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Mediterranean open woodlands (dehesa) have faced a dual process of intensification and abandonment of grazing which has resulted in alteration of the understory vegetation.


We analysed the effects of land use changes on the physiological status of holm oak in different open woodlands (dehesa) in southern Iberian Peninsula.


In an area of extensive grazing, we selected six paired plots (one grazed, one abandoned) and grouped them by habitat types according to understory composition (nearly all monospecific Cistus ladanifer L. shrub or mixed shrub). Six plots of moderate and heavy grazing intensity were chosen within a settled area of livestock use. Shoot growth, macronutrient concentrations and water content were assessed in samples of holm oak leaves.


Abandonment of grazing affected some nutrient concentrations and water content of holm oak leaves, but the effects were different according to habitat type. C. ladanifer shrub reduced N and P concentrations and water content while mixed shrub increased P concentration and water content. High grazing intensity improved shoot growth and leaf N and Mg concentrations.


Extensive grazing could be a useful management tool to enhance growth, nutritional and water status of holm oak in a habitat with limited resources such as Mediterranean open woodlands (dehesa).  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to develop management strategies favouring establishment and survival of holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) and downy oak (Quercus pubescens Willd.)??two species co-occurring in Southern France??in mature Allepo pine forests (Pinus halepensis Mill subsp. halepensis). An experimental design was assessed in a partially cut mature stand of Aleppo pine in which five soil and vegetation treatments??chopping, chopping followed by scarification in one or two directions, prescribed burning, control??and two slash treatments (presence/absence) were applied. A total of 1,600 sowing points, each composed of 3 Q. ilex or Q. pubescens acorns, were installed in the different treatments in November of two consecutive years at 6 and 18 months, after the end of treatments. Survival was monitored 3 and 2 years after sowing, soil surface at the sowing points was characterized at different dates, and predawn leaf water potentials were measured during the dry season. High mortality occurred after the first summer, but survival after 1 year was 2.3?C5.2 higher in Q. ilex than in Q. pubescens, confirming that Q. ilex was better adapted to the drier parts of the Mediterranean area. Survival was significantly influenced by the treatments, but there was a variable response between the two sowing years under most of the treatments. Only intense fire proved the most beneficial treatment for seedling survival in both years. The micro-local soil cover conditions induced by the treatments played a major role in explaining oak survival. In particular, grass cover (mainly Brachypodium retusum) proved to be largely unfavourable to seedling survival and growth, and this detrimental effect was also confirmed by lower predawn leaf water potential values with increasing grass cover. Acorn introduction designed to diversify mature Aleppo pine forest after soil and vegetation treatments therefore has to be considered for treatments that most efficiently impair the pre-existing competing grass cover such as prescribed high-intensity fire treatment.  相似文献   

New Forests - Between 1994 and 2017, 137,455 ha of agricultural land were afforested in Andalusia (Spain), using a great diversity of tree species, under the Common Agricultural Policy...  相似文献   



Excessive recruitment in post-fire regeneration of Pinus halepensis can require pre-commercial thinning. The 1994 Moratalla fire (Spain) and the thinning applied there since 2004 provided good conditions for testing pre-commercial thinning effectiveness.


To analyse pre-commercial thinning effects on tree size, reproductive potential, stem biomass and annual growth in 15-year-old saplings.


Twenty nine circular plots (5 m radius) were established based on (1) years since thinning and (2) aspect. Non-thinned plots were included as controls. Sapling variables were measured and pine cones were counted and classified according to maturity. Three saplings per plot were felled, five sample disks were extracted from each and tree rings were analysed with Windendro® software.


Sapling size, annual growth and stem biomass were higher in thinned plots than in control plots 2–4 years after thinning. Annual growth declined five years after thinning. Cone counts were higher 2–5 years after thinning, depending on the cone type. Aspect influenced some variables.


Thinning accelerated stand maturity but positive effects were indiscernible until 2–5 years later. Serotinous cones, which are fundamental to regeneration after fire, increased in number after 5 years. The effects of aspect were inconclusive due to interactions with years since thinning.  相似文献   

