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Samples from subhorizons Ol, Of, and Oh of forest soils were separated be screening them into five disintegration fractions. Metal contents have been determined in individual fraction. With increasing transformation of the organic material in the most samples there proceeds a concentration of heavy metals in the order: Fe>Cu>Ni>Zn>Pb; in the same time, content of Mn decreases. Among alkali and alkaline earth metals content of Mg increases and content of Ca decreases. Na and K contents do not show definite relationships with disintegration degree of the organic material. The present results illustrate the trends in the changes in concentrations of various metals due to processes of mineralization and humification of the organic material under definite biocenotic and habitat conditions.  相似文献   

不同有机肥输入量对黑土密度分组中碳、氮分配的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为阐明不同有机肥施用量对黑土密度组分中碳、氮分配特征的影响,探讨合理调控土壤质量的施肥模式。以黑龙江省海伦国家野外科学观测研究站上进行了10年的田间定位试验土壤为研究对象,采用密度分组和腐殖质化学分组相结合的方法,探讨和分析不同有机肥施用量下土壤各密度组分中有机碳、氮的消长变化以及重组中腐殖物质的组成特征。结果表明:与试验初期相比,经过10年单施化肥处理,土壤总有机碳和全氮、各密度组分中有机碳氮以及腐殖物质各组分的含量均显著下降,而有机无机配施能够提升土壤总有机碳和全氮的含量水平,改善密度组分中有机碳氮的分配特征,土壤总有机碳、全氮和各密度组分中有机碳氮对不同有机肥施用量的响应有所差异。随着有机肥施用量的增加,土壤总有机碳和全氮的含量呈逐渐升高的趋势,二者与有机肥施用量之间达到极显著的线性相关(P<0.01);低量有机肥(7.5,15t/(hm2.a))配施化肥仅增加了土壤游离态轻组有机碳、氮的含量,并未造成闭蓄态轻组和重组中有机碳、氮的积累,而高量有机肥(22.5t/(hm2.a))配施化肥后,促进了土壤各密度组分中有机碳、氮的形成和积累;此外,低量有机肥有利于土壤富里酸的积累,高量有机肥有助于胡敏酸和胡敏素的积累,从而提高了土壤有机质的腐殖化程度,增强了土壤有机质的稳定性。在东北黑土区,加大有机肥的施用量是提高土壤肥力和土壤固碳能力的有效途径。  相似文献   

(1)根据中国知网(CNKI)的《中国学术期刊影响因子年报(自然科学与工程技术.2010版)计量指标统计表》,《水土保持通报》综合统计源统计的总被引频次为3 446次(2009年版中为1 358次);复合影响因子为0.955;期刊综合影响因子为0.568(2008年为0.493),在所统计  相似文献   

施肥对黑土密度分组中碳、氮的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
以中国科学院海伦农业生态实验站的长期定位施肥土壤为基础,研究长期施肥对黑土密度分组中碳和氮的影响。结果表明:氮肥能够增加土壤有机碳和全氮含量,但不如NPKOM效果明显。土壤中各组分有机碳含量的变化趋势为重组>游离态轻组>闭蓄态轻组,三者之间差异达极显著水平(p<0.01),重组有机碳的含量最大值为23.72 g/kg,而闭蓄态轻组有机碳的平均值仅为0.69 g/kg;全氮的含量的变化呈重组最大,且极显著大于闭蓄态轻组和游离态轻组,后两者之间无明显差异。不同组分中有机碳浓度和全氮浓度的变化规律一致,为游离态轻组>闭蓄态轻组>重组,且游离态轻组明显大于其它两个组分。NPKOM处理的闭蓄态轻组和重组组分中的有机碳浓度和全氮浓度大于其它施肥处理。碳氮比的变化趋势为游离态轻组>闭蓄态轻组>土壤>重组,重组和土壤中,NPKOM处理的碳氮比最低,CK处理的碳氮比最大,可见有机肥的施用加快了土壤碳的周转速度。  相似文献   

Lombi  E.  Sletten  R. S.  Wenzel  W. W. 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2000,124(3-4):319-332
Five soils from Austria that have high contents of arsenic (As)due to anthropogenic and/or geogenic sources were separated intosand, silt, and clay fractions. The distribution of As among theparticle-size fractions was clay >> silt > sand. Theparticle-size fractions were analysed according to an 8-stepsequential extraction procedure (SEP) designed to assess theprimary reservoirs and extractability of As. Steps 1 and 2,(i.e. NH4NO3 and (NH4)2SO4) extractedthe least As, while considerably greater amounts were extractedin steps 3, 4 and 5 (i.e. NH4H2PO4,NH2OH-HCl, and NH4F). The greatest amounts of As wereextracted in steps 6 and 7, both NH4-oxalate extractantstargeting the amorphous and crystalline oxide fractions. Theresidual fraction (step 8) was typically low. The extraction ofthe clays contained generally more As in steps 3 to 8, while Asrelease in the first two steps was typically highest in the sandand silt fractions. These findings are in accord with factoranalysis indicating that the extractants of the SEP areseparated into weak (steps 1 and 2) and strong (steps 3 to 8)extractants. SEP data along with microprobe analyses (X-raymicroanalyses) indicate that most As is associated with Fe andis therefore not readily mobile. Anyhow, As could be releasedupon changes in redox potential or pH. The greaterextractability of As from sand fractions using weak extractantsmay explain the higher toxicity of As in coarse-textured soils,as found in previous studies.  相似文献   

