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目前不少猪场使用水泡粪清粪工艺清理猪粪便,同时对水泡粪清理的粪污进行沼气工程处理,但不同水泡粪贮存条件对其粪污后续厌氧发酵的影响尚不清楚.本试验将猪粪和尿液通过不同贮存温度(20℃,30℃)和时间(7d,14d,21d)组成6种前处理条件,模拟不同条件水泡粪出水,研究水泡粪物料特性对出水厌氧发酵的影响.结果表明,水泡粪出水的单位挥发性固体(VS)的厌氧发酵产气率在369.2 ~702.0mL/g,厌氧发酵前7d的日产沼气量一直处于较高水平,之后快速下降,厌氧发酵10d后产气基本处于较低水平且下降平缓;氨氮对厌氧发酵有显著的抑制作用,厌氧消化甲烷产率(y)与氨氮浓度(x)的关系为y =4×10-5x2-0.3618x+1283(R2=0.9846).水泡粪物料总固体物含量越高厌氧发酵产气越低,据此建议适当缩短水泡粪时间以提高后续厌氧发酵产气量.  相似文献   


As a means of economic disposal and to reduce need for chemical fertilizer, waste generated from swine production is often applied to agricultural land. However, there remain many environmental concerns about this practice. Two such concerns, contribution to the greenhouse effect and stratospheric ozone depletion by gases emitted from waste‐amended soils, have not been thoroughly investigated. An intact core study at Auburn University (32 36′N, 85 36′W) was conducted to determine the source‐sink relationship of three greenhouse gases in three Alabama soils (Black Belt, Coastal Plain, and Appalachian Plateau regions) amended with swine waste effluent. Soil cores were arranged in a completely random design, and treatments used for each soil type consisted of a control, a swine effluent amendment (112 kg N ha?1), and an ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) fertilizer amendment (112 kg N ha?1). During a 2‐year period, a closed‐chamber technique was used to determine rates of emission of nitrous oxide (N2O)–nitrogen (N), carbon dioxide (CO2)–carbon (C), and methane (CH4)–C from the soil surface. Gas probes inserted into the soil cores were used to determine concentrations of N2O‐N and CO2‐C from depths of 5, 15, and 25 cm. Soil water was collected from each depth using microlysimeters at the time of gas collection to determine soil‐solution N status. Application of swine effluent had an immediate effect on emissions of N2O‐N, CO2‐C, and CH4‐C from all soil textures. However, greatest cumulative emissions and highest peak rates of emission of all three trace gases, directly following effluent applications, were most commonly observed from sandier textured Coastal Plain and Appalachian Plateau soils, as compared to heavier textured Black Belt soil. When considering greenhouse gas emission potential, soil type should be a determining factor for selection of swine effluent waste disposal sites in Alabama.  相似文献   

The agroenvironmental impact of co-utilization of red gypsum and sewage sludge was investigated. Both laboratory and greenhouse studies were conducted. The treatments were soil + sewage sludge (5% w/w) + red gypsum (0, 2.5, 5, 10, 20, and 40%, w/w). Corn was grown in the greenhouse, and the highest rate of red gypsum application was excluded. The residual calcite in red gypsum was able to increase the pH of the red gypsum–sewage sludge acidic soil system. Hence, gypsum reduced the zinc (Zn) concentrations in the soil solution released by sewage sludge. Phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) were insufficient for corn growth. At the rate of 2.5% red gypsum and 5% sewage sludge application, no dry-matter reduction was observed compared to the control. The uptake of Zn, copper (Cu), and iron (Fe) by the corn plants decreased. Therefore, co-utilization of red gypsum and sewage sludge is a better option than using these by-products separately.  相似文献   

