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Three bilateral thyroidectomy techniques used in 41 hyperthyroid cats over a 7 year period were compared for rates of postoperative hypocalcemia. Extracapsular dissection of the thyroid glands resulted in an 82% rate of postoperative hypocalcemia. An intracapsular dissection technique produced a 36% rate of postoperative hypocalcemia. The incidence of postoperative hypocalcemia was reduced to 11% when bilateral thyroidectomies were done asynchronously (staged), 3 to 4 weeks apart. Immediate postoperative treatment with dihydrotachysterol did not reduce the incidence of postoperative hypocalcemia. Because the incidence of hypocalcemia did not differ significantly between intracapsular and staged intracapsular dissection, the authors concluded that staged bilateral thyroidectomy in hyperthyroid cats had limited benefit over simultaneous bilateral thyroidectomy.  相似文献   

Bilateral thyroidectomy was performed in 106 cats with hyperthyroidism by one of three techniques: original intracapsular, modified intracapsular, or modified extracapsular. Hypocalcemia was detected in the first 3 days after surgery in 11 (22%) of 50 cats treated by the intracapsular technique, 10 (33%) of 30 cats treated by the modified intracapsular technique, and 6 (23%) of 26 cats treated by the modified extracapsular technique. Hypocalcemia was classified as mild or severe. No signs of hypoparathyroidism developed in any of the 13 cats with mild hypocalcemia. Of the 14 cats with severe hypocalcemia, 8 had clinical signs of hypoparathyroidism before and during treatment with calcium and vitamin D, 3 were treated and no clinical signs developed, 2 were not treated but no clinical signs developed, and 1 was lost to follow-up. No cat required permanent calcium or vitamin D supplementation after surgery. Severe hypocalcemia and clinical signs of hypoparathyroidism occurred in 3 (6%) of the 50 cats treated by the intracapsular technique, 4 (13.3%) of the 30 cats treated by the modified intracapsular technique, and 1 (3.8%) of the 26 cats treated by the modified extracapsular technique. Twelve cats had recurrence of hyperthyroidism at a median time of 23 months. The intracapsular technique was used in 11 of these cats, and the modified extracapsular technique was used in 1. No clinical signs of hypothyroidism were detected in any of the cats. The modified intracapsular and modified extracapsular techniques of bilateral thyroidectomy are effective procedures for the treatment of feline hyperthyroidism.  相似文献   

Three intrapelvic urethral anastomosis techniques were performed on 12 mature male dogs to compare the degree of stricture. The intrapelvic urethra was transected 1 cm caudal to the prostate, and anastomosis was performed using either suturing of the urethra over an indwelling catheter, suturing of the urethra without an indwelling catheter, or apposition of the urethra without sutures over an indwelling catheter. Postoperatively, the dogs were evaluated using clinical urination patterns, biochemical tests, radiography, and pathology. Three of four suture-catheter dogs and one of four catheter-only dogs had normal urinary patterns. Stricture (25-84%) with urethral dilation or fistulas tracts was visible on retrograde, positive contrast urethrograms of 3 of 12 intact dogs 20 weeks after surgery, and on all 12 excised lower urinary tracts. Suture-catheter dogs subjectively had the least amount of stricture. All eight dogs (1 suture-catheter dog, 4 suture-only dogs, and 3 catheter-only dogs) with severe stricture (greater than 60% lumen diameter reduction) had histopathologic signs of chronic, inflammatory urinary tract disease, including four with chronic, ascending lymphocytic pyelonephritis. Hydroureter and hydronephrosis developed in two catheter-only dogs. Complete urethral transection resulted in some degree of stricture, regardless of technique used for anastomosis. Urethral anastomosis over an indwelling catheter appeared to result in a lesser degree of stricture and clinical and histopathologic derangement.  相似文献   

