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Effects of the 6/15 Robertsonian Translocation in Saanen Goats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Contents: The effects of a 6/15 Robertsonian translocation on growth and reproductive performance were investigated. One carrier Saanen buck was compared with 36 non-carrier Saanen sires. No significant effect was observed on daily growth, libido, or siminal characteristics. Fertility rate and prolificacy of the carrier and normal males were 58.3% and 1.53 ± 0.79 (m ± sd) vs 48.9% and 1.36 ± 0.58 respectively (p > 0.05 ).
Kidding rate and prolificacy of 30 normal and 32 heterozygous daughters of this carrier buck were 60% vs 59% (p > 0.05) and 1.47 ± 0.57 vs 1.34 ± 0.48 (p > 0.05) respectively. Normal does always demonstrated a higher prolificacy (p > 0.05) independent of breeding pratices and service rank .
Inhalt: Einfluß der 6/15 Robertsonschen Translokation bei Saanenziegen
Es wurde der Einfluß einer 6/15 Robertsonschen Translokation auf Wachstum und Fortpflanzung sleistung untersucht. Ein Trägertier (Saanenbock) wurde mit 36 Nichtträgern verglichen. Es wurden keine Effekte hinsichtlich täglichen Wachstums, Libido und Spermacharakteristika festgestellt. Befruchtungsprozentsatz und Nachkommenrate des Trägertieres und der normalen Böcke war 58,3% und 1,53 ± 0,79 gegenüber 1,36 ± 0,58 (p ±0,05). Ablammrate und Nachkommensrate von 30 normalen und 32 heterozygoten Töchtern des Trägerbocks betrugen 60% gegenüber 59% (p ± 0.05) und 1,47 ± 0,57 gegenüber 1,34 ± 0,48 (p ± 0,05). Normale Ziegen zeigen höhere Nachkommensraten (p ± 0,05) unabhängig von Bedeckungspraxis und Besamungsfolge .  相似文献   

The right and left carotid body and carotid baroreceptor zone of six adult domestic fowls were examined. Nerve cell bodies were found in nine of the twelve carotid bodies and in ten of the twelve carotid baroreceptor zones. They showed the general ultrastructural features of autonomic neurons. Nerve cell bodies in both locations contained intranuclear inclusion bodies and cytoplasmic dense cored vesicles. A few presumptive adrenergic endings, and dendritic processes were associated with nerve cell bodies in the carotid body. Large numbers of presumptive adrenergic endings and presumptive cholinergic endings, and dendritic processes were associated with nerve cell bodies in the carotid baroreceptor zone. The possible identity and function of these nerve cell bodies are discussed.  相似文献   

Ventral Abdominal Approach for Laparoscopic Ovariectomy in Llamas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Objective —To evaluate a technique for laparoscopic ovariectomy by a ventral abdominal approach in the llama.
Study Design —Prospective evaluation.
Animal Population —Six healthy adult female llamas, aged 2 to 6 years.
Methods —Laparoscopic ovariectomy was performed with the llamas in a 30-degree Trendelenburg position. The mesovarium and proper ligament of the ovary were isolated, and two Hulka clips were placed in opposite directions across each mesovarium and proper ligament of the ovary. Ovaries were removed through either the instrument cannula or instrument portal.
Results —The ovaries, mesovarium, and proper ligaments of the ovaries were easily identified using laparoscopy by a ventral abdominal approach. The Hulka Clip Applicator was easy to use, and the Hulka Clips provided secure hemostasis of the vessels within the mesovarium. Mean duration of surgery was 35 minutes (range, 17 to 85 minutes). Two llamas were depressed after surgery but improved within 24 hours. No other complications occurred during an 18-month follow-up period.
Conclusions —Laparoscopic ovariectomy in the llama was facilitated by the use of Hulka Clips placed across the mesovarium and proper ligament of the ovary.
Clinical Relevance —Laparoscopic ovariectomy in the llama can be accomplished easily with few complications.  相似文献   

The effect of a single ligature on back pressure in the internal carotid artery was studied in nine horses. In six anesthetized horses, one internal carotid artery was catheterized 2 cm from its origin and blood pressure was recorded continuously. Then the artery was ligated, pressure was recorded again, and the horses were euthanatized. In another three anesthetized horses, indwelling catheters were placed in both internal carotid arteries and a loose ligature was placed proximal to one catheter. After horses recovered from anesthesia, the ligature was tied and blood pressure was recorded in both arteries on that day and 3 days later, then these horses were euthanatized. The anatomy of the cerebral arteries was examined in all nine horses. Blood pressure in the internal carotid arteries did not change after ligation. Subjectively, collateral channels considered most likely to maintain blood pressure in the ligated internal carotid artery were the caudal intercarotid artery and the cerebral arterial circle. We concluded that ligation of the internal carotid artery would not prevent severe hemorrhage from the internal carotid artery in horses with guttural pouch mycosis until the ligated artery thrombosed to the level of the lesion.  相似文献   