砂土和黏土的颗粒差异对土壤斥水性的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
斥水性土壤广泛存在于自然界中,并且对土壤环境和作物生长等有重要影响。建立理想化的土壤颗粒模型对砂土和黏土的斥水特性进行计算分析。结果表明:当接触角很小时,砂土中不存在斥水现象。随着接触角的增大,砂土斥水性与含水率密切相关,砂土的密实度对其斥水性也有重要影响,当砂土比较密实时,土壤的"亲水"与"斥水"特性对含水率特别敏感,随着含水率的变化,砂土可能由亲水性较好的土壤转变为斥水性土壤;当砂土比较松散时,土壤颗粒的斥水性对含水率并不敏感。当黏土接触角略小于90°且湿润半径b也较小时,黏土也存在斥水现象。如果黏土颗粒的接触角较小或接触角小于90°且湿润半径b较大,黏土总是亲水的。黏土含水率较大时,斥水特性由土壤颗粒的接触角决定。  相似文献   


This study evaluated the effects of four different kinds of compost: pea–rice hull compost (PRC), cattle dung–tea compost (CTC), hog dung–rice hull compost (HDR), and hog dung–sawdust compost (HDS). These types of compost differ in nitrogen composition and in the dry matter yield and nutrient accumulation [nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K)], of rice plants. The rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants were planted in an Oxisol soil. Plants were cultivated in pots, which contained 3 kg of soil, mixed with the four different composts (PRC, 404 g; CTC, 395 g; HDR, and HDS, 450 g) and chemical fertilizer (CHEM) (N:P2O5:K2O=120:96:72) The residual effect was studied after the crop was harvested. All treatments were replicated four times, with a randomized complete block design. The nutrient concentrations in the root, leaf sheath, leaf blade, stalk, and grain were analyzed at different growth stages. After the first crop, the dry matter yield and the amount of N, P, and K absorbed from the CTC or HDS treatments were higher than those of the other treatments, at the most active tillering stage. The growth and nutrient accumulation of rice plants given the PRC treatment were higher than those given the CHEM treatment at the heading stage or the HDR treatment at the maturity stage. In the second crop, the dry matter yield from the PRC, CTC, and HDR treatments was higher than from the other treatments. The nutrient accumulation of the rice plants was positively correlated with the dry matter yield. The residual effect of the HDS compost was the least among all four composts.  相似文献   

Rice noodles, which are widely consumed noodles in Southeast Asia, were evaluated as a potential carrier for fortificants such as vitamin A, folic acid, and iron. Because flour particle size was found to affect the noodle properties, this study was conducted to investigate the effect of five different particle sizes (≤63, 80, 100, 125, and 140 µm) of dry‐milled rice flour on the cooking quality, microstructure, texture, and sensory characteristics of the rice noodles. The retention of fortificant in the noodles at every stage of processing as affected by the flour particle size was also determined. It was found that the rice noodles produced from flour with the smallest particle size studied (≤63 µm) had the best quality and were the most liked by the consumers. In addition, the noodles had the most compact and regular structure, which could be attributed to having the most severely gelatinized starch. This starch would have caused the least leaching of the fortificant into the surrounding water during the boiling stage of the rice noodle processing. Retention of iron in the cooked fortified rice noodles prepared from flour with the smallest particle size was high at around 87%, whereas that of vitamin A and folic acid were below 15%. Because the losses of the fortificant from the rice noodles were mostly owing to the boiling process, further improvements of the rice noodle processing conditions are required for reduction of the vitamin losses.  相似文献   

