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An experiment was conducted to determine the capability of isoprinosine (ISO) and levamisole (LEV) to augment delayed-type hypersensitivity and lymphocyte blastogenic reactions in artificially reared pigs. Sow-reared pigs (n = 15) were kept with their dams; artificially reared pigs (n = 15) were removed from sows within 2 days after parturition and reared artificially for 21 days. Isoprinosine was administered orally (75 mg/kg/day) from days 0 to 10. Levamisole (2 mg) was injected subcutaneously on days 5 and 10. Control pigs were given distilled water orally from days 0 to 10 and injected subcutaneously with 0.15M NaCl on days 5 and 10. Lymphocyte proliferative responses to phytohemagglutinin, concanavalin A, and pokeweed mitogen were evaluated at week 2. The phytohemagglutinin skin-test responses were evaluated in all pigs at weeks 1 and 3 of the trial. Hematologic values, body weight, and mortality were evaluated each week. The skin-test responses and mitogen-induced lymphocyte proliferative responses were lower (P less than 0.05) in artificially reared controls when compared with responses in sow-reared pigs. However, ISO and LEV enhanced (P less than 0.05) the responses in the artificially reared pigs to values comparable with those of the sow-reared controls. Body weight was greater (P less than 0.01) in sow-reared pigs than in artificially reared pigs; drug treatment did not influence weight gain. These data indicated that immunopotentiation of the cellular immune responsiveness of artificially reared pigs may be possible with ISO or LEV.  相似文献   

The interaction of homologous and heterologous IgG during intestinal absorption was investigated using five groups of newborn piglets (50 animals in total). The diet, given via a stomach tube, was different in each group during the first 24 h. Group I received bovine colostrum, group II bovine colostrum and porcine IgG solution, group III bovine and porcine colostrum, group IV bovine colostrum and intraperitoneally applied monomeric porcine IgG, and group V received a glucose diet with no immunoglobulins. Feeding was based on bovine colostrum between the 2nd and 6th days after birth, followed by a milk replacer during the rest of the experimental period. The serum concentrations of homologous and heterologous IgG were monitored from birth to 10 weeks of age. The total serum IgG content (homologous + heterologous) of newborns was almost equal in groups I–IV at 24 h. Porcine IgG from endogenous synthesis was detectable in the serum of groups I and V two weeks postpartum. The heterologous IgG absorbed from bovine colostrum produced nearly the same serum concentration in groups II and III: hence the different components of porcine colostrum did not influence the absorption of heterologous IgG. Intraperitoneal application of 1.3 g porcine IgG in group IV resulted in a delay of the synthesis of endogenous IgG. The average half-life of heterologous IgG in the serum of groups I–IV was almost exactly the same, showing that the porcine colostrum or IgG solution did not modify the half-life of bovine IgG. The ingestion of the glucose diet within the first 24 h completely blocked the absorption of IgG from bovine colostrum applied from the second day. Possible explanations of the phenomena investigated are discussed.  相似文献   

Serum immune globulin levels in artificially reared lambs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  



To achieve a competitive reproductive performance in organic pig farming is a major challenge for this farming practise. Practices and research data regarding conventional pig production are not always applicable to organic production, why field studies are needed to identify differences in performance between organic and conventional pig farms in order to identify areas for improvement.


Performance data for one year was collected from 5 organic herds that had more than 30 sows in production and used a computerized recording system, and data from five nearby conventional farms with more than 30 sows and the same recording system were used as a comparison. In total data from 4697 farrowings were analyzed. In the organic pig herds, there were a higher total number of piglets born per litter (p=0.001), a higher number of piglets stillborn per litter (p<0.001), but a tendency (p<0.06) to lower number of weaned pigs per litter and longer nursing period (p<0.001) and farrowing interval (p<0.001).