In this study, the long-term effects of ultrafine tourmaline particles (UTPs) on the removal of nitrogen in wastewater, activated sludge viability and microbial population dynamics at low temperatures were investigated. Although there was no significant effect on the effluent concentrations of nitrogen after long-term exposure to 1 g/L UTPs at low temperatures, the oxidation rate of NH4+-N and the accumulation rate of NO2?-N increased and the formation rate of NO3?-N decreased during the aerobic phase of sequencing batch reactors. However, long-term exposure to 1 g/L UTPs did not significantly affect the microbial community richness and the community diversity of activated sludge at low temperatures. The mechanism of tourmaline was studied by assessing the dominant functional species involved in biological nitrogen removal from wastewater. It was found that 1 g/L UTPs increased the removal rate of nitrogen by reducing the relative abundance of nitrite oxidizing bacteria and increasing the relative abundance of ammonia oxidizing bacteria after long-term operation at low temperatures.  相似文献   

Under the present investigation phytoremediation of mercury and arsenic from a tropical open cast coalmine effluent was performed. Three aquatic macrophytes Eichhornia crassipes, Lemna minor and Spirodela polyrrhiza removed appreciable amount of mercury and arsenic during 21 days experiment. Removal capacities of these macrophytes were found in the order of E. crassipes > L. minor > S. polyrrhiza. Translocation factor (shot to root ratio of heavy metals) revealed low transportation of metals from root to leaves leading higher accumulation of metals in root as compared to leaves of the plant. It was evident from plant tissue analysis that mercury and arsenic up take by macrophytes had deteriorated the N, P, K, chlorophyll and protein content in these macrophytes. Correlations between removal of arsenic and mercury from mining effluent and its increase in plant parts were highly significant. Results favoured selected species to use as promising accumulator of metals.  相似文献   

农田土壤中残留和滋生多种病原菌会对人体健康和生态环境带来显著的安全隐患,开展针对性的生物修复研究十分迫切。噬菌体疗法靶向灭活土壤中病原菌的技术为修复此类污染土壤提供了全新途径。本研究以南京城郊某奶牛场牛粪堆积池周边,粪肠杆菌和假单胞菌复合污染农田土壤为例,首先筛选和纯化获得两株专一型噬菌体(YSZ1和YSZ5),再人为加速其宿主谱的表达过程,获得对应的多价噬菌体(YSZ1R和YSZ5K),并进行生物学特性(形态、核酸、最佳感染复数、一步生长曲线等)鉴定,结果表明:在水相和污染土壤中不同噬菌体对于同步灭活病原菌的能力依次为YSZ5KYSZ1RYSZ5YSZ1,并且施用多价噬菌体疗法有助于维护和改善修复后土壤微生物生态功能多样性与稳定性。本研究结果可为噬菌体疗法靶向灭活土壤中多种病原菌提供切实可行的修复技术。  相似文献   


Two separate field experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of swine lagoon effluent relative to inorganic fertilizer at equivalent rates on phosphorus (P) status of an acidic Vaiden (very fine, montmorillonitic, thermic, Aquic Dystrudert) and an alkaline Okolona (fine, montmorillonitic, therimic, Typic Chromudert) silty clay soil. In each site, a randomized complete block design with a factorial arrangement of treatments was used. Treatments were replicated four times. Cumulative swine lagoon effluent P application rates for the year 1994 through 1996 were 0, 59, 121, and 175 kg P ha?1 on the Vaiden soil and 0, 72, 148, and 223 kg P ha?1 on the Okolona soil. In each replication, commercial fertilizer P at rates equivalent to swine effluent P application were also included. For both sites, soil P concentration increased with increasing swine effluent and commercial fertilizer P applications. No significant difference in soil P level was observed between two P sources. At high application rate, desorbed P was 1.20 and 0.59 mg P kg?1 in the Okolona and Vaiden soil respectively. In the Vaiden soil, P adsorption approached the maximum for equilibrium P concentration greater than 600 mg L?1. However, Okolona soil displayed a linear adsorption potential with application of swine effluent P. Among P fractions, NH4Cl‐P and HCl‐P concentrations increased the most compared to the check in both Okolona and Vaiden soils. Results indicated that P status differs between the soils, but no significant differences in P concentration were obtained between swine lagoon effluent and commercial fertilizer, suggesting that both P sources had similar effect on soil P after 3 years of application.  相似文献   

