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Primary fungal sinusitis was identified in 5 horses displaying signs of headshaking. All 5 horses had fungal plaques adhered to the infraorbital canal (IOC). Headshaking signs were exhibited by 3 horses prior to treatment and 2 horses after treatment. Standing computed tomography (CT) identified erosion of the IOC in the 2 cases in which it was performed. Fungal culture and PCR identified 3 species of fungi, Rhizomucor pusillus, Scedosporium apiospermum and Aspergillus nidulans which have not previously been described as a cause of sinusitis in horses. Surgical debridement followed by topical antifungal therapy was used in all 5 horses. Recurrence of the fungal plaques in 4 horses necessitated further treatment. The headshaking signs and nasal discharge resolved in 3 horses allowing a return to their previous use. Two horses developed persistent headshaking signs despite multiple treatments. Primary fungal sinusitis should be considered as a cause of headshaking signs in horses, due to a suspected trigeminal neuropathy. Computed tomography is valuable in identifying erosion of the IOC which is not identified with conventional radiography. Three out of the 5 cases were treated successfully but permanent resolution of the fungal infection is difficult to achieve once the bone overlying the infraorbital nerve has been eroded.  相似文献   

Sudden deaths and an outbreak of diarrhea in horses occurred in southern Saskatchewan in 2006. Five horses died while survivors presented with diarrhea and, in 1 case, acute neurologic signs attributed to hyponatremia. Diagnostic testing of affected horses and environmental testing suggested poor water quality, specifically high salinity and high sulfate concentration as the cause.  相似文献   

Between 1982 and 1989 59 equine fetuses were investigated for chlamydiae using animal experiments and embryonated eggs. Chlamydiae were isolated from 16 fetuses (27.1%) originating from 8 studs. The macroscopical lesions of the fetal organs were characterized by extensive haemorrhages. The histological picture shows severe lesions of the blood vessels of different organs. In 6 studs in which chlamydiae had been isolated, blood sera of clinically healthy and pregnant mares were investigated for antibodies during 1989 and 1990. Antibody titres between 1:10++ and 1:40 were detected by using complement fixation test in sera of mares of 4 studs.  相似文献   

A 15-year-old Thoroughbred gelding showjumper presented with colic after a history of chronic mild, intermittent colic. He was refractory to medical management. At surgery, he was found to have a 15-cm intramural mass in the distal jejunum, approximately 3 m orad to the ileum. Histopathology post-operatively revealed a leiomyoma. Leiomyomas in horses are rare. They have been reported most commonly in the reproductive tract, with other rare reports in the oesophagus and omentum. To the knowledge of the authors, there are no reports of identification and treatment of non-strangulating obstruction of the jejunum caused by a leiomyoma. The horse recovered from his surgery and went on to compete at the same level of showjumping as previous to the surgery with no further episodes of colic. Based on this report, leiomyoma should be a differential for small intestinal obstruction in the future.  相似文献   

Chlamydia psittaci was detected by PCR in the lung and equine foetal membranes of two aborted equine foetuses and one weak foal from two different studs in Victoria, Australia. The abortions occurred in September 2019 in two mares sharing a paddock northeast of Melbourne. The weak foal was born in October 2019 in a similar geographical region and died soon after birth despite receiving veterinary care. The detection of C. psittaci DNA in the lung and equine foetal membranes of the aborted or weak foals and the absence of any other factors that are commonly associated with abortion or neonatal death suggest that this pathogen may be the cause of the reproductive loss. The detection of C. psittaci in these cases is consistent with the recent detection of C. psittaci in association with equine abortion in New South Wales. These cases in Victoria show that C. psittaci, and the zoonotic risk it poses, should be considered in association with equine reproductive loss in other areas of Australia.  相似文献   

