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We reviewed studies dealing with regeneration under variable conditions in boreal and hemiboreal forests as affected by different microsite types by tree species functional groups. Generally, the importance of storm-induced microsites for regeneration dynamics in boreal forests depends on several factors: (1) distribution and type of microsites (generated by storm characteristics and stand conditions); (2) viable seed supply (stand history, species dispersal traits and status of surviving trees) and their species’ life history strategy; (3) climatic and site conditions (pre-storm conditions and storm-induced changes); and (4) delayed storm effects, such as retarded falling of trees, favoured vegetation growth, etc. Studies acknowledging the significance of microsites were mostly related to intermediate or severe events, causing sufficient changes in resource levels and growth conditions, and influencing extrinsic factors such as frost heaving, erosion and browsing. Also, the dispersal traits of available tree species, including sprouting and response of surviving trees, such as canopy expansion, should be considered in evaluating microsite importance in individual cases. In intermediate to severe windstorm events, pioneer species are generally profiting most from the additional offer in microsites, requiring bare mineral soil and elevated locations for their establishment and growth. Under gap dynamics, shade-tolerant species benefit from dead wood and elevated locations as these offer safe sites in stands with abundant understorey vegetation.  相似文献   

The Rothwald forest in Lower Austria represents one of the few never logged old growth forests in Central Europe. Here, the influence of windthrow pits and mounds on tree regeneration in a spruce-fir-beech mountain forest was studied. Two main factors for recolonisation of sites after disturbance were investigated: (i) the trapping ability of microsites for seeds and (ii) the ability of particular tree species to establish and grow on different microsites. On two one hectare permanent sample plots, pits resulting from windthrow with existing tree trunks were recorded. At each windthrow three microsites were determined: pit, pitwall and undisturbed forest floor. If the windthrow plate already collapsed and formed a mound, this microsite was recorded as well. Furthermore, a control site was established at each windthrow. For two years the development of seedlings at four different microsites and the according control sites were monitored. To describe the variability of environmental factors possibly influencing seedling establishment and survival, litter, humus and soil attributes, herb vegetation cover as well as light availability (GSF) were assessed. In addition, soil temperature, chemical soil properties and water content were recorded at randomly selected windthrows. The distribution of the seedlings was assessed with a Redundancy Analysis, its occurrence modelled with a logistic regression and the mortality analysed with the Kaplan-Maier lifetime function. In contrast to the assumption of seed accumulation in concave microsites because of secondary dispersal, the pit microsites show comparable seed rain to the control site. However, pits have the lowest seedling numbers and by far the highest mortality rates of seedlings. The thickness of leaf litter was identified as a major driver of suitability of a microsite for recolonisation. Through its thickness, it inhibits germination and smothering of seedlings poses a particular high hazard during the winter period. Also different establishment patterns of the investigated tree species were detected. The results indicate that windthrows create microsite heterogeneity and plant species richness but limit tree population size and spatial distribution of the occurring tree species.  相似文献   

With an increasing demand of sustainable raw materials for bioenergy use, coppicing as management approach to increase the biomass production of forests is becoming of greater importance. This study describes the parameterization of biomass equations for six tree species traditionally used in coppices forests, namely sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus L.), field maple (Acer campestre L.), European ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.), European hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.), downy birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh.), and common hazel (Corylus avellana L.) growing in coppice-with-standard systems in Lower Saxony, Germany. The parameterization was based on measurements of over 950 trees sampled from two forest sites. The sampled trees were felled and separated into three biomass compartments (stem, coarse branches, and fine brushwood) and weighed on site. The dry weight of sub samples from each compartment was measured. Equations were derived for total aboveground biomass, stem biomass, and crown biomass using regression analyses. We either used diameter at breast height as single independent explanatory variable or in combination with tree height. Biomass production of stump sprouts and generatively grown stems was compared for ash and sycamore maple. In the same age classes, it was found that ash stump sprouts had a slightly higher production than seed-grown stems. For sycamore maple, no difference was detected.  相似文献   

