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大豆不同碳代谢产物含量变化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为明确不同碳代谢产物在大豆不同器官变化规律,在大田条件下,以三个栽培大豆品种为材料,测定不同生育时期不同器官可溶性糖、蔗糖、淀粉的含量.结果表明:随着生育进程推进,可溶性糖在茎秆、叶片、叶柄中及蔗糖在叶片、叶柄中含量呈"V"型变化,淀粉在茎杆中含量呈倒"V"型变化,R3期为转折点;可溶型糖在荚皮中含量及蔗糖在茎秆、荚皮中含量、淀粉在叶柄、荚皮含量呈逐渐升高趋势,叶片淀粉含量表现为升高-降低-升高趋势;不同品种大豆碳水化合物在植株体内变化规律相似.三种碳代谢产物含量在叶片中均表现为极显著正相关,而在茎秆中不同碳代谢产物含量相关性因品种而异.  相似文献   

大气CO2浓度升高对大豆根瘤量及其固氮活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过开顶式气室控制CO2浓度,对盆栽大豆进行试验测定,研究了大气CO2浓度升高对大豆根系,重点是根瘤量和根瘤活性的影响。结果表明,大气CO2浓度升高,促进了大豆根系生长,大豆根体积、主根长、根鲜重均呈增长趋势,根冠比增加。CO2浓度为450、550、650和750μmol/mol时,与大气CO2背景浓度相比,在初花期,大豆根瘤数分别增加6.1%、15.9%、19.2%和26.5%,其中主根根瘤数增加较为显著,至鼓粒期,根瘤数增加幅度为7.8%~48.0%,增幅较初花期大,其中侧根根瘤量增加更多。同时,高CO2水平下,根瘤鲜重的变化与根瘤数基本一致。4种高CO2浓度下,初花期根瘤比固氮活性提高10.1%~24.0%,大于鼓粒期的6.0%~13.4%的增加幅度;单株根瘤固氮活性初花期增加10.6%~55.7%,鼓粒期则提高了20.0%~73.9%。  相似文献   

利用菜用大豆品种(系)中科毛豆1号和品系121,在正常氮磷种肥用量基础上,进行不施钾(K0),种肥施钾120 kg·hm~(-2)(K1),种肥施钾120 kg·hm~(-2)+叶面喷施钾肥(K2)3种施钾处理,探究菜用大豆开花后28~56 d内茎秆、叶片、叶柄、荚皮、籽粒中钾素积累动态。结果表明:相同时期不同部位钾素积累均为K2K1K0,各部位钾的相对积累量为籽粒荚皮叶片叶柄茎。同时发现,菜用大豆茎秆、叶片、叶柄、荚皮中钾积累量均随着生育进程逐渐下降,而籽粒中钾素的积累在开花后28~42 d下降,42~49 d升高,随后略有降低。施用钾肥增加了菜用大豆植株各部位的钾积累量,施钾叶面肥可进一步增加钾积累量。  相似文献   

周博如  金淑梅 《大豆科学》2000,19(2):111-114
通过对两个感病品种(绥农8、东农42),两个抗病品种(黑农37、黑农38)在一片复叶期分别接种1和小种4两个菌株,测定了叶片的可溶性蛋白和总糖含量变化。结果表明:接种后感病品种可溶性蛋白含量先升高,后降低,可溶性总糖含量明显降低;而抗病品种的可溶性蛋白含量先降低,的升高,可溶性总糖含量也明显增加。未接种健株中,感病品种的可溶性总糖含量比抗病品种高。  相似文献   

大气CO2浓度升高是全球气候变化的重要特征之一,为揭示未来气候变化对作物种子活力的影响,进行种子发芽对CO2增加的适应性响应研究.2019年在中国科学院海伦农业生态实验站进行开顶式气室(OTC)模拟CO2增加试验,选取东北三大主栽作物大豆、玉米和水稻为供试作物,设置两个CO2处理,分别为aCO2 (400 μmol· mol-1)和eCO2(700 μmol·mol-1).结果 表明:相比于对照(aCO2)处理,CO2浓度升高后,大豆种子的体积、百粒重、24 h吸胀速度、浸出液电导率、发芽率、发芽势和发芽指数分别降低了11.24%、10.53%、2.51%、27.72%、15.85%、19.75%和10.17%;虽然CO2升高未显著影响玉米种子百粒重,但其24 h吸胀速度和浸出液电导率分别降低了3.69%和8.62%,而发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数和活力指数分别提高了81.03%、75.00%、56.14%和81.68%;水稻种子的体积降低了21.35%,而其千粒重、发芽势、发芽指数和活力指数分别提高了5.62%、5.19%、26.11%和32.21%.综合以上结果表明,大气CO2浓度升高对不同作物种子活力的影响存在差异,从发芽指标来看,大气CO2浓度为700 μmol· mol-1时,种子活力表现为玉米>水稻>大豆.  相似文献   

