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回缩间伐是荔枝密闭园改造的一个有效措施,但改造后的病害发生情况尚未见有报道。为给荔枝密闭园改造提供病害防控方面的理论依据,本研究分别于荔枝花穗期、小果期、果实成熟期和冬梢期,在国家荔枝龙眼产业技术体系荔枝密闭园改造示范园,对4个荔枝品种于密闭园和间伐园发生的主要病害种类、病害危害程度进行了两年的调查。调查数据统计分析结果显示,间伐园与密闭园所发生的主要病害在种类上无差异,但各物候期间伐园的平均总病叶率、果实成熟期的平均总病果率均低于密闭园,其中3个品种的差异达到显著水平;从花穗期至果实成熟期,密闭园和间伐园的病害危害程度均逐渐升高,在果实成熟期达到最高峰,进入冬梢期时又有所下降;调查还表明对密闭园进行回缩间伐改造有利于荔枝病害管理,改造后果园的病害防治重点时期为花穗期至果实成熟期。  相似文献   

钱开胜 《植物医生》2005,18(2):21-22
柑桔油斑病也称印斑病、油胞病、虎斑病,是因为果皮油胞破裂、外渗的芳香油侵蚀果皮细胞而引起的生理性病害.该病各柑桔产区发生比较普遍,而又以脐橙品种危害较为严重,在果园和贮藏过程中均极易发生,是脐橙生产上的一个重要病害,也是影响脐橙果实商品价值的一个重要因子.  相似文献   

水蜜桃作为龙泉驿区果农的一大支柱产业,其栽培历史悠久,种植资源丰富。龙泉驿区现有品种160余个,推广品种20余个,种植面积达6667hm^2,总产7000多万kg。随着种植面积和种植年限的增加,各种病害也相继发生和蔓延。其中桃缩叶病、褐腐病、流胶病、煤污病、细菌性穿孔病、褐锈病等已成为龙泉驿区桃树上的重要病害,这不仅严重影响果实的生长发育,同时也影响了农民的丰产丰收。因此了解和掌握这些病害的发生特点和防治方法,是及时预防和治疗桃树病害的关键所在。  相似文献   

 近几年,河北省苹果产区苹果果实黑点病大面积发生。该病害在河北省的流行规律以及时空分布尚不清楚,给病害防控带来挑战。2018年对河北省不同市区的4个果园分别进行黑点病调查,并对其在苹果树上的空间分布以及发生时间进行动态监测,开展田间药剂防效试验。结果表明:苹果果实黑点病在7月中下旬开始出现明显症状,果树中层内膛病果率较高,上层外膛病果率较低;套袋苹果的萼洼处发病率较高,以黑点型症状为主;不套袋苹果的果面发病率较高,以晕斑型症状为主;‘斗南'、‘富士'品种的发病率较高,‘中秋王'、‘乔纳金'品种的发病率较低。田间药剂防效试验表明,50%异菌脲1 500倍液防效最好,防治效果均达54%以上。其次为10%多抗霉素1 000倍液,而80%代森锰锌600倍液、10%吡唑醚菌酯1 500倍液防效较低。研究结果可为河北省苹果果实黑点病的综合防控提供理论支持。  相似文献   

<正>沙子空心李是沿河县的支柱产业之一,主要病害有李子红点病、细菌性穿孔病、李树流胶病、李树膏药病、李疮痂病、李褐腐病等。在管理条件差的情况下,李树易感染病害。轻者影响树体发育,果实品质差,产量低;重者造成树体衰弱,果实不能食用。笔者介绍沙子空心李主要病害的发生规律和防治技术,以供参考。1李子红点病1.1症状红点病初期为害李树叶片,后期为害果实。为害叶片时,在叶面上产生红色圆形微隆起的病斑,其边缘与健部界限清  相似文献   

<正>柑橘褪绿矮缩病是一种新发生的危险性病害,自20世纪80年代在土耳其被发现以来,已成为该地区柑橘上最严重的病害(Loconsole et al.,2012)。近年来该病在我国云南省也有发生(Guo et al.,2015;Zhou et al.,2017)。该病可危害大多数柑橘种类,仅甜橙有一定耐病性,在敏感品种上可引起植株叶片变形、扭曲、花叶、节间变短等症状,造成果实变小,  相似文献   