Objective— To quantify and compare canine stifle stability after 3 stabilization techniques. Study Design— Randomized controlled study. Sample Population— Adult canine cadaveric pelvic limbs. Methods— Total craniocaudal (CrCa) tibial translation quantified in stifles with the cranial cruciate ligament (CrCL) intact, transected, and stabilized with 1 of 3 techniques: (1) hamstring graft (HG); (2) modified retinacular imbrication (MRIT); (3) anatometric fascia lata translocation (AFLT). Tibial translation was quantified from radiographs generated during application of cranial and caudal forces to the tibia. After removal of all soft tissues except periarticular ligaments and fixation, CrCa tibial translation, as before, and medial–lateral rotation, via torsional loading, was quantified with an active motion analysis system. Total tibial translation was evaluated for effect of technique and cruciate status using mixed effect linear model with significance considered at P‐value <.05. Results— CrCa translation was not significantly different across stabilization techniques with CrCLs intact, transected, or after stabilization. Poststabilization translation was significantly less than posttransection for all techniques. Compared with the intact CrCL, CrCa translation poststabilization after HG was significantly greater whereas poststabilization after MRIT and AFLT was not significantly different. Tibial rotation exceeded instrumentation limits in 62.5% HG limbs, 20% MRIT limbs, and 60% AFLT limbs. Conclusions— All 3 stifle stabilization techniques confer comparable CrCa translational stability after CrCL disruption with that provided by the MRIT and AFLT techniques comparable to the intact CrCL. Clinical Relevance— The extra‐ and intracapsular techniques evaluated in this study reduced CrCa tibial translation in CrCL deficient stifles to varying amounts.  相似文献   

The objective was to compare the degree of cartilage destruction obtained with three different drilling techniques for minimally invasive arthrodesis of the equine pastern joint. Three drilling techniques were randomly tested on 36 cadaver distal limbs (six front and six hind limbs in each group). The basic drilling pattern consisted of several passes in a dorsopalmar and/or plantar direction across the joint space (group 1) and was either supplemented with one additional pass in a lateromedial and/or mediolateral direction (group 2) or two additional passes in a distodorsal–proximopalmar and/or plantar direction (group 3). After drilling, the pastern joints were disarticulated, the articular surfaces of P1 and P2 were digitally photographed, and the area of removed cartilage was measured using planimetry. The mean percentage of cartilage removed in the entire pastern joint was significantly lower in group 1 (34.1 ± 4.0%) compared with groups 2 and 3 (45.0 ± 5.2% and 43.0 ± 4.0%, respectively; P < .001). There was significantly more cartilage removed in the hind (47.1 ± 4.4%) versus the forelimbs (42.0 ± 5.0%) of group 2 (P = .003), whereas in group 3, there was significantly more cartilage removed in the forelimbs (44.6 ± 3.0%) compared with the hind limbs (40.6 ± 3.0%) (P = .039). The technique of group 2 gave significantly more cartilage destruction compared with technique 1 while being practical to perform. Therefore, this technique seems to be the most promising for further evaluation in a clinical situation.  相似文献   

