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拜雏波 《中国蜂业》2014,(5):31-32,35
<正>1试验背景苹果属蔷薇科植物。延安市是苹果优生区之一,素有"苹果之乡"的美誉,苹果种植面积逐年扩大,达350多万亩,已成为我市的一项主导产业。主要分布于我市的洛川、黄陵、黄龙、富县、宜川、宝塔区等县区。2013年我站在陕西省延安市苹果种植大县洛川开展利用蜜蜂为苹果授粉试验。试验本着真实、全面客观地开展。目的是为了配合苹果这一主导产业,探讨蜜蜂为苹果授粉的增产潜力,为我市350万亩苹果产业提供有力的技术支撑。2试验目的  相似文献   

我国西南三省油菜蜜源面积大(播种面积约占全国1/3),流密多。但由于西南地区冬暖春早,蚜虫危害早而重,长期以来各地普遍施用有机磷、有机氯等农药防治岈虫,致使蜜蜂中毒十分严重,一般采集蜂损失50%以上,内勤蜂损失30%以上,严重影响了养蜂业的发展。为此,笔者于1989年油菜花期在四川郫县犀浦镇晨风村和红光乡铁门坎村通过大田弥雾、蜂群内喷雾及蜜蜂纱笼关闭喷雾等3种方法测定了英国卜内门化学工业有限公司生产的“辟蚜雾”的治蚜效果和对蜜蜂的毒性,结果证明:在油菜盛花期大田喷雾“辟蚜雾”(浓度667ppm),治蚜效果达97.19%,对蜜蜂安全无害,对主要蜂产品(王浆)无残留毒性,是油菜花期理想的治蚜药物,作者认为应该大面积推广。  相似文献   

我国苹果的种植和消费规模巨大,如何能有效解决苹果花期的授粉问题,尤其蜜蜂授粉的诱导方式,一直受到了广大果农和蜂农的关注。本研究分别采取了2种方式诱导蜂群,分别是将浸过苹果花瓣的糖浆饲喂蜂群、巢门口放置苹果花瓣,比较不同诱导方式对蜜蜂采访苹果花积极性的影响。通过蜜蜂出巢数、携带花粉的蜜蜂数量和苹果花粉比例3个指标,可以看出糖浆诱导蜂群的方式更为有效,可以预期这种诱导方式更利于蜜蜂为苹果花授粉。  相似文献   

本试验研究了蜂箱巢门安装脱粉器生产油菜花粉对蜜蜂出巢数量的影响,及蜂群群势和气温对花粉产量的影响。结果表明,脱粉对蜜蜂出巢采集花粉具有极大的促进作用,出巢率可提高62.00%。6框、8框和10框蜂群的花粉日均产量分别为0.61 kg、0.66 kg和0.83 kg,差异未达到显著水平。相同群势蜂群的花粉产量受天气影响较大(P0.01),晴天产量高,阴天产量低。  相似文献   

通过对比试验.笔者分析了蜜蜂授粉对蓬安“100”号锦橙果品产量和品质的影响。结果表明:应用蜜蜂授粉使果树座果率、平均株产量和一级果产量分别增加了155%(P=0.016)、59.7%(P〈O.001)和29.9%(P=0.035);同时果形指数改善了5.40%(P〈0.001),果心大小降低了14.0%(P=0.01),果汁VC含量增加了22.5%(P=0.03)。因此,蜜蜂授粉可显著提高蓬安“100”号锦橙果品产量并改善果品质。  相似文献   

蜜蜂授粉对油菜籽产量及油中脂肪酸组成的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过设置三个实验区比较了蜜蜂授粉和无蜜蜂授粉对油菜籽产量和质量的影响。结果表明,蜜蜂授粉区与无蜜蜂授粉区相比,油菜籽产量分别提高33.3%、23.8名、100.0名,油菜籽油中脂肪酸组成没有呈现出明显的变化规律。因此,蜜蜂授粉行为只是提高了授粉几率,从而提高油菜籽产量,并不能影响油菜籽油中脂肪酸组成。  相似文献   