王岩  徐阳春  沈其荣 《土壤通报》2002,33(6):410-413
利用超声波分散—沉降法对利用15N标记的硫铵、稻草和猪粪培养处理一年后的土壤进行物理分级,研究了施入土壤的肥料N在土壤不同粒级中的分布,并利用黑麦草研究了土壤不同粒级中15N的有效性。结果表明,施用稻草和猪粪提高了0~2μm粒级和2~10μm粒级在土壤中的分配比例。硫铵15N、稻草15N和猪粪15N在土壤0~2μm粒级中的分布比例都在14%左右,在2~10μm和10~50μm粒级中的分布比例分别为22%和14%左右。但在>100μm(残渣)粒级中来自硫铵的15N比例为16%左右,而来自稻草和猪粪的15N比例则在30%以上。施用硫铵土壤的2~10μm粒级中,黑麦草对15N的利用率最高,50~100μm粒级中的15N利用率最低。而施用稻草和猪粪土壤的粒级中15N利用率以10~50μm粒级中最高。表明不同性质的肥料在土壤中的不同转化方向影响了肥料N在土壤不同粒级中的分布。由于不同粒级的土壤颗粒对有机物质的吸持力不同,从而决定了在不同粒级中N的生物有效性。  相似文献   

Soil phosphorus (P) availability is commonly assumed to limit productivity in tropical soils, yet there is relatively little information on the chemical forms of soil P in such ecosystems. The study was conducted to determine the size P pools via application of gypsum. We used a sequential fractionation to assess P fractions. The average total P concentration was 519 mg kg?1. Soil organic P was relatively low (74 mg kg?1). The ratio of organic carbon to organic P was generally greater than 298, suggesting the potential for immobilization. Calcium-associated P was the dominant inorganic P pool, whereas Al+Fe-P was the second dominant. Readily available P was very low (1.3 mg kg?1). Gypsum at different level was used as a reclamation material for sodic soils, and application of gypsum significantly affected the different P fractions. Organic P forms were significantly lower for higher levels of gypsum application.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to quantify the phosphorus (P) fractions in phosphate-fertilized sandy soils under grapevines. Soil was sampled from a grassland site and two vineyards (13 and 31 years old) in the State Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, from the layers 0–5, 5–10, 10–15, 15–20, and 20–40 cm deep. The samples were prepared and P fractions were assessed by chemical fractionation. Phosphate fertilization of the vineyard soils increased P contents to a depth of 40 cm, especially in the more recalcitrant fractions but detectable in the more labile fractions as well, which are plant available and may increase the risk of environmental contamination. Phosphate fertilizers and the period of grapevine cultivation had little effect on the levels of organic P forms, whereas cover crops in vineyards could be an appropriate strategy to increase or maintain the levels of soil organic matter and the levels of organic P over the years.  相似文献   

Abstract: Changes of soil phosphorus parameters (SPP) and soil organic matter (SOM) fractions were investigated in a Cambisol of medium‐heavy texture. Soil sequential samples were taken from a minimum (MT) and conventional (CT) tillage field in Sitzenhof (Germany). For the CT soil, concentrations of available forms phosphorus (P) were stable to ~0.3‐m depth, below which they rapidly decreased to relatively low values. In contrast, the decrease in the MT soil profile was gradual from the surface layer; available forms of P concentrations were higher and sorption index values were lower than in the CT soil in corresponding depths. Concentrations of SOM fractions were higher in the MT than CT treatment soil along the whole soil profile, especially below the 0.3‐m depth. The correlations between SPP and SOM fraction concentrations were closer in the MT than in the CT, particularly below 0.3‐m depths.  相似文献   

黄土不同粒级稀土元素分布特征及其制约因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对宁镇地区下蜀黄土和北方黄土高原黄土进行系统的分粒级稀土元素(REE)地球化学特征对比研究,结果表明:(1)无论是北方黄土还是下蜀黄土,REE分布均存在明显的粒级效应:北方黄土的REE主要在细粒端(4μm)富集,粗粒端(64μm)富集不明显;下蜀黄土在细粒端(4μm)和粗粒端(64μm)均呈明显的REE富集特征,且粗粒端的富集更加显著;(2)北方黄土和下蜀黄土在细粒端(4μm)的REE富集主要由风化成壤作用所控制,细粒组分中富集重稀土(HREE)的特征可能与Fe-Mn氧化物对HREE的专性吸附作用有关;(3)下蜀黄土在粗粒端(64μm)则主要以富集轻稀土(LREE)为主,这可能与下蜀黄土母质来源中多近源的区域性特征矿物(榍石等副矿物)有关,揭示下蜀黄土中的粗颗粒物质可能主要来源于近距离搬运。64μm可能是凸显下蜀黄土和北方黄土REE差异的敏感粒级,该粒级中LREE富集与否是区别两者的有效标志,这为REE应用于黄土的物源示踪研究提供了新途径。  相似文献   

