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Observations on a swine herd health program are reported. A primary purpose was to show that such programs could provide economic benefits to swine breeders and sources for breeding stock of minimum disease status. The possible influence of diseases of swine, including atrophic rhinitis and virus pneumonia, on both aspects are discussed. The inadequacy of knowledge of diseases of swine, both specifically and generally, is pointed out. Veterinary supervision of a swine herd will result in economic benefits to an average capable owner. There is both merit and need for such programs, but as to what health standards would be reasonable, practical, and meaningful, is still not clearly defined.  相似文献   

From 1987 to 1991, almost 36 000 quarter samples of mammary secretion representing 1790 lactations of 510 dairy cows from a research herd were collected for bacteriological examination. The percentage of cows infected with Streptococcus uberis ranged from 12 to 16 % of cows/year. S. uberis was isolated from 14.2 % of lactations over the 5-year period. The prevalence of S. uberis intramammary infection (IMI) was significantly higher in cows with ≥4 lactations than in cows with 3 or fewer lactations. Regardless of lactation number, the prevalence of S. uberis was highest before parturition, during early lactation and near drying off. The prevalence of S. uberis infected quarters ranged from 1.3 to 2.3 % of quarters/year; the prevalence rate for the 5-year period was 2 % of quarters. The quarter prevalence of S. uberis was lowest in cows with ≤3 lactations, increased significantly with lactation number and was highest in cows with ≥6 lactations. The percentage of quarters infected with S. uberis varied significantly by year. The majority (95 %) of S. uberis IMI were subclinical. The ratio of subclinical IMI to clinical IMI was lowest during early lactation, and increased with days in milk, and with lactation age except for cows in their 5th and 6th lactations. Results of this epidemiological investigation suggest that opportunities exist where suitable control measures could be applied to reduce the impact of S. uberis infections in the dairy herd.  相似文献   

An agglutination test with killed Bordetella bronchiseptica, suspended in 0.85% saline, standardized photometrically to contain approximately 20 billion microorganisms per ml as antigen, was used to detect naturally-occurring antibody against this bacterium in the sera of 451 pigs ranging in age from one month to over 36 months. Agglutinating antibody was demonstrated in 32.8% of 201 sera of pigs one to six months old, 61.5% of 52 pigs six to 12 months old, 83.8% of 62 pigs 13 to 18 months old, 92.3% of 39 pigs 19 to 24 months old and 100% of 97 adults older than 24 months. Nasal swab cultures did not reliably detect the carrier state of subclinically infected pigs, however, detection of agglutinating antibody against B. bronchiseptica may be useful for diagnosing infection in swine herds.  相似文献   

为探究种猪群猪圆环病毒病(PCVD)的净化控制措施,通过对种猪群实施猪圆环病毒2型(PCV-2)灭活疫苗免疫(基础免疫2次,以后每隔4个月加强免疫1次),检测(基础免疫前、二免后20d和二免后3个月、加强免疫后3个月分别采集前腔静脉血,分离血清,采用ELISA检测PCV-2抗体、猪瘟抗体,PCR方法检测PCV-2核酸),淘汰加强免疫后PCV-2核酸仍为阳性的种猪,结合分析母猪PCV-2疫苗免疫前后繁殖性能的差异。为期1年净化措施实施的结果显示,种猪群的PCV-2核酸阳性率从33.33%显著下降到3.42%,其中后备猪的PCV-2核酸阳性率从39.02%下降到8.57%,种公猪从33.33%下降到0、经产母猪从15.38%下降到1.56%;母猪窝产仔数增加0.52头(P0.05),窝产活仔数增加0.78头(P0.01),窝产木乃伊胎数减少0.3头(P0.01);种猪群猪瘟免疫抗体合格率从53.73%提高到83.49%,平均阻断率从43.31%升高到63.46%,与种猪群PCV-2核酸检测阳性率呈现负相关。结果表明,实施免疫、检测、淘汰措施对于种猪群PCVD的净化成效明显,该技术可为规模化猪场开展PCVD的净化提供科学依据,具有推广应用价值。  相似文献   