In Spain, wildfires have increased during the last decades with Pinus halepensis forests being the most affected. Cone differentiation and the early flowering of this species in comparison to other native Spanish species, are traits considered as adaptations to postfire regeneration. The high recurrence of fires promotes a high increase in young and immature pine stands with low capability of regeneration. In this study, silvicultural treatments such as thinning and pruning were carried out 5 years after fire in eleven years old P. halepensis stands located in dry and semi-arid sites in SE Spain. The formation of male and female strobili, production of serotinous grey, mature brown and new green cones were recorded six years after treatments. Seed production and germination percentage were also tested. Results showed acceleration in cone and viable seed production in thinned plots, with some differences between sites being recorded. Serotinous cone production also increased as a result of this treatment.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to describe and quantify Aleppo pine aerial primary growth processes and to assess their relationships with climate. Primary growth (branch length growth, branching rate, polycyclism, needle number and size, fruiting), i.e. crown development and reproduction, was reconstructed for the last 16?years in Mediterranean France. From 1998 to 2007, climate has been far hotter and drier than normal in South-eastern France. All variables related to crown development and fruiting, as well as radial growth, significantly declined after 2003 heat wave and during repeated droughts from 2004 to 2007. A partial recovery of most parameters occurred from 2008 to 2010 on vigorous branches while frail branches showed less improvement. The limited crown development during unfavourable years may significantly hold back tree potential photosynthetic biomass for several following years and contribute to a slower than expected recovery of tree growth or to delayed die-back.  相似文献   

GerminaitonandGrowthResponseofOakstoSoilsUnderQuercusilexL.CoppicesLiJunqingCollegeofForestResourcesandEnvironment,BeijingFor...  相似文献   

We assessed the effects of Cu on root growth and morphology of stone pine (Pinus pinea L.) and maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) seedlings grown in culture solutions supplied with 0.012 (control), 0.1, 1 or 5 micro M CuSO(4). The presence of 5 micro M Cu in the nutrient solution completely inhibited root growth of both species within 3 days. In both species, taproot elongation was reduced in the presence of 1 micro M Cu, although partial growth recovery occurred after 7 days of treatment. The presence of 0.1 micro M Cu in the culture solution slightly enhanced root elongation in P. pinaster, but did not significantly influence root elongation in P. pinea. In both species, root weight per unit length increased in response to Cu exposure, and in P. pinaster, root diameter was significantly increased. The Cu treatments also affected lateral root number and length. In the presence of 1 micro M Cu, both species formed only short lateral primordia. The 1 micro M Cu treatment increased the lateral root index (number of roots per cm of root length) of P. pinaster, but decreased that of P. pinea, compared with control values. Neither the 0.1 nor 1 micro M Cu treatment had a significant effect on the mitotic index of either species. We conclude that cell elongation is more sensitive to Cu than cell division. Cell membrane damage, as indicated by Trypan blue staining, occurred after 10 days of exposure to 1 micro M Cu.  相似文献   

In Spain, many Pinus halepensis Mill. forests have been seriously affected by significant forest fires in the past decade, in 1994 alone, more than 100 000 ha were burned in Eastern Spain. In order to study the reproductive characteristics of P. halepensis after forest fires, six locations were selected in four areas affected by serious fires in the summer of 1994, and the following different precipitation zones were studied: dry-subhumid, dry and semi-arid. Ten years after the fires, data relevant to the production of pine cones: serotinous (grey), mature (brown), immature (green) and opened cones, was collected from areas with natural post-fire regeneration. Various cone and seed characteristics, such as pine cone seed number and weight, and germination percentage, were measured. The results showed greater production of cones and strobili in high-density sites. The biggest cone sizes (volume) and seed number per cone were related to site quality (dry-subhumid precipitation zone). Also, viability and germination percentages were higher with better site quality, with significant differences in values for serotinous and non-serotinous cones. Despite these differences, the canopy seed bank was large enough to ensure regeneration in this area for this age stand.  相似文献   

Royo  Antonio  Gil  Luis  Pardos  José A. 《New Forests》2001,21(2):127-140
Five-month-old Pinus halepensis Mill. seedlings were subjected to 4 irrigation treatments for 8 weeks. After the treatments, morphological and physiologicalattributes assessed included height, diameter, dry weight, water relations parameters, and determination of N, P, K, soluble carbohydrates, and starch concentrations. The remaining seedlings were field planted. Survival and height growth were recorded forfour growing seasons after planting. The mostsignificant effect of irrigation was onmorphology. Increased irrigation lead toseedlings with significantly higher height,root collar diameter and shoot and rootbiomass. Starch and soluble carbohydrateconcentrations were also affected byirrigation. However, parameters derived frompressure-volume curves were not significantlydifferent among treatments, nor were N, P, andK concentrations. There were no differencesamong treatments for survival in the field,which was highly related to summer rainfall. Incomparison, absolute and relative heightgrowth showed some significant but minordifferences among treatments.  相似文献   