葡萄主要果实病害的防治夏英三(山东省临沐县白旄镇农技站,276713)葡萄白腐病、黑痘病、炭疽病、灰霉病、房枯病是葡萄主要果实病害。夏季多雨潮湿果实病害发生较重,在山东一般7~8月份为发病高峰期。防治上采取以下措施:一、清除病源:经常巡视田园,发现病...  相似文献   

辣椒对疫霉抗性的快速鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赫卫  张慧  王莹 《植物保护》2018,44(2):145-148
研究发现叶、茎、茎基部和果实接种4种方法均能用于鉴定辣椒对辣椒疫霉的抗性。叶与茎接种法操作简单,接种部位发病快,可同时检测大量品种,但要求空气湿度大;茎基部接种法模拟田间病害的发生过程,最能反映品种的真实抗性,但需要菌量大,工作量也大;果实接种法不仅操作简单、接种部位发病快、菌需求量小,而且可同时筛选大量品种,可以通过量化达到有效区分抗病和感病品种的目的,更具有完整保存原有植株的优势。  相似文献   

玉米病害发生现状与推广品种抗性对未来病害发展的影响   总被引:105,自引:2,他引:103  
 随着全球气候变化、耕作方式改变和新品种推广,我国玉米病害的发生也有所改变。在春玉米区,丝黑穗病仍然持续严重为害,大斑病呈加重趋势;在夏玉米区,局部地区小斑病发生较重,而矮花叶病普遍发生较轻;以往的次要病害已成为重要病害:如,南方锈病在夏玉米区南部严重发生,瘤黑粉病成为生产中的突出问题,土传病害日益加重,细菌性病害发生渐多。对玉米主要推广品种、近年国家和主产省份审定品种的抗病性分析表明,在北方春玉米区,由于品种抗性水平降低、个别感病品种的推广及病原菌致病力变异,大斑病在近年仍将呈现较重发生趋势;丝黑穗病的发生则由于推广抗病品种和种子包衣技术而有所减轻,但局部地区仍会严重发生;由于缺乏抗病品种,灰斑病和弯孢菌叶斑病的发生将主要取决于气候因素。在北方夏玉米区,小斑病暴发的可能性较小,但已有强致病力菌株出现;由于推广品种普遍对茎腐病抗性水平较低并受耕作制度的影响,茎腐病和苗枯病将成为主要病害;多数品种对南方锈病缺乏抗性,南方锈病发生面积将继续扩大,发病程度也将增加。  相似文献   

 1987年秋季泰安市郊区的一个梨园,暴发了一种前所未见的梨果实病害。8月下旬始见少数梨果罹病,9月上旬黄梨品种的病果率达到20%以上。  相似文献   

Mulberry sclerotial disease is a destructive disease that afflicts mulberry fruits throughout the world. In recent years, the impact of mulberry sclerotial disease has increased with the development of the mulberry fruit industry. Ciboria carunculoides, C. shiraiana, and Scleromitrula shiraiana are all pathogens causing mulberry sclerotial disease, but the dominant pathogen may be different in different mulberry planting areas. In this study, we investigated the causal agents of mulberry sclerotial disease in Chongqing and Sichuan, the main mulberry planting areas in south-west China. The results showed that C. carunculoides was the dominant pathogen in the investigated areas, and the disease incidence rate on some widely cultivated mulberry varieties exceeded 90%. Based on the differences in internal transcriber spacer sequences of different pathogens, we developed a method using cleaved amplified polymorphic sequences (CAPS) from digestion with the three restriction enzymes HindIII, EcoRI, and MluI for rapid detection of pathogens on mulberry fruits. Use of this method confirmed that the diseased fruits of some mulberry varieties were infected by a mixture of C. carunculoides and S. shiraiana. Long-fruit mulberry, which was considered to be resistant to sclerotial disease in the past, was also infected by C. carunculoides. Diseased fruit infected by C. shiraiana or by S. shiraiana alone were not detected. Our results suggest that C. carunculoides is probably the dominant pathogen causing mulberry sclerotial disease in south-west China. The CAPS method for rapid detection of pathogens could assist diagnosis, epidemiology, and disease monitoring.  相似文献   