Artificial drainage is widely used to increase timber production and improve its quality in northern boreal and temperate forests, but its impact on biodiversity remains largely unexplored. Amphibians are particularly dependent on forest wetland qualities to complete their complex life cycles. We explored the supply of water bodies, their occupancy by amphibians, and persistence during the larval period comparatively in drained and natural forest plots in two years in Estonia. The water bodies in drained plots were more abundant but less diverse and of generally lower quality than in natural plots; however, the drainage ditches were favoured by newts. In the dry spring of 2009, water bodies were used more frequently in natural than in drained plots, while in the typical spring of 2010, several natural depressions appeared in drained plots and the frequency of use of water bodies did not differ between natural and drained plots. However, most natural depressions used for breeding in drained plots dried out before tadpole metamorphosis; such drying was not observed in natural plots. Thus, by profoundly changing natural hydrology, intensive large-scale forest drainage reduces the variety of water bodies and the quantity and quality of amphibian breeding sites. Moreover, we suspect that, at least in some years, temporary water bodies in drained areas function as ecological traps for amphibians. We suggest that, where possible, intact wet-forest areas with remaining natural hydrology should stay undrained. In areas already drained, breeding sites for amphibians can be provided by creating depression-like enlargements to some ditches.  相似文献   

Downed and standing deadwood (DW) is a key resource for maintaining forest biodiversity. Although extreme events such as windthrow and fires produce large quantities of DW, this substrate is often drastically reduced by logging activities. To elucidate the respecting consequences of salvage-logging, we assessed both quantity and quality of storm-derived DW (storms Vivian 1990 and Lothar 1999) in Swiss forests using a sample of 90 windthrow sites with ≥3 ha complete windthrow and at elevations ranging from 350 to 1,800 m a.s.l. The majority had been salvage-logged (SL) a few years after the windthrow. On each site, we recorded DW amount and quality on six circular sample plots 20 or 50 m2 in size. DW volume on SL sites was surprisingly high, with 76.4 m3 ha?1 on average 20 years after Vivian and 73.8 m3 ha?1 10 years after Lothar. In comparison, DW volumes on unsalvaged sites, that is, with no post-windthrow intervention (NI), amounted to 270 m3 ha?1. A wide variety of wood decay stages and diameter classes (10 to ≥70 cm) was found on both NI and SL sites, suggesting considerable habitat diversity for DW-associated species irrespective of the treatment. The considerable amounts of DW left after salvage-logging distinctly exceed the minimum DW volumes in forest stands proposed by Müller and Bütler (Eur J For Res 129: 981–992, 2010) in a conservation context, which demonstrates the importance of wind disturbance for biodiversity. Further studies should quantify DW of individual tree species, since habitat requirements are species-specific.  相似文献   

Growth of regenerating trees in different light environments was studied for the mountainous, mixed-species forests in the Carpathian Mountains of Romania. The primary species in these mixtures were silver fir (Abies alba Mill.), European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst). Seedlings/saplings of these species were selected and measured in different stands from two different geographical locations. Regenerating trees were measured for height and diameter growth during the summer of 2002. For each seedling/sapling, percentage of above canopy light (PACL) and stand basal area (BA) were used to assess available and occupied growing space respectively. Regeneration growth was compared against these two variables and regression relationships were developed. Using these models, we predicted the dynamics of regeneration as both growth and species composition. Our results showed that in low-light environments (PACL<20–35%; BA>30 m2/ha), shade tolerant fir and beech clearly outcompeted the spruce. Therefore, in dense stands, spruce could be eliminated by the shade tolerant species. For intermediate levels of cover (PACL=35–70%; BA=15–35 m2/ha) the spruce grew at comparable rates as the beech and fir. All three species showed similar growth rates in open conditions (PACL>80–90%; BA<15–20 m2/ha) with the spruce having a tendency to outgrow the others. However, in terms of establishment, such conditions favor spruce and inhibit fir and beech.  相似文献   