中华蜜蜂是我国本土重要的蜜蜂种质资源,是许多野生植物和农作物的主要传粉昆虫,对农业增产提质及维持生物多样性具有重要作用。本研究在元阳县干热河谷枇杷种植区设置蜜蜂授粉组和对照组(隔离传粉昆虫)研究蜜蜂授粉对枇杷产量和品质的影响。结果显示,与对照组比较,蜜蜂授粉组枇杷平均坐果率提高64.78%,单枝产量提高35.70%,可溶性固形物含量10.29±1.41%及果实纵径49.66±5.38 mm显著高于对照组(分别为10.16±1.02%和48.00±5.81 mm),单果重218.35±69.55 g、横径39.45±4.92 mm和种子数量3.65±1.82均高于对照组(160.91±64.73 g,37.73±5.00 mm和3.42±1.84)。因此,蜜蜂授粉能有效提高枇杷坐果率和产量,改善果实品质。  相似文献   

蜂箱的摆放方位对设施草莓蜜蜂授粉的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蜜蜂授粉是设施草莓生产配套技术,西方蜜蜂(Apis mellifera)是设施草莓的主要授粉蜂种。在设施环境中,蜂群的摆放位置对蜜蜂活动有重要影响,本研究通过比较设施草莓园内不同摆放方位的蜂群活动规律及群势下降情况,结果表明,蜜蜂蜂群在设施草莓园内的摆放方位对于蜜蜂访花密度有显著影响(p0.01),其中蜜蜂蜂箱坐东朝西摆放时,蜜蜂访花密度显著高于其他3种摆放方式;在草莓整个花期授粉过程中,蜜蜂蜂群群势呈现逐渐下降趋势;然而,蜜蜂蜂群在设施草莓园内的摆放方位对群势下降程度无显著影响(p0.05);蜜蜂访花密度与蜂群群势呈正相关,与草莓开花数量无显著相关性。本研究明确了设施草莓园内授粉蜂群的放置方位对蜜蜂访花行为及蜂群群势的影响,为设施草莓内蜜蜂科学授粉技术提供了一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

据《Scientia Horticulturae》(2012年5月)的一篇研究报道,来自斯洛文尼亚卢布尔雅那大学的研究人员研究了碳酸氢盐(防治黑星病)对苹果果实和叶片中部分初生和次生代谢物的影响。研究人员通过田间试验检测了碳酸氢钾(PBC)和碳酸氢钠(SBC)等无机杀菌剂对"布雷奔"苹果黑星病的效果和生物毒性,以清水为对照,并与传统杀菌剂进行了比较。研究人员检测并记录了果实病害程度  相似文献   

We found retardation of preimplantation embryo growth after exposure to maternal restraint stress during the preimplantation period in our previous study. In the present study, we evaluated the impact of preimplantation maternal restraint stress on the distribution of inner cell mass (ICM) and trophectoderm (TE) cells in mouse blastocysts, and its possible effect on physiological development of offspring. We exposed spontaneously ovulating female mice to restraint stress for 30 min three times a day during the preimplantation period, and this treatment caused a significant increase in blood serum corticosterone concentration. Microscopic evaluation of embryos showed that restraint stress significantly decreased cell counts per blastocyst. Comparing the effect of restraint stress on the two blastocyst cell lineages, we found that the reduction in TE cells was more substantial than the reduction in ICM cells, which resulted in an increased ICM/TE ratio in blastocysts isolated from stressed dams compared with controls. Restraint stress reduced the number of implantation sites in uteri, significantly delayed eye opening in delivered mice, and altered their behavior in terms of two parameters (scratching on the base of an open field test apparatus, time spent in central zone) as well. Moreover, prenatally stressed offspring had significantly lower body weights and in 5-week old females delivered from stressed dams, fat deposits were significantly lower. Our results indicate that exposure to stress during very early pregnancy can have a negative impact on embryonic development with consequences reaching into postnatal life.  相似文献   