不同品质类型春玉米子粒可溶性糖和蔗糖的积累规律   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对不同品质类型春玉米子粒可溶性糖和蔗糖的积累规律研究表明:随着子粒灌浆过程的进行,东农早甜在吐丝后15d可溶性糖和蔗糖的百分含量达到最大值,以后又缓慢下降。东农早粘在吐丝后20d达到最大值。四单19在吐丝后10d达到最大值。为确保甜玉米的商品价值和独特风味,甜玉米和糯玉米应在可溶性糖和蔗糖含量迅速下降之前适时采收。  相似文献   

以墨西哥香草兰花芽分化期花芽、混合花芽、叶芽及其功能叶为研究对象,研究香草兰花芽分化期蛋白质及碳水化合物变化及其差异,结果表明:香草兰叶芽蛋白质含量持续下降,花芽和混合花芽的蛋白质含量在花序分化初期上升至顶峰而后下降,说明香草兰花芽在花序分化前需要累积大量蛋白质。叶芽的可溶性糖、蔗糖含量均无显著变化,花芽和混合花芽均存在明显的上升和下降趋势;在整个花芽分化期,花芽可溶性糖和蔗糖含量均高于叶芽。叶芽的淀粉含量呈升高趋势,花芽和混合花芽的淀粉含量呈先上升后下降趋势。在整个花芽分化期过程中,花芽、混合花芽功能叶C/N比均高于叶芽功能叶,且花芽功能叶和叶芽功能叶间差异达显著水平。  相似文献   

以中国水仙‘金盏银台’品种3年生休眠鳞茎为试验材料,研究在5、15、25、35℃和室温(CK)贮藏下鳞茎内鳞片、外鳞片和主芽的可溶性糖和淀粉含量的变化。结果表明:鳞茎内鳞片、外鳞片和主芽淀粉含量变化受贮藏温度的影响显著;不同贮藏温度下内鳞片、外鳞片和主芽的可溶性糖含量都基本稳定在一定的水平,而淀粉含量整体波动较大。在鳞茎贮藏期的叶芽和花芽分化期间,不同温度对淀粉水解产生显著影响,对可溶性糖的影响不显著,淀粉水解跟主芽的发育密切相关。因此,通过淀粉来研究了解水仙鳞茎贮藏期间碳水化合物的变化更适宜。   相似文献   

以大豆嫩丰18为试材,研究了叶面喷施2-N,N-二乙氨基乙基己酸酯(DTA-6)和烯效唑(S3307)两种调节剂对大豆叶片、荚皮、籽粒的蔗糖含量及转化酶活性的影响。结果表明:两处理提高了嫩丰18叶片的蔗糖含量,在喷药后35~42 d促进了荚皮蔗糖含量的积累,其中S3307处理调控效果较好,S3307处理和DTA-6处理分别在喷药后42,49 d和42,56 d增加了大豆籽粒内的蔗糖含量,S3307处理在喷药后35~42 d极显著降低了叶片内的转化酶活性,在喷药后49~56 d极显著降低了荚皮中的转化酶活性,两处理在喷药后35~42 d极显著增加了籽粒内的转化酶活性。综合分析表明,两种调节剂均有效地调控了大豆的蔗糖代谢水平,提高了无限结荚习性大豆的产量。  相似文献   

为探讨真菌源激活蛋白在促进植物生长和增产方面的作用机理,研究了不同浓度激活蛋白处理对大豆幼苗生理特性的影响.结果表明,经1、2、5μg mL-1激活蛋白处理后7 d,大豆幼苗根系活力比对照分别增加了44.2%、54.5%和19.8%,硝酸还原酶活性比对照分别增加了61.33%、138.37%和53.2%;处理后12 d,植物叶片叶绿素含量比对照分别增加了12.56%、17.32%和5.32%,可溶性糖含量比对照分别增加了18.56%、31.02%和18.69%,可溶性蛋白含量比对照分别增加了17.36%、31.96%,6和23.10%.不同浓度激活蛋白均能促进与植物生长相关的生理指标的提高,其中以2μg mL-1的作用效果最好.  相似文献   