Outputs from the HadCM3 Global Climate Circulation Model according to scenarios A2 and B1 were used for climate change predictions in Lithuania. According to scenario A2, the annual temperature will increase by approximately 4.0 °C from 2061 to 2090, while scenario B1 predicts an increase of 2.0 °C. In contrast to scenario B1, scenario A2 predicts an annual increase in precipitation of 15–20 % at the end of the century. Based on the predicted climatic data for the two scenarios and climate maps by European Food Safety Authority for the EU, we created climate analogues for Lithuania for 2031–2060 and 2061–2090. These areas were overlain by the digital map of native tree species distributions in Europe, which was created from the European Forest Genetic Resources Programme database. If climate changes occur according to scenario B1, in 2031–2060, Lithuania’s climate will become suitable for approximately five to six alien species, such as Acer campestre, Acer pseudoplatanus, Fagus sylvatica, Populus nigra, and Prunus avium. In 2061–2090, these species will be joined by Sorbus domestica and Tilia platyphyllos. If climate changes occur according to scenario A2, at the end of the twenty-first century, Castanea sativa, Quercus pubescens, and Sorbus torminalis could expand this list. With respect to species dispersal rates, there is a high probability that the species A. campestre, A. pseudoplatanus, P. nigra, and P. avium will become immigrants to Lithuanian forests at the end of the twenty-first century. Approximately 20 new species native to Europe will be suitable for cultivation (scenario A2). Climate change will affect the distributions of native species too. An increase in the proportion of deciduous tree species (except Alnus incana) and some reduction in the proportion of conifers, Norway spruce (Picea abies) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), are expected in Lithuanian forests.  相似文献   

Height–diameter relationships are essential elements of forest assessment and modeling efforts.In this work,two linear and eighteen nonlinear height–diameter equations were evaluated to find a local model for Oriental beech(Fagus orientalis Lipsky) in the Hyrcanian Forest in Iran.The predictive performance of these models was first assessed by different evaluation criteria: adjusted R~2(R~2_(adj)),root mean square error(RMSE),relative RMSE(%RMSE),bias,and relative bias(%bias) criteria.The best model was selected for use as the base mixed-effects model.Random parameters for test plots were estimated with different tree selection options.Results show that the Chapman–Richards model had better predictive ability in terms of adj R~2(0.81),RMSE(3.7 m),%RMSE(12.9),bias(0.8),%Bias(2.79) than the other models.Furthermore,the calibration response,based on a selection of four trees from the sample plots,resulted in a reduction percentage for bias and RMSE of about 1.6–2.7%.Our results indicate that the calibrated model produced the most accurate results.  相似文献   

以河北省木兰围场国有林场管理局克勒沟林场华北落叶松人工林为研究对象,对标准地内保留密度为400株/hm2、600株/hm2、900株/hm2、1 100株/hm2的华北落叶松在上坡位、中坡位、下坡位的树高和胸径以及物种多样性进行了调查分析,结果表明:在保留密度为600株/hm2时,林木生长最好,树高最大;保留密度小于600株/hm2时,树高随着密度的增大而增大,但大于600株/hm2时,树高会随着密度的增大而呈现降低的趋势;胸径会随着保留密度的增大而减小;对不同密度样地中的植物重要值及物种多样性指数进行了计算,林下草本层植物的数量、多样性指数在保留密度为600株/hm2时达到最大值,之后随着密度的增加均呈递减的趋势。  相似文献   

This paper summarises the results from 35 years-observed thinning experiments on 256 permanent sample plots in 10–60 year-old stands of ash, aspen, birch, oak, pine and spruce in Lithuania. Thinning enhanced crown projection area increment of residual trees. The largest effect was observed in stands of aspen and birch (growth increase by 200%), followed by ash and oak (over 100%), and spruce and pine (about 80%). Thinning also promoted dbh increment, especially in younger stands, and the increase of dbh increment was positively correlated with the thinning intensity. The strongest reaction was exhibited by oak and aspen, while ash, birch and conifers reacted to a lower extent. Low and moderate intensities of thinning stimulated volume production in younger stands while the opposite was observed in older stands with increasing removals. Spruce stands exhibited relatively strongest increase of volume increment and pine, –the weakest, while the effect on deciduous species was intermediate. The results demonstrate that significant increase in volume increment is achievable with thinning of only young forest stands, e.g. 10–20 year-old pine, birch and ash, or 10–30 year-old oak, aspen and spruce.  相似文献   

Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) data from TerraSAR-X add-on for Digital Elevation Measurement (TanDEM-X) were used to estimate aboveground biomass (AGB) and tree height with linear regression models. These were compared to models based on airborne laser scanning (ALS) data at two Swedish boreal forest test sites, Krycklan (64°N19°E) and Remningstorp (58°N13°E). The predictions were validated using field data at the stand-level (0.5–26.1 ha) and at the plot-level (10 m radius). Additionally, the ALS metrics percentile 99 (p99) and vegetation ratio, commonly used to estimate AGB and tree height, were estimated in order to investigate the feasibility of replacing ALS data with TanDEM-X InSAR data. Both AGB and tree height could be estimated with about the same accuracy at the stand-level from both TanDEM-X- and ALS-based data. The AGB was estimated with 17.2% and 14.6% root mean square error (RMSE) and the tree height with 7.6% and 4.1% RMSE from TanDEM-X data at the stand-level at the two test sites Krycklan and Remningstorp. The Pearson correlation coefficients between the TanDEM-X height and the ALS height p99 were r?=?.98 and r?=?.95 at the two test sites. The TanDEM-X height contains information related to both tree height and forest density, which was validated from several estimation models.  相似文献   

在针阔混交林的不同林分中设置标准地,调查、研究树种的多样性及其组成。结果表明,在长白山系张广才岭支脉断块中山地貌条件下,当坡向一致、海拔高度相差不大时,不同针阔混交林林分中乔木树种多样性的差异不大,树种种类变动于19~21种之间;但不同林分的树种组成和优势树种有较大差别。这种状况预示着不同林分的演替方向会发生分化。  相似文献   

Group selection tree harvest has been proposed as an ecologically sustainable silvicultural technique in mixed conifer forests of the western Bhutan Himalayas. To evaluate this silvicultural technique, we studied the ecological consequences of a group selection tree harvest in mixed conifer forests by assessing 127 circular plots (71 in logged and 56 in unlogged stands) in two forest management units (FMUs). Tree species composition and diversity were similar between logged and unlogged stands. Seedling density and height growth vary by species and were influenced by logging and microsites, with generally taller seedlings found in the logged versus unlogged stands. Early successional shade-intolerant species colonized logged stands. Seedlings growing on bare soil scarified by harvesting had medium vigour while seedlings growing on bryophyte mats showed good vigour in both logged and unlogged stands. Moist sites with a northerly aspect supported profuse conifer seedling regeneration, compared to sites with a dry southerly aspect. Damage to conifer seedlings from herbivore browsing was minimal. Conifer seedling density and height growth was negatively affected by competition from herbaceous vegetation, most notably Salvia officinalis. Group selection tree harvest in southern dry exposures in spruce-dominated stands is silviculturally unsuitable because it alters tree succession.  相似文献   

In this study we developed an individual tree height prediction model for quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) grown in boreal mixedwood forests in Alberta using the nonlinear mixed model (NLMM) approach. We examined the impacts of density, species composition, and top height on aspen height predictions. Statistically significant stand level variables were incorporated into the base height–diameter model to increase the predictive ability and accuracy of the model at both the population and subject-specific levels. Our analyses showed that top height and density impacted height growth, but species composition did not. More importantly, we found that the inclusion of additional variables into the base model, despite improving model fitting statistics on the modelling data, did not improve the model's predictive ability and accuracy when cross-validated and when tested on an independent testing data set. Under the NLMM framework the base model performed as well as or better than the expanded models that contained other stand level variables. This has important theoretical and practical implications because, other than for biological reasons, more accurate local tree height predictions for aspen can be achieved simply by using the base height–diameter model fitted with the NLMM approach without the inclusion of other variables.  相似文献   