An experiment originally employing ten pairs of twin heifers was carried out to assess the long-term effect of a complete hygiene regimen designed to protect the mammary gland from infection. As long as they remained in the experiment, one member of each twin pair was milked under a complete hygiene system while her sister was milked with no hygiene at all. Significantly more intramammary infections occurred in the controls (no hygiene) than in the hygiene cows. Very significantly more teat ducts became colonized by bacteria in the controls than in the hygiene cows, and significantly more of these developed into intramammary infections in the controls. Thus, hygiene effectively controlled both bacterial colonization of teat ducts and intramammary infections during lactation, but this control was to some extent offset by infections which took place during the dry period and at calving. There appeared to be a relationship between susceptibility to teat duct colonization and medical conditions other than mammary gland infections in six pairs of twins which had to be discarded before the third lactation.  相似文献   

猪肺疫又被称为猪巴氏杆菌病,是由致病性巴氏杆菌感染引发的一种急性呼吸道疾病,具有很高发病率和致死率。该种传染性疾病可以危害不同年龄、不同性别、不同品种的猪,一年四季均可发生,但以每年早春和晚秋季节发病率最高。猪附红细胞体病又被称为附红体、血虫病或红皮病,是由血液原虫所引发的一种以贫血、黄疸、发热为主要症状的体内寄生虫病。猪肺疫和猪附红细胞体病混合感染给疾病诊断工作带来很大难度。该文主要结合一个养殖场的实际发病经过,分析猪肺疫与猪附红细胞体病继发感染的治疗过程。  相似文献   

李熙 《中国畜牧兽医》2010,37(12):189-190
为了解湖南省生猪肺线虫的感染情况和危害程度,控制该虫的流行,对3个屠宰场猪进行解剖,采用常规的寄生虫实验室检查法检查气管、支气管、细支气管、肺脏等处的虫体。所获虫体用75%酒精保存,统计感染强度,计算感染率。检测结果显示,3个屠宰场生猪肺线虫感染率A(5.93%)B(4.26%)C(4.18%)。结果表明,湖南省生猪有肺线虫感染,应引起注意。  相似文献   

猪传染性胸膜肺炎(Porcine Contagious pleuropneumoni-ae,PCP)是由胸膜肺炎放线杆菌(Actinobacillus pleuropneu-moniae,APP)引起猪的一种呼吸系统传染病,任何年龄猪均可发生,经空气或直接接触传播,应激可促使急性暴发,表现为典型的胸膜肺炎,鼻孔分泌物及口腔呕吐物带血。本病  相似文献   

The 432.04 million on farm inventory is up 0.6 percent from September and down 5.9 percent from August, 2013.  相似文献   

The sequential development of Mycroplasma hyorhinis and Mycoplasma hyosynoviae was observed in cultures of a swine synovial fluid cell strain. An early transitory filamentous phase was observed with M. hyorhinis infection followed by the development of cell-associated, relatively large, round structures and some ring forms. Infection with M. hyorhinis was characterized by a generalized distribution of the organism and a severe cytopathic effect.

Infection with M. hyosynoviae was represented by the development of circumscribed foci of small pleomorphic structures and a milder effect on the cells. At a high multiplicity of infection, this organism became associated with the cytoplasmic membranes of the cells.


A 1978-79 survey of the incidence of thoracic cavity lesions at slaughter had shown that the overall incidence of pleurisy in Saskatchewan swine was low (2%). Therefore, in the summer of 1979 a comparison was made between the incidence of pleurisy in a herd of pigs chronically affected with Haemophilus pleuropneumoniae pneumonia and in animals from other herds slaughtered at the same time. The incidence of pleurisy in control pigs (3.6%) was slightly higher than in the large scale survey but in the pigs from the Haemophilus infected herd it was almost four times as great (13.3%). In the same herd the survivors of a batch of pigs which had been decimated by more severe disease showed an incidence of 32% pleurisy. The economic implications of these findings are detailed and discussed.  相似文献   

健康养殖是我国生猪养殖业发展的必然趋势现有订单组织模式均存在一定的不足,难以有效满足生猪健康养殖的要求,需要对传统订单组织模式进行组织创新和机制创新。强化合作社、地方政府、相关中介服务组织的作用,增加龙头企业和养殖户的责任义务;构建基于合理利益分配的激励机制、基于风险控制的约束机制、基于共同创造的利益机制,以促进各主体之间的合作,实现生猪健康养殖的发展目标。  相似文献   

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