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This paper presents the three-point bending properties of 3D needle-punched composites with two fiber architectures at room and elevated temperatures. The influences of temperature and fiber architectures on the load/deflection curves, bending strength and bending stiffness are analyzed. Macro-Fracture morphology and SEM micrographs are examined to understand the damage and failure mechanism. The results show that the bending properties of plain structure needle-punched composites are superior to those with non-woven structure. Meanwhile, the bending properties of composites decrease significantly with the increase of testing temperature. Moreover, the damage and failure patterns of composites vary with fiber architecture and testing temperatures. For the plain structure, 90 ° and 0 ° fiber bundles can bear the load together. At room temperature, the composite shows brittle fracture feature and exhibits local damage with matrix cracking, breakage and tearing of the fibers. While at a higher temperature, the composite shows less fracture and becomes more softened and plastic. It damages with matrix cracking, falling off and plastic deformation, fiber layer/web delaminating, and interface debonding.  相似文献   

The fabric defects complained by garment manufacturers are stop marks, streaky phenomena on the warp direction, thickness variation and color differences between edges on the right and left sides of the fabrics, which are partly due to the tension variation of warp and weft directions. It is well known that these defects are related to the difference of fabric mechanical property according to the loom characteristics and fabric position such as center and both edges parts of the fabric, which affect garment formability and wearing performance of garment. This research is focusing about which factor is dominant for the difference of fabric mechanical properties which affects garment formability and wearing performance between loom characteristic factor and fabric position factor such as center and both edges of the fabric, which is affected by warp and weft tensions. For this purpose, two kinds of looms were selected, and warp and weft tensions during weaving were measured and the mechanical properties of the fabrics woven by two kinds of looms such as tensile, bending, shear, compression and surface properties were also measured according to the positions such as center and both edge parts of the fabric. These fabric mechanical properties were examined with warp and weft tensions according to the looms and were also analyzed according to the positions of the fabric woven by two kinds of looms. The warp tension on the vicinity of center parts of the looms was much higher than those on the vicinity of both edges of looms. It revealed that the warp tension difference makes differences of fabric mechanical properties such as tensile, bending, shear and surface properties except compressional property. And the differences of these mechanical properties according to the fabric positions and looms seem to make homogeneity of the fabric hand and tailorability of garment deteriorating.  相似文献   

In sports shoe design to achieve better athletics performance, the bending stiffness of a footwear is an important parameter. Its bending stiffness is mostly dependent on its midsole material. Specifically, hardness and thickness of the midsole material are the major factors on its bending stiffness. Hence, this study focuses on studying the effect of hardness and thickness on bending stiffness of sports shoes by using polyurethane(PU) foam midsole. The results from the experiments show that the bending moment increases as the bending angle increases. Increased hardness and increased thickness of midsole also cause a greater bending moment of the sports shoe, respectively. Moreover, the effect of hardness and thickness of midsole on bending moment measured with assembled shoes is much greater than the one measured with midsoles alone. Therefore, low bending stiffness of the midsole material can not be ignored in shoe design because it could result in high bending stiffness of an assembled shoe.  相似文献   

Multiaxis three dimensional (3D) flat weaving was developed and feasibility of the weaving was studied. Two weaving methods were created called tube-rapier weaving and tube-carrier weaving to make multiaxis 3D woven preform unit cells. Both methods were compared to each other for preform structural parameters and processing parameters. Performance of each unit cell was predicted based on their specifications. Useful discussions regarding the feasibility of both methods in terms of processing and preform parameters were presented. The results may be considered encouraging.  相似文献   

The high incidence of cardiovascular disease and vitamin D deficiency in chronic kidney disease patients is well known. Vitamin D activation by omega-3 fatty acid (FA) supplementation may explain the cardioprotective effects exerted by omega-3 FA. We hypothesized that omega-3 FA and 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) supplementation may increase 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25(OH)2D) levels compared to 25(OH)D supplementation alone in hemodialysis (HD) patients that have insufficient or deficient 25(OH)D levels. We enrolled patients that were treated for at least six months with 25(OH)D < 30 ng/mL (NCT01596842). Patients were randomized to treatment for 12 weeks with cholecalciferol supplemented with omega-3 FA or a placebo. Levels of 25(OH)D and 1,25(OH)2D were measured after 12 weeks. The erythrocyte membrane FA contents were also measured. Levels of 25(OH)D were increased in both groups at 12 weeks compared to baseline. The 1,25(OH)2D levels at 12 weeks compared to baseline showed a tendency to increase in the omega-3 FA group. The oleic acid and monounsaturated FA content decreased, while the omega-3 index increased in the omega-3 FA group. Omega-3 FA supplementation may be partly associated with vitamin D activation, although increased 25(OH)D levels caused by short-term cholecalciferol supplementation were not associated with vitamin D activation in HD patients.  相似文献   

