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研究生培养的主要目标是提高研究生的创新能力,MOOC的兴起和发展给研究生创新能力培养带来了巨大的机遇。通过分析MOOC的现状和优势,以创新能力培养为导向,提出引入MOOC到研究生课程教学、学术实践、论文研究等过程中,充分调动学生的创新主体性,减少教师的重复性教学,提升研究生教育质量,提高研究生的协作创新能力,为高科技创新人才队伍建设提供持续支撑。  相似文献   

培养材料化学专业硕士研究生创新型人才依赖于许多因素的有效耦合。需要启发、引导、教育等这些方式,使学生有相应的模仿能力、创新意识、广泛的基础知识、对新产品或者新技术独到的见解,这样就可能培养出来具有创新能力的硕士研究生。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化趋势增强,人才的竞争成为当今时代竞争的主要力量。培养出具有高素质的创新型人才成为当今教育的首要任务。培养创新人才,要了解创新人才的内涵和特征,充分认识创新人才培养的必要性,有助于全面理解创新人才成长所需的外部环境和影响。培养学生创新意识、转变人才培养观念、改进教育教学方法、提升教师综合素质、营造崇尚创新的学术氛围以及为学生提供相应的创新实践机会,促进学生创新思维创新能力的形成。  相似文献   

围绕研究生创新能力的培养,以环境类硕士生培养为例,通过建立"学科—平台—团队—产业"想协同的创新机制,实现研究生创新能力培养和高等学校创新能力提升的协同互促。基于已有的研究生教育教学和研究现状,以协同创新为载体,建立重点学科、学科平台、创新团队与行业产业相协同的研究生创新能力培养机制,可以指导创新型硕士生培养,并丰富高水平创新型研究生人才培养的理论体系,具有理论和实践两个方面的意义。  相似文献   

创新型国家建设的首要任务是创新型人才的培养,而创新型人才培养又以本科和研究生阶段的教育为关键和基础。我校作为国家西部重点院校,一直在提升科研水平和培养创新型人才方面不断探索和改进。本文分别从剖析大学生创新现状和落实难题、实践学业导师制的必要性、以学业导师制为载体探索创新能力培养新模式三方面进行分析、阐述、总结。为培养具有创新意识、具备创新能力、勇于探索、敢于实践的自主创新专业型人才奠定基础。  相似文献   

研究生学术论坛是作为拓宽科研学术视野、激发学术热情、提高综合素质、促进学术交流、培养创新意识和创新能力的重要平台和载体,在各高校中面向广大硕士、博士研究生广泛开展。本文以中国石油大学(北京)为例,通过问卷调查,从不同角度分析研究生和教师对研究生学术论坛的反馈意见,剖析研究生学术论坛特色活动建设的理念、目标和有效形式,总结特色活动内容设置和组织管理的相关经验,探讨丰富和完善特色活动平台建设的新思路、新方法。  相似文献   

创新是一个民族的灵魂,高等工程教育主要培养具有创新精神和实践能力的高级应用型人才。文章从更新教育观念,注重培养学生科学精神、优化教学模式,加强培养学生创新能力、强化实践,为科技创新打下坚实的基础等方面论述了培养工科大学生创新能力的途径和方法。  相似文献   

科技创新能力的培养是复杂的系统工程,而把学生科技活动作为创新能力培养的载体,能更有效、更直接地培养创新型人才。目前,我国高等院校开展本科生科技活动虽然取得了一些成功的经验,但仍存在科技创新活动的参与度不高、科技含量低、专业教师指导少等诸多不足,我校以科研课题组的形式从低年级开始为每名学生配备学业导师,训练学生的创新意识、创新思维及培养学生的科技创新能力。通过多种形式的竞赛及科技活动搭建教师与学生沟通的平台,学业导师通过指导学生的科技创新活动,培养学生终身学习的习惯,培养创新精神和创新能力,从而探索高校学业导师如何在实践活动中发挥育人作用。  相似文献   

研究生学位论文是检验研究生学术水平的重要衡量标准,是检验研究生理论基础、专业知识、科研能力的重要手段,是研究生教育的重要组成部分,学位论文的质量可以反映出研究生是否有创新能力.就目前研究生教育教学中普遍存在的问题进行了探讨,对影响学位论文创新的因素进行了分析,提出了相应的对策,并对创新教育给予了参考建议.  相似文献   