Dry matter intake (DMI), dry matter digestibility (DMD), and fecal output (FO) are difficult to measure directly in the field, and indirect methods using external and internal markers have thus been developed. An experiment was conducted consisting of two digestion trials with two periods in each trial to examine the use of five odd-chain alkanes (C25 to C33) of plant cuticular wax as internal markers to estimate DMD of hay or hay plus concentrate diets in horses. Eight mature Thoroughbred geldings were housed in 4- x 4-m stalls and randomly assigned to one of two mixed grass/legume hays (Diets 1 and 2) in Trial 1 and to mixed grass/legume hay plus one of two concentrates (Diets 3 and 4) in Trial 2. After the first 12-d period was conducted, dietary assignments for each group were switched for the second period in each trial. Each period consisted of a dietary accommodation from d 1 to 7 and total fecal collection from d 8 to 11. Results indicated that fecal recoveries of odd-chain alkanes were 88 to 90% for Diet 1, 75 to 92% for Diet 2, 71 to 81% for Diet 3, and 71 to 82% for Diet 4. Alkane recoveries were not related to alkane chain lengths. Digestibilities calculated from alkane concentration data adjusted using the mean fecal recovery of individual odd-chain alkanes (DA1) were not significantly different from the digestibilities estimated from total collection (DTC) for Diets 1 and 2 in Trial 1 and Diets 3 and 4 in Trial 2. When adjustment was based on the mean recovery of all alkanes (DA2; estimated by linear regression), all DA2 estimates for horses offered all diets were similar to DTC. Results indicate that accurate mean estimates of DMD can be obtained by using plant wax alkane markers and adjusting for the mean recovery of five odd-chain alkanes in a diet.  相似文献   

Deal impaction is prevalent in the south-eastern USA, where feeding of Coastal Bermuda hay has been implicated as a risk factor. Alternatively, infection with the tapeworm Anoplocephala perfoliata has been identified as a risk factor for ileal impaction in the UK. We hypothesised that feeding Coastal Bermuda hay and failure to administer routinely an anthelmintic with efficacy against tapeworms would place horses at risk of developing ileal impaction in the USA. Seventy-eight horses, with surgically confirmed ileal impaction and 100 horses admitted for colic that did not have an ileal impaction, were selected retrospectively for logistic regression analysis. Using odds ratios (OR) as an index of risk, feeding Coastal Bermuda hay (OR = 2.9) and failure to administer a pyrantel salt within 3 months of admission (OR = 3.1) placed horses at risk of development of ileal impaction. This study confirms the belief that feeding Coastal Bermuda hay places horses at risk of ileal impaction, although the quality of the hay may also play a role. Periodic administration of anthelmintics with efficacy against tapeworms should be considered to reduce risk of ileal impaction.  相似文献   

A hospital‐based case study was conducted at the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna for a 1‐year period. The purpose of this study was to determine possible alterable and non‐alterable risk factors of equine colic in Austria. The investigated parameters were obtained from hospital medical records (individual factors, duty of the horse, deworming, change in diet and water intake), from questionnaires (feed intake, watering types, housing and pasture practices) and from http://www.orf.at (weather‐related factors). Moreover, 221 collected feed samples were investigated through hygienic quality sensory evaluation and mould, yeast and bacteria presumptive samples were confirmed by microbiological investigation. Variables that were observed from the hospital medical records and found to be significantly associated with colic in a univariate analysis were included in multivariate analysis and the only remaining risk factor was decreased water consumption (p < 0.001, OR = 5.025). Consequently, a total of 2743 horses and 366 cases of colic were observed during the study period. The risk factors for colic in Austria were identified for the first time in this study and these increased risk factors were decreased water consumption, high amount of concentrate intake (p = 0.037), low hygienic quality of hay (p = 0.027) and high temperature on the arrival date (p = 0.003). Results suggest that the occurence of colic may not stop, but may decrease with better feed management practices in Austria.  相似文献   

A 4-year-old Thoroughbred gelding with a history of chronic colic was referred for evaluation of signs of abdominal pain. Exploratory laparotomy revealed a diverticulum of the distal portion of the ileum located between the layers of the mesentery. The diverticulum was similar in location and appearance to acquired ileal diverticula described in human beings. Complete bypass of the diverticulum by ileocecostomy resulted in apparent resolution of the chronic colic in this horse.  相似文献   