Corn tortillas have a short shelf life due to increased firmness and microbial spoilage. Commercial corn tortillas use carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) to delay staling; however this gum is expensive when compared to the rest of the tortilla ingredients. Glycerol has been added to bread and wheat tortillas to increase pliability and salt has been shown to mask the flavor of glycerol in corn tortillas. The possibility to reduce staling in corn tortillas by adding glycerol/salt as an alternative to CMC was investigated by monitoring changes in physico-chemical properties during 2 weeks of storage at 25 °C. Molecular and macroscopic changes were followed using thermal and mechanical analysis. During storage an increase in amylopectin recrystallization was observed in all samples. The “freezable” water content of all tortillas decreased over the first 3–5 days of storage with an increase after 7 days, while moisture content and water activity remained constant. Glycerol/salt tortillas exhibited a sharper transition region in the DMA temperature scan suggesting a more homogenous sample. CMC tortillas were significantly stiffer than glycerol tortillas after 14 days of storage. Glycerol/salt combinations may offer at least a partial replacement for CMC since it helped control the stiffness, water homogeneity and distribution during storage.  相似文献   

通过“永浩”浸种液浸种和清水浸种,研究了不同浸种时间对花生产量及叶绿素含量的影响。结果表明,利用“永浩”浸种液浸种2h处理的花生出苗率、有效分枝数、饱果数、百果重、百仁重、成熟期的叶绿素含量以及产量均最高。使用浸种液浸种,花生的产量与浸种时间呈极显著抛物线相关(y=-0.50175x2+23.914x+219.64,r=0.9921**);使用清水浸种的花生产量与浸种时间呈极显著负相关(y=-4.00945 x+219.91,r=0.9937**)。  相似文献   

Finding an optimal balance between livestock production and grazing impact on plant biodiversity is an important issue in the design of grazing systems. This paper describes a study of the effect of two levels of grazing intensity combined with different animal breeds on plant biodiversity and sward structural diversity of semi-natural grasslands conducted over 3 years in the United Kingdom (UK), France (F), Germany (D) and Italy (I). There were three treatments at each site: moderate grazing intensity with a commercial breed (MC), lenient grazing intensity with a commercial breed (LC) and lenient grazing intensity with a traditional breed (LT). Grazing livestock were cattle in the UK, F and D, and sheep in I. Only grazing intensity had clear effects on vegetation diversity, the effects depending on site-specific vegetation characteristics. In more diverse pastures with finer scale heterogeneity in F and I, there was little effect of the treatments. In less diverse swards with higher grass dominance and coarse-scale heterogeneity, the number of species decreased from initial levels on the lenient grazing intensity treatments (treatments LC and LT), because of increased dominance of grasses reducing the cover of other species, particularly legumes. The structural diversity of the pastures was more affected by level of grazing intensity than botanical diversity. In more diverse, semi-natural grasslands, structural heterogeneity was not affected by the treatments. In less diverse, more productive swards, structural heterogeneity decreased where large patches were initially found on the UK site, and increased where smaller patches were initially found on the D site. It is concluded that management systems to conserve diversity need to consider carefully the background environment, and that more knowledge of the mechanisms involved is needed at farm and landscape scales.  相似文献   

分别用NaCI (50、100、200、300 mmol/L)和Na2CO3(5、10、15、25 mmol/L)对高羊茅(Festuca arundinacea Schreb)种子和幼苗进行胁迫处理,测定高羊茅种子发芽势、发芽率、幼苗根长、苗高、鲜重、叶绿素含量、根系脱氢酶活性、质膜透性和丙二醛含量等指标.结果表明:与对照相比,随着NaCI浓度的增加,高羊茅的发芽势、发芽率、幼苗根长呈下降趋势,叶质膜透性和根丙二醛含量呈上升趋势,苗高、鲜重、叶绿素含量和根系脱氢酶活性呈先上升后下降趋势,根质膜透性和叶丙二醛含量则呈先略下降后上升趋势;随着Na2CO3浓度的增加,其种子发芽势、发芽率、幼苗根长、苗高、鲜重、叶绿素含量均呈下降趋势,根和叶质膜透性和丙二醛含量均呈上升趋势,根系脱氢酶活性则呈先上升后下降趋势.综合分析表明,高羊茅对NaCI和Na2CO3的耐受浓度阈值分别为246.9 mmol/L和20.4 mmol/L,因此,高羊茅的耐盐性强于其耐碱性.  相似文献   

