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Summary. Retention of the spray solution was shown to be a major factor in the selectivity of ioxynil. Retention was high on mustard plants with or without surfactant(Tween 20). Very little ioxynil was retained by barley and pea plants when no surfactant was included in the spray hut inclusion of 0.1 or 1.0% Tween 20 increased retention. With 1.0% the retention on pea plants approached that on mustard, and there was then little differential toxicity. With no surfactant in the spray, mustard plants retained twenty-six times more ioxynil than barley plants. Addition of 01 or 1.0% surfactant increased retention by barley and reduced the differential to eleven times and eight times respectively. By varying the angle of barley leaves to the spray it was shown that the normal upright position results in reduced interception of a vertical spray and reflection of the drops without surfactant. It was concluded that for a given species growth reduction by ioxynil is largely conditioned by the amount retained and that apart from influencing retention, Tween 20 has no major independent action. At equivalent retention levels barley was much less susceptible than mustard or pea. Plants of mustard, pea and barley were treated either on the leaves only or over the whole exposed surface of the plant lo assess the influence of morphology on the response to ioxynil. There was no difference in the response of barley, but treatment by dipping aerial shoots of mustard and pea produced an effect twice that from treatment of the leaves alone at the same level of retention. The increased response of mustard and pea to whole shoot treatment is considered to be due primarily to the exposed stem and bud tissues of these species. Les bases de la toxicilé différentielle du 4-hydroxy-3,5-di-iodobenzomtrite I. Infiuence de la rétention de la bouillie et de la morphologie de la plante  相似文献   

Summary. In field screening trials for bananas (Musa acuminata var. Dwarf Cavendish) in Hawaii, ametryne (2-methylthio-4-ethylamino-6-isopropylamino-s-triazine) was less phytotoxic to bananas than atrazine (2-chloro-4-ethylamino-6-isopropylamino-s-triazine). Sand culture experiments showed that both herbicides were equally injurious to banana plants. Differential degradation of the herbicides by the plants did not account for the phytotoxicity observed. Both herbicides were partly metabolized by the plant to their common hydroxyl derivative (hydroxyatrazine) and two other unidentified metabolites after 3 and 7 days of exposure to nutrient solution containing 14C-labelled ametryne and atrazine. Phytotoxicity was directly related to leachability of the herbicides and negatively related to adsorption capacity of each soil for the herbicides. Organic matter content seemed to be correlated to the response observed. It was postulated that phytotoxicity in the field may have been attributed to differential location of the herbicide in relation to the roots.  相似文献   

Summary. Temperatures of 5–6° C delayed leaf necrosis of glasshouse-grown oats (Avena sativa), winter peas (Pisum sativum), huisache (Acacia farnesiana), mesquite (Prosopis julijiora var. glandutosa), live oak (Quercus virginiana) and yaupon (Ilex vomitoria) for at least 48 hr after treatment with paraquat as compared with higher temperatures. After 96 hr, oats, winter peas, huisache and mesquite at 5° C usually showed as much necrosis as plants at 24–28° C. Similar results were obtained with live oak and yaupon, and with yaupon in the field, except that longer periods were sometimes required for plants at low temperatures to develop injury comparable with that at higher temperatures. Washing yaupon and live oak leaves 1 hr after application reduced the effectiveness of paraquat regardless of temperature, but washing winter peas 10 min after application had little or no effect on phytotoxicity. Field-grown mesquite showed extensive leaf necrosis when leaves were washed after 20 min, live oak leaves similarly treated and washed were not injured, while the response of winged elm (Ulmus alata) was intermediate. Percentage leaf necrosis of mesquite, winged elm, yaupon and live oak increased with increasing paraquat concentration; 6–9 μg/leaf on mesquite and 20 μg/leaf on winged elm gave 100% necrosis after 4 days. Complete leaf necrosis of live oak and yaupon was not attained during this period even with 80 μg/Ieaf. Nursery-grown mesquite, yaupon and greenbriar (Smilax bona-nox) and natural stands of yaupon were treated at two growth stages, in March and May. Paraquat was more effective on mesquite when applied in May, but there were no differences with the other species. Facteurs affectant la toxicité du paraquat  相似文献   


