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英国是国际上率先推行林产品政府绿色采购政策的国家, 评估政策对市场的影响有助于了解政策的有效性。文中在简要回顾相关文献的基础上, 分析了英国林产品政府绿色采购政策的发展历程及带来的市场影响。研究表明, 该政策的实施逐步扩大了政府部门的绿色采购市场, 对木材行业影响深远, 大幅提升了森林认证产品市场供给, 但对热带木材供给并未造成较大波动。这为完善我国林产品绿色采购政策、推动森林认证提供了良好的借鉴。  相似文献   

2000年7月,英国政府颁布了木材和木材产品采购政策。该政策要求所有政府部门及其下属机构,必须积极寻求购买来自“合法和可持续”来源的木材产品。经认证的木材产品可满足这一要求,但由于认证体系很多,因此英国政府意识到,必须评估哪些认证体系可以满足政府采购政策的要求。  相似文献   

日本政府木材绿色采购政策分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
日本从2006年4月开始实施木材绿色采购政策。作为木材进口大国, 该项政策的实施对于木材供应国和加工国都有巨大影响。文中介绍了该项政策制定的国际国内背景、政策内容和执行情况, 分析了其存在的问题及借鉴意义。  相似文献   

欧洲EUROPE政府应为林产品采购树立榜样欧洲、北美洲和日本一些国家的政府和地方当局已经采纳或即将制订可以保证其所购买的林产品来自合法的和可持续经营森林的政策。2006年10月份于日内瓦举行的联合国欧洲经济委员会和粮农组织年度政策论坛上,几个国家与来自世界其他国家的林务工作者、决策者和利益相关者交流了相关经验,鼓励森林可持续经营和遏制非法采伐的公共采购方案。各国政府和地方政府是木材和纸制品主要的消费者,所以他们的采购活动对这些产品的市场和供应模式起着重要影响。很多省级的团体,主要是市政府,也都在制订类似的政策。(周密)  相似文献   

周冠武 《国际木业》2007,37(1):41-41
比利时:最近,超过50个主要的木制品买家.供应商和政策制订者齐聚在布鲁塞尔.共同商讨如何从欧洲购买合法的木材。参会者一致认为木材协会与政府部门应共同合作制订合法木材编码。基于这些需要,购买合法木材的实用指南也会随后颁布。欧洲木材贸易执行委员会(TTAP)举办的研讨会给欧洲的买家、贸易协会和政府部门提供了一个平台,大家共同商讨如何发展和完善木材协调采购政策。  相似文献   

2009年4月22日,在布鲁塞尔欧盟总部举行的议会投票中,一项旨在严格控制欧盟市场所售木材和木制品的立法提案获得多票通过。这意味着欧盟打击非法木材立法进程进入倒计时,同时也将进一步导致中国木制品出口可能遭遇到“绿色壁垒”。国际环保组织绿色和平建议,只有及早开始实行负责任采购政策,中国的木材企业才能及时有效地规避风险,实现真正地可持续发展。  相似文献   

9月10日,由中国木业国际网·《国际木业》杂志、上海博华国际展览有限公司共同主办的认证可持续家具原材料贸易研讨洽谈会将在上海新国际会展中心(E6M34)举行。会议旨在为家具企业找到低风险或没有争议的家具木材、解读负责任采购政策、更深入地了解美国阔叶木产品和法国木业产品的多样性及在家具领域的应用价值。  相似文献   

据2004年5月新西兰农林部网站公布的最新消息,新西兰木材和木材采购政策指南如下:  相似文献   

陈楠  龚喜 《国际木业》2012,(5):14-15
一、木材行业背景分析1.采购渠道:木材属于稀缺资源,国内工厂大多没有到海外直接采购的能力,通过贸易公司或国内批发商采购,采购渠道环节多,采购成本高;2.国际贸易:木材进口环节复杂,需要由专业的木材、国际贸易、物流人才全程把控。  相似文献   

今天的家居和建筑用材,更加注重环保、节能,格调自然。法国盛产的硬木软木,质地轻巧强韧,更能抵受磨损和震动,并兼备了经济、耐用的优点。为了寻找优质木材,帮助法国木材公司与中国采购商建立直接的贸易关系,记者联系上法国全国木材协会工作人员,围绕法国木材资源的优势,介绍法国木材的特点。  相似文献   

This socio-economic study aims to better understand the functioning and the evolution of timber sales held by the French public forest service. The auction system is the historical institution which has been used for timber sales in France for centuries. The recent trend to develop supply contracts through private agreements has a major impact on the French timber industry, which is criticized for its lack of competitiveness. It accurately raises questions about the timber price issue. Indeed, the auction system plays an important role in price setting. We refer to the auction theory literature to examine the features of French timber auctions: first-price sealed-bid sequential auctions of heterogeneous standing timber lots. In particular, we note that seller's reserve price is kept secret and that, contrary to the general assumption in auction theory, the seller indubitably lacks information about his own reservation value. Finally, the difficulty of defining a “fair market price” remains a central issue in public timber sales.  相似文献   