Shanlan rice is an endemic upland rice in Hainan province, China. In this study, we investigated the effects of ultrasonic treatment (UT) on the cooking and fermentation properties of Shanlan rice. These effects were evaluated by multiple physical and chemical indicators via scanning electron microscopy (SEM), low-field nuclear magnetic resonance (LF-NMR), and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). According to the minimal cooking time and the content of total leached solids, the optimal ultrasonic power and time were determined to be 240 W and 30 min, respectively. The results indicated that the ultrasonic treatment broke the rice surface, loosened the inner structure of rice, and extended the relaxation time. These changes increased water absorption during the cooking process by 8.2% and promoted saccharification and alcohol production at the initial fermentation stage, with a 54.1% higher alcohol content on the first day. The rice wine brewed from the treated rice showed differences in the non-volatile acid contents; malic acid and tartaric acid contents increased, while the acetic acid content decreased significantly. Moreover, the red colour and brightness of the rice wine were significantly improved after the ultrasonic treatment, with a 16.6% increase in the rice wine yield.  相似文献   

The effect of two rice endosperm proteins, glutelin and globulin, on the physicochemical properties of rice starch and flour was investigated. Albumin, globulin, prolamin and glutelin were sequentially extracted from defatted rice flour with de-ionised water, 1.5 M NaCl, propan-2-ol and 0.1 M NaOH, respectively, followed by dialysis and lyophilisation. Globulin and glutelin were then added to pure rice starch at various concentrations, separately and together, and the pasting and textural properties of mixtures were analysed by the Rapid Visco Analyser (RVA) and TA-XT2 textural analyser, respectively. The presence of glutelin in rice starch caused an increase in pasting temperature but a decrease in the viscosity parameters of the starch paste. The concentration of glutelin was also positively correlated with the hardness and adhesive properties of the starch gel. The presence of globulin, on the other hand, resulted in a decrease in all the pasting and textural parameters except gel hardness and the changes were linearly correlated with the concentration of the protein for most of the physical parameters. When the two proteins were added to rice starch together, the outcomes in pasting and textural properties were generally dependent upon the relative concentrations of the two proteins, but were also influenced by the presence of the other two protein fractions, albumin and prolamin. The presence of globulin initially accelerated the rate of water absorption by starch during cooking while the presence of glutelin slowed it down, but in both cases, the ultimate amount of water absorbed was significantly lower than that by pure starch. The contrasting effects of the different protein fractions mean that it might be possible to manipulate the textural properties of rice starch and flour to achieve desirable sensory outcomes by varying the proportions of the protein fractions in product formulations.  相似文献   

Prolamin is a major class of rice proteins but its influence on the physicochemical properties of rice is not clear. Rapid Visco Analyser (RVA) and TA-XT2 TPA textural analyses were performed on rice starch with the addition of prolamin extracted from three rice cultivars (Hitomebore, M103 and Amaroo), and on rice flour with the prolamin removed by propan-2-ol extraction. Addition of prolamin to rice starch was found to cause a significant (P<0.05) increase in RVA breakdown viscosity but significant (P<0.05) decreases in hardness, adhesiveness and gumminess of the starch gel. Similarly, when prolamin was removed from rice flour, exactly the opposite effect was observed. Addition of prolamin to rice starch also caused it to absorb water faster during cooking but the gelatinised starch absorbed less water compared with control samples without prolamin.  相似文献   

种植模式对不同株型夏玉米品种生理生态效应比较   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
选用先玉335、郑单958和512-4不同株型的夏玉米品种,设置60 000 株/hm2和75 000株/hm2两个种植密度和50、60、70、80 cm等行距以及80+40 cm宽窄行5个行距处理,研究不同种植模式对夏玉米的生理生态效应和产量影响。结果表明,60 cm等行距处理下,群体光辐射分布较为合理,田间小气候的控制较为安全,有利于提高抗逆性,能够在不同的品种和密度条件下获得较高产量,是目前黄淮海区夏玉米机械化生产较为适宜的播种行距。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of partial-vacuum baking on the quality and storage properties of gluten-free bread (GFB). Conventional (180°C-30 min at atmospheric pressure) and partial-vacuum (180°C-15 min at atmospheric pressure and at 180°C-15 min at 60 kPa vacuum pressure) methods were conducted to bake GFB. Quality attributes (specific volume, colour, texture, total water loss) were assessed, DSC and SEM analyses were carried out to understand the effect on the bread's microstructure when using vacuum during baking. No significant differences (p > 0.05) were observed in the hardness and specific volume of the partial-vacuum baked GFB; however, changes in the total water loss and in the total colour change were statistically significant (p < 0.05). The DSC, SEM and XRD results showed that more crystalline structure and different starch crystal types formed after partial-vacuum baking. Storage properties were also investigated over a 3-day period. Partial-vacuum baking significantly affected the total water loss and the texture parameters (p < 0.05) during storage. Partial-vacuum baked samples were softer and had a tendency to become stale more slowly than the control. The findings indicate that the partial-vacuum baking method increases the shelf life of gluten-free products by modifying the microstructure of the bread.  相似文献   