Abstract— Three local anaesthetic preparations (one per cent lignocaine, one per cent lignocaine with 1 in 100 000 adrenaline, both administered by subcutaneous infiltration, and a novel topically-active eutectic mixture of lignocaine and prilocaine called EMLA cream) were assessed for their effectiveness as analgesic agents for skin biopsy in each of 25 dogs with skin disease. One dog would not accept application of the EMLA cream but otherwise all three agents were well tolerated. While the lignocaine and lignocaine/ adrenaline combination gave comparable and effective results in all dogs, analgesia using EMLA was assessed as good, moderate or poor in 37.5, 37.5, and 25 per cent of cases respectively. Blanching of the skin was seen in six dogs with EMLA and surface keratin was lost from EMLA-treated sites in two dogs. The inclusion of adrenaline with lignocaine caused vasoconstriction of otherwise dilated blood vessels, obscuring the presence of circulating eosinophils, in two dogs. Swelling of dermal collagen fibres as reported in man with lignocaine/adrenaline combinations was not seen. Subcutaneous infiltration of one per cent lignocaine appears to be the local analgesic agent of choice for skin biopsy in dogs. Résumé— Trois préparations anesthésiques locales (lignocaïne à 1%, lignocaïne à 1% avec adrénaline au 100 000 ème, les duex administrés par infiltration sous-cutanée, et un nouveau mélange eutectique topique de lignocaïne et de prilocaïne appelé EMLA crème) ont étéévaluées pour leur effet d'agents analgésiques lors de biopsie cutanée chéez 25 chiens atteints de maladies de peau. Un chien n'accepta pas l'application de la crème EMLA mais par ailleurs les 3 agents furent bien tolérés. Alors que la lignocaïne et le mélange lignocaïne/adrénaline donnèrent des résultats comparables et efficaces chez tous les chiens, l'analgésie par l'EMLA fut evaluée comme étant bonne, modérée, ou mauvaise dans 37,5, 37,5, et 25 pour cent des cas respectivement. Le blanchissement de la peau fut observé chez 6 chiens avec l'EMLA et la kératine de surface disparut des zones triatées à l'EMLA chez 2 chiens. L'adjonction d'adrénaline à la lignocaïne provoqua une vasoconstriction des vaisseaux sanguins par ailleurs dilatés, masquant la présence d'éosinophiles circulants, chez 2 chiens. L'oedème des fibres de collagènes dermiques qui a été décrit chez l'homme avec l'association lignocaïne/adrénaline n'a pas été observé. L'infiltration sous-cutanée de lignocaïne à un pour cent semble être l'agent analgésique local de choix pour la biopsie cutanée chez le chien. Zusammenfassung— Drei Lokalanästhetika (1 %ige Lignocainlösung und die Kombination mit Adrenalin 1:100 000, die beide subcutan infiltriert wurden, und EMLA-Creme, eine neue, örtlich aktive eutektische Mischung aus Lignocain und Prilocain) wurden auf ihre Wirksamkeit als Analgetika bei der Entnahme von Hautbiopsien bei 25 Hunden mit Hauterkrankungen untersucht. Ein Hund ließ die Applikation der EMLA-Creme nicht zu. Ansonsten wurden alle drei Substanzen gut vertragen. Lignocain alleine sowie die Kombination Lignocain/Adrenalin brachten vergleichbare und effektive Resultate bei alien Tieren. Die Analgesie durch EMLA wurde in jeweils 37.5% als gut bzw. befriedigend und in 25% als schlecht beurteilt. Eine Bleichung der Haut wurde in 6 Fällen und eine Lösung des Oberflächenkeratins in 2 Fällen an den mit EMLA behandelten Hautbezirken gesehen. Der Zusatz von Adrenalin zu Lignocain verursachte eine Vasokonstriktion von den ansonsten dilatierten Blutgefäßen, was das Vorkommen zirkulierender Eosinophilen bei zwei Hunden überdeckte, Die beim Menschen beschriebene Schwellung der dermalen Kollagenfasern bei der Anwendung von Lignocoin/Adrenalin-Kombination wurde nicht beobachtet. Die subcutane Infilatration mit l%iger Lignocainlösung scheint das Mittel der Wahl zur Lokalanästhesie bei der Entnahme von Hautbiopsien beim Hund zu sein. Resumen Se estudian las propiedades analgésicas y su aplicación en la toma de biopsias cutáneas de tres preparados anestésicos locales (lignocaina al 1%, lignocaina al 1% con adrenalina al 1/100.000, estos dos productos administrados via subcutánea y una mezcla de lignocaina y prilocaina denominada ELMA, de aplicación tópica). Estos tres agentes se aplicaron en 25 perros que presentaban diferentes enfermedades cutáneas. Un perro no toleró la aplicación de la crema EMLA pero en tódos los demás casos los tres agentes se toleraron sin problemas. Mientras que la lignocaina y la combinación lignocaina/adrenalina daban unos resultados, efectivos y muy parecidos en todos los perros, la analgesia que producía la EMLA se calificó de buena, moderada o mala en el 37,5%, 37,5% y 25% de los casos respectivamente. En 6 perros tratados con EMLA se observó una palidez de cutánea en la zona de aplicación, en dos animales también tratados con la crema EMLA se apreció una pérdida de la queratina superficial. La aplicación de adrenalina con la lignocaina producía una vasoconstricción en los vasos cutáneos que antes del tratamiento estaban dilatados, ocultando la presencia de polinucleares eosinófilos circulantes, en dos de los animales. La tumefacción de la fibras de colágeno dérmicas que se ha descrito en medicina humana después de la aplicación de combinaciones de lignocaina/adrenalina no se observó en estos perros. La infiltración subcutánea de lignocaina al 1% parece ser la forma de analgesia local de elección para la toma de biopsias en el perro.  相似文献   