In 2015 the Peruvian government launched a new set of regulations associated with the forest law aimed to increase competiveness of the timber sector, ensure the conservation and sustainable production of timber on public and private forestlands, and improve rural livelihoods. Small-scale timber producers have been marginalized in the sector in the past, and the new regulations claim to provide pathways to formalization for these actors. We draw on policy analysis and field research in the central Amazon region of Peru using mixed methods to characterize smallholder on-farm timber production and evaluate the feasibility of the new regulatory mechanisms for formalizing small-scale timber producers. Through examining a case study on the production and sale of the fast-growing pioneer timber species Guazuma crinita, locally known as bolaina, we found a diversity of management practices, with the strongest reliance on natural regeneration in agricultural fallows, an informal supply chain, and no case of formal documentation at time of sale. We assessed that none of the new regulatory mechanisms will accommodate the sale of timber produced in agricultural fallow stands. We recommend the inclusion of fallow timber in the new forest plantation registry, which could result in the formalization of the supply chain and create an incentive to increase production by small-scale producers.  相似文献   

Large forest estates actively participate in the marketing of timber in France. However, the marketing of wood from private and public large forest estates (over 25 ha) could be improved by better managing price risk in multiannual supply contracts of the timber industry: creation of compensation funds for forest owners or calls to financial markets linked to processed timber products for industrialists. But, the development of supply contracts does not mean that private or public auction procedures should be abandoned. Similarly, by supplementing “forest area development schemes”, it would be possible to increase the mobilisation of timber produced on small (1 to 10 ha) and medium (10 to 25 ha) forest estates: more forestry cooperatives or local forest agencies and a new timber pre-sale mode adapted to small forest estates are necessary (sales subject to the buyer's choice of purchasing standing timber or cut wood delivered to a depot by the seller).  相似文献   

We analyze legality in the forest sector in Bolivia, focusing particularly on the domestic timber value chain in the northern Bolivian Amazon. Bolivia adopted wide-reaching forest, land and democratic regulatory changes since the mid-1990s that were partly intended to reduce illegal logging and related practices. The new forest regulations, in turn, led to new illegal practices because implementation and sanctioning were poor, but also because new forest and land regulations were inadequate and often contradictory. In response, the government and various forest agencies adopted new measures to address the new illegal practices. These forest regulatory and forest policy renovations and modifications of the last two decades are, for instance, reflected in the domestic timber market of the northern Bolivian Amazon, a region that relies heavily on the forest sector. The paper analyzes Bolivia’s regulatory changes that were relevant for legality in the forest sector and the multiple modifications that were made to address shortcomings of these reforms. It also analyses legality in the domestic timber value chain in northern Bolivia. The new actors involved in especially the domestic timber value chain have moved away from formal and legal mechanisms to benefit from timber that grows on their land and forests to practices that were not considered or actually shunned in the law and that appear difficult to regulate. Unless these new practices are recognized adequately in a new forestry law, some of the production and trade of the timber value chain will likely continue to operate at the margin of legality.  相似文献   

本文研究了木材价格的变化为一自相关随机过程时用材林采伐的随机决策分析问题,分析了用材林经营决策中的不确定性因素及其对经营决策的影响,建立了一个针对主伐的木材市场价格随机变动的适应价格的主伐决策模型,利用动态规划求得在一个给定决策期内的主伐最优经营策略,对应这个策略有一个最大的期望效益。并进一步分析了在价格波动情况下和不同贷款利率下的最优策略。  相似文献   

研究了木材价格的变化为一自相关过程时用材林采伐的随机决策分析问题,分析了用材林经营决策中的不确定性因素及其对经营决策的影响;建立了一个木材市场随机变动的适应价格的主伐决策模型,利用动态规划求得在一个给定决策期内的主伐最优经营策略,对应这个策略有一个最大的期望效益.并进一步分析了在价格波动情况下和不同贷款利率下的最优策略.  相似文献   

早在20世纪70年代日本就成为世界第1大木材进口国,近50年来其森林蓄积量净增长1.6倍。一个森林资源大国,长期大量地进口木材以满足其国内需求,因此有观点认为日本大量进口木材是为了保护本国的森林资源。文中重点阐述日本森林资源增长特点、木材进口动向、国产材利用政策等问题,以阐明日本为什么长期依靠进口木材而未能有效利用本国的森林资源和近年来日本政府推行的国产材利用政策及其成效。  相似文献   

This paper examines the role and use of portable sawmills in north Queensland. Using a semi-structured questionnaire and personal interviews, the opinions of 18 operators of portable and fixed-site sawmills were canvassed on a number of issues including main problems faced by the local industry, current sources of timber, sawn timber recovery rates of their operations, willingness to purchase new milling and other equipment, opinions about why (or if) portable sawmills can sell timber at a lower cost than fixed-site mills, and destinations of sawn timber milled. The most critical issues faced by sawmillers were the lack of resource security and competing products, in particular competition from imported tropical timbers from neighbouring island countries including Papua New Guinea. Most sawmillers in north Queensland currently obtain logs mainly from private landholdings and are hesitant to invest in new equipment due to concerns about future log supplies. This paper also explores the current and potential role of portable sawmills in the regional small-scale forestry industry. An examination of policy issues suggests that there may be a need for new legislation to cover employees, sawn timber consumers and sawmillers themselves. The future role of portable sawmills may require a co-operative approach that emphasizes low volume value-adding, due to the decreasing supply of logs in North Queensland. This paper is based on research undertaken for a Master of Commerce by the first author (Smorfitt 2000). All authors are members of the Rainforest CRC, which has provided financial support for the research reported here. The assistance of Mr I. Venables in providing comment on the questionnaire for portable sawmillers is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

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