Brown rot is a devastating disease of stone fruits caused by Monilinia spp. This study was conducted to investigate the disease aetiology on blossoms and fruit in peach, apricot, sweet cherry and plum orchards, in Greece. In total, 1433 isolates obtained from orchards located in the main stone fruit production regions of Greece were identified to species based on the presence/size of a cyt b intron. Monilinia laxa and M. fructicola were detected at frequencies of 59 and 41%, respectively, while M. fructigena was absent. Monilinia fructicola was more common on fruit whereas M. laxa occurred in similar frequency on blossoms and fruit. Monilinia laxa was replaced by M. fructicola in fruit infections of peach in both regions investigated and in fruit infections of plum in the Imathia region. Assessments of aggressiveness of 30 isolates of both species on the petals and fruits of the hosts showed that M. fructicola isolates were more aggressive. This suggests that the predominance of M. laxa on the blossoms cannot be explained by higher aggressiveness. Measurements of the effect of temperature on mycelial growth showed that M. laxa isolates had a higher growth rate than M. fructicola at the lowest temperature tested of 5°C, whereas M. fructicola isolates showed higher growth rates at higher temperatures. The observed high frequency of M. fructicola in Greece represents a major threat for stone fruit production. Furthermore, the information obtained about delineation of species and plant organ preference could be useful for the implementation of disease management strategies.  相似文献   

N. MINOIU 《EPPO Bulletin》1994,24(3):775-780
Of 50 plum cultivars investigated for infection by plum pox potyvirus (PPV), three had the virus in the latent state (Mansan, Twilight and Frontier), 19 showed very slight or slight symptoms on leaves, 16 showed moderate symptoms and 12 severe symptoms. No symptoms were seen on fruits of cvs Diana, Ialomita, Abundance, Silvia, Mont Royal, Red Glow, Locale de Turt, Krikon and Blue Free. Slight symptoms present only on the fruit skin were noted on cvs Gras ameliorat, Seneca, Rosior de Zalau, Prun protuberat, Anna Späth, Early Rivers, LU, Pitestean, Pamiat Timiriazeva, Dunarea Albastra (Blue Danube), Gras romanesc and others. Few plum cultivars had sensitive or very sensitive fruit. Most hybrids obtained in Romania are tolerant in terms of symptoms on fruits. Of the rootstocks, Red Dwarf Myrobalan, Buburuz, Marianna and P. besseyi showed no or very slight symptoms. Plum plantations located close to a PPV infection source for 6–9 years were 13.2–45.5% infected. Trees planted in an infected orchard were up to 74% infected in 6 years.  相似文献   

During the late summer-early autumn of 2002, surveys were carried out in Turkey to determine the presence of phytoplasma diseases in fruit trees. Phytoplasmas were detected and characterized by PCR-RFLP analysis and TEM technique in stone fruit and pear trees in the eastern Mediterranean region of the country. Six out of 24 samples, including almond, apricot, peach, pear and plum, gave positive results in PCR assays. RFLP analysis usingSspI andBsaAI enzymes of PCR products obtained with primer pair f01/r01 enabled identification of the phytoplasmas involved in the diseases. Stone fruit trees, including a local apricot variety (‘Sakıt’) and a pear sample, were found to be infected with European stone fruit yellows (ESFY, 16SrX-B) and pear decline (PD, 16SrX-C) phytoplasmas, respectively. This is the first report in Turkey of PD phytoplasma infecting pear and of ESFY phytoplasma infecting almond, apricot, myrobalan plum and peach; ESFY phytoplasma infecting Japanese plum was previously reported. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting July 21, 2005.  相似文献   

The infection frequency of mature apple fruit by Erwinia amylovora and the survival of E. amylovora in the fruit stored at low temperature were investigated. The fruit stems (pedicels) of 460 mature apple fruit were inoculated with 105 or 104 cfu of bioluminescent E. amylovora, tagged with lux genes. Nine days after inoculation, 43% and 27% of the fruit inoculated with 105 and 104 cfu, respectively, were infected. All infected fruit looked healthy. After 6 months of storage at 5°C, almost all of the 142 infected fruit had viable E. amylovora. Of the fruit containing E. amylovora internally, 19.5% had latent infections and the rest had blight symptoms. E. amylovora was not uniformly distributed in the fruit flesh, and internal brown lesions were observed where E. amylovora was densely distributed. These findings showed that mature apple fruit may be infected with E. amylovora, especially as latent infections, and act as a source for long-range dissemination.  相似文献   

In July 2014, leaves showing symptoms of a viral infection were collected from a plum tree serving as a mother tree in a Finnish nursery and found to be infected by Plum pox virus (PPV). A subsequent survey revealed additional infected trees originating from the infected mother tree. This paper provides the first report of PPV, the causal agent of the most destructive viral disease of Prunus, in Finland.  相似文献   