为探究不同直径有腔卵泡中猪卵巢颗粒细胞的生理机能差异,以期为后续生殖毒理学研究奠定基础。采用剖剪法获取猪卵巢内三种直径范围的有腔卵泡(小型〈2mm,中型2-5mm,大型≥5mm)并获得颗粒细胞,台盼蓝染色方法计算细胞存活率,倒置显微镜下观察细胞形态并计算细胞纯度,实时定量方法检测促卵泡刺激素受体基因(FSHR)及促黄体生成素受体基因(LHR)的表达进一步鉴定颗粒细胞,四甲基偶氮唑蓝(MTT)法测定细胞生长曲线。结果显示从大中小三种不同直径有腔卵泡中获得的猪卵巢颗粒细胞存活率分别为68%、75%、72%,纯度分别为97%、95%、90%;细胞生长曲线表明,从24h开始进入对数生长期,并于120h达到最大值,且中型卵泡中获得的颗粒细胞生长增殖状态最佳;实时定量结果显示FSHR在猪三种直径的有腔卵泡颗粒细胞中均表达阳性,且呈现差异。  相似文献   

Objective— To (1) report a technique for repair of feline ilial fractures using a dorsally applied bone plate and (2) compare outcome with cats treated by a lateral plate.
Study Design— Prospective study.
Animals— Cats (n=10) with iliac fractures.
Methods— Cats with ilial fractures (January 2005–December 2006) were treated by application of a dorsally applied bone plate. Immediate postoperative radiographs were compared with those taken 4–6 weeks later to assess screw loosening, screw purchase, and pelvic canal narrowing. Owners were contacted for medium-term (>3 month) follow-up. Data were compared with a report of outcome after lateral plating (LP) in 21 cats.
Results— Mean (± SD) screw purchase (89 ± 11 mm) was significantly greater ( P <.01) with a dorsal plate compared with a lateral plate (33 ± 8 mm). Significantly more screws ( P <.01) were used with a dorsal plate (median, 7) compared with a lateral plate (median, 6). Significantly less postoperative pelvic canal narrowing developed in the dorsal plating group between postoperative and 4–6-week follow-up radiography compared with the LP group (2% versus 15%, P <.01).
Conclusion— Dorsal plating of feline ilial fractures results in significantly less screw loosening and pelvic canal narrowing at 4–6 weeks after surgery compared with LP.
Clinical Relevance— Dorsal plating of feline iliac fractures may reduce complications associated with pelvic canal narrowing such as constipation and megacolon.  相似文献   

Articular cartilage exposure and immediate postoperative stability provided by three medial surgical approaches in canine cadaver elbows were compared. The approaches evaluated were a desmotomy of the medial collateral ligament (DMCL) that included a tenotomy of the pronator teres muscle, a longitudinal myotomy of the flexor carpi radialis (MFCR), and an osteotomy of the medial epicondyle (OME). Nondestructive biomechanical testing was performed before the surgical approach and repeated after surgery. The stiffness at 13 valgus deviation of the elbow and energy absorption up to 13 valgus deviation of the elbow were determined from the pre-operative and postoperative torque-rotation curves. The perimeters of the ulnar and humeral articular cartilage that were visualized through the approach were scored with a dental pick. Latex casts were made of articular surfaces of the elbow. The humeral and ulnar articular exposures were determined by computerized planimetric analysis of latex cast photocopies. The humeral cartilage exposure of the OME approach was significantly greater than either the MFCR or DMCL approaches. The DMCL approach provided a significantly greater humeral cartilage exposure than the MFCR approach. All three approaches provided statistically similar percentages of ulnar cartilage exposure. The stiffness and energy absorption of the OME and MFCR approaches were similar and significantly greater than the DMCL approach. The OME approach provided the best combination of exposure and immediate postoperative stability.  相似文献   

本实验旨在探索繁殖与呼吸综合征(PRRS)、口蹄疫(FMD)和传染病胃肠炎(TGE)感染猪的microRNA(miRNA)变化,为疫病监测提供新途径。采用生物信息学方法预测可能的相关病毒miRNA,在MARC-145细胞系中转染10种miRNA mimic和inhibitor。相关实验结果发现过表达miR-125b、miR-147和miR-181降低了PRRSV的繁殖,而敲低miR-125b、miR-147和miR-181能促进PRRSV复制;感染猪口蹄病毒的样本中let-7a表达量明显上升,而miR-146b表达量明显下降;对照组中miR-142的表达量高于患有传染性胃肠炎样品。说明相关microRNAs可能参与病毒调控,可用作检测参考指标。  相似文献   