以造纸废弃物白泥作为pH调节剂,利用MAP沉淀法回收厌氧消化液中的氮磷,并采用曝气的方式提高消化液pH值和造纸白泥的溶解性,研究了造纸白泥的添加量和曝气时间对厌氧消化液中氮、磷回收效果的影响,并考察了曝气过程中pH、COD、PO34--P、NH3-N、Mg2+、Ca2+的变化规律。结果表明造纸白泥的添加量为8g.L-1,曝气时间为120min时,PO34--P和NH3-N的回收率分别达到98和59,出水的PO34--P和NH3-N浓度分别为0.98mg.L-1和60.66mg.L-1,均达到了《畜禽养殖业污染物排放标准》(GB18596—2001)的要求,同时,COD的去除率为45;如果仅用曝气方式处理,120min后PO34--P和NH3-N的回收率仅分别为66和41,均未达到排放标准要求。可见,与仅用曝气方式处理相比,添加造纸白泥协同曝气对厌氧消化液中氮磷的回收有明显的效果。  相似文献   

Swine manure and wood shavings used as a drying bed were removed from a High-Rise? hog facility following two production cycles. The manure was composted in aerated pilot-scale vessels for four weeks or a mechanically turned windrow for ten weeks. Total dry matter losses during the pilot-scale studies were 30 and 32.5 % for continuously and intermittently aerated systems, respectively. Compost from both systems was stable with emission rates of 0.07-0.11 mgCO2 h?1 gvs?1. Moisture, O2, CO2 and NH3 use/losses during the process as well as chemical properties of the initial and composted manure are presented. Incorporation of the compost at a 5% amendment rate (v/v) into a standard pine bark container medium significantly (P = 0.05) increased growth of two woody plant species. Higher amendment rates were toxic to some plants due to high initial NH4+ concentrations in the medium. The compost significantly (P=0.05) increased growth and suppressed Pythium root rot of poinsettia when incorporated at 10% (v/v) into a standard sphagnum peat mix. The compost can be utilized as a value-added disease-suppressive product in the ornamentals industry.  相似文献   

畜禽舍粪便污水及废气净化的研究   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
猪场污水经文中所述工艺系统处理以后,污水中的化学耗氧量(CODCr)达到98.4mg/L;生物需氧量(BOD5)达到49.6mg/L;悬浮物(SS)达到51.49mg/L以下;硫化物达1.0mg/L以下:铜和铜化物达到0.6mg/L以下。畜舍中的废气净化,选择挥发性的药材制成“姜满净化剂”,能使畜舍的氨(NH3)降解率达到73.9%,舍内含氟量为15.0mL/m3;硫化氢(H2S)降解率达到85.8%,舍内的硫化氢浓度为2.8mL/m3;细菌降低率达到70.7%。  相似文献   

Fang  M.  Wong  J. W. C. 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2000,124(3-4):333-343
The thermophilic bacteria in compost made from coal flyash-amended sewage sludge were isolated and identified using theBiolog system to investigate the effect of coal fly ash on thethermophilic decomposition of sewage sludge during composting. Atotal of 8 species of Bacillus were isolated from thecompost and Bacillus brevis was the dominant speciesduring the entire composting process. The present resultsdemonstrate that the Biolog system is a fast and simple methodfor identifying bacterial species in compost, provided thatoptimum conditions could be achieved for the Bacillusculture. Adding coal fly ash as an amendment did not change thedominant bacteria species during composting, but decreased thepopulation and diversity of thermophilic bacteria species due tothe high alkalinity and salinity. Fewer thermophilic bacteriawere detected in ash-amended sewage sludge compost than insludge compost. There was also reduced metabolic activityobserved in the ash-amended sludge compost from the data ofCO2 evolution and weight loss. Although ash amendmentdemonstrated a negative effect on the population and diversityduring thermophilic phase, it did not cause any significanteffect on compost maturity.  相似文献   