面对高等院校研究生培养模式创新的潮流,环境学科研究生教育培养模式也需要改革创新;可以充分利用本学科特点,构建研究生的交流平台,培养出理论与实践能力兼具的创新型人才。本文从研究生创新能力的内涵及构成因素入手,阐述目前我国环境学科研究生创新能力不足的主要原因;从环境专业特点出发,利用现有的教学资源和实验实践条件,结合本学校研究生的特点,提出提升研究生创新能力的方法。  相似文献   

双语教学既是培养学生理论学习、文献查阅以及概括总结等综合能力的有效途径,也是提高学生外文听说读写综合能力的重要手段。但如何有效开展《高级动物生态学》课程研究生的双语教学,根据教学大纲和计划,设计教学内容,提高学生参与的积极性和主动性,巩固教学效果,是困扰双语教学的一大难题。阐述了在教学过程中课程设计方面开展的收效,以期促进双语教学的广泛开展,提升研究生教学效果。  相似文献   

对当前研究生教育的发展背景进行了深入分析,阐述了研究生教育的发展符合我国社会经济发展的需要,是实施科教兴国的重要战略部署之一。探讨了当前研究生教育中存在的若干问题及其原因,明确指出培养创新思维能力和研究能力是研究生教育的核心。并紧紧围绕这一核心,从培养目标、师资建设、学术规范、招生制度、课程教学、学位论文或实践项目研究以及研究生教育与社会资源相结合等多方面提出了改革当前研究生教育的办法和建议。  相似文献   

李飞  李发弟 《草业科学》2021,(2):393-398
畜牧领域专业学位研究生是为畜牧业输送人才的重要途径,进一步完善该领域研究生的培养模式对满足产业人才需求和研究生的职业选择具有重要意义。现行的畜牧领域专业研究生培养过程存在培养方式和产业需求不太匹配、导师队伍实践能力弱和“双导师三段制”培养模式缺少标准等问题。本文从提升导师专业实践能力、系统设计“双导师三段制”培养模式和培养研究生创新创业能力等角度探索和尝试,为提升畜牧领域专业学位研究生理论、实践和创新创业能力提供参考。  相似文献   

主席,各位老师,各位同学,各位来宾:首先,我衷心祝贺“南京农业大学盛彤笙草业科学奖学金”的设立。我因健康原因不能到会,深感歉疚。1981年我曾发起组建“盛彤笙兽医科学基金”,得到大家热烈赞助。此次又倡议设立“盛彤笙草业科学奖学金”,可能有些费解,请允许我略作说明。新中国成立前,盛彤笙先生任中央大学兽医微生物学教授。  相似文献   

Cornell University hosts a summer program for veterinary students who aspire to research careers. The program features independent, faculty-guided research; vocational counseling; and professional enrichment activities that seek to build teamwork skills and to foster critical thinking and effective communication. A total of 255 students from 49 veterinary colleges worldwide have taken part in the program since 1990. Among those who have completed their veterinary education, approximately half have followed career trajectories of the kind envisioned by the program. While this outcome is gratifying, it was also learned that some program graduates subsequently withdrew from a research-oriented academic track after many years of graduate study. That disquieting outcome underscores the need to inform aspiring veterinary scientists about the realities of a research career; to structure their graduate studies in a manner that will maximize their prospects of success; to provide them with ongoing guidance and assistance; and to reward them at a level that will ensure that they remain in training for a period sufficient to realize their career expectations.  相似文献   