The most useful diagnostic methods in the initial evaluation of horses with colic assess the morphological and functional status of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular status. This evaluation is best achieved using a combination of clinical and laboratory data. Blood lactate concentration (BL) is one of these variables. BL rises mainly due to poor tissue perfusion and anaerobic glycolysis associated with shock, providing an indicator of both the severity of disease and its prognosis. A hand-held lactate meter, Accusport, provides a rapid (60 seconds), inexpensive dry-chemical-based determination of BL. This trial evaluated the Accusport's ability to provide BL data as an adjunct to the initial clinical evaluation of horses with colic. The accuracy of the Accusport was tested by evaluation of its interchangeability with the benchmark enzymatic kit evaluation of BL in a trial using data collected firstly from 10 clinically normal control horses and subsequently from 48 horses presented with signs of colic. The BL values were recorded together with the clinical variables of heart rate (HR), capillary refill time (CRT), haematocrit (Hct), and pain character and severity on the initial assessment of the colic horses. Information regarding choice of therapeutic management (medical or surgical) and eventual case outcome (full recovery or died/euthanased) was recorded. The Accusport was found to be interchangeable with the enzymatic kit for recording BL values in colic horses with BL < 10 mmol/l, which is within the BL range associated with survival. The interchangeability of an additional, laboratory-based wet chemical assay for BL, the Stat 7 was simultaneously evaluated for the colic and control horses. The Stat 7 was found to be interchangeable with the enzymatic kit for BL determination of colic horses. No linear associations between BL values with HR, CRT, Hct or pain assessment were observed. No relationship with either selection of therapeutic method or eventual case outcome was observed. All horses with BL >8 mmol/l died or were euthanased.  相似文献   

Antithrombin III activity in horses with colic: an analysis of 46 cases   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Antithrombin-III (AT-III) activity was measured at the time of admission in 46 horses referred with colic. Differences in AT-III activities between animals treated medically or surgically and survivors or non-survivors were compared. The mean AT-III values for the horses treated medically (76.2 per cent), surgical survivors (69.5 per cent) and surgical non-survivors (55.9 per cent) were significantly different from the reference value for healthy adults (92 to 108 per cent). The mean AT-III activity of the survivors was significantly (P less than 0.01) greater than that of the nonsurvivors. The majority of the survivors (11 to 13 horses) had AT-III activities exceeding 60 per cent of normal, whereas that of 10 of the 14 non-survivors was less than 60 per cent of normal. There was an apparent distinction between the survivors and non-survivors at approximately 60 per cent of normal AT-III activity.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: No studies have been reported on the effects of enoximone in anaesthetised colic horses. Objective: To examine whether enoximone improves cardiovascular function and reduces dobutamine requirement in anaesthetised colic horses. Methods: Forty‐eight mature colic horses were enrolled in this prospective, randomised clinical trial. After sedation (xylazine 0.7 mg/kg bwt) and induction (midazolam 0.06 mg/kg bwt, ketamine 2.2 mg/kg bwt), anaesthesia was maintained with isoflurane in oxygen and a lidocaine constant rate infusion (1.5 mg/kg bwt, 2 mg/kg/h). Horses were ventilated (PaCO2<8.00 kPa). If hypotension occurred, dobutamine and/or colloids were administered. Ten minutes after skin incision, horses randomly received an i.v. bolus of enoximone (0.5 mg/kg bwt) or saline. Monitoring included respiratory and arterial blood gases, heart rate (HR), arterial pressure and cardiac index (CI). Systemic vascular resistance (SVR), stroke index (SI) and oxygen delivery index (DO2I) were calculated. For each variable, changes between baseline and T10 within each treatment group and/or colic type (small intestines, large intestines or mixed) were analysed and compared between treatments in a fixed effects model. Differences between treatments until T30 were investigated using a mixed model (α= 0.05). Results: Ten minutes after enoximone treatment, CI (P = 0.0010), HR (P = 0.0033) and DO2I (P = 0.0007) were higher and SVR lower (P = 0.0043) than at baseline. The changes in CI, HR and SVR were significantly different from those after saline treatment. During the first 30 min after enoximone treatment, DO2I (P = 0.0224) and HR (P = 0.0003) were higher than after saline administration. Because the difference in HR between treatments was much clearer in large intestine colic cases, an interaction was detected between treatment and colic type in both analyses (P = 0.0076 and 0.0038, respectively). Conclusions: Enoximone produced significant, but short lasting, cardiovascular effects in colic horses. Potential relevance: Enoximone's cardiovascular effects in colic horses were of shorter duration than in healthy ponies.  相似文献   

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