In order to study the potential use of microfauna as an indicator of effluent quality and operational parameters in an activated sludge system for treating piggery wastewater, an experimental sequencing batch reactor was set up and evaluated by biological and physical–chemical analyses for 12 months. Results show that microfauna (and specifically ciliate protozoa) are a good parameter for assessing effluent quality in terms of both chemical oxygen demand (COD) and ammonia and for assessing the organic and nitrogen load of the system. Specifically, the abundance of ciliates decreases from 20,000 individuals·mL?1 to ca. 2,500 individuals·mL?1 and from ca. 10,000 individuals mL?1 to ca. 200 individuals mL?1 when effluent concentration is between 550 and 750 mg L?1 and above 100 mg L?1 to the COD and ammonia concentrations, respectively. Furthermore, microfauna abundance is reduced from ca. 18,000 individuals mL?1 (organic load between 0.1 and 0.2 mg COD mg total suspended solids (TSS)?1 day?1) to ca. 500 individuals mL?1 (organic load between 0.3 and 04 mg COD mg TSS?1 day?1). Microfauna abundance also decreases as nitrogen loading increases. Nitrogen loading in the range of 5–60 mg NH4–N g TSS?1 day?1 does not have any significant effect on microfauna abundance. However, ammonia loading from 60 to 120 mg NH4–N g TSS?1 day?1 reduces microfauna abundance ca. 6-fold. Ciliate protozoa were the largest microfauna group during the whole period of study, representing ca. 75% of the total microfauna abundance. The largest group in the ciliate community was that of the free-swimming ciliates. This was followed by the group of attached and crawling ciliates. Specifically, the dominant ciliate species during the whole study period were Uronema nigricans, Vorticella microstoma-complex, Epistylis coronata, and Acineria uncinata.  相似文献   

不同热解温度制备的水稻秸秆生物炭理化特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以不同热解温度(100~800℃)制备的水稻秸秆生物炭为研究对象,研究在不同热解温度下制成的生物炭的理化特性。结果表明,热解温度为100~300℃制成的水稻秸秆生物炭呈弱酸性,400℃以上时呈碱性;水稻秸秆生物炭表面碱性含氧官能团数量随着热解温度的升高而增加、酸性含氧官能团则减少;水稻秸秆生物炭中的官能团C=C、C-O-C、-OH和-C=O在较高的热解温度下发生缔合或消除,促进了芳香基团的形成;随着热解温度的升高,水稻秸秆生物炭的阳离子交换量(CEC)、比表面积、孔径、比孔容、氮气吸附量和颗粒表面的分型维数(D1)均先增加后降低,阳离子交换量(CEC)在300~500℃时、其它性状在400~600℃之间达到最大值;以不同热解温度制成的水稻秸秆生物炭颗粒的孔隙结构均以孔隙宽度2~50 nm的中孔为主。随热解温度的升高,水稻秸秆生物炭的产率逐渐降低;400~500℃炭化2 h,生物炭产率最高,其孔隙结构最为复杂,所以可以认为400~500℃是水稻秸秆炭化的最佳温度。  相似文献   

The effluents from bleached Kraft pulp mill (BKME) and paper industry are toxic to different aquatic organisms being an important source of contamination to aquatic environments due to the presence of several chemicals produced during the production of Kraft pulp. The main objective of the present study was to evaluate the exposure effects of a secondary-treated BKME in two different species of fish: Carassius auratus and Dicentrarchus labrax. Both species were exposed to different concentrations of secondary-treated effluent (1%, 10%, 25%, 50%, 100%) in semi-static tests under controlled laboratory conditions. At the end of the experimental period (21 days), samples of livers were collected for CYP1A determination and histopathological evaluation. The results show significant changes (p?<?0.05) of CYP1A induction in carp exposed to 50% and in sea bass exposed to 25% of the effluent. Histopathological alterations were also observed according to the different concentrations of the tested effluent suggesting that tested BKME cause damage to exposed organisms.  相似文献   