  • ? We present the longest tree-ring chronology (141 y) of Quercus ilex L. (holm oak), and discuss the species climate-growth relationships and the influence of stand density on tree sensitivity to climate.
  • ? Similarly to Quercus suber L., the most influential climatic variables upon holm oak growth were late spring and early summer precipitation, which enhanced growth, and high temperatures in the previous August and current July, which negatively affected growth.
  • ? High density stands responded to similar climatic factors as low density stands, but their response was generally weaker. Holm oak sensitivity to climate has increased in recent decades, which might be related to increasing temperatures in the region. Sensitivity was higher in low density stands. Additionally, the effect of summer stress on growth seems to have increased during the same period, similarly to other species in the Iberian Peninsula, suggesting that trees are more vulnerable to climatic changes.
  • ? Stand density could buffer the response to climate by smoothing climatic extremes. Nevertheless, the effect of competition might reverse this positive effect at the individual tree level. Precautions should be taken before providing management guidelines regarding the effect of climate change and stand density on holm oak.
  •   相似文献   

    A regeneration predictor (RP) has been elaborated to forecast the minimal inter-fire period, required for full recovery (assumed at 1,000 mature stems ha?1, a typical value for a dense pine forest) of an even-aged, postfire regenerating Pinus halepensis population after a subsequent wildfire, in the future. The study has been conducted in three Aleppo pine forests of northern Euboea Island, Greece. Postfire field surveys of sapling growth, sapling density and reproductive dynamics (cone-bearing population fraction, annual cone and seed production per sapling, canopy seed bank build-up) were carried out for three, consecutive growing seasons (years). Additional postfire parameters, with values estimated from literature data, have been also included in order to devise the RP. In the cases of the three populations studied, the application of this RP provides time-windows for full recovery after a recurrent fire, as short as 10–15, 8–11 and 7–11 years, respectively (values corresponding to best and worst scenarios). It is suggested that in even-aged, postfire regenerating Aleppo pine populations, the minimal inter-fire period required for full recovery can be predicted by monitoring a few selected variables, namely (a) sapling density, (b) vegetative to reproductive shift dynamics, and (c) cones/sapling and germinable seeds/cone, for at least 2 years (either consecutive or 2–3 years apart) at a postfire age of 7–12 years.  相似文献   

    Pinus halepensis forests are among the forest ecosystems in the Mediterranean Basin most affected by fire. Their distribution across lowland areas, in particular along the wildland–urban interface, increases the need to understand their ecology and responses to fire regime for their effective management. Apart from the extremely flammable tree layer, in several stands of these forests there is an increased fuel load attributed to the well-developed understorey of evergreen sclerophyllous shrubs. Taking into consideration that, in contrast with the long period required for full development of post-fire-regenerating pines, these shrubs resprout vigorously within the first post-fire weeks, it is important to explore the temporal trend of fuel accumulation to determine the risk of a second fire across a burned landscape. Two post-fire chronosequences of, in total, 12 P. halepensis stands were considered for sampling in Central Greece. The first chronosequence corresponds to pine stands characterized by the dominance of evergreen sclerophyllous shrubs in the understorey (Type 1) whereas the second chronosequence corresponds to pine stands where the cover of such shrubs was lower (Type 2). This study helps in understanding the fuel dynamics according to the type of P. halepensis forest stand and to anticipate future biomass growth. The proposed equations are simple tools, enabling land managers to estimate understorey total fuel load easily by visually recording the cover and height of the evergreen sclerophyllous shrub component, to justify understorey fuel reduction measures.  相似文献   

    The influence of site and stock quality factors in Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) plantation establishment has been studied. Five stocklots with a contrasting seedling quality were planted on six different sites showing different ecologic conditions in a same regional context. This reciprocal study indicated that site factors (climate, meteorology and soil) explained most of the variability found over stock quality factors (material and performance attributes) in the overall performance results (F values for final survival were 64.2 and 14.1 for site and stocklot, respectively). There were significant interactions between both factors in survival (F = 2.03 for final survival) and first growth, indicating that the seedling quality attributes associated with a better performance depended on site conditions, with physiological attributes being more dependent on the site than morphological attributes. The lower the site quality (poor performance), the higher the importance of stock quality, especially that related with seedling size and macronutrient content, which showed positive correlations (p < 0.05) with survival, yielding differences of over 30% between stocklots. In general, a milder climate and a shallow site meant a higher mortality. The meteorology during the two years after planting confirmed this trend as survival was preferably correlated with temperature variables instead of with precipitation. In the first year, climate factors affected seedling performance more than the soil texture, whereas, in the second, growth was correlated (p < 0.01) with clay and silt percentages, confirming a predominant effect of site over time. Soil depth is discussed as a basic variable possessing a determinant influence on the overall results.  相似文献   