The reproductive performance was lower in the organic herds and the variation in reproductive performance among the organic herds was larger than among the conventional ones, suggesting options for improvement in the organic herds.  相似文献   

The effects of verapamil on the chronotropic response to vagal stimulation in young pigs anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital (30 mg/kg of body weight, intraperitoneally) was evaluated. After bilateral vagotomy, the administration of verapamil (loading dose of 100 micrograms/kg, followed by 2 micrograms/kg/min infusion) resulted in a significant (P less than 0.05) reduction in heart rate (HR) and mean arterial blood pressure. Cardiac frequency responses to vagal stimulation were obtained by stimulating the distal end of the right vagus nerve at selected frequencies (5, 10, 15, and 20 Hz) with supramaximal voltage (10 to 15 V) and constant duration (2 ms). The HR was measured after 15 s at each level of stimulation. The slopes of decrease in HR to the frequency of vagal stimulation were significantly (P less than 0.05) reduced after verapamil as compared with its controls. After atropine (0.5 mg/kg), the vagally induced tachycardia was partially attenuated by verapamil, but was completely eliminated by beta blockade with propranolol (1 mg/kg). These findings indicated that verapamil may influence the parasympathetic control of the heart in young pigs.  相似文献   

Pigs reared on a milk substitute from two days old often developed diarrhoea, but suckled littermates remained healthy. Only in a few pigs was diarrhoea associated with the presence of rotavirus. Rotavirus was also present in some healthy pigs, and was associated with a reduction in villus length. Pigs with diarrhoea usually had an increased amount of digesta in the stomach and a reduction in lactase activity in the small intestine but villus length was unchanged. There was no evidence of lactose malabsorption.  相似文献   

The immune response of 'Yugoslav meat breed' pigs inoculated with low doses of Trichinella spiralis muscle larvae was followed over two to nine weeks of primary infection, by analysing changes in peripheral blood mononuclear cell subsets, the development of a humoral antibody response and muscle larvae burden. During the course of the infection, infected animals showed a persistent elevation of both CD4+ and CD8+ T cell subsets from days 15 to 60 after the parasite exposure. During this time, the number of peripheral blood mononuclear cells expressing major histocompatibility complex class II antigens was also increased, while no significant differences were found in the number of circulating monocytes/macrophages and B cells over time. Humoral antibody responses to muscle larvae excretory-secretory products were evident as early as 41 days after infection, while the muscle larvae were recovered as early as 27 days after infection. The increased levels of CD4+ and CD8+ T cell subsets, as well as cells expressing major histocompatibility complex class II antigens in pigs exposed to T spiralis, may be indicative of some considerable alterations in cell subsets that are involved in the regulation of the swine immune response to this parasite.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of various environmental temperatures (ET) on the ability of neonatal pigs to cope with an endotoxin challenge. ANIMALS: 28 crossbred male pigs that were 24 hours old. PROCEDURE: At 24 hours of age, pigs were placed in environmentally controlled chambers maintained at 18 or 34 C (14 pigs/ET). Rectal temperatures (RT) were recorded at 15-minute intervals for 3 hours following an IP injection of 0.9% NaCl (7 control pigs/ET) or lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 150 microg/kg of body weight; 7 LPS-treated pigs/ET). Tissue specimens and blood samples were collected following the 3-hour challenge period. RESULTS: LPS-treated pigs exposed to 18 C had a period of hypothermia whereas RT for LPS-treated pigs at 34 C did not differ from control pigs. The LPS-treated pigs maintained at 18 C lost the most body weight during the 3-hour period and also had the greatest increase in serum cortisol concentration. Serum prolactin (PRL) concentration was decreased in pigs at 18 C, compared with pigs at 34 C. Challenge with LPS resulted in an increase in serum PRL concentration at 18 C but had no effect on serum PRL at 34 C. Challenge with LPS resulted in an increase in expression of tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin-1 beta, and interleukin-6 receptor mRNA in the hypothalamus. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Exposure to a cold ET can inhibit the ability of neonatal pigs to cope with an exogenous endotoxin challenge. When combined, cold stress and exposure to exogenous endotoxin induces a rapid and potentially dangerous loss of body temperature in neonatal pigs.  相似文献   