干湿交替对水稻土碳氮矿化的影响   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
刘艳丽 《土壤》2008,40(4):554-560
通过室内培育试验,研究干湿交替条件下长期不同施肥处理水稻土微生物生物量和理化性状变化对土壤C、N矿化的影响机制.结果表明,与连续淹水(Cw)处理相比,干燥处理不仅显著地提高了所有施肥处理土壤有机C的矿化速率,其幅度为78%~204%,而且也提高了各处理土壤微生物生物量C和N,其幅度分别为55%~77%和57%~72%;干燥后淹水处理土壤有机C矿化速率的提高幅度为74%~95%,呈先降低再升高的趋势.土壤N的矿化在干湿交替过程的干燥处理中降低34%~78%:干燥后淹水过程仅使NPK处理的升高21%,而CK和NPKOM处理分别降低5%和13%.在培养过程中土壤Eh值仅在-60~60 mV范围时,与土壤微生物生物量C之间有显著的负相关关系.在干湿交替的干燥过程,随土壤pH值的升高土壤微生物生物量C有增加的趋势,在淹水条件下土壤pH值则仅与NPKOM处理土壤微生物生物量C之间有明显的负相关关系.干湿交替条件下土壤 pH和 Eh 值、微生物群落组成和数量与有机质的矿化之间的相互作用关系复杂,三者间的作用机理需进一步研究.  相似文献   

采用物理分组方法对长期不同施肥处理的旱地红壤有机碳组分进行了区分,布置室内培育试验观测了培养过程中土壤有机碳的矿化动态,通过拟合一级动力学方程计算土壤生物活性有机碳库量.研究结果表明,不同施肥处理的土壤中,轻组有机碳(LF-C)、团聚体包裹的粗颗粒有机碳(iPOMc-C)及细颗粒有机碳(iPOMf-C)、矿物结合态有机碳(mSOC)分别占总有机碳的7%~10%、0.5%~1.5%、4%~7%、76%~85%,并与总有机碳(TOC)含量显著相关;厩肥处理显著增加了各组分含量,其作用优于绿肥处理和单施无机肥处理(CK);培养过程中土壤有机碳矿化动态符合一级反应动力学方程;有机无机肥配施处理的土壤生物活性有机碳库(C0)显著提高;和绿肥相比,厩肥处理中生物活性有效碳库(C0)增加幅度更大,但其周转速率常数k更小;各组分有机碳含量与C0含量均达到极显著(p<0.01)相关,但除LF-C外其余有机碳组分占TOC的百分率均与C0达到极显著水平.  相似文献   

It is desirable to know the distribution of phosphorus (P) fractions in soil so that plants may use P efficiently. Here we report the dynamics of inorganic and organic P in P-deficient black and rice soil cropped by soybean, white lupin, and maize supplied with nitrogen (N) inputs by N fixation and urea fertilizer. Inorganic P fractions of the three cropped soils could be ranked as O-P (organic phosphorus) > Al-P (aluminum phosphorus) > Fe-P (iron phosphorus) > Ca10-P (calcium-10 phosphorus) > Ca8-P (calcium-8 phosphorus) > Ca2-P (calcium-2 phosphorus), irrespective of soil type. The potential of various inorganic P fractions to plant nutrition differed between soybean and white lupin. The percentage of total P present as inorganic P was affected by crop, soil type, and N source. In black soil, the change of organic P fraction induced by N fixation was larger than by urea application. The moderately labile organic P (MLOP) concentration was not affected significantly by soil type and crop species, and it was probably the main P source to the inorganic P fraction because the correlation between the two pools was high (r = 0.945; P < 0.05). Crop species differed in their uptake of inorganic and organic P from soil. Though P fraction concentrations varied between black soil and rice soil, their response to crop species and N source was similar. The amounts of P removed from soil were affected by N source. The right choice of crop species and the application a suitable N source may increase crop yield and P uptake by plant in P-deficient soils.  相似文献   

不同雨强和覆盖度条件下崩积体侵蚀泥沙颗粒特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
崩积体坡面侵蚀泥沙颗粒的变化特征及过程研究是揭示崩岗崩积体侵蚀机理的关键。基于崩岗崩积体土质疏松、粗颗粒含量高、极易被侵蚀的特性,通过室内人工模拟降雨试验,研究30°坡度条件下,不同覆盖度(0,25%,50%,75%,100%)和雨强(60,90,120 mm h-1)组合坡面侵蚀泥沙颗粒特征。结果表明:降雨过程中,坡面径流优先搬运的是粒径较小的泥沙颗粒;侵蚀泥沙中粗颗粒(砾石和粗砂)泥沙含量随着覆盖度的增加呈先减小后增大趋势;侵蚀泥沙颗粒的平均重量直径(MWD)与覆盖度之间呈极显著相关;当覆盖度达到50%时,坡面粗颗粒泥沙的减少效果最明显,75%覆盖度坡面较容易发生崩塌。以上结果表明,侵蚀泥沙颗粒的大小与坡面秸秆覆盖度的高低密切相关,50%左右的秸秆覆盖度可以达到较好的减沙效果。  相似文献   

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