine practitioners and endeavours to substantiate the perceived discrepancies and friction between the availability of VMPs, legislation in force, code of Good Veterinary Practice and reality of day‐today equine practice. It can be concluded that practising equine medicine in The Netherlands using only authorised equine VMPs is impossible. In most cases the ‘cascade’ or list of essential substances is needed to legitimise the use or, even worse, the use is not legitimised at all. Existing differences between European Union member states in the outcome of procedures for obtaining a marketing authorisation for the same product is seen as an obstacle for the availability and development of equine VMPs needed for safeguarding the future of a professional equine veterinary healthcare.  相似文献   

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