    森林生物量是反映森林生态环境的重要指标,是研究许多森林问题和生态问题的基础。本研究以河北省油松林调查数据为基础,借助Excel、SPSS11.0和ForStat统计分析软件对河北省油松单木生物量和分配格局进行分析,结果表明:(1)油松单木胸径与树高、树叶生物量、树干生物量、树枝生物量、树根生物量和全树总生物量均呈极显著正相关;树高与胸径、树干生物量、树枝生物量、树叶生物量、树根生物量和全树总生物量呈极显著正相关。(2)各调查地油松各器官的生物量,其中树干的平均值为50.55%,树枝的平均值为18.93%,树根的平均值为15.52%,树叶的平均值为15.00%。(3)随着单木生物量的增加,单木各器官树干、枝条和树叶的生物量分配比例保持相对稳定。  相似文献   

    Fertilization is indispensable to the establishment success of many eucalypt plantations. Split application of fertilizer has proven effective in agronomic systems; however, its potential impact on eucalypt tree growth and fertilizer uptake efficiency (FUE) is not well understood. This study investigated the effects of split fertilizer applications on seedling growth and biomass production, nutrient uptake, and FUE for the Guanglin No. 9 clone [hybrid of Eucalyptus grandis (Hill ex Maiden) × Eucalyptus urophylla S.T. Blake]. Three application timings and a control were established at rates of 125 and 250 g inorganic fertilizer (16N–7P–7K) per seedling. Split application played a more pronounced role than fertilization rate in eucalypt seedling growth and biomass accumulation. Compared to a single-time application, split applications increased eucalypt seedling height and root collar diameter growth, biomass, and nutrient uptake. The ratio of root to seedling dry mass showed a decreasing trend with split applications, whereas ratios of stem and branch to seedling dry mass tended to increase with split applications. Split applications also significantly improved FUE compared to the single-time application treatment. Findings of this study suggest that split applications of inorganic fertilizer with two application times could be an appropriate fertilization method to improve seedling growth and FUE of this eucalypt clone.  相似文献   

    Two-year seedlings of Quercus robur (pedunculateoak) were root-pruned before transplanting in order toevaluate the importance of coarse versus fine roots onregrowth. Root systems were pruned by leaving c. 19,13 or 7 cm root from the root collar. Alternatively,coarse roots (>2 mm in diameter) were removed, leaving only the taproot and the fine roots (<2 mm)attached, or fine roots were removed from coarse rootsand taproot. Growth of shoots and roots after onegrowing season was compared to an unpruned controlunder standard nursery conditions. Seedlings rootpruned to 19, 13 or 7 cm were further tested undercompetition achieved by transplanting into a mixtureof clover and grass. Pruning of the root systemsignificantly reduced regrowth in terms of total plantDW in accordance with the severity of pruning, shootDW being more affected than root DW. Removal of coarseroots depressed final root DW whereas removal of fineroots reduced shoot DW and hence root:shoot ratioincreased. The study suggests that fine and coarseroots have different roles in root:shoot allocation.The competition test increased root:shoot ratioindicating that competition induced seedlings toallocate more of their resources into growth of theroot system.  相似文献   


    ? Context

    The Mediterranean Basin is a fire-prone area. Pinus halepensis Mill. is a naturally growing conifer which is frequently used for reforestation and restoration as it displays some degree of adaption to fire. One of the traits conferring tolerance to fire is the frequent presence of serotinous cones that are thought to protect seeds from fire damage.

    ? Aim

    We checked for the physiological responses of seeds to different intensities of fire and related them to the degree of serotiny of the cones.

    ? Methods

    Germination percentage, mean germination rate and enzymatic activity (??-amylase and protease) were recorded for seeds burned either free or enclosed in cones. We included as experimental factors the following: fire intensity, serotiny and time during which seeds were stored in cones after harvesting and germination stage.

    ? Results

    Burned seeds (released and enclosed) developed in serotinous cones exhibited higher heat insulation. In released seeds, germination was decreasing according to increasing fire intensity, although we found differences depending on site, serotiny and time stored after harvesting. The enzymatic activity was also found to be related to serotiny and fire intensity.

    ? Conclusion

    Serotiny is an adaptive trait increasing the tolerance to fire which should be promoted in natural and restored populations.  相似文献   

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