A. RAHMAN 《Weed Research》1973,13(3):267-272
Summary. Wheat, oats, and green foxtail were grown at day-night temperatures of 32–16, 27–16, or 16–16°C in the growth chamber. The caryopses were planted at depths of 2·5 or 6·3 cm, and trifluralin was incorporated in the surface 5 cm of soil. The results indicated that the phytotoxicity of trifluralin was somewhat greater when plants were grown at day-night temperatures of 32–16°C than at a temperature regime of 16–16°C. A further study in the greenhouse indicated that the phytotoxicity of trifluralin was dependant upon soil properties. In general, the toxicity of trifluralin to both wheat and green foxtail appeared to decrease with an increase in the organic matter content of the soil.
Effets de la température et de la nature du sol sur la phytotoxicité de la trifluraline  相似文献   


Summary. Paraquat was applied to while, variegated and green leaves of Hibiscus rosa sinensis L. Visual observations and moisture loss determinations revealed that the rate of tissue kill by paraquat was reduced in while tissue. Evidence from paraquat absorption and concentration studies indicated that phytotoxic differences were not due to amount or rate of absorption or protoplasmic susceptibility, but to differences in chlorophyll Content of treated leaves. Desiccants such as dinoseb, not dependent upon chlorophyll for rapid action, were equally affective on white and green leaves. The same reduced activity of paraquat on white leaf tissue was demonstrated for other species. Phytotoxicité du paraquat appliqué sur les feuilles blanches ou vertes de l'hibiscus, du sorgho et de l'alpinia  相似文献   

Summary. The phytotoxicities in a number of soils of lenacil, linuron, prometryne and simazine to two indicator plants were determined in field and glasshouse experiments. The results were compared with estimates of the adsorption capacity of the soils obtained by two methods using dimethylaminobenzaldehyde as a model adsorbate. The possible influence of other soil properties was also considered.
One of the adsorption measurements had some predictive value for glasshouse behaviour but was not markedly superior to soil organic carbon content for this purpose. None of the factors studied was usefully correlated with field performance. Results from field experiments in spring were poorly correlated with those from similar experiments in autumn. Neither set of field results related closely to those obtained in the glasshouse. It is concluded that the influence of climate was more important than that of soil type.
La phytotoxiciti de quelquts herbicides dans des experiences en pots et en plein champ, en relation avec les propriétés du sol  相似文献   

Summary. The response of tubers to low temperatures was investigated to gain insight into a physiological basis for the differential distribution of Cyperus esculentus L. (yellow nutsedge) and C. rotundus L. (purple nutsedge) in the United States. Only C. esculentus tubers survived the winter of 1968–69 in the field at Urbana, Illinois. Less than 10% of C. rotundus tubers survived at 2°C for 12 weeks, whereas more than 95% of C. esculentus tubers survived this treatment. Exposures to -2°C for 4 h or longer killed 50% of C. rotundus tubers, whereas - 6·5°C was required to kill 50% of C esculentus tubers. C. rotundus distribution is restricted to regions where the soil seldom freezes, whereas C. esculentus is distributed in regions where the soil temperatures often get below freezing. Survival of C. esculentus tubers in soil which frequently freezes may account for its wide distribution. Death of C. rotundus tubers in soils which freeze apparently is the reason why the species is restricted to the southeastern and southwestern regions of the U.S.A. L'Influence de la température du sol sur la répartition différentielle de Cyperus rotundus et de Cyperus esculentus aux Etats-Unis  相似文献   

农药的科学使用问题与农药应用工艺学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作者简要评述了农药与农药使用技术同步发展的历史。对早期无机农药时代以及后期有机合成农药时代开发的农药的显然相反的物理化学性质进行了毒理和使用方面的比较,认为农药的不良副作用是由于有机合成农药的高亲脂性和高的油/水分配系数所引起,并从而产生了有机合成农药在生物圈中的富集现象以及对环境质量的冲击。经过长期的多学科合作研究,由此诞生了农药应用工艺学,其目的是为了解决农药的不良副作用所产生的各种问题。本文简要介绍了农药应用工艺学的科学范畴及相关科学领域的研究内容和发展现状。  相似文献   

R. GROVER 《Weed Research》1968,8(3):226-232
Summary. Effective dosages of picloram (4–amino-3,5,6–trichloropicolinic acid) required to reduce fresh weight of sunflowers ( Helianthus annuus L. var. Menonite) were determined for seven Saskatchewan soils under controlled environmental conditions. The relationships between ED50 value and clay content, organic matter content and cation exchange capacity were evaluated by correlation and regression analysis for possible usefulness in predicting dose requirements. ED50 values were also determined for Weyburn loam and in culture solutions adjusted to various pH levels.
There Was no significant correlation between ED50 values of picloram and soil clay content or cation exchange capacity. ED50 values were highly correlated with soil organic matter content, and they increased as the soil pH was lowered or raised from pH 6.5. The increase in ED50 values in the acidic range was attributed to adsorption of the unionized molecules of picloram on the organic matter in the soil. The increase in ED50 values in the alkaline range may be mainly due to reduced uptake of the ionized acid by plant roots.  相似文献   