Ventral Abdominal Approach for Laparoscopic Ovariectomy in Horses   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Eleven mares and four mules were ovariectomized by a ventral abdominal laparoscopic technique. This approach required tilting the operative table about 30 degrees elevating the pelvis to allow observation of the ovaries. A triangulation technique with a single laparoscopic portal and four instrument portals was used. The ovarian pedicles were ligated and the ovaries were removed through a single enlarged instrument portal. Females ranged in age from 5 months to 18 years. Mean operative time was 44 minutes (range 20 to 90 minutes); mean operative time of the last seven animals was 26 minutes. Signs of abdominal pain occurred in three mules and one mare in the immediate postoperative period. Peritoneal fluid collected from six animals 48 hours after surgery had a mean leukocyte count of 34,463/μL: (range, 21,000 to 62,800/μL), mean protein concentration of 3.1 g/dL (range, 2.2 to 4.6 g/dL), and mean differential leukocyte count of 74% neutrophils and 26% mononuclear cells. The animals were confined for 2 weeks after surgery. Signs of estrus were observed in two mares within 6 months after ovariectomy. All owners reported satisfaction with the results of laparoscopic ovariectomy. The ventral abdominal laparoscopic approach permitted efficient and safe ovariectomy of foals and adults.  相似文献   

The plasma concentrations and pharmacokinetics of the fluoroquinolone antimicrobial agent pefloxacin, following the administration of a single intravenous (10 mg/kg) or oral (20 mg/kg) dose, were investigated in healthy female goats. The antimicrobial activity in plasma was measured at predetermined times after drug administration by an agar well diffusion microbiological assay, using Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922) as the test organism. Concentrations of the drug 0.25 g/ml were maintained in plasma for up to 6 and 10 h after intravenous (IV) or oral administration of pefloxacin, respectively. The concentration–time data for pefloxacin in plasma after IV or oral administration conformed to two- and one-compartment open models, respectively. Plasma pefloxacin concentrations decreased rapidly during the initial phase after IV injection, with a distribution half-life (t 1/2 ) of 0.10±0.01 h. The terminal phase had a half-life (t 1/2 ) of 1.12±0.21 h. The volume of distribution at steady state (V dss), mean residence time (MRT) and total systemic clearance (ClB) of pefloxacin were 1.08±0.09 L/kg, 1.39±0.23 h and 821±88 (ml/h)/kg, respectively. Following oral administration of pefloxacin, the maximum concentration in the plasma (C max) was 2.22±0.48 g/ml and the interval from administration until maximum concentration (t max) was 2.3±0.7 h. The absorption half-life (t 1/2 ka), mean absorption time (MAT) and elimination half-life of pefloxacin were 0.82±0.40, 4.2±1.0 and 2.91±0.50 h, respectively. The oral bioavailability of pefloxacin was 42%±5.8%. On the basis of the pharmacokinetic data, a dosage regimen of 20 mg/kg, IV at 8 h intervals or orally twice daily, is suggested for treating infections caused by drug-sensitive pathogens in goats.  相似文献   

本文首次在国内对羊副结核病进行ELISA检测,并与皮内变态反应(DTH)、补体结合反应(CF)和琼脂扩散试验(AGID)进行比较。对1869只羊的检测结果表明,ELISA、、CFAGID和DTH的检出率分别为10.8%、、6.6%4.1%和4.9%。以ELISA的检出率为最高。ELISA可以替代CF和AGID。AGID操作简单方便,尚有一定的实用价值。ELISA和DTH结合检测,可提高羊副结核病的检出率。  相似文献   

去势术是畜禽生产中一种古老且广泛采用的生产管理技术,可以修正畜禽打斗和爬跨行为以方便管理,提高畜禽肉品质。随着畜禽生产集约化程度不断提高以及对动物福利的日趋重视,去势术得到了广泛深入的研究和应用。本文就畜禽去势术的历史起源、应用普及率与效果、去势方法、效应机制和动物福利等方面进行综述,以期为提高我国畜禽生产水平和动物福利提供参考。  相似文献   

Ovariectomy as treatment for granulosa cell tumor in a heifer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A granulosa cell tumor in a 15-month-old heifer was associated with abnormal udder development, relaxation of the pelvic ligaments, and nymphomanic behavior. After surgical removal of the tumor, the anatomic changes were reversed, and the nymphomanic behavior subsided. The heifer conceived 3 times thereafter and became a productive dairy cow. In previously reported cases of granulosa cell tumor, ovariectomy was unsuccessful in returning the cow to normal breeding.  相似文献   

This article describes the surgical procedures for the ovariectomy, ovariohysterectomy and orchidectomy in rodents and rabbits. The indications for each procedure are outlined and effective and safe anesthetics are described. Preoperative and postoperative care is also discussed.  相似文献   

Neoplasms of the perianal gland are common in the dog, particularly the male. Adenomas of the gland develop about 4.5 times more often than do carcinomas of the gland. The adenoma is hormone dependent; thus, castration without excision of the tumor has been successful in promoting regression without recurrence. Microscopic examination of the testes from dogs with perianal gland neoplasms has revealed 1 in 10 with tubular atrophy and 1 in 3 with testicular neoplasia. Interstitial cell tumors have been seen more often than other cell types of testis tumors.  相似文献   

在山东、陕西部分地区,对放牧型波尔山羊进行了不同方法超数排卵处理试验,其结果显示①在山东实施波尔山羊超数排卵的最佳季节为10月中旬~¨月下旬;②供体羊自然发情和氯前列烯醇诱导发情所获得的胚胎总数和可用胚胎数量之间差异不显著(P>0.05),但供体羊放置CIDR进行超数排卵后所采集的胚胎可利用率明显下降(P<0.05);③在供体羊超数排卵前2个月进行补饲,可提高胚胎可用率.  相似文献   

Ovariectomy and cesarean section are relatively common procedures in a surgical practice in an area in which there are numerous broodmares. Both techniques can be performed by several approaches, which are described in this article. Also described are techniques for ovariohysterectomy, a procedure that is rarely indicated, but that can be performed relatively easily by a capable surgeon.  相似文献   

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