Infection of fruit trees by Pseudomonas syringae is a potentially serious problem that may limit the establishment and sustained productivity of pome and stone fruit orchards in Serbia. To estimate possible diversity of Pseudomonas syringae fruit trees strains, we collected a set of strains in several areas of Serbia. The samples were taken from infected orchards with raspberry, plum, cherry, sour cherry, peach, pear and apple trees. Genetic diversity of P. syringae strains isolated from fruit trees was determined by using SpeI macrorestriction analysis of genomic DNAs by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and REP-PCR. Molecular analysis showed that most of isolates had unique profiles, with the exception of isolates from plum and cherry that displayed profiles identical to each other and similar to P. syringae pv. morsprunorum. The study presented here clearly demonstrates the discriminative power of molecular techniques in enabling a detailed analysis of the genetic variations between strains of P. syringae from different pome and stone fruit hosts in Serbia.  相似文献   

为明确李树上新纪录害虫北亚脉扁蜂Neurotoma sibirica的生物学特性,通过田间调查和室内饲养观察,记述该虫的形态特征、生活史及生物学特性。结果表明,北亚脉扁蜂在吉林省吉林市1年发生1代,以老熟幼虫在树下5~15 cm深的土层中做土室越冬。每年4月中旬幼虫开始化蛹,5月上旬成虫羽化出土,5月中旬为成虫盛期,成虫产卵从5月上旬持续到5月下旬,单雌产卵量为13~43粒,卵期5~9 d。6月上旬为北亚脉扁蜂幼虫为害盛期,幼虫为6龄或7龄,幼虫期14~21 d,6月中、下旬老熟幼虫陆续入土越冬。北亚脉扁蜂幼虫在李、紫叶李、杏、榆叶梅4种寄主上均可完成发育,在自然条件下李树受害率可达100%,紫叶李树受害率为40%,杏树受害率为20%。北亚脉扁蜂天敌有龟纹瓢虫Propylea japonica、异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridis、斯马蜂Polistes snelleni、日本弓背蚁Camponotus japonicus、2种姬蜂及1种病原菌。  相似文献   

Citrus leaf and fruit spot disease caused by Phaeoramularia angolensis is a serious production constraint in tropical Africa. In previous studies, essential oils extracted from fruit peels of two tolerant varieties exhibited a strong antifungal activity in vitro against P. angolensis as compared to oils from susceptible ones. In order to investigate if the susceptibility of citrus varieties is associated with the antifungal activity of their essential oils, some 22 varieties of different susceptibility levels (tolerant, susceptible and highly susceptible) and belonging to different botanical groups were studied. Oils extracted from fruit peels were evaluated for their activity against radial growth and sporulation using the poisoned food technique. The optimal doses for growth inhibition and conidial reduction were 2500 and 1000 ppm, respectively. At these doses, radial growth and sporulation exceeded the untreated control respectively for four and nine varieties suggesting that oils from these varieties promote fungal development. In general, oils from the tolerant group were most effective in reducing radial growth irrespective of dose. The highly susceptible group ranked first in reducing sporulation at dose 1000 ppm (45.93%) while at higher doses of about 2000–2500 ppm, oils from the tolerant varieties could reduce sporulation up to 100%. The marked dose effect in reducing sporulation suggests that there may be different compounds acting with changing dose. Botanically, oils from pummelo (Citrus maxima, tolerant group), were best in reducing radial growth (>87% inhibition) while those from grapefruits (C. paradisi, highly susceptible group) were most effective in reducing sporulation (>64% reduction).  相似文献   

Plum pox virus (PPV) is the causal agent of sharka disease. It is a serious threat for temperate fruit, mainly apricots, plums and peaches. In order to study the ability ofPPV to infect wild and ornamentalPrunus species, several wild, native ornamental stone fruits and weeds were analyzed as possible reservoirs ofPPV. Five species of ornamental stone fruits and 24 species of weeds were evaluated between 2000 and 2004. The virus was not found in the weeds but was detected in one species of ornamental stone fruit, purple cherry-plums (Prunus cerasifera Pissardii). ThePPV strain M was identified by DASI-ELISA and confirmed by IC-RT-PCR. Additionally, mealy plum aphid (Hyalopterus pruni) was determined as a vector ofPPV inP. cerasifera. This is the first report on the reservoir potential of ornamental stone fruit trees and weeds forPPV in Turkey. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting July 19, 2006;  相似文献   

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