Different cases of bioremediation technique were experimentally investigated here for decontaminating light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL)-polluted groundwater collected from Panipat oil refinery situated in Haryana, India. Natural biodegradation of toluene, the selected LNAPL, was studied first under different varying substrate concentrations at room temperature (21.6?±?0.3 °C). Biostimulation was then studied by mixing the polluted groundwater with a primary treated domestic wastewater for providing nutrients and other supplementary components to the native microbial population. For studying the remaining cases, small-scale wetland having plants of Canna generalis was developed in the laboratory with and without the presence of toluene in the rhizosphere. The wetland system in the presence of toluene was used here for developing the pre-grown microbial cultures to enhance the degradation rate of the LNAPL (bioaugmentation). The plant-assisted biostimulation was studied in the third case by adding the polluted groundwater with the root zone water of the wetland system developed without the presence of toluene. In the fourth case, the biostimulation was coupled with the bioaugmentation strategy by mixing the groundwater with the root zone water of the wetland system developed in the presence of toluene. A comparative account of these four different bioremediation techniques was prepared for their respective rates of biodegradation, duration of lag phases, and the total time of degradation. It was observed that the plant-assisted bioremediation techniques had better performance over the natural biodegradation and biostimulation methods of the considered LNAPL. The plant-assisted biostimulation coupled with the bioaugmentation technique needed almost no acclimatization time and accelerated the rate of degradation almost twofold compared to the natural bioremediation and, hence, is proved to be the best one among the other bioremediation techniques for decontaminating the LNAPL-polluted groundwater. The results of the conducted experiments can be used to obtain vital information on framing the engineered bioremediation planning for LNAPL-contaminated sites.  相似文献   

This study investigated the cocomposting of pine bark with goat manure or sewage sludge, with or without inoculated effective microorganisms (EM). Composting was done for 90 days and parameters monitored over this period included temperature, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), C/N ratio, inorganic N, as well as tannin content. Changes in temperature, pH and EC during composting were consistent with those generally observed with other composting systems. The parameters were influenced by the feedstock materials used but were not affected by inoculation with effective microorganisms. The highest temperature measured from pine bark-goat manure composts was 60°C but much lower maximum temperatures of 40°C and 30°C were observed for pine bark sewage sludge and pine bark alone composts, respectively. The C/N ratios of the composts decreased with composting time. Ammonium levels decreased while nitrate levels increased with composting time. Tannin levels generally decreased with composting time but the extent of decrease depended on the contents of the composting mixtures. The trends observed showed that temperature, pH, EC, C/N ratio, tannin levels, and inorganic NH4-N and NO3-N were reliable parameters for monitoring the co-composting of pine bark with goat manure or sewage sludge. The pine bark-goat manure compost had more desirable nutritional properties than the pine bark and pine bark-sewage sludge composts. It had high CEC, near neutral pH, low C/N ratio, and high amounts of inorganic N and bases (K, Ca, and Mg) while pine bark compost had the least amounts of nutrients, was acidic, and had high C/N ratio and low CEC. The final tannin content of the pine bark-goat manure compost was below the 20 g/kg upper threshold level for horticultural potting media, implying that its use as a growing medium would not cause toxicity to plants.  相似文献   

3种热带果树叶子甲醇粗提物的抗氧化活性比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究热带果树的抗氧化活性,以木菠萝、人心果和龙眼叶为原料,经75%甲醇超声辅助提取,得到3种提取物。分别采用Folin-Ciocalteau法和分光光度法测定总酚和类黄酮含量;以维生素C为对照,分别测定各提取物对1,1-二苯基-2-三硝基苯肼自由基(DPPH·)、自由基阳离子(ABTS+·)、铁离子和钼离子的还原能力及金属螯合能力。结果表明:人心果叶、木菠萝叶和龙眼叶都具有较强的清除DPPH和ABTS自由基能力、对铁离子和钼离子还原能力和金属螯合能力,其中人心果叶活性最强,龙眼叶最弱,且抗氧化活性与总酚含量存在显著的相关性。人心果叶、木菠萝叶和龙眼叶是较好的抗氧化原料,将具有广阔的应用价值和利用前景。  相似文献   