Effects of needle-punching and thermo-bonding on tensile property, air permeability, puncture resistances and EMI shielding effectiveness were discussed for carbon-reinforced composite and glass-reinforced composite. The result shows that, needle-punching significantly improves static and dynamic puncture resistances. As increase of needle-punched density, static and dynamic puncture resistances show firstly increasing and then decreasing trend. Thermo-bonding almost has no influence on static puncture resistance, but effectively decreases dynamic puncture resistance. Comparatively, carbon-reinforced composite shows higher static and dynamic puncture resistances than glass-reinforced composites when being needle-punched at 200 needles/cm2. Meanwhile, carbon-reinforced composite has superior EMI shielding effectiveness to 40–60 dB at frequency of above 1 GHz, reaching 99.99 % shielding efficacy.  相似文献   

The effects of the following additives on the amaranth (A), quinoa (Q) and oat (O) dough rheological properties and the extruded tagliatelle dough mechanical characteristics were evaluated: carboxymethylcellulose of sodium (CMC), whey protein isolate (WPI), casein (CAS), chitosan (CHIT) and pregelatinized starch (PS). The amaranth, quinoa and oat rheological dough properties and amaranth, quinoa and oat tagliatelle mechanical characteristics were compared to those of their respective controls (ACTRL, QCTRL and OCTRL) and of the SEMOLINA sample. The storage modulus (G′) and loss modulus (G″) values of the quinoa and oat doughs with PS were similar to those of the semolina dough. For all tagliatelle samples, WPI reduced the elastic modulus or Young's modulus towards that of the semolina tagliatelle. Moreover, the additives did not have particular influence on the tenacity with the exception of the amaranth tagliatelle added with WPI.  相似文献   

为探讨适宜长江流域棉区棉田间作栽培的模式,以增加棉花产量、改善纤维品质和获得更高的经济效益。比较了棉花间作大豆、棉花间作玉米和棉花间作甘薯三种模式的经济效益、棉花产量、纤维品质、干物质积累及叶面积指数的变化特点。结果表明:三种间作模式较单作棉花可增加纯收入,棉花产量和干物质积累量及单位面积成铃数均增加;马克隆值变优和断裂比强度提高;在棉花盛蕾期棉花叶面积指数三种模式均比对照提高,在棉花盛铃期及以后的棉花叶面积指数因模式不同而有差别。棉花间作甘薯和棉花间作大豆模式的籽棉产量较高、经济效益好,纤维品质较优,其生产优势较为明显,适宜在长江流域棉区推广。  相似文献   

为了探讨不同基因型、不同外植体和不同培养条件对小麦愈伤组织诱导、分化及再生的影响,以小偃22、西农1376、西农1012和西农1013为材料,对各小麦品种(系)的幼穗、花药、幼胚和成熟胚组织的培养特性及影响因素进行了研究.结果表明,愈伤组织的诱导和再生与外植体类型、基因型和培养条件密切相关.以幼穗和花药为材料,西农1376平均出愈率均最高,达98.97%和3.85%,成苗率和花培效率均值亦最高,达12.83%和2.39%;以幼胚为材料,西农1376平均出愈率也最高,达99.27%,西农1012平均成苗率最高,达51.03%;以成熟胚为材料,小偃22平均出愈率最高,达93.22%,西农1376平均成苗率达19.78%.离体培养条件下,不同小麦品种(系)的4种外植体愈伤诱导和分化率与2,4-D浓度密切相关,1.0~3.0 mg·L-1 2,4D浓度能较好地诱导4种离体组织愈伤的产生及分化.不同基因型和同一基因型的不同外植体在2,4-D最佳诱导浓度上也有差异.供试小麦4种离体组织培养再生特性比较表明,离体幼胚培养再生效率最高,成熟胚次之,幼穗最差.  相似文献   

不同氮素形态及配比营养液对烟苗生长及生理特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了优化适合湖南典型浓香型产区"低温寡照"条件下漂浮育苗的营养液,以云烟87烤烟品种为材料,探索了不同氮素形态和浓度以及不同种类铵盐与硝态氮的配比对烟苗生长及生理特性的影响。结果表明,全硝态氮营养液有利于烟苗根系伸长和叶绿素的合成,但烟苗的叶片、茎围、根系活力及硝酸还原酶活性不及硝态氮与铵态氮各占50%的营养液中生长的烟苗;氮素浓度为500 mg/L或700 mg/L营养液培育的烟苗的农艺性状及生理指标优于超出该氮素浓度范围的烟苗;采用磷酸氢铵与硝态氮混配的营养液培育烟苗的农艺性状、叶绿素含量、根系活力及硝酸还原酶活性均优于硝酸铵配制营养液培育的烟苗,并且硝态氮与铵态氮配比以1∶1为佳。  相似文献   

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