Outdoor reared pigs were used as indicators for investigating the effect of weather conditions in the seroprevalence of Leptospira. Over the period February to March 2008, sera from 386 sows on 11 farms in southern Sweden were tested for antibodies to the following Leptospira serovars: L. interrogans serovar (sv) Bratislava, L. kirschneri sv Grippotyphosa, L. interrogans sv Icterohaemorrhagiae, L. interrogans sv Pomona, L. borgpetersenii sv Tarassovi and one domestic strain (mouse 2A) related to L. borgpetersenii sv Sejroe and L. borgpetersenii sv Istrica. The highest seroprevalence was to this strain (8.0%) followed by sv Bratislava (3.9%). Six of the 11 farms had sows which were seropositive to at least one of the Leptospira serovars. Data on rainfall and temperature were retrieved for the respective farms. For each millimetre of extra rainfall, there was an increase in the odds ratio (OR) for seropositivity to sv Bratislava of 4.3 (95% CI 1.9-10), and to strain mouse 2A of 2.5 (95% CI 1.0-6.4). There was no association between seropositivity and temperature. This study indicates that different climate conditions within the northern temperate climate zone may be of importance for the presence of Leptospira-seropositivity in mammals.  相似文献   

Intestinal microbial functions reflect cross-talk between a host and its flora, and external factors may influence these functions. The aim of this investigation was to follow the development of six biochemical microbial-related functions of piglets, raised outdoors (OPs) or indoors (IPs), from birth to slaughter age. The following parameters (microflora-associated characteristic; MAC) were consecutively measured at five different ages: production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), conversion of cholesterol to coprostanol and of bilirubin to urobilinogens, inactivation of trypsin, degradation of beta-aspartylglycine and of mucin. Additionally, four parameters (production of SCFA. conversion of cholesterol to coprostanol, inactivation of trypsin, degradation of beta-aspartylglycine) were investigated in faecal samples from germ-free minipigs. The differences in MAC patterns between OPs and IPs were most pronounced at 20 days of age. Differences were found in the total amount of SCFAs, proportions of the acetic, propionic and butyric acids, conversion of bilirubin to urobilinogens, degradation of faecal tryptic activity and degradation of mucin. The values found in the minipigs were within the range of a germ-free animal characteristic (GAC) pattern. Our results show that environmental factors influence the development of some intestinal microbial functions in pigs.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to identify available phosphorus (aP) requirements of pigs reared in commercial facilities. In a preliminary study, 600 gilts (PIC) were allotted randomly to low (0.30%) or high (0.37%) dietary aP from 43 to 48 kg BW, and later to 0.19 or 0.27% aP from 111 to 121 kg BW. No differences were observed (P = 0.42 to 0.88) in ADG, but G:F from 43 to 48 kg tended to improve (P = 0.07) for pigs fed low aP. Results suggested that the aP requirement was at or below 0.30 and 0.19%. These concentrations were used to titrate aP requirements in Exp. 1 and 2. In Exp. 1, 1,260 gilts (initially 33.8 kg) were allotted randomly to one of five dietary treatments containing 0.18, 0.22, 0.25, 0.29, or 0.32% aP, corresponding to 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, or 0.9 g of aP/Mcal of ME. There were 28 pigs per pen and nine pens per treatment. From d 0 to 14, increasing aP increased ADG (linear, P = 0.03) and G:F (quadratic, P = 0.07), with the greatest response observed as aP increased from 0.18 to 0.22% (G:F breakpoint = 0.22%). However, from d 0 to 26, no differences (P = 0.12 to 0.81) were observed for any growth traits. Pooled bending moment of the femur, sixth rib, and third and fourth metatarsals increased (linear, P = 0.007) with increasing aP. In Exp. 2, 1,239 gilts (initially 88.5 kg BW) were randomly allotted to one of five dietary treatments containing 0.05, 0.10, 0.14, 0.19, or 0.23% aP, equivalent to 0.14, 0.28, 0.39, 0.53, or 0.64 g of aP/Mcal of ME. The diet with 0.05% aP contained no added inorganic P. From d 0 to 14, increasing aP increased (linear, P = 0.008 to 0.02) ADG and G:F; however, from d 0 to 28, increasing aP had no effect (P = 0.17 to 0.74) on growth performance. Increasing aP increased (linear, P < 0.001 to 0.04) metacarpal bone ash percent and bending moment. Results suggest that 33- to 55-kg pigs require approximately 0.22% aP, which corresponds to 0.60 g of aP/Mcal of ME or 3.30 g of aP/d to maximize ADG and G:F compared with NRC (1998) estimates of 0.23%, 0.70 g of aP/Mcal of ME, and 4.27 g of aP/d for 20- to 50-kg pigs. Finishing pigs (88 to 109 kg) require at least 0.19% aP, corresponding to 0.53 g of aP/Mcal of ME or 4.07 g aP/d compared with NRC (1998) estimates of 0.15%, 0.46 g of aP/Mcal of ME and 4.61 g of aP/d for 80- to 120-kg pigs. However, the percentage of bone ash and bending moment continued to increase with increasing aP. These data also suggest that complete removal of supplemental P in diets for finishing pigs (>88 kg) will decrease ADG and G:F.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes from dog peripheral blood have been stimulated in vitro with 3 different mitogens (Con A, PHA and PWM). Culture medium was RPMI 1640 enriched with either autologous plasma, fetal calf serum or a newly described defined serum substitute. In such cultures the number of surviving and activated cells was measured by cytofluorometry and the proliferation was assessed by thymidine incorporation. In unstimulated cultures, up to 70% of all cells had disappeared (died) during the first 42 hours of incubation, whereas the number of viable cells was reduced to 50–60% in mitogen stimulated cultures. Of the surviving lymphocytes, between 25–40% of the cells appeared to have an elevated RNA-content (activated or G1 cells). By comparison between thymidine incorporation and number of mitogen induced G1 cells, a very high correlation was found (r=0.92). However, the slope of the regression line was much lower than expected. The low thymidine incorporation per activated cell was primarily related to the high cell death and a resulting dilution of tritiated thymidine. Indeed, preliminary results suggested that the same thymidine incorporation per G1b cells could be obtained if peripheral blood lymphocytes were washed immediately before pulsing as could be obtained with lymphnode cells without washing.  相似文献   