萘二甲酸酐减轻胺苯磺隆对水稻药害的作用机制   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
通过在离体和活体条件下萘二甲酸酐(NA)对水稻乙酰乳酸合成酶(ALS)活力的影响,进行NA减轻胺苯磺隆对水稻药害作用机制研究。离体条件下,NA对水稻幼苗ALS的活力影响很小,且未能产奋勇安苯磺隆对ALS活性的抑制作用。活体条件下,NA提高幼苗ALS活力达40%,且抵消胺苯磺隆对ALS活力的抑制作用,说明NA减轻胺苯磺隆对水稻药害的作用机制是NA间接激活靶标酶ALS。  相似文献   

Summary. Copper sulphate (GUSO4.5H2O) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) were used to test the performance of a split-root method for evaluating the effectiveness and phytotoxicity of root-active herbicides. This method involves a vertical separation of the root system of weeping willow ( Salix babylonica L.) cuttings. One section is treated with the herbicide dissolved in half-strength Hewitt's medium while the other remains in medium without herbicide during the test period. Roots are assayed with 2,3,5-triphenyttetra-zolium chloride 24 h after treatment to determine their viability. Both herbicides satisfactorily reduced the viability of the treated roots as measured by the quantity of formazan extracted. Copper sulphate was systemic and injured untreated plant parts; sodium hydroxide affected only treated roots. The split-root tetrazolium method is relatively rapid and does not require sophisticated laboratory equipment.
Méthode au tétrazolium sur portions de racines pour l'évaluation de l'efficacité et de la phytotoxicité des herbicides agissant par les racines  相似文献   

植物抗病性分子机制   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
 植物对病原物的反应有抗病和感病两大类。从寄主-病原物相互作用角度,抗病反应又叫非亲和性反应,这一系统以寄主抗病和病原物无毒性为特征,寄主植物对病原物有抑制、排斥或减毒作用,病害不发生或受到限制;感病反应又叫亲和性反应,其特征是寄主感病和病原物毒性,结果严重发病。  相似文献   

两种鳞翅目幼虫对Bt敏感性的差异及其机理的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文用生物鉴定和SDS-PAGE等方法研究了两种鳞翅目昆虫家蚕与菜粉蝶幼虫对4株苏云金杆菌的敏感性差异及其机理。生物鉴定结果表明菜粉蝶幼虫对Bt的敏感性比家蚕低。用两种昆虫的胃液体外活化伴孢晶体,SDS-PAGE结果表明,菜粉蝶幼虫胃液对伴孢晶体的活化能力低,不能将无杀虫活性的原毒素在短时间内转化为毒性肽。将伴孢晶体称经家蚕胃液化再饲喂菜粉蝶幼虫,同样条件下死亡率提高3-5倍。当菜粉蝶幼虫胃液的p  相似文献   

Summary. The sensitivity of eight species to paraquat taken up through the roots was tested in nutrient solution experiments. Ryegrass, lettuce and carrot, which were found to be the most sensitive, were assessed for response to paraquat in a peat soil. Lettuce and ryegrass were the most suitable of the eight species for soil bioassays. Toxicité du paraquat pour diverses espéces aprés absorption par les racines Résumé. La sensibilité de huit espéces au paraquat absorbé par les racines a étéétudiée dans des experiences en solutions nutritives. Le ray-grass, la laitue et la carotte qui se sont montrés les plus sensibles furent employés pour évaluer la réaction au paraquat dans un sol tourbeux. La laitue et le ray-grass furent, parmi les huit espéces, les plus appropriate aux essais biologiques. Phytotoxizitdt von Paraquat gegeniiber einer Anzahl von Arten nach Wurzelaufnahme Zusammenfassung. Die Empfindlichkeit von acht Arten gegenuber Paraquat nach Wurzel Aufnahme wurde in Wasserkulturversuchen untersucht. Weidelgras, Salat und Möhren hat ten sich als am empfindlichsten erwiesen und wurden auf ihre Reaktion gegenuber Paraquat in einem Lehmboden untersucht. Salat und Weidelgras erwiesen sich von den acht untersuchten Arten als die beiden geeigneuten für Bodenbiotests.  相似文献   

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