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据有关资料,我国目前的大豆加工能力已近2500万t,并有继续扩大的趋势,与我国现阶段的大豆需求量相比明显有过快增长之势。 我国主要油料的生产、进口情况 最新资料,我国2000/2001年度大豆的产量在1500万t~1550万t之间,1999/2000年度为1430万t。据海关的数据,我国1999/2000年度进  相似文献   

向日葵,属菊科植物,原产于北美西南部,传入我国已有近400年历史.作为一种重要的油料资源,其产量在世界上仅次于大豆、棉籽等,是五大油料之一.我国向日葵产区主要分布在西南、北方的一些地区,年产量达125万t以上.葵瓜子壳含有大量多缩戊糖,可用来提取重要的工业溶剂--糠醛,还含有药用价值极高的绿原酸。  相似文献   

我国蛋白饲料资源长期严重不足,年进口大豆类产品达3500万t、鱼粉100多万t以上,豆粕、鱼粉及相关原料价格不断上涨且大幅波动,同时间接导致不法原料商通过加入三聚氰胺以提高蛋白质饲料粗蛋白质含量的掺假事件发生。我国制油工业长期“以油为纲”,油料饼粕普遍饲用效价低,  相似文献   

有数据显示,自2004年起,我国粮食进口量呈大幅度增加的态势。2004年我国净进口粮食1784万t,2007年净进口粮食升到3000多万t,2009年又快速地增加到4894万t。2011年我国粮食进口量超过了6000万t,经核算,我国现在粮食的自给率总体水平不足90%。2011年与2007年相比,粮食进口量增长一倍,年均增长19%。今年上半年我国粮食进口达4085万t,同比增长41.2%。玉米、稻米和小麦三大主粮全部出现净进口,且与去年同期相比增幅较大。  相似文献   

枝江市是综合农业大市,年出栏生猪逾百万头、家禽逾千万只,粮食产量近40万t,年产棉花3万t,油料总产量近6万t。气候温和,水系丰富,酿造业发达,适宜走种、养、游综合发展之路。  相似文献   

正进入21世纪初以来,黑龙江省凭借独特的地理环境和丰富的农业资源,肉羊产业得到快速发展。1998年黑龙江省羊肉产量为3.0万t,2004年羊肉产量为9.0万t,仅仅6年时间增加了2倍的产量,但其肉羊存栏和出栏在2004年达到最高点后却增长乏力,尤其近年来肉羊产业发展势头开始放缓。截至2015年底,黑龙江省羊肉产量为12.3万t。近10年的时间,仅比2004年的9.0万t产量增加3.3万t。随着我国经济发展和居民生活水平的提高,动物性食  相似文献   

印度2003/2004年度小麦和大米出口下降到1014万t印度农业部称,2003/2004财年(截至3月31日)印度大米和小麦出口为1014万t,与之相比上一财年为1486万t。印度大米出口为307万t上年度为807万t。小麦出口为707万t,上年度为679万t。波兰2040年的粮食产量预计达到2630万~2710万t据波兰粮食贸易生产商会发布的预测波兰2004年的粮食产量将会提高12%~16%,主要原因在于播种面积提高。波兰也是5月份加入欧盟的10个国家中的一员,预期将会生产2630万~2710万t的粮食,其中包括玉米。阿根廷2004/2005年度玉米产量预计为1460万t据阿根廷农业部的出口分析师…  相似文献   

邓瑞红 《饲料广角》2001,(22):10-11
今年11月多哈部长级会议正式通过了中国加入世贸组织,接踵而来的就是中国的人世承诺: 豆油进口配额2002年252万t,12月份中国将正式成为WTO成员国,配额关税由目前的13%下调至9%,2003年282万t,2004年312万t,2005年359万t,2006年取消配额;棕榈油进口配额2002年240万t,2003年260万t,2004年270万t,2005年317万t,2006年取消配额;菜籽油进口配额2002年88万t,2003年102万t,2004年113万t,2005年124万t,2006年取消配额。  相似文献   

2004年,衢州市柑桔总产量达77.6万t.其中,椪柑51万t,胡柚15万t,温州蜜柑7.1万t,脐橙、象山红桔橙、雪柑、衢桔、香抛(柚类)等其他品种约4.5万t。至2005年5月上旬,2004销售年全市已出口柑桔鲜果2.57万t,其中,椪柑1.1万t,早熟温州蜜柑1.03万t,常山胡柚0.24万t;桔瓣  相似文献   

周小球 《饲料广角》2008,(11):14-16
2.2 市场消费情况 近年来,我国对鱼粉的市场需求一直维持在一个较高水平,而同期的整体供应也相对宽松。2001—2003年,我国鱼粉市场的总需求分别为153万t、132万t和122万t,同期的市场供应量为160万t、143万t和131万t;2004—2005年,养殖业的好转极大地刺激了对鱼粉的消费,需求量分别达到146万t和189万t,同期的供应量增加为154万t和206万t;2006—2007年,由于供需关系的变化,供应量和需求量回落到2002和2003年的水平。  相似文献   

植物抗菌药物——牛至油   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
由于药物残留和耐药性问题,在饲料中使用化学合成的抗菌素和发酵生产的抗生素,已不能适应全世界范围内对食品安全要求提高的需要。而在自然界中,成千上万种具有抗菌活性的物质存在于各种植物中。从植物中提取高效、安全的抗菌活性物质,是解决抗生素(抗菌素)替代物最直接、最有效的途径之一。  相似文献   