The clinical, radiological and pathological findings in a natural outbreak of rickets affecting 82 pigs are described. An interesting feature was the presence of gross articular abnormalities including resorption of subchondral bone with folding and ulceration of the articular cartilage. The diet was deficient in calcium and vitamin D. A diagnosis of rickets complicated by nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism was made. The results of treatment and the economics of the outbreak are discussed.  相似文献   

The importance of environment in immune response is identified and the increase in prevalence of allergic, autoimmune and chronic inflammatory diseases reviewed. In particular, altered opportunity to acquire evolutionarily anticipated commensal microbiota is associated through the "hygiene hypothesis" with defective developmental and response signals to the innate and adaptive immune systems. Evidence of the detrimental effects of such environments is reviewed as is evidence for remediation using controlled exposure to bacteria or their active components such as LPS or peptidoglycan ligands for TLR and NOD-like receptors. Occurrence of major environmentally associated changes in porcine immune response phenotype are described. The prophylactic effects of heat-killed Escherichia coli given intramuscularly or of oral Lactococcus lactis on experimental ovomucoid-induced allergy in piglets are described in the context of altered immune response bias favouring reduced type-2 phenotypes. The high frequency of clinical tolerance to developing allergic signs even in the face of classical sensitization indicates possible function in this pig model of regulatory effectors such as Treg cells.  相似文献   

Antigen specific and nonspecific T-lymphocyte activity was evaluated in normal dogs and in dogs with atopic dermatitis by measuring the increase in skin thickness after application of the contact allergen dinitrochlorobenzene and after intradermal injection of the mitogens phytohemagglutinin and concanavalin A. The atopic dogs had a significantly reduced response to the contact allergen (P less than or equal to 0.001) but a significantly increased response to the mitogens (P less than or equal to 0.001). The atopic and normal dogs responded similarly to intradermally injected histamine. The response of dogs with non-atopic skin conditions to the cutaneous mitogen test was like that of normal dogs. Pre-existing dermatitis does not apparently influence cutaneous response to mitogens in dogs. The cutaneous response of atopics during treatment with corticosteroids is not different from normal controls. These results suggest a role for altered cell-mediated immunity in the pathogenesis of canine atopy and that the cutaneous mitogen test may have value as a rapid screening test for the disease.  相似文献   

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