The effects of elevated carbon dioxide concentration on the morphology of leaf blades in two Chinese yam lines under different temperature conditions were determined. Plants were grown under two [CO2] levels, ambient (about 400 µmol mol?1) and elevated (ambient + 200 µmol mol?1) in the daytime, and two mean air temperature regimes, approximately ambient temperature (22.2°C) and high temperature (25.6°C). The palisade layer was thicker under elevated [CO2] than under ambient [CO2] in both temperature regimes, and the whole yam leaf blade was thicker under elevated [CO2] than under ambient [CO2] in the approximately ambient temperature regime. The numbers of chloroplasts per palisade cell and spongy cell as well as per unit profile area of palisade cell, number of starch grains per chloroplast, profile area of the starch grain, and starch-to-chloroplast area ratio in both palisade and spongy cells were higher under elevated [CO2] than under ambient [CO2] in both temperature regimes. Furthermore, the stomatal density on the abaxial side of the leaf blade in Chinese yam was greater under elevated [CO2] than under ambient [CO2] under both temperature regimes, and stomatal-pore length was higher under elevated [CO2] than under ambient [CO2] in the approximately ambient temperature regime. These results indicate that elevated [CO2] positively affects the photosynthetic apparatus. The results of this study provide information for understanding the response characteristics of the leaf blade under elevated [CO2] and a possible explanation for the positive photosynthetic responses of Chinese yam to elevated [CO2] in our previous study.

List of Abbreviations:[CO2]: carbon dioxide concentration  相似文献   


Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the most important staple foods in the world, however most improved rice varieties are susceptible to drought stress. A two-year study was conducted to explore the effects of various drought stresses and subsequent recovery on the accumulation and degradation of proline, total soluble sugar and starch in different rice varieties at vegetative stage. The results showed that relative water content in the leaves and sheaths of rice varieties significantly decreased under drought stresses, but not at the same rate. Under control and drought conditions, the water content in sheaths was higher than that in leaves. Interestingly, under severe drought stress in 2015, the leaf water content was higher than the sheath water content. The water distribution between leaves and sheaths might be a response of plants to protect leaf system from devastation by drought. Proline was highly accumulated under drought stress but rapidly decreased after re-watering. The drought tolerant variety DA8 expressed higher ability in accumulation of proline than susceptible varieties. In general, total soluble sugar and starch contents in leaves and sheaths of varieties decreased under drought stress conditions. Total soluble sugar and starch content of DA8 were less affected than other varieties under drought conditions. Our study indicated that metabolisms of total soluble sugar and starch in rice were affected by both environmental conditions and characteristics of varieties. Proline accumulation ability of varieties can be used as a useful indicator for drought tolerant potential in rice breeding for water-limited environments.  相似文献   

To determine the impacts of climate change and defoliation on the community structure and plant diversity of a semi‐natural temperate grassland, monoliths of a permanent grassland were exposed to ambient or elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations (ambient + 235 ppmv) and temperature (ambient + 3°C) from October 1998 to December 2000. The monoliths were subjected to two different cutting frequencies, either two or six cuts per year. The grassland community structure changed during the course of the experiment and was more responsive to changes in management than to changes in climate. Increased cutting frequency stimulated plant diversity by enhancing the number of forb species, but plant diversity was not significantly affected by climate change. The contribution of individual plant species to the vegetation cover revealed species‐specific responses to climate change and cutting frequency, but for most species significant interactions between climate change and cutting frequency were present. There were no clear‐cut effects of treatments on the total annual yield and the proportion of forbs present, as significant interactions between climate change and cutting frequency occurred. It is concluded that differential grassland management will modify plant species‐specific responses to climate change and resulting changes in the botanical composition of mixed‐species, temperate grasslands.  相似文献   

以高油品种东农46为试验材料,采用N、P、K、NP、NK、PK、NPK七种种肥处理,每种种肥四个水平,探讨了各种肥料在开花后45~65 d对高油大豆籽粒蛋白质、油分产量的动态影响.结果表明,花后55 d蛋白质产量最高,花后65 d油分产量最高,K对油分产量积累作用明显,K肥高水平蛋白质产量最高,NPK低水平肥力油分产量最高.  相似文献   

二氧化碳浓度倍增对海南岛气候变化的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
使用NCAR/RegCM2区域气候模式单向嵌套CSIROR21L9全球大气-海洋耦合模式的方法,模拟在CO2浓度倍增情景下海南岛的气候变化状况,结果表明,海南岛气温平均升高2.2℃,最高气温,最低气温也都有增加,降水量变化幅度较大,平均增加37.0%,雨日增加21.0%,蒸发量增加29.1%;但空气相对湿度和常风风速变化不大,总体而言,温室效应使得海南岛气候更加温暖,湿润。  相似文献   