Femoral head and neck excision was performed in 169 dogs over a 7 year period. A written questionnaire completed by 56 owners, evaluating a total of 72 joints, was the basis for retrospective evaluation of the efficacy of the procedures used. There were four surgical groups: femoral head and neck excision (FHNE) in dogs with body weights over 14 kg, the same procedure in dogs with body weights less than 14 kg (SMALL), femoral head and neck excision with muscle interposition (MI), and the wedge resection technique (WRT). Although differences in results were noted, there were no statistically significant differences between any of the groups for the percentage of leg use during normal activity (p greater than 0.05), mean postoperative time until leg use, use of the leg or hopping while running, or lameness with exercise (p greater than 0.10). The results of this study suggest that there is little advantage in performing the more time-consuming and traumatic muscle interposition and wedge resection procedures.  相似文献   

Six enterotomies 3 cm long, spaced at 3 cm intervals, were made in the antimesenteric border of the pelvic flexure of the ascending colon in five adult horses. Ten incisions each were sutured with a Utrecht pattern (single layer), a full-thickness simple continuous oversewn with a Cushing pattern (two layer), and a mucosal simple continuous with a seromuscular simple continuous oversewn with a Cushing pattern (three layer). In all horses, chromic gut and polyglactin 910 were each used once for each pattern. On day 6, the pelvic flexure was excised and the colonic vessels were injected with a radio-opaque mass. Sections of each enterotomy were studied by light microscopy and high detail radiography. The single-layer closure led to serosa-to-mucosa healing and a thin bowel wall, and the three-layer closure resulted in distortion of the bowel wall by hematoma formation and submucosal contamination with ingesta. The two-layer closure resulted in good alignment and improved healing. There was less inflammatory reaction with polyglactin 910 than with chromic gut.  相似文献   

Premeasured, clipped areas of skin on both sides of 30 adult dogs were prepared with povidone-iodine (PI), chlorhexidine gluconate (CG) with a saline rinse, or 4% CG with a 70% isopropyl alcohol rinse. Skin bacteria were quantified with Replicating Organism Detection and Counting (RODAC) plates and cultured for identification before, immediately after, and 1 hour after skin preparation. The percentages of bacterial reduction immediately and at hour 1 and the percentages of negative cultures, cultures with more than five colony-forming units (CFUs), and skin reactions were analyzed by analysis of variance and chi-square. The percentage of reduction in skin bacteria for all techniques was significant and comparable with that reported in humans. There were no significant differences between PI and CG results except that acute contact dermatitis was observed more frequently after skin preparation with PI. The authors conclude that for similar application times, PI and 4% CG rinsed with saline or 70% isopropyl alcohol are equally effective for up to 1 hour in the preoperative skin preparation of dogs.  相似文献   

The skin of 100 dogs undergoing clean or clean-contaminated surgical procedures was prepared with povidone-iodine (PI) or 4% chlorhexidine gluconate (CG) with saline or 70% isopropyl alcohol rinse. Skin bacteria at the incision site were quantified with Replication Organism Detection and Counting (RODAC) plates immediately before and after skin preparation in the preparation room, in the operating room, and postoperatively. The percentage of bacterial reduction, negative cultures, cultures with more than five colony-forming units, and skin reactions for each technique were calculated for each sample period and analyzed with the analysis of variance and Fischer tests. The percentage of bacterial reduction for all techniques was significant and comparable with results of a previous experimental study. There were no significant differences in percentages of bacterial reduction between PI and the CG techniques for surgical times up to 8 hours. There were fewer negative cultures and more cultures with high bacterial counts with PI than with CG and saline after the cleansing scrub. There were fewer negative cultures after surgery with CG and alcohol than with the other two techniques. Duration of the surgical procedure did not significantly affect the culture results. Significantly more skin reactions occurred with PI. The authors conclude that PI and 4% CG with a saline rinse are equally effective in antimicrobial efficacy under clinical conditions. However, 4% CG with a 70% isopropyl alcohol rinse may be inferior in residual antimicrobial activity.  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate 3 drilling techniques for arthrodesis of the equine carpometacarpal (CMC) joint. Study Design: Experimental study. Sample Population: Cadaveric equine forelimbs (n=15). Methods: Limbs were divided into 3 groups (5 limbs each) to evaluate 3 drilling techniques: (1) use of a 4.5 mm drill bit inserted into the joint through 4 entry points and moved in a fanning motion; (2) a 5.5 mm drill bit inserted through 2 entry points to create 3 nonfanned drill tracts (3 drill technique); and (3) a 4.5 mm drill bit used in a 3 drill technique. The CMC joint was disarticulated after drilling, and cartilage and subchondral bone damage evaluated visually and by gross and microradiographic examination using planimetry. Results: Technique 1 produced significantly more damage of the proximal surface, but significantly less to the subchondral bone of the distal surface. Technique 1 produced the most damage to both the articular cartilage and subchondral bone of the total CMC joint than either of the 3 drill tract techniques; however, the difference between techniques 1 and 2 was not significant. Damage from technique 3 was significantly less than that with techniques 1 or 2. Conclusions: Techniques 1 and 2 produced the most cartilage and subchondral bone damage with technique 2 changes more equally distributed between proximal and distal joint surfaces. Clinical Relevance: Technique 1 (fanning) and 2 (5.5 mm 3 drill tracts) may be preferable to achieve arthrodesis of the CMC joint. Morbidity and efficacy of these arthrodesis techniques need to be evaluated in vivo.  相似文献   