1. A precision feeding experiment was conducted with turkeys, which had previously been fed diets with or without phytase, to study the effects on the excretions of endogenous energy (EEL), nitrogen (ENL), amino acids (EAAL) and minerals. 2. Female turkeys (BUT 6) which had been fed one of 4 experimental diets (low P maize-soya diets (control, C), C + 250 international units of phytase/kg diet (FTU), C + 500 FTU and C + 2500 FTU) were used in this study. All birds were fasted and then given 50 mL of glucose solution at 46 d of age. Birds were allocated to individual metabolism cages in a randomised block design with 8 replicates for each of the 4 previously-fed diets. 3. The response of EEL and ENL to phytase pre-exposure was linear. An increase of 100 FTU reduced the EEL and ENL by approximately 1·6 kJ and 20 mg respectively. The results suggest that a minimum activity of phytase of 500 FTU is needed to initiate the reduction of these losses. 4. Pre-exposure to phytase reduced the EAAL, which was best described as a linear response with increasing phytase dose in the pre-study period. An increase of 100 FTU reduced the losses of total endogenous amino acids by approximately 225 mg. 5. In contrast to the results for endogenous energy losses, turkeys pre-exposed to phytase linearly increased their excretions of Ca and Mg with increasing phytase activity in the pre-study period. 6. The effects of feeding turkeys with supplementary phytase continued for at least 4 d after the diets were withdrawn. This suggests that exposure to phytase alters the functionality and secretions of the gastrointestinal tract, which may influence the nutritive value of diets fed immediately after.  相似文献   

An increased plane of nutrition of ewes before mating (flushing) has been associated with an increased number of lambs per ewe. The following study was done to investigate a possible mechanism for the flushing effect. During the summer, 98 Hampshire and Suffolk ewes grazed pastures with 50 of the ewes supplemented with .45 kg of corn grain X head-1 X d-1. For approximately 12 d before fall mating, each ewe received daily either .45 kg of a corn grain-soybean oil meal mixture, an oral dose of 1 g phenobarbital or no treatment. Liver biopsies were collected from 23 ewes, representing all treatment combinations, 3 d after initiation of pre-mating treatment for determination of concentration of hepatic mixed function oxidase enzymes (MFO). Summer supplementation vs no summer supplementation resulted in ewes with heavier (P less than .05) body weights near mating (75.6 vs 71.1 kg), higher (P less than .01) mating condition scores (3.2 vs 2.9), a greater (P less than .01) number of ovulations (1.99 vs 1.74), but little difference (P greater than .10) in number of lambs born per ewe lambing. Pre-mating treatment with phenobarbital or grain mix resulted in a greater number of ovulations (P less than .01, P less than .10, respectively) than no pre-mating treatment (2.14, 1.85, 1.60; respectively). Ewes given phenobarbital had more (P less than .10) lambs per ewe than ewes given no treatment (1.71 vs 1.40). Both phenobarbital and grain mix resulted in a significant increase in concentration of MFO compared with no treatment.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Effects of recombinant bovine interferon (rBoIFN) gamma on mammary gland neutrophil activity during the periparturient period were studied. Bovine mammary gland neutrophils were isolated and incubated in mammary gland secretions obtained from Holstein-Friesian cattle during the last 2 weeks of gestation. Cell functions were evaluated following treatment with 10 U, 100 U, and 1000 U of rBoIFN-gamma. Bacterial phagocytosis, bactericidal activity and chemiluminescence were significantly lower for neutrophils incubated in mammary gland secretions when compared with control neutrophils incubated in Hank's balanced salt solution. Treatment of mammary neutrophils with rBoIFN-gamma reversed the suppressive effects of mammary secretions resulting in higher chemiluminescent activity and significantly more bacterial phagocytosis and bactericidal activity when compared with untreated controls. Results from these preliminary in vitro data suggest that rBoIFN-gamma therapy may modulate mammary gland neutrophil functions in vivo and possibly facilitate the rapid clearance of mastitis-causing pathogens mammary glands during the periparturient period.  相似文献   

香蕉枯萎病是毁灭性土传病害,引入生物防治技术可有效降低目前化学杀菌剂的用量,保护生态环境和人类健康。通过平板抑菌试验,研究了2株香蕉枯萎病生防芽孢杆菌C10-1和A5-6对尖孢镰刀菌古巴专化型(Fusarium oxyporum f. sp. cubense)的平板抑制效果以及对化学杀菌剂的适应性,在此基础上,将生防芽胞杆菌与杀菌剂复配,进一步研究其对枯萎病菌的室内抑制效果。结果表明,C10-1菌株对病原菌的抑制效果和对杀菌剂的适应性均优于A5-6菌株,与0.1mg/L咪鲜胺复配后,其抑菌效果显著增强,可达94.96%。  相似文献   

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