Chinese yam (‘yam’) was grown at different carbon dioxide concentrations ([CO2]), namely, ambient and elevated (ambient + 200 μmol mol?1), under low- and high-temperature regimes in summer and autumn, separately. For comparison, rice was also grown under these conditions. Mean air temperatures in the low- and high-temperatures were respectively 24.1 and 29.1 °C in summer experiment and 20.2 and 24.9 °C in autumn experiment. In summer experiment, yam vine length, leaf area, leaf dry weight (DW), and total DW were significantly higher under elevated [CO2] than ambient [CO2] in both temperature regimes. Additionally, number of leaves, vine DW, and root DW were significantly higher under elevated [CO2] than under ambient [CO2] in the low-temperature regime. In autumn experiment, tuber DW was significantly higher under elevated [CO2] than under ambient [CO2] in the high-temperature regime. These results demonstrate that yam shows positive growth responses to elevated [CO2]. Analysis of variance revealed that significant effect of [CO2] × air temperature interaction on yam total DW was not detected. Elevated-to-ambient [CO2] ratios of all growth parameters in summer experiment were higher in yam than in rice. The results suggest that the contribution of elevated [CO2] is higher in yam than in rice under summer. Yam net photosynthetic rate was significantly higher under elevated [CO2] than under ambient [CO2] in both temperature regimes in summer. Elevated [CO2] significantly affected on the rate in yam but not in rice in both experiments. These findings indicate that photosynthesis responds more readily to elevated [CO2] in yam than in rice.  相似文献   

以“玉/豆”套作模式为背景,三个不同株型的玉米和三个不同熟期的大豆材料,采用两因素裂区设计,研究了大豆地上部氮素积累和转运,以及籽粒蛋白质的差异。结果表明,各大豆品种中,以晚熟大豆在不同时期、不同器官的氮素积累量为最高,分别高出中、早熟品种 121.09%和165.33%,其氮素积累速率、有效荚数、籽粒产量和蛋白质含量平均分别为3.78kg/hm2/d、60.27荚、3 840.22kg/hm2和48.71 %,均显著高于中、早熟品种;大豆地上部氮素积累总量、积累速率、转运量和单株有效荚数均随着玉米株型的变化(从紧凑型到平展型)而减少,紧凑型玉米下的大豆籽粒产量和蛋白质产量分别为2 609.10kg/hm2和1 203.83kg/hm2,显著高于其他玉米株型处理;交互作用分析表明,玉米株型与大豆熟性在单株荚数、单荚粒数、籽粒产量和蛋白质产量上互作显著;相关性分析表明蛋白质产量与籽粒产量极显著相关。因此,选择紧凑型玉米与晚熟大豆品种搭配有利于提高套作大豆的产量,从而提高籽粒蛋白质产量。  相似文献   

为明确工业大麻秸秆乙醇提取物抑制大豆胞囊线虫的作用机理,采用浸泡法研究其对大豆胞囊线虫体内的总糖、甘油和蛋白质含量以及解毒酶活性等生理生化指标的影响,结果表明:二龄幼虫虫体内总糖含量和甘油含量随乙醇提取物处理时间的延长呈上升趋势,处理24 h时分别较对照升高了96.2%和33.5%,达极显著差异;可溶性蛋白含量随处理时...  相似文献   

Although common disturbances of grazing lands like plant defoliation are expected to affect their sensitivity to increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration, almost no research has been conducted to evaluate how important such effects might be on the direct responses of rangelands to CO2. This growth chamber experiment subjected intact plant–soil cylinders from a Wyoming, USA, prairie to a 3‐way factorial of CO2 (370 vs. 720 μL L?1), defoliation (non‐clipped vs. clipped) and soil nitrogen (control vs. 10 g m?2 added N) under simulated natural climatic conditions. Above‐ and below‐ground biomass and N dynamics of the functional groups C3 grasses, C4 grasses and forbs were investigated. CO2 and defoliation had independent influences on biomass and N parameters of these rangeland plants. Growth under CO2‐enriched conditions enhanced above‐ground biomass 50% in C3 grasses alone, while shoot N concentration declined 16% in both C3 and C4 grasses. Plant‐soil 15N uptake was unaffected by CO2 treatment. In contrast, defoliation had no effect on biomass, but increased tissue N concentration 29% across all functional groups. Without additional N, forage quality, which is in direct relation to N concentration, will decline under increasing atmospheric CO2. Increased dominance of C3 grasses plus reduced forage quality may necessitate changes in grazing management practices in mixed‐species rangelands.  相似文献   

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