猫鼓泡息肉是起源于鼓泡的非肿瘤性炎性增生,目前临床上最常用于治疗该病的手术方法是腹侧鼓泡切开术(VBO)和内镜下经鼓泡牵引术(PTT).为了探究这两种手术方法治疗猫鼓泡息肉的临床疗效、预后以及相关并发症的差异,回顾性分析了 2018年1月至2020年4月共15例猫鼓泡息肉的医疗记录,根据采用的手术方法将其分为VBO组(...  相似文献   

蛋黄抗体三种不同提取方法的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用氯仿、辛酸和苯酚三种溶剂采用不同提取方法,分别对经禽流感H5和H9亚型疫苗免疫的鸡蛋黄液进行YAb提取,并对提取的YAb用AIH5和AIH9抗原进行HI测定,结果显示:三种溶剂提取的YAbHI效价均低于原蛋黄液,HI抗体损耗率分别是氯仿法为26.30%~44.72%,辛酸法为5%-16.87%,苯酚法为66.02%。三者中辛酸法提取的抗体含量最高,其次是氯仿法,苯酚法最低。三种方法提取的YAb均为澄清透明,分别带有各提取试剂的味道。将提取液3mL~5mL肌注鸡只,均无不良反应,表现安全。提取液保存8个月,仍澄清透明,无菌污染。  相似文献   

本研究比较了3种抗应激处理措施防控肉牛运输应激的效果。74头试验牛分4组,分别在运输前用牛支原体弱毒疫苗滴鼻、肌内注射泰乐菌素或饲料中添加泰妙菌素,并设不做任何抗应激处理的对照。分别对试验牛起运前及运达后体温、血细胞数目、血清中酶含量、牛支原体抗体水平、生长速度、发病率、死亡率及治疗成本进行比较。结果显示,起运前及运达后试验牛体温、血细胞数及牛支原体抗体水平未见明显差异;泰乐菌素肌注组试验牛发病率、死亡率显著低于对照组(P〈0.01);对照组试验牛治疗成本为抗应激处理组治疗成本的15.9倍。结果表明,运输前进行抗应激处理有利于降低肉牛运输应激,起运前肌注泰乐菌素抗运输应激效果最好。  相似文献   

运用硫酸铵法、聚乙二醇(PEG)法、冷乙醇法对卵黄抗体进行提取,并使用间接竞争酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)方法测定所得卵黄抗体的特异性,用十二烷基硫酸钠-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE)测其纯度,用Nanodrop2000测其蛋白浓度并计算提取量,比较三种方法所得抗体的特异性、纯度和提取量。结果显示,三种提取方法所得卵黄抗体特异性高低依次为硫酸铵法、冷乙醇法、PEG法;纯度高低依次为硫酸铵法、冷乙醇法、PEG法;三种方法的提取量高低依次为PEG法、硫酸铵法、冷乙醇法。经综合分析与评价,硫酸铵法的抗体特异性较好、纯度较高、提取量也较高,且其操作方法相对简便,是比较具有优势的提取方法。  相似文献   

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