Bench scale kinetic experiments were conducted to examine the use of cell immobilization in calcium alginate to remove ammonia in anaerobic sludge digester supernatant. Two systems, immobilized nitrifiers and co-immobilized nitrifiers and denitrifiers, were studied with and without the addition of methanol. Results indicated that partial nitrification (to nitrite) was achieved in both systems. The co-immobilized reactors did not exhibit the extent of nitrite accumulation observed in the solely nitrifying reactors. The nitrifying reactors were unable to buffer the hydrogen ion production, during the nitrification process, to the level the co-immobilized cell reactors achieved. Both of these differences suggested the occurrence of denitrification in the co-immobilized reactors. Scanning electron microscopic images of bacteria immobilized in the alginate spherical beads support the results of the kinetic experiments. Nitrifiers colonized in the 100–200 μm peripheral layer of the beads. Large voids caused by nitrogen gas due to denitrification were found in a number of co-immobilized bead samples.  相似文献   

何刚  袁大刚  张俊思  母媛  张东坡  王昌全 《土壤》2015,47(6):1163-1169
通过浸提试验研究了温度对浓度均为5 mmol/L的表没食子儿茶素没食子酸脂(EGCG)和柠檬酸活化漂洗水稻土和黄壤矿质元素的影响。结果表明:随温度升高,EGCG和柠檬酸对2种土壤Si、Al、Fe和Mn的活化量均不同程度增加,表明EGCG和柠檬酸活化土壤矿质元素的能力在高温季节将得以增强。相同温度下,从元素间比较来看,EGCG和柠檬酸对2种土壤元素的活化量大小均为AlSiFe(Mn),表明EGCG和柠檬酸作用下土壤Al较Si、Fe和Mn更易活化;柠檬酸对2种土壤Fe、Mn的活化量均为FeMn,而EGCG对漂洗水稻土为FeMn,对黄壤则为MnFe;从土壤间比较来看,EGCG和柠檬酸对2种土壤Si的活化量均为漂洗水稻土黄壤,对Al、Fe和Mn的活化量则为黄壤漂洗水稻土;从酚与酸的比较来看,柠檬酸对2种土壤Si、Al、Fe的活化量均显著高于EGCG,表明柠檬酸比EGCG对土壤Si、Al和Fe有更强的活化能力。  相似文献   

The effects of prolonged frozen storage on the starch, rheological, and baking properties of doughs were investigated. Four hard red spring (HRS) wheat cultivars exhibiting consistently different gluten characteristics were used. Gelatinization properties of starches isolated from fresh and thawed frozen doughs over 16 weeks of frozen storage were examined using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Significance of results varied with cultivar, but all cultivars showed a significant increase in ΔH with increased frozen storage time, indicating water migration and ice crystallization. The amount of freezable water in frozen doughs increased for all cultivars with frozen storage, but the rate of increase varied. Glupro showed a consistent increase in freezable water during frozen storage (41.6%), which may be associated with its high protein content and strong gluten characteristics. Rheological strength of the frozen doughs which was determined by decreases in extensigraph resistance and storage modulus (G′), declined throughout frozen dough storage. Proofing time increased from 45 min for fresh doughs to an average of 342 min for frozen doughs stored 16 weeks. Concomitantly, loaf volumes decreased from an average of 912 cm3 for fresh doughs to an average of 738 cm3 for the frozen doughs. Longer proof times and greater loaf volume loss were obtained for the cultivars exhibiting greater gluten strength characteristics.  相似文献   

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