Postal surveys or personal interviews of 76 recent veterinary graduates and their 49 employers were undertaken to establish their perceptions of good practice when integrating a new graduate into a business and their preferred methods of assessment and development. Practice type and location were the main influences on graduates looking for their first job. Interviews were mostly informal. Employers expected basic veterinary competence and candidates expected good quality support. Most graduates (93 per cent) had their own consultations on the first day. During early consultations 2 per cent of senior vets accompanied the new graduate, 95 per cent of practices provided senior back-up either in person or by telephone but in 3 per cent no back-up was available. Most new graduates (90 per cent) were satisfied with their workload. Three-fifths were on-call within the first week, and 95 per cent within a month. Graduates received calls directly in 45 per cent of practices, in 9 per cent seniors screened the calls, and the remainder used a third party. Assistance from experienced lay staff varied greatly. Discussion of problems was mainly informal. There was little spontaneous feedback and problems resulted from inadequate communication. One in three new graduates left their first job within two years, and one in six identified lack of support, heavy workload, stress or clashes with staff as a primary reason. This high turnover was a problem for employers. From the new graduates' perspectives, initial problems included: being on call (59 per cent), financial aspects (47 per cent) and surgery (43 per cent). Communicating with clients and learning to prioritise jobs were also difficult. New graduates took longer over procedures (79 per cent of employers commented) and required extra back-up (91 per cent) both of which reduced income (59 per cent). Nearly all the seniors felt that their current new graduates had coped 'quite well', although it was claimed that new graduates lacked the ability to talk to clients at the appropriate level, wanted to bring all their scientific knowledge to bear on every case, and often failed to consider the obvious or to appreciate clients' needs. Only 18 per cent of practices had formal and regular review procedures but all monitored the response of clients and watched the new graduate perform. Feedback to their new colleague was considered 'adequate' by 85 per cent of seniors, although 45 per cent of graduates felt they had not received enough. Eighty-three per cent of new graduates felt 'moderately prepared' by their undergraduate course, and 76 per cent of senior vets were 'generally satisfied' Both wanted improvements in extramural studies and increased exposure to routine cases. Senior partners sought greater commitment in the undergraduate curriculum to financial/legal issues and communication skills. Over a third of employers (38 per cent) had a 'great influence' on the choice of continuing professional development courses for their recent graduates. New graduates chose courses to deal with a perceived weakness, or to specialise, and welcomed opportunities to meet other new graduates and share early experiences. It was concluded that turnover and staff problems would be reduced if practices became more effective in coping with new arrivals, especially by supporting their development.  相似文献   

Objective To examine the attitudes and opinions on veterinary education at the beginning and end of the veterinary course, and after graduation.
Design Longitudinal study.
Population Students – 154 in all – who began studying veterinary science at The University of Queensland in 1985 and 1986.
Procedure Questionnaires were completed in the first and fifth year of the course and in the second year after graduation. The data were analysed using the SAS System for Windows.
Results When they entered the course, the students were looking forward more to learning about animals than about basic sciences. At fifth year and after graduation most believed that more emphasis should have been placed on all facets of their education except the basic sciences. It may be difficult to increase this emphasis without placing undue pressure on the students, although more than half of the fifth year students and graduates agreed that there is much in the curriculum that is not needed by a practising veterinarian. Only one-third or less agreed that veterinarians are well equipped to practise veterinary science immediately they graduate. There was no relationship between the level of agreement with this statement, and the academic grades obtained.
Conclusions A majority of veterinary graduates do not believe that they are well equipped to practice immediately they graduate. They believe that more emphasis should have been placed on most facets of their education, but, conversely, that there is much in the curriculum that is not needed by a practising veterinarian.  相似文献   

研究生课程教学是研究生培养的重要环节。分析了研究生课程教学的重要性,列举了课程教学中存在的主要问题,对《园艺植物育种与良种繁育学》课程教学改革提出一系列的有效措施,旨在有效提高园艺领域专业学位研究生培养质量。  相似文献   

Objectives : To investigate the development of surgical skills of veterinary undergraduates and determine the number of canine ovariohysterectomies required to achieve competency and reduce levels of student concern. This was compared to student expectations and that of employers regarding surgical ability and provision of support to new graduates. Methods : A questionnaire regarding surgical concerns was sent to final year veterinary students enrolled within the University of Bristol, UK. A questionnaire was also sent to 200 UK veterinary practices regarding their impressions of surgical competence of new graduates and their provision of supervision. The responses were compared. Eleven additional final year students performed five canine ovariohysterectomies and graded their concerns. The number of supervised canine ovariohysterectomies required until competency was determined. Results : 80·4% of final year veterinary undergraduates replied that the surgical procedure which they were most concerned about their ability to perform was canine ovariohysterectomy. Students and veterinary practitioners differed in their opinions regarding whether they considered canine ovariohysterectomy to be a “day one skill” and what were desirable levels of supervision. Completing a minimum of four canine ovariohysterectomies led to 81·8% of students being assessed as competent. Clinical Significance : An unrealistically high expectation of competency by students may be a source of stress and concern. Employers should aim to provide hands‐on support whilst new graduates complete at least four canine ovariohysterectomies. Postoperative haemorrhage is uncommon but is the main concern for students.  相似文献   

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