Growth and carcass composition of broilers fed sunflower oil and olive oil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sunflower and olive oils were fed at the same dietary inclusion levels to male broilers as a means of varying the dietary linoleic acid concentration while maintaining similar concentrations of total fat and total unsaturated fatty acids. The type of oil and the dietary supplementation level influenced growth rate, food utilisation and carcass composition. Birds grew faster and utilised food more efficiently when fed the sunflower oil and had higher concentrations of body fat. Increasing the level of supplementation with either oil decreased body fat content. The different responses to the two oils were not related to differences in dietary amino acid balance, ME: protein ratios or rates of food passage through the digestive tract.  相似文献   

Type-I interferons (IFNs) are cytokines that have non-specific antiviral activity, participating mostly in innate defense mechanisms. Their administration has been proposed to treat several viral and immunomediated diseases as an immunomodulatory therapy. Due to its availability, recombinant human interferon-alpha (rHuIFN-α) has been studied in relation to feline retrovirosis, both in vitro and in vivo. However, IFNs are species-specific and antibodies have been shown to develop in response to the high rHuIFN-α doses necessary for an effective therapy. A recombinant feline IFN has been developed, which has been characterized as interferon-omega (rFeIFN-ω), designed to overcome these problems. Nonetheless, very few studies have been undertaken to evaluate its efficacy in cats naturally infected with FIV or FeLV. In an initial study, we here demonstrated that rFeIFN-ω can dramatically improve the clinical condition of infected cats, and induce improvement of hematologic parameters. Minor changes or no change was observed for hypergammaglobulinemia, CD4/CD8 ratio, proviral load, viremia and RT activity, suggesting that the overall effect of IFN was on innate immunity. More studies are needed in order to better understand its in vivo mechanisms.  相似文献   

Effect of emu oil on auricular inflammation induced with croton oil in mice   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
OBJECTIVE: To determine the acute anti-inflammatory effects of topically applied emu oil. ANIMALS: 96 male CD-1 mice assigned randomly to 4 groups, each comprising 24 mice. PROCEDURE: To induce auricular inflammation, 50 microl of a solution comprising 10 microl of croton oil dissolved in 1 ml of acetone was applied to the inner surface of the left auricle (pinna). One hour later, 3 or 5 microl of emu oil (low- and high-dose groups, respectively) or 5 microl of porcine oil (oil-control) was applied to the left pinna. Control mice remained untreated. Six mice per group were euthanatized 3, 6, 12, and 24 hours after induction of inflammation. Specimens of auricular tissue (ear plugs) were obtained, using a 6-mm biopsy punch. Magnitude of swelling was calculated as the weight difference between left (inflamed) and right (noninflamed) ear plugs; degree of edema was determined as the difference between wet and dry weights of the left ear plug. RESULTS: Magnitude of swelling was significantly reduced at 6 and 12 hours in mice treated with emu or porcine oil, compared with controls. The greatest reduction in swelling was detected in the high-dose emu group at 6 hours. Compared with controls, degree of edema was significantly reduced at 6 hours only in the high-dose group, whereas by 12 hours, all groups treated with oils had significantly less edema than controls. At 24 hours, magnitude of swelling and degree of edema did not differ among groups. CONCLUSION: Topically applied emu oil significantly reduced severity of acute auricular inflammation induced by croton oil in mice.  相似文献   

油乳剂疫苗中硬脂酸铝含量与油相水相比例关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
进行了鸡新城疫、传染性支气管炎、产蛋下降综合征三联油乳剂疫苗生产中降低油相比例的试验.当油乳剂疫苗的油相中硬脂酸铝含量分别为2%、1%、0.5%,对应的油相:水相分别为3:1、2:1和1:1时进行的乳化试验结果表明:随着油相中硬脂酸铝含量降低,油相和水相的比例相应降低,呈正比例关系.当油相中硬脂酸铝含量与油/水比分别为2%和3:1、1%和2:1、0.5%和1:1时,制备的油苗质量均达到了国家标准.  相似文献   

A randomised double-blind parallel study lasting eight weeks was used to assess the effects of olive oil in a group of atopic dogs whose clinical signs were well controlled by dietary supplementation with a combination of evening primrose oil and fish oil. Nine of the 11 dogs which continued to receive this combination were considered unchanged at the conclusion of the study, whereas eight of the 10 dogs switched to olive oil had deteriorated. The mean plasma concentration of dihomogammalinolenic acid, a precursor of potentially antiinflammatory mediators, was significantly reduced (P < 0.05) in the olive oil-treated group at the end of the study. There were no significant differences between the mean plasma linoleic, eicosapentaenoic and arachidonic acid concentrations in the two groups. These findings suggest that olive oil is not an effective therapeutic agent in the control of canine atopy.  相似文献   

肖军 《饲料广角》2010,(11):13-15
<正>进入5月,全球商品市场唯美元指数"马首是瞻",包括相关的证券等资本市场,更因希腊主权债务危机的加剧而"风声鹤唳"。除黄金之外的几乎所有大宗期货品种,特别是国际原油价格和股票可谓是"一泻千里"。我国油脂市场如期回归基本面主导的箱体振荡运行轨迹。本文立足于当  相似文献   

为研究金柑果皮精油含量与油胞密度及果实形态的关系,对21个金柑种质资源的果实大小、果皮质量、油胞密度、精油含量、单果油胞数目和精油总量进行了观察测定。研究表明,油胞密度在不同金柑品种间达到近十倍的差异,在141~1035个/cm2之间,果皮精油含量在0.54%~2.3%之间,品种间油胞密度和精油含量都存在极显著差异。单果油胞数目和精油总量分别在2474~17320个和2.23~120.51mg之间,不同品种间相差很大。相关分析表明,油胞密度和精油含量与果实横径、表面积和果皮质量呈显著负相关,而单果油胞数目和精油总量与果实横径、纵径、表面积、果皮质量呈显著正相关,但精油含量和油胞密度间并无明显相关性。  相似文献   

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