该文对辽东山区人工营造20a生水曲柳、刺楸、紫椴、色赤杨、白桦5种阔叶树分别与红松形成的混交林及人工红松纯林进行了物种多样性分析。结果表明:人工阔叶红松混交林内,植物种类丰富,数量较多,红松纯林内的植物种类仅为人工阔叶红松林的42%~52%,植物总数量只有混交林的11%~37%;不同红松阔叶混交林乔木层物种多样性好于红松纯林,乔木层物种多样性指数排序为:红松×水曲柳﹥红松×刺楸﹥红松×紫椴﹥红松×色赤杨﹥红松×白桦﹥红松纯林。在灌木层中,各不同混交林物种多样性差异并不明显,且分布均匀。红松纯林灌木层物种种类、数量较少,但有明显的优势树种存在。在草本层中,各不同混交林植物种类分布相对均匀,各林型中丰富度指数,除红松纯林外,都在1.0以上。红松纯林草本层植物种类分布均匀,没有优势种存在。  相似文献   

冀北山地不同树种组成桦木林枯落物及土壤水文效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为弄清不同树种组成的林分对林地枯落物及土壤持水能力的影响,采用浸泡法和双环法对冀北山地5种不同树种组成的桦木林进行研究,结果表明:1林地枯落物半分解层储量均大于未分解层,总储量变化范围为12.85~20.87t/hm~2,白桦纯林储量最大,阔叶混交林最小;2枯落物最大持水量变化范围为73.27~106.99t/hm~2,有效拦蓄量变化范围为59.22~81.86t/hm~2,均为杨桦混交林最大、落桦混交林最小;3枯落物持水量与浸泡时间呈对数关系,随时间推移逐渐增大,而吸水速率与浸泡时间呈指数关系,随浸泡时间推移而逐渐下降;4土壤容重是油松白桦林最大、杨桦混交林最小,总孔隙度是杨桦混交林最大(60.66%)、阔叶混交林次之(59.31%)、油松白桦林最小(45.43%),土壤最大持水量和有效持水量均是杨桦混交林最大、阔叶混交林次之、油松白桦林最小;5土壤入渗速率和入渗时间呈明显幂函数关系。综合来看,杨桦混交林和阔叶混交林枯落物和土壤持水能力较强。  相似文献   

European Journal of Forest Research - Many studies have been conducted on the effects of changes in plant diversity and species composition on ecosystem functioning and plant productivity due to...  相似文献   

承德县不同人工林类型草本层物种多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对承德县5种不同的人工林类型革本层植物种类进行调查,并用Shannon—Wiener指数和Simpson指数分析不同林型下草本植物多样性变化特征。结果表明:Shannon—Wiener指数和Simpson指数的大小趋势是一致的:油松林〉杨树林〉油松落叶松混交林〉刺槐林〉落叶松林。  相似文献   

One of the main threats to the sustainability of community forestry in the Selva Maya is insufficient regeneration of commercial tree species. We evaluated the regeneration status of 22 commercial tree species in a managed semideciduous tropical rain forest in Southern Mexico. The study was carried out in six harvesting areas along a 16-year chronosequence. In each area, 10 transects (1000 m2) were established and all trees >50 cm height and <10 cm diameter were recorded. We evaluated the relationships between seedling and sapling abundance, and canopy cover and disturbance condition (closed forest, canopy gap, log landing, skid road, primary road and secondary road). The area occupied by closed forest canopy increased with age of harvesting area (65–91% of sampled area), while the area occupied by canopy gaps decreased (22–9%). Log landings occupied less than 1% of the sampled area. The predominant canopy cover was 75–80% in all harvesting areas, even in the most recently harvested areas. The highest densities of seedlings and saplings, of both shade tolerant and intolerant species, were found in log landing and skid trails, followed by secondary roads. Even Simarouba glauca, a shade tolerant species, displayed higher densities in sites with ≤65% of canopy cover. Our results support previous findings and indicate that the levels of disturbance caused by existing harvesting procedures may be inadequate to promote sufficient regeneration of not only light demanding desirable species but also for some of the evaluated shade tolerant species of commercial interest. Seedling and sapling densities exhibited by Swietenia macrophylla, for example, are insufficient to support current harvesting rates. The application of a spatial mixed system with patch-cuts of different sizes, a consequence of group felling, could be applied to provide the necessary conditions for the regeneration of the